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Vocabulary Test: My Side of the Mountain Chapter 14Words:lingering, devour, ferocious , departed, occurred, pouch, eerie, precaution, fascinated, abandoned, expecting, indignity , bashfully, skittered, precious, resented, imagination, cache, ferocity, cavort, scheme, snarl, Motionless, discovered, glances, rose, toy, terrified, gleam, furiously
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Vocabulary Test: Gods of Greek MythologyWords:Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hades, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hermes, Ares, Hephaestus, Hestia, Demeter, Dionysus
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Vocabulary Test: EconomyWords:conservation, consumer, producer, trade, barter, scarcity, specialization
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Vocabulary Test: Economy Vocab QuizWords:Elastic, Effciency , Economy, Capital , Cost Benefit Analysis , Capitalism , Opportunity Cost , Negativity Externality , Normatic Economics
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Vocabulary Test: MylesWords:Trivial, Winced , Abate, Rupture, Throbbing, Notify, Grim, Affliction, Perceived, Robust, Accelerate, Abrupt, Incredulous
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Vocabulary Test: anatomyWords:plama membrane, cytoplasma, nucleus , tight junction, desmosome, gap junction, passive proces, active process, osmolarity , isotonice, hypertonic, hypotonic, exocytosis, endocytosis, centrioles
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Vocabulary Test: AntomyWords:tissue, histology, pathologist, epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, nerve tissue, suamous, cuboidal, columnar, grandular epithelia, endocrine glands, exocrine glands, connective tissue 2, collagen fiber, elastic, reticular , blasts, cytes, areolar, adipose, reticular 2, desnse regular, dense irregular, hyaline cartilage, elastic cartilage , fibrocartilage, neurons, neurogria , bone, blood, axon , dentrites , skeletal muscle , cardic muscle , smooth (visceral) muscle, cutomaneous membrane, synovial membrane, tendons, ligaments
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy chapter 1Words:anatomy, physiology, macroscopic anatomy, microscopic anatomy, renal physiology, neurophysiology, cardiovascular physiology, tissues, organ, organ system, organism, movement, contractility, responsiveness/irritability, digestion, metabolism, excretion, growth, nutrients, atmospheric pressure, microscopic cell
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Test-My mother enters the workforce Words:suffix, narrative non-fiction, identify, structure, Cause and effect , inference, genre, workforce, wholeheartedly , solitude, frantic, postponed, taffeta, treadle, puckered
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Vocabulary Test: anatomyWords:palpation, monomers, glucose, solute, water, cytosol, cell membrane, phospholipids, enzymes, monosaccharides, rough ER, faciliated diffusion, active (mediated) transport, symporters, chromatin, lysosome, mitochondria, Osmosis, phagocytosis
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Vocabulary Test: vocab shrouded mythWords:spectator, tragic, Fate, Prophecy, Imprisoned, Stunning, Dreaded, Writhing, Elaborate, Hideous
Test Also Includes: parts of speech
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy Words:tissue, histology, pathologist, epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue , nerve tissue, squamous, cuboidal , glandular epithelia, edocrine glands, exocrine glands, collagen, elastice, reticular, blasts , cytes, areolar, adipose, dense regular tissue, dense irregular tissue, elastic tissue, hyaline cartilage, elastice cartilage, tendons, ligaments , neurons, neurogria , axon, dentrities, skeletal muscle tissue, cardic muscle tissue, smooth (visceral) muscle tissue, cutaneous membrane, synovial membranes, hi
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Vocabulary Test: my vocab list Words:adversary (noun), apprehensive(adj.), banish(verb), dismal(adj.), egregious(adj.), exasperation(noun), knoll(noun), muster(verb), pristine(adj.), sabotage(noun or verb)
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Vocabulary Test: ANATOMYWords:Clast, Ectomy, Endo, Meningo, Pulmo, Oid, Macro, Ism, Some, Pleur, Stalsis, Osteo, Tunic, Ana
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Vocabulary Test: Roll of Thunder, Hear My CryWords:sharecropping, disdain, lynch, dejected, bold, patronize, prevail, awestruck, mortgage, despicable
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Vocabulary Test: EconomyWords:capital resources, taxes, demand, income, 14, labor, Entrepreneneurs, profit or loss, opportunity cost, goods, scarcity, 3, budget, labor, entrepreneurship, capital and land, organized and a risk taker, service, trade, taxes
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Vocabulary Test: eveWords:amend, brink, caress, cherish, circuit, corrode, creed, defect, detect, development, digest, donor, effective, efficient, elated, enlist, falter, fiction, gallows, grudge, hermit, hilarious, informal, jubilant, linger, lye, massive, mural, neutral, nominee, nun, outlet, publicity, radius, reliable, rodent, rotate, stadium, tedious, transmit, trophy, turrett, verge, violent, weld
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Vocabulary Test: Lesson 7Words:castigate, colloquial, epitaph, exodus, inter, lacerate, largesse, obituary, omnivorous, permeate, rendition, resurgence, stereotype, stipend, subservient
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Test Unit 7Words:amiss, brawl, detest, domestic, flagrant, flaw, fledgling, fluster, foremost, momentum, notable, nurture, paradox, perjury, presume, prior, proficient, salvo, vigilant, wrath
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Vocabulary Test: vocab8Words:dedicate, shabby, vivid, abolish, navigate, purchase, monarch, solitary, summit, illuminates, courteous, sparse, nonchalant, seldom, obsolete, solo, thrifty, evaded, bland, luxurious
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Vocabulary Test: Literary Terms - Semester 1Words:Audience, Conflict, Connotation, Denotation, Dialogue, Diction, Fiction, Flashback, Hyperbole, Imagery, Metaphor, Mood, Nonfiction, Occasion, Personification, Plot, Point of View, Purpose, Setting, Simile, Speaker, Symbol, Tone, Theme, Protagonist, Antagonist, Subject
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Vocabulary Test: lanieWords:aloof, apprehensive, apprehension, articulate, buffoon, callous, carping, clandestine, elite, gallant, rogue, sage, sophisticated, sullen, reformatory, underprivileged, reeling, fiend, siege, rueful, gorge, cowlick, agony, juvenile, grimace, delirious, aghast, radiate, divert, circumspect, roguish
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Vocabulary Test: Honors English II Midterm ReviewWords:abdicate, abhor, abject, adamant, affable, affinity, alleviate, aloof, ameliorate, amiable, anarchist, anomaly, apathy, appease, ardor, ascribe, askance, avarice, aversion, bandy, beneficent, cantankerous, cauterize, censure, comport, conciliatory, consternation, contentious, contrition, contrive, copious, corroborate, countenance, covert, decorum, deference, defer, demeanor, depose, deposition, derisive, digress, discern, disconsolate, disparage, dissembling, dissipate, dominion, effrontery, emasculate, encumber, enmity, entreat, equivocal, eradicate, extenuate, exultation, feeble, felicity, fervor, fetid, gesticulate, heady, impart, impel, imperceptible, impervious, impetuous, importune, impulsive, inane, incense, incorrigible, indignant, indomitable, induce, infidel, ingratiate, inherent, inordinate, insidious, insipid, interim, inundate, inviolate, irreverent, loathsome, luxuriant, mitigate, mollify, ostentatious, paroxysm, patrician, patronize, perfidy, peripatetic, pertinacious, pervade, pestilence, petulant, pillage, placid, pompous, preeminent, profusion, proscribe, prudent, raucous, rectitude, redress, relinquish, remonstrate, repulse, rouse, scruple, solace, speculate, strident, subjugate, subservient, supine, supposition, tarry, tenuous, torpor, transfigure, transgress, trepidation, trundle, unalienable, uncouth, undulate, unremitting, usurpation, vagary, vehement, vigilant, whet, analogy, antonym, connotation, denotation, etymology, homonyms, homophones, phonics, synonyms, transcendentalism, gothic, point of view, plot, setting, characters, conflict, tone, mood, theme, fiction, non-fiction, drama, poetry, allegory, irony, sarcasm, alliteration, assonance, consonance, pronunciation (accents)
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Vocabulary Test: Power wordsWords:style, experience, influence, role, result, attempt, appearance, creative mode, source, inspiration
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Vocabulary Test: IVB --1Words:Abacus, abash, aberration, abject, ablution, abrogate, abstain, abstemious, abyss, acclimate, accrue, accrued, acid raiin, acid test, acquiesce, acquit, acupuncture, ad hoc, adamantine, adjunct, adulatory, aegis, aerie, affable, affection
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Vocabulary Test: latin 9Words:libero, libra, longus, luna, Marcus, Maria, mensa, multus, narro, nauta, navigo, non, novem, novus, numquam, nunc
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Vocabulary Test: Mid TermWords:Scientific Law, hypothesis, gravity, force, velocity, Newton's 2nd Law of Motion, Newton's 3rd Law of Motion, kinetic energy, potential energy, power, work, thermal energy
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Vocabulary Test: MP2 Quiz 1Words:apathetic, intimidate, cliche, smitten, pliant, symbolism, appropriation, naive, irony, imprudent
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Vocabulary Test: vocabularyWords:dissect, delve into, devoid, coalitions, embrace, access, spectrum, concern, crystal clear, digital chasm
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