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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Test #12
dreck, droll, drudgery, dubious, dyad, dyspepsia, earnest, ebullient, echelon, eddy, edifice, elegiac, elfin, elucidate, emanate, emblazon, emir, emollient, encapsulate, enjoin, enmesh, ennui, enshrine, enspirit, entrench

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Vocabulary Test: vocab
face, nose, mouth, lips, the teeth, the eyes, the chin, eyelashes, eyebrows, shoulders

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Vocabulary Test: vocabulary
plot, character, setting, point of view, antagonist, protagonist, tone, mood, narrator, expostion, 1st person, 3rd person, omniscent narrator, conflict, complications, moral, flashback, foreshadowing, denouement, internal conflict, external conflict, resolution, suspense, rising action, dialogue, short story, climax, abate, abdicate, aberrattion, trans-, gen-, flam-, domn, flat

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Vocabulary Test: Spanish 2 Las compras para la escuela
el bus escolar, a pie, algunos, un, unos, apuntes, la papeleria, materiales escolares, el cuaderno, el lapiz, el boligrafo, la pluma, la tienda de ropa, la bulsa, los pantalones, el vestido, la manga corta, la manga largo, la cafeteria, el empleado, la maestra, el professor, la mochila, la camisa, cuanto cuesta, las cosas, las medias, los pantalones cortos, la gorra, el abrigo, tomar, ensenar, escuchar, prestar atencion, llegar, llevar, comprar, buscar, estudiar, temblar

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Test Unit 8
flourish, nub, outstrip, pervade, remnant, prudent, swerve, abnormal, eject, disputatious, decrease, catastrophe, capsize, incentive, insubordinate, legible, onslaught, ordain, quench, simultaneous

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Vocabulary Test: Geometry Vocabulary
Acute triangle, acute angle, adjacent angles, angle, central angle, chord, circle, complementary, congruent angles, congruent polygons, congruent sides, decagon, diameter, equilateral triangle, hexagon, intersecting lines, irregular polygons, isosceles triangle, line, obtuse triangle, octagon, parallel lines, parallelogram, pentagon, plane, point, polygon, quadrilateral, radius, ray, rectangle, regular polygon, rhombus, right angle, right triangle, scalene triangle, segment, straight angle, square, supplementary, trapezoid, vertex, vertical angles, obtuse angle

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Vocabulary Test: unit #1 blue book
blunder, distribute, reject, solitary, myth, numerous, convert, impressive, shrewd, monarch, cautious, obstacle, despise, haven, miniature, treacherous, hazy, linger, luxurious, mishap, emigrate, glamour, span, overwhelm, abandon, villian, strategy, justify, aggressive, deceive

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Vocabulary Test: french1828
le nombril, le torse, les côtes, les bras, le coude, les mains

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Vocabulary Test: unit test 2
cater, dissuade, firebrand, hazard, indifference, indignant, mutal, plague, homicide, transparent

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Vocabulary Test: french090101
la tête, le nez, la bouche, les lèvres, les dents, le visage, le menton, les cils, les sourcils, les yeux

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Vocabulary Test: Unit 7
authorize, culprit, dawdle, dissect, expend, fatality, gullible, illicit, immerse, inflammatory, memorandum, pathetic, persevere, prevaricate, quash, relish, reminisce, scour, tribute, writhe

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Vocabulary Test: french090102
le corps, les épaules, les mamelons, le dos, la poitrine, l'estomac, les tablettes de chocolat, le nombril, le torse, les côtes, les bras, le coude, les mains, les avant-bras, les doigts, le pouce, le poignet

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Vocabulary Test: french 090103
les jambes, le derrière, le cul, l'aine, la cuisse, le tibia, le genou, la cheville, le pied, le doigt de pied

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Vocabulary Test: 1/13
assent, dissent, presentiment, sensuous, contiguous, tangible, tactile, tangent, sentinel

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Vocabulary Test: french090103
les problèmes, j'ai mal à, J'ai mal à la tête, ça fait mal, je saigne du nez, je me suis brûlé la main, je me suis coupé le doigt, je me suis cassé le bras, je me suis demis l'épaule

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Vocabulary Test: Chpt.1 chpt.2
Inclined, Privy, Levity, Incredulouly, Contemptuously, Intimation, Desolate, Impenetrable, Sumptuous, Indeterminate, Apathetically, Incessant

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Test 1
Apparel, Besiege, Compress, Denounce, Dispatch, Douse, Expressly, Famished, Forsake, Gainful, Immense, Inept, Ingenious, Instantaneious, irk, Libel, Misgiving, Oaf, Recede, Repast

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Vocabulary Test: french090105
s'étouffer, perdre connaissance, ne respirer pas, avoir une insolation, avoir une intoxication, être enrhumé, avoir la gripe, tousser, être constipé

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Vocabulary Test: IVB-2
agape, aggregate, alibi, allay, alloy, allspice, allusion, alms, altruism, amalgamate, ambiance, ambivalance, ambush, amelioration, amorous, amulet, analgesic, annex, annotation, annuity, anodyne, antecedent, anthropology, antidote, anecdote

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Vocabulary Test: Great gasby
Inclined, Privy, Levity, Incredulously, Contemptuously, Intimation, Desolate, Impenetrable, Sumptuous, Indeterminate, Apathetically, Incessant
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