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Vocabulary Test: Intro to anatomy
a, an, brachi, cauda, cephal, cranio, digit, oculo, or, plantar, syn, sym, bucc, capil, cerv, circum, dors, glossa, oto, physio, tox, viscer, stoma, aden, -ase-, aut, auto, cili, cyte, gala, glyco, hydr, intra, mal, mito, pino, sacch, trans, -troph-, amin, ana, cata, chrom, e, ef, eu, hetero, homo, iso, lysis, peps, phag, sarc, soma, some, zyg

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Vocabulary Test: my brother martin
captured, dream, encounters, example, injustice, nourishing, numerous, preferred, recall, segregation

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy
calcanea, cephalic, dorsal, gluteal, lumbar, nuchal, olecranel, plantar, genu, sural, acromial, antebrachial, antecubital, axillary, brachial, buccal, carpal, cervical, coxal, cranial, crural, phylanges, digits, facial, femoral, frontal, inguinal, mammary, manual, mental, metacarpal, oral, patellar, pez, pubic, tarsal, thoracic, umbilical

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Vocabulary Test: My Side of the Mountain Chapter 19
humanity, crags, avalanched, fatigue, subzero, copse, conserving, presence, resilient , deficiency

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Vocabulary Test: My Side of the Mountain Chapter 20
momentum , radar, miserable, amateur, sociable, circulatory system, deserted, dwelling, conceded

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Vocabulary Test: Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
sharecropping, disdain, lynch, dejected, bold, patronize, prevail, awestruck, mortgage, despicable

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Vocabulary Test: Economy
capital resources, taxes, demand, income, 14, labor, Entrepreneneurs, profit or loss, opportunity cost, goods, scarcity, 3, budget, labor, entrepreneurship, capital and land, organized and a risk taker, service, trade, taxes

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Vocabulary Test: my own
bail bond, bail bondsman, bail exonaration, bail forfeiture, bail reinstatement, bail revocation, bail jumping, bancruptcy, bancruptcy trial, bar association, bashing, be it known, be on the bench, to, bear resemblance, to, bear witness, begging, bench, bench warrant, best of my knowledge and belief, to the, betting, beyond a reasonable doubt, bias, bigamy, bind oneself, to, bind over, to, binding on the parties, blackmail, blunt instrument, board of pardons, bodily harm, bodily injuries, body attachment, body of the estate, body search, to, bond, book, to, bookie, bookmaking, bound by the law, brandish a weapon, brawl, breach of contract, breaking and entering, breathalyzer, bribe, brief, bring a complaint, to, bring to justice, to, burden of proof, burglar, burglary, bystander, BA (blood alcohol level), badge, bail, bailif

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Vocabulary Test: Mysat2
Belittle, Blase, Concoct, Decade, Diverse, Enunciate, Hurtle, Improvise, Jostle, Libel, Mammoth, Paradox, Provincial, Realm, Undermine

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy
alveol, aorta, apex, appendix, arcus, arteria, arteriola, atlas, bronchus, bucca, canalis, caput, cardia, cartilago, cavum, caecum, cementum, cerebellum, cerebrum, choana, clavicula, collum, colon, concha nasalis, cornea, corona, corpus, cortex, costa, cranium, crista, dens, dentin, digitus, discus intervertebralis, dorsum, ductus, duodenum, encephalon (grek), epiglottis, oesophagus, femur , fenestra, fibula, fissura, foramen, fossa, gaster, ventriculus, gingiva, glandula, hepar, humerus, hypyphysis, ileum, iris, jejunum, labium, larynx, lien, ligamentum, lingua, mamma, mandibula, manus, maxilla, musculus, musculus biceps, musculus masseter, musculus orbicularis, musculus temporalis, musculus trapezius, musculus triceps, nasus, nervus, oculus, orbita, os ethmoidable, os frontale, os hyoideum, os ileum, os nasale, os occipitale, os palatinum, os parietale, os sphenoidale, os temporale, os zygomaticum, palatum, pancreas, pes, pharynx, processus, pulmo, pylorus, radius, radix, rectum, ren, retina, scapula, sclera, septum, sinus, sternum, sulcus, thorax, thymus, tibia, tonsilla, trachea, tuberculum, ulna, uterus, uvula, vas, vena, vertebra, bronchiole, hyster (grek), daktyl (grek)

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Vocabulary Test: Myles
Trivial, Winced , Abate, Rupture, Throbbing, Notify, Grim, Affliction, Perceived, Robust, Accelerate, Abrupt, Incredulous

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Vocabulary Test: Economy
conservation, consumer, producer, trade, barter, scarcity, specialization

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Vocabulary Test: Gods of Greek Mythology
Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hades, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hermes, Ares, Hephaestus, Hestia, Demeter, Dionysus

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Vocabulary Test: Economy Vocab Quiz
Elastic, Effciency , Economy, Capital , Cost Benefit Analysis , Capitalism , Opportunity Cost , Negativity Externality , Normatic Economics

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Vocabulary Test: my vocab list
adversary (noun), apprehensive(adj.), banish(verb), dismal(adj.), egregious(adj.), exasperation(noun), knoll(noun), muster(verb), pristine(adj.), sabotage(noun or verb)

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy2
Blast, Cyan, para, sclero, lysis, chondr, hemo, gram, myo, tachy, pathy, pneumo, hydro, ia , juxta

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Vocabulary Test: ANATOMY
Clast, Ectomy, Endo, Meningo, Pulmo, Oid, Macro, Ism, Some, Pleur, Stalsis, Osteo, Tunic, Ana

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Vocabulary Test: mytest
basin, bay, bluff, canyon, cape, cataract, channel, cliff, coast, coastal plain, delta, desert, dune, fall line, flood plain, foothills, glacier, gulf, hill, inlet, island, marsh, isthmus, lagoon, lake

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Vocabulary Test: My Brother Martin
comfort, mention, mood, properly, consisted, positive, advanced, intends, peculiar, talent

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy
Name the three joint types, Where are the only 2 ball and sockets in the whole body, Name all 6 groups of synovials, What makes a synovial joint synovial?, Where are there hinge joints in the body?, Where are there gliding joints in the body?, Where are there condyloid joints in the body?, Where is the only saddle joint in the body?, Where is the pivot joint in the body?, What does ACL stand for?

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Vocabulary Test: SAT 120 through 150
diaphanous, discreet, dilapidated, destitute, despondent, douse, doppelganger, dutiful, diminished, disparaged, divergent, diverse, disvisive, differentiate, dictate, diminutive, defunct, delude, deleterious, defame, daunting, deluge, deft, derelict, desolate, dearth, daft, diligent, domicile, dilapidated

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Vocabulary Test: English
Indigent, Indolence, Condolence, Travails, Abashed, Sundry, Adjured, Traverse, Perusing, Opulence

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Vocabulary Test: Section 1 Vocab
civil service, primary, recall, initiative, referendum, graduated income tax, muckraker

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Vocabulary Test: history
poly, polytheism, monotheism, vivid, famine, strait, peninsula, isthmus, e.g., i.e., etc., devout, austere, plait, sumptuous, hermit, obstinate, effigy, barbarian, wily, bard, epic, odyssey, veritable, prose, verse, ''in vain'', paraphrase, guile, reign, succeed, host, idol, idle, astute

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Vocabulary Test: Science
gene, phenotype, genotype, allele, homozygous, punnett square, dominant, recessive, heterozygous

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary
reverie, apoplectic diarrhea, cherubs, shuck, fiddlehead, contemptible, defoliated, inexplicably, incestuous, chiffrobe

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Vocabulary Test: Biology Vocab Term 2 Week 6
Initial, Alternative, Trait, Exclude, Homozygous, Assume, Phenotype, Probability, Allele, Compatible

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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 10 Vocabulary
Acute, Recipient, Apprehensive, Prudent, Donor, Arrogant, Phobia, Anonymous, Prominent, Bestow

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Vocabulary Test: people
allot, amass, audacious, comply, devoid, elite, grapple, incapacitate, instigate, longevity, myriad, perspective, perturb, prodigious, relevant, skittish, tether, unison, vie, willful

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Vocabulary Test: Laura
distraught, bailiff, vagrant, extradite, saunter, gaunt, scowl, halyard, caricature, rube, depot, cowlick, placard, sneer, privy, infidel, haughtily, tread, prosecution, benign, bask, patriarch, paunchy, magnetism, staunch, arrogant, suffrage, oratorical, agape, paraphernalia, sheepishly, heathen, chortles, agnostic, camp followers, heretic, rancid, hinterland, flivver, virginal, ominous, valise

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Vocabulary Test: radman
modification, recede, quiver, traverse, amble, convert, distort, dawdle, itinerary, mobilize

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Vocabulary Test: ryanjarosz63
geocentric, pholeamic system, heliocentric, universal law of gravtiation, rationalism, scientic method, inductive reasoning, philosophe, deism, salon

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Vocabulary Test: unit 9
machination, pejorative, harbinger, nubile, sapient, chimerical, masochist, finesse, heterogeneous, eclectic, grandiose, raiment, blanch, hybrid, idiosyncrasy

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Vocabulary Test: Tony's vocab. 1/ 8/12
vindicate, smite, hearken, oppress, famine, Moab, Edom, vale, lyre, heed

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Vocabulary Test: Ch. 9 Vocabulary Test
vault, satire, ode, anatomy, forum, gladiator, paterfamilias, rhetoric, plague, inflation, barter, reform, mosaic, saint, regent

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Vocabulary Test: L.A. Quiz
hypocrisy, inadequate, premonition, perturbedly, contemptuously, indignant, offensive, innocuous, obscene, convulsively, melodramatic, hypocritical, impenetrable, inaudibly, incredulous, illusion, inifinite, aspire, envision, sensitized, crystalline, absurdly, joviality, perscuted, infirmary, graphic, quell, terminology, optimum, stalemate, oblivion, handicapped, neutralizing, unceasing, gesture, vague, symmetry, awed, vigilance, bellowed, speech impediment, regarded, synchronizing, cowered, equality, envious, hideous, doozy, extraordinarily, uncompetitive, clammy, burdened, hobbled, calibrated, gravely, consternation, utopia

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Vocabulary Test: Unit 17
accident, horrible, announce, impress, possess, innocent, occasion, express, banner, terrible, success, manner, assist, error, process, tissue, mirror, connect, issue, recess

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Vocabulary Test: unit8
nub, insubordinate, swerve, it, and, the, madeline, people, ball, game, place, park, pool, dog, poop, lick, ugg, brand, boots, good

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Vocabulary Test: social studies vocab
needs, shelter, income, job, occupation, goods, factory, service

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Vocabulary Test: china russia and southeast asia
Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Brunei, Philippines, Singapore, Myanmar, India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Cambodia, Indonesia, Manchuria, Siberia
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