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Vocabulary Test: My Side of the Mountain Chapter 14Words:lingering, devour, ferocious , departed, occurred, pouch, eerie, precaution, fascinated, abandoned, expecting, indignity , bashfully, skittered, precious, resented, imagination, cache, ferocity, cavort, scheme, snarl, Motionless, discovered, glances, rose, toy, terrified, gleam, furiously
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Test-My mother enters the workforce Words:suffix, narrative non-fiction, identify, structure, Cause and effect , inference, genre, workforce, wholeheartedly , solitude, frantic, postponed, taffeta, treadle, puckered
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Vocabulary Test: anatomyWords:plama membrane, cytoplasma, nucleus , tight junction, desmosome, gap junction, passive proces, active process, osmolarity , isotonice, hypertonic, hypotonic, exocytosis, endocytosis, centrioles
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Vocabulary Test: EconomyWords:conservation, consumer, producer, trade, barter, scarcity, specialization
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Vocabulary Test: ANATOMYWords:Clast, Ectomy, Endo, Meningo, Pulmo, Oid, Macro, Ism, Some, Pleur, Stalsis, Osteo, Tunic, Ana
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Vocabulary Test: MylesWords:Trivial, Winced , Abate, Rupture, Throbbing, Notify, Grim, Affliction, Perceived, Robust, Accelerate, Abrupt, Incredulous
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Vocabulary Test: Gods of Greek MythologyWords:Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hades, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hermes, Ares, Hephaestus, Hestia, Demeter, Dionysus
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Vocabulary Test: AntomyWords:tissue, histology, pathologist, epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, nerve tissue, suamous, cuboidal, columnar, grandular epithelia, endocrine glands, exocrine glands, connective tissue 2, collagen fiber, elastic, reticular , blasts, cytes, areolar, adipose, reticular 2, desnse regular, dense irregular, hyaline cartilage, elastic cartilage , fibrocartilage, neurons, neurogria , bone, blood, axon , dentrites , skeletal muscle , cardic muscle , smooth (visceral) muscle, cutomaneous membrane, synovial membrane, tendons, ligaments
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Vocabulary Test: anatomyWords:palpation, monomers, glucose, solute, water, cytosol, cell membrane, phospholipids, enzymes, monosaccharides, rough ER, faciliated diffusion, active (mediated) transport, symporters, chromatin, lysosome, mitochondria, Osmosis, phagocytosis
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy chapter 1Words:anatomy, physiology, macroscopic anatomy, microscopic anatomy, renal physiology, neurophysiology, cardiovascular physiology, tissues, organ, organ system, organism, movement, contractility, responsiveness/irritability, digestion, metabolism, excretion, growth, nutrients, atmospheric pressure, microscopic cell
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy Words:tissue, histology, pathologist, epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue , nerve tissue, squamous, cuboidal , glandular epithelia, edocrine glands, exocrine glands, collagen, elastice, reticular, blasts , cytes, areolar, adipose, dense regular tissue, dense irregular tissue, elastic tissue, hyaline cartilage, elastice cartilage, tendons, ligaments , neurons, neurogria , axon, dentrities, skeletal muscle tissue, cardic muscle tissue, smooth (visceral) muscle tissue, cutaneous membrane, synovial membranes, hi
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Vocabulary Test: Economy Vocab QuizWords:Elastic, Effciency , Economy, Capital , Cost Benefit Analysis , Capitalism , Opportunity Cost , Negativity Externality , Normatic Economics
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy2Words:Blast, Cyan, para, sclero, lysis, chondr, hemo, gram, myo, tachy, pathy, pneumo, hydro, ia , juxta
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Vocabulary Test: Roll of Thunder, Hear My CryWords:sharecropping, disdain, lynch, dejected, bold, patronize, prevail, awestruck, mortgage, despicable
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Vocabulary Test: my ownWords:bail bond, bail bondsman, bail exonaration, bail forfeiture, bail reinstatement, bail revocation, bail jumping, bancruptcy, bancruptcy trial, bar association, bashing, be it known, be on the bench, to, bear resemblance, to, bear witness, begging, bench, bench warrant, best of my knowledge and belief, to the, betting, beyond a reasonable doubt, bias, bigamy, bind oneself, to, bind over, to, binding on the parties, blackmail, blunt instrument, board of pardons, bodily harm, bodily injuries, body attachment, body of the estate, body search, to, bond, book, to, bookie, bookmaking, bound by the law, brandish a weapon, brawl, breach of contract, breaking and entering, breathalyzer, bribe, brief, bring a complaint, to, bring to justice, to, burden of proof, burglar, burglary, bystander, BA (blood alcohol level), badge, bail, bailif
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Vocabulary Test: eveWords:amend, brink, caress, cherish, circuit, corrode, creed, defect, detect, development, digest, donor, effective, efficient, elated, enlist, falter, fiction, gallows, grudge, hermit, hilarious, informal, jubilant, linger, lye, massive, mural, neutral, nominee, nun, outlet, publicity, radius, reliable, rodent, rotate, stadium, tedious, transmit, trophy, turrett, verge, violent, weld
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Vocabulary Test: Lesson 7Words:castigate, colloquial, epitaph, exodus, inter, lacerate, largesse, obituary, omnivorous, permeate, rendition, resurgence, stereotype, stipend, subservient
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Test Unit 7Words:amiss, brawl, detest, domestic, flagrant, flaw, fledgling, fluster, foremost, momentum, notable, nurture, paradox, perjury, presume, prior, proficient, salvo, vigilant, wrath
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Vocabulary Test: vocab8Words:dedicate, shabby, vivid, abolish, navigate, purchase, monarch, solitary, summit, illuminates, courteous, sparse, nonchalant, seldom, obsolete, solo, thrifty, evaded, bland, luxurious
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Vocabulary Test: Literary Terms - Semester 1Words:Audience, Conflict, Connotation, Denotation, Dialogue, Diction, Fiction, Flashback, Hyperbole, Imagery, Metaphor, Mood, Nonfiction, Occasion, Personification, Plot, Point of View, Purpose, Setting, Simile, Speaker, Symbol, Tone, Theme, Protagonist, Antagonist, Subject
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Vocabulary Test: lanieWords:aloof, apprehensive, apprehension, articulate, buffoon, callous, carping, clandestine, elite, gallant, rogue, sage, sophisticated, sullen, reformatory, underprivileged, reeling, fiend, siege, rueful, gorge, cowlick, agony, juvenile, grimace, delirious, aghast, radiate, divert, circumspect, roguish
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Vocabulary Test: Honors English II Midterm ReviewWords:abdicate, abhor, abject, adamant, affable, affinity, alleviate, aloof, ameliorate, amiable, anarchist, anomaly, apathy, appease, ardor, ascribe, askance, avarice, aversion, bandy, beneficent, cantankerous, cauterize, censure, comport, conciliatory, consternation, contentious, contrition, contrive, copious, corroborate, countenance, covert, decorum, deference, defer, demeanor, depose, deposition, derisive, digress, discern, disconsolate, disparage, dissembling, dissipate, dominion, effrontery, emasculate, encumber, enmity, entreat, equivocal, eradicate, extenuate, exultation, feeble, felicity, fervor, fetid, gesticulate, heady, impart, impel, imperceptible, impervious, impetuous, importune, impulsive, inane, incense, incorrigible, indignant, indomitable, induce, infidel, ingratiate, inherent, inordinate, insidious, insipid, interim, inundate, inviolate, irreverent, loathsome, luxuriant, mitigate, mollify, ostentatious, paroxysm, patrician, patronize, perfidy, peripatetic, pertinacious, pervade, pestilence, petulant, pillage, placid, pompous, preeminent, profusion, proscribe, prudent, raucous, rectitude, redress, relinquish, remonstrate, repulse, rouse, scruple, solace, speculate, strident, subjugate, subservient, supine, supposition, tarry, tenuous, torpor, transfigure, transgress, trepidation, trundle, unalienable, uncouth, undulate, unremitting, usurpation, vagary, vehement, vigilant, whet, analogy, antonym, connotation, denotation, etymology, homonyms, homophones, phonics, synonyms, transcendentalism, gothic, point of view, plot, setting, characters, conflict, tone, mood, theme, fiction, non-fiction, drama, poetry, allegory, irony, sarcasm, alliteration, assonance, consonance, pronunciation (accents)
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Vocabulary Test: Power wordsWords:style, experience, influence, role, result, attempt, appearance, creative mode, source, inspiration
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Vocabulary Test: IVB --1Words:Abacus, abash, aberration, abject, ablution, abrogate, abstain, abstemious, abyss, acclimate, accrue, accrued, acid raiin, acid test, acquiesce, acquit, acupuncture, ad hoc, adamantine, adjunct, adulatory, aegis, aerie, affable, affection
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Vocabulary Test: latin 9Words:libero, libra, longus, luna, Marcus, Maria, mensa, multus, narro, nauta, navigo, non, novem, novus, numquam, nunc
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Vocabulary Test: Mid TermWords:Scientific Law, hypothesis, gravity, force, velocity, Newton's 2nd Law of Motion, Newton's 3rd Law of Motion, kinetic energy, potential energy, power, work, thermal energy
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Vocabulary Test: MP2 Quiz 1Words:apathetic, intimidate, cliche, smitten, pliant, symbolism, appropriation, naive, irony, imprudent
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Vocabulary Test: vocabularyWords:dissect, delve into, devoid, coalitions, embrace, access, spectrum, concern, crystal clear, digital chasm
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