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Vocabulary Test: anatomy lab
plasma membrane, smooth ER, mitrochondria, ribosomes, rough ER, nucleus, nucleolus, lysosome, micotubule, golgi apparatus

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Ch. 6
Intradermal, Cyanosis, Melanin, Adipose Tissue, Acne, Sebum, Keratin, Apocrine Glands, Organ

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Vocabulary Test: My words 4
exhilarate , filter , foresight , fragrance , furtive , grueling , gusto , habitation , hasten , havoc

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Vocabulary Test: My Perfect Escape
gaudy, resident, tarnished , intrigued , haven , mesmerized

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Vocabulary Test: Mythology
desecrate, indignant , perpetual , famine, gluttony , myths

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Test-My mother enters the workforce
suffix, narrative non-fiction, identify, structure, Cause and effect , inference, genre, workforce, wholeheartedly , solitude, frantic, postponed, taffeta, treadle, puckered

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy
palpation, monomers, glucose, solute, water, cytosol, cell membrane, phospholipids, enzymes, monosaccharides, rough ER, faciliated diffusion, active (mediated) transport, symporters, chromatin, lysosome, mitochondria, Osmosis, phagocytosis

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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Test chapter 8
In Ptolemys system the planets orbit the Earth and not the sun, , Which planet has its equatorial plane (another word, its axis of, During the process of differentiation, the 17th century astronomer who kept a roughly 20 year continuou, Halleys comet was given that name because Edmond Halley was, The chemistry of the terrestrial planets does not include a lot, the comet that broke into more than 20 pieces and then collided , A meteorite is, the largest moon in the solar system is, what was the largest asteroid first discovered, The small bodies in the solar system composed mainly of ices (fr, what time of day (roughly) will a new moon rise?, the planet that takes the shortest time to rotate is , why does the moon show phrases in the course of a month?, the plane in which almost all planets orbit the sun is called th, IN composition and density, the asteroids resemble:, The scientist who first devised the experimental tests to demons, Which characteristic listed below describes the jovian planets?, Distances to the planets are measured today by the use of, The renaissance astronomer who wrote the pioneering book that su, In light of modern solar system theory, why do the orbits of the, When a comet like Comet Hale-Bopp comes closest to the sun in it, Mercurs most unusual orbital feature, as compared to the other p, What type of asteroids are located in the middle region of the a, The two asteroids from which close up images and data have been , Accourding to Kepler's 2nd law, comets (which have eccentric orb, According to Keplers third law, there is a relationship between , Which of the following is NOT a correct way that jovian (giant) , The great astronomer of ancient times who summarized and improve, the one asteroid on which one of our spacecraft has actually tou, Which of the following chatacteristics do all fout terrestrial p, Which of the characteristics below describes the terrestrial pla, The small rocky and metallic bodies (most of which orbit between, The first asteroid confirmed to have a satelite (moon) is , What is the defining property of the Trojan Asteroids?, The NASA orbiter that ultimately landed on the surface of the as, All the planets (without exception), The planet that takes the longest time to rotate , When a planet temporarily moves westward in the sky over the cou, The seven days of the week are named after, What is true about solar system densities?, which of these bodies has the lowest density, a planets whose composition resembles that of our sun is, the large reservoir of comet nuclei far beyond pluto, from which, the difference between a meteroid and an asteroid is the objects, in an ellipse, the ration of the distance between the foci and t, our best evidence and theoretical calculations indicate that the, which of the following choices lists the four planets from small, A main difference between asteroids and comets is that asteroids, which two planets do rotate in a retrograde direction, the densest planet in the solar system is, one of the key reasons professional astronomers today are intere, the period of the moons rotation on its axis is, the dwarf planet whose orbit actually brings it inside the orbit, When a planet in its orbit is closer to the sun, it, when chemists say that a planets outer regions are reduced, they

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Vocabulary Test: Moon over Myhammy!
Gibbous, First Quarter, Third/Last Quarter, New Moon, Full Moon, Tide, Spring Tide, Neap Tide, Waxing, Waning, Crescent, Gravitational Pull

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Vocabulary Test: unit 2 my test

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Vocabulary Test: My Test
demise, alienate, precedent, warily, unkempt, guise, scrutinize, nostalgia, benevolent, amicable

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Vocabulary Test: greek mythology names
Aphrodite, Pandora-, eros, Persephone, Athena, Hermes, Dionysus, Ares, Hephasestus, Artemis, Apollo, Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Hestia, Demeter, Epimetheus, Helios, Prometheus, Atlas, Rhea, Cronus- , 100 Hand Giants, Cyclopes, Uranus, Gaea, Chaos

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Vocabulary Test: jazmyn s.s. ch 4
pioneer, legislature , treaty, squatters , proclamation, colony, surveying, fort , revolution, taxes, mission, Northwest Territory, ordinance, territory

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Vocabulary Test: My words 9
Serenity , Scurry, Scarcity, Sabotage , Restitution , Replenish , Repugnant , Recuperate , Quell , Recluse

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy-common skin disorders
wart, vitiligo, urticaria, ulcer, seborrhea, scabies, pustule, psoriasis, pruritus, pediculosis, mole, keloid, impetigo, herpes, erythema, eczema, dermatitis, cyst, carbuncle, boil, birthmark, athlete's foot, alopecia, acne

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy chapter 1
anatomy, physiology, macroscopic anatomy, microscopic anatomy, renal physiology, neurophysiology, cardiovascular physiology, tissues, organ, organ system, organism, movement, contractility, responsiveness/irritability, digestion, metabolism, excretion, growth, nutrients, atmospheric pressure, microscopic cell

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Vocabulary Test: vocab shrouded myth
spectator, tragic, Fate, Prophecy, Imprisoned, Stunning, Dreaded, Writhing, Elaborate, Hideous
Test Also Includes: parts of speech

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Vocabulary Test: Economy
conservation, consumer, producer, trade, barter, scarcity, specialization

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Vocabulary Test: Gods of Greek Mythology
Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hades, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hermes, Ares, Hephaestus, Hestia, Demeter, Dionysus

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Vocabulary Test: Myles
Trivial, Winced , Abate, Rupture, Throbbing, Notify, Grim, Affliction, Perceived, Robust, Accelerate, Abrupt, Incredulous

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Vocabulary Test: Seafloor spreading
magnetometer, topography, magnetism, paleomagnetism, magnetic reversal, seafloor spreading

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Vocabulary Test: Strory elemenst
Setting, Main Character(s), Main events, Problem/Conflict, Solution, Good Job!

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Vocabulary Test: SAT Voc 9
Allusion, Awry, Bereft, Capitulate, Circumspect, Depraved, Efface, Exact, Flagrant, Gregarious

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Vocabulary Test: vocab exam
paradigm, rejoinder, cognate, rhetoric, clandestine, disingenuous, nefarious, perfidious, scrupulous, concomitant, millennium, perpetuity, pristine, jocular, lampoon, parody, raillery, satirical, adumbrate, impervious, nebulous, amalgamate, conclave, transcend, empirical, rebuttal, repudiate, tenuous, bowdlerize, draconian, maudlin, stentorian, garrulous, peremptory, polemic, debilitate, moribund, pestilence, salubrious, contumacy, indefatigable, obdurate, pertinacity, insatiable, parsimony, clemency, restitution, conundrum, equivocate, perspicacity

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Vocabulary Test: executive branch vocab
Presidential Succession, Foreign Policy, Diplomacy, Treaties, State of the Union Address, Executive Departments, Budget, Attorney General, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Governor, Executive Orders, Counties, County Seat

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Vocabulary Test: Tucke Everlasting Week 1 Vocabulary
infinite, rueful, irrelevant, peculiar, tranquil, melancholy, scornful, meager, exasperated, abruptly, gailing, oppressive, plaintively, goggled, bovine, primly, lest, tangent, plinked

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Vocabulary Test: exam terms
Mood, suspense, internal conflict, foreshadowing, imagery, theme, first person point of view, third person point of view, direct characterization, external conflict

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Vocabulary Test: The King of Mazy May
delayed, glimpses, increase, labor, objected, proceeded, slackened, streak

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Vocabulary Test: Earth in SPace
asteroid, astronomical unit, axis, comet, crater, equinox, lunar eclipse, moon phase, nebula, orbit, revolution, rotation, solar eclipse, solar system, solstice

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Vocabulary Test: A vocab Quiz
primary source, secondary source, artifacts, consumers, political science, civics, surplus, culture, pueblos, tribe, potlatch, kachina, sachems, missionaries, republic, crusades, feudalism, encomiedas, northwest passage, charter, House Of Burgesses, proprietary colony, royal colony, slave codes, legislature, stamp Act, petition, boycott, writs of assistance, intolerable acts, militia, minutemen

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Vocabulary Test: tasia
surmise, metaphysical, battlement, contend, chalice, horrid, vault, adhere, esteem, palpable, opress, quench, lament, breach, frailty

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Vocabulary Test: King of Mazy May
delayed, glimpses, increase, labor, objected, proceeded, slackened, streak, haste, manliness, newcomers, overtake, perilously, prospectors, suspense, thermometer

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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 11
Sandwich generation, 38%, heterogamy, Patriarchy, Kinship, nuclear family, family, family of orientation, family of procreation, monogamy, polygamy, extended family, polygyny, biocality, dual-earner families, interval, voluntary childlessness, responsibility overload, remarriage, emotional overload, 3.6 million, Divorce, Matriarchy, parti, matri, neo, Genealogy, Weiss, One-parent families, responsibility overload

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Vocabulary Test: Westward Movement
Why did people start moving west?, Why was this move bad for the NA?, What happen to the buffalo?, How were the train Rides?, What did people do for fun on the train?, What happened to the NA?

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary test Access Ch.2
1. AND Logical operator, 2. AutoNumber, 3. Calculated field, 4. CamelCase notation, 5. Caption property, 6. Cascade Delete Related Records, 7. Cascade Update Related Fields, 8. Comparison operator, 9. Constant, 10. Criteria row

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Test
AutoNumber, Calculated field, Caption property, Comparison operator, Criteria row, Delimiter, Field row, Date arithmetic, Field row, Data type

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Vocabulary Test: Good-bye to the moon
combustion, dingy, negotiate, traversed, waft, waning, settlement, solar energy, vastness, birthright, conventional, infinity, lunar eclipse, solar eclipse, jargon

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Vocabulary Test: Language Midterm
Rule of Write About a Pebble, Using a Thesaurus, Can a Reader See it, Hear it, Feel it?, Narritive Leads, Rule of so What, Diaglouge Paragraph, Action Paragraph, Descriptive Paragraph, Reaction Prargraph

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Vocabulary Test: Sight words, -ent, academic vocabulary
speed, count, consonant, somebody, sail, rolled, bear, wonder, smiled, angle, absent, decadent, excellent, frequent, impatient, cell, cytoplasm, diffusion, respiration

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Vocabulary Test: Civil War
industrial, blockade, abolish, amendment, abolitionist, munition, slavery, moral, terrain, importation, assassinate, secede, elect, treason, outlaw
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