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Vocabulary Test: My Sojourn in the Lands of My Ancestors
Apartheid, Liberia, Fanti, Accra, mammie lorries, Careen, Suffuse, Purging, Mincing, Impervious

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Vocabulary Test: Myers
element, matter, pure substance, atom, ion, molecule, compound, mixture, solution, homogeneous, heterogeneous, qualitative data, quantitative measurement, chemistry, chemical change, physical change, intensive properties, extensive property, mass spectrometer, average atomic mass, atomic mass unit, isotopic abundance

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Vocabulary Test: My Sojourn in the Lands of My Ancestors
wane, rebuff, careen, suffuse, purging, mincing, impervious, surreptitious , reverberate, environs

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Vocabulary Test: my test
cataract, delta, Papyrus, hierolyphice, dynasty, Pharaoh, deity, process, mymmy, pyramid, tribute, incense, savanna

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy 2
Where is Orbicularis oculists located?, Where is the Orbicularis Otis located?, Where is the location of buccinator?, Where is the location of intercostal ?, What is the attachment of Occipitofrontalis?, What is the point of attachment in Sternocleidomastoid?, Shaped:Orbicularis, Sphincter muscle , Circumduction, Depression , Elevation, Shaped: Rectus, Shaped: Quadratus, Shaped: Trazezius, Shaped: Vastus, Shaped: Platysma , Shaped: Deltoid, Rotation, Constriction, Dilation, Inversion, Pronation , Supination, Addiction, Flexion , Extension , Abdication, Insertion, Action, Origin, Body/ Belly, Skeletal muscle, Visceral , Cardiac muscle, Tendon, Mycology , Eversion, Where is brachii located?, Where is femoris located?, Which direction of fiber, describe external oblique from most su, Which direction of fiber , describe internal oblique oblique fro, Which direction of fibers, describe traverse abdominus oblique f, Size: Pectoralis major , Size: Ectoralis minor , Size: Gluteus Maximus, Size:Gluteus Marius, Size:Gluteus minimums, Size: Adductor Magnus , Size: Adductor brevis, Size: Gastrocnemius, Size: Arrector Pili muscle

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Vocabulary Test: My Brother Martin
comfort, mention, mood, properly, consisted, positive, advanced, intends, peculiar, talent

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy
Name the three joint types, Where are the only 2 ball and sockets in the whole body, Name all 6 groups of synovials, What makes a synovial joint synovial?, Where are there hinge joints in the body?, Where are there gliding joints in the body?, Where are there condyloid joints in the body?, Where is the only saddle joint in the body?, Where is the pivot joint in the body?, What does ACL stand for?

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy section 1
anatomical positioning, anterior, posterior, inferior, superior, distal, proximal, lateral, medial, contralateral, ipsilateral, bilateral, deep, superficial, prone, supine, axial, appendicular, saggital plane, frontal plane, transverse plane, diagonal plane, frontal axis, sagittal axis, vertical axis, diagonal axis, AC joint, SC joint , Scapulothoracic joint, shoulder girdle, dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, inversion, eversion, flexion, extension, ulnar deviation, radial deviation, lateral flexion, reduction, abduction, adduction, internal rotation, external rotation, circumduction, function of muscular system, function of muscular system, function of muscular system, function of muscular system, aggregate muscle action, muscle tissue property, muscle tissue property, muscle tissue property, muscle tissue property, autonomic nervous system muscle tissue, voluntary muscle , isotonic muscle action, isometric muscle action, concentric, eccentric, agonist, antagonist, stabilizer, synergist, neutralizer, muscle contraction stops because, kinds of myofilaments, tropomyosin, troponin, sarcolemma, perimysium, fascicle, epimysium, all or nothing law, sarcoplasmic reticculum, t-tubules, motor neuron pool, bands during muscle contraction, RMP, threshold potential, depolarization, origin, insertion, type 1 muscle fiber, type 2 muscle fiber
Test Also Includes: sentences

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Vocabulary Test: MY VOCAB TEST
widespread, vicinity, feat, prow, initial, stern, barren, migrate, area, fraught

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Vocabulary Test: Economy
capital resources, taxes, demand, income, 14, labor, Entrepreneneurs, profit or loss, opportunity cost, goods, scarcity, 3, budget, labor, entrepreneurship, capital and land, organized and a risk taker, service, trade, taxes

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Vocabulary Test: my own
bail bond, bail bondsman, bail exonaration, bail forfeiture, bail reinstatement, bail revocation, bail jumping, bancruptcy, bancruptcy trial, bar association, bashing, be it known, be on the bench, to, bear resemblance, to, bear witness, begging, bench, bench warrant, best of my knowledge and belief, to the, betting, beyond a reasonable doubt, bias, bigamy, bind oneself, to, bind over, to, binding on the parties, blackmail, blunt instrument, board of pardons, bodily harm, bodily injuries, body attachment, body of the estate, body search, to, bond, book, to, bookie, bookmaking, bound by the law, brandish a weapon, brawl, breach of contract, breaking and entering, breathalyzer, bribe, brief, bring a complaint, to, bring to justice, to, burden of proof, burglar, burglary, bystander, BA (blood alcohol level), badge, bail, bailif

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Vocabulary Test: My Side of the Mountain Chapter 20
momentum , radar, miserable, amateur, sociable, circulatory system, deserted, dwelling, conceded

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Vocabulary Test: Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
sharecropping, disdain, lynch, dejected, bold, patronize, prevail, awestruck, mortgage, despicable

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Vocabulary Test: mytest
basin, bay, bluff, canyon, cape, cataract, channel, cliff, coast, coastal plain, delta, desert, dune, fall line, flood plain, foothills, glacier, gulf, hill, inlet, island, marsh, isthmus, lagoon, lake

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Vocabulary Test: My words 2
conspicuous , contortion, deft, antics , avowed , banter , detriment , frugal , incognito , venerate

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Vocabulary Test: astronomy
Continuous , A and E Spectra I.D. substances, Sun, Emission, Absorbtion, mv, Mv, 4.6 billion years old, Core, radiative zone, Convective zone, Differential Rotation causes, Neutrino uses

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Vocabulary Test: male anatomy
Seminal Fluid, Corona, cavernous bodies, Scrotum, Root, Retrograde Ejaculation, Vasectomy, Vas Deferens, Urology, Urethra, Testis or testes, Spongy Body, Spermatic cord, smegma, Shaft, Prostate Gland, Penis , Nocturnal Emission, Interstitial Cells , Glans, Frenulum , Foreskin , Expulsion Phase, Erection, Epididymis , Emission Phase , Ejaculatory ducts , Ejaculation , Cryptorchidism , Cowper's Glands , Seminiferous tubules , Seminal Vesicles

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Vocabulary Test: Female anatomy
Ectopic pregnancy , Ovulation, Menstruation , Os, Vasocongestion, Labia minora , Clitoris , Vulva, Shaft , Glans , Crura , Fimbriae , Fallopian tubes , Endometrium , Myometrium , Perimetrium , Uterus , Speculum , Cervix , Smegma, Cavernous bodies, Vestibule , Urethra , Introitus , Hymen , Perineum, Vestibular bulbs , Bartholins glands , Vagina , Mucosa , Rugae , Labia majora , Mons veneris , Prepuce , Oophorectomy , Pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) , Pre menstrual syndrome , Corpus loteum , Hysterectomy , Pap smear , Vaginitis , Peri menopause , Climacteric , Toxic shock syndrome , Amenorrhea , Endometriosis , Prostaglandins, Dysmenorrhea , Lutenizing hormone (LH) , Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) , Menarche

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Vocab
gingival sulcus, attached gingiva, maxilla, mandible, anterior, posterior, medial, lateral , palatal, lingual, incisal, occlusal, mesial, distal, labial, buccal, facial, quandrant , deciduous , exfoliation, dentition, mixed dentition, midline, canine, interproximal area, contact point, embrasure, long axis, gingiva, cingulum, free gingiva, clinical crown, anatomical crown, cementoenamel junction, enamel, cementum, dentin, pulp, root , apex, apical foramen, alveolar process, periodontal ligament , lamina dura , cusps, fossa, marginal ridge, interdental papilla , oral mucosa, furcation, bifurcated, pit

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Vocabulary Test: Does my crush like me back!
YOLO, iwttyl, brb, ILY, IHT, TMI

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Test
void, authoritarian, mentor, mortify, hone, formidable, emphatically, catalyst, muse, tact

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Vocabulary Test: SAT 120-110.
diaphanous, discreet, defunct, diminutive, dilapidated, destitute, dictate, differentate, diligent, despondent

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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 3
Absolute Zero, Accepted Value, Accuracy, Calorie, Celsius Scale, Conversion Factor, Density, Dimensional Analysis, Energy, Error, Experimental Value, Gram, International System of Units, Joule, Kelvin Scale, Kilogram, Liter, Measurement, Meter, Percent Error, Precision, Scientific Notation, Significant Figures, Temperature, Weight

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Vocabulary Test: brittany
biology, cell, reproduction, metabolism, homeostasis, gene, heredity, mutation, evolution, species, natural selection, ecology, genome, HIV, cancer, cystic fibrosis, gene therapy, observation, hypothesis, prediction, pH, experiment, contol group, independent variable, dependent variable, theory

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab
aghast, ample, apparation, assert, cower, disdain, epitaph, ethical, facetious, inaudible, indiscriminate, intrigue, jurisdiction, plausible, plebeian, prodigal, proximity, pulverize, sequel, volatile

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Test
acquisitive, arrogate, banal, belabor, carping, coherent, congeal, emulate, encomium, aschew, germane, insatiable, intransigent, invidious, largesse, reconnaissance, substantiate, taciturn, tenable, temporize

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Test 1-9
County, Equipment, Segregation, bundled, involuntary muscles, stations, failing, unconscious, smooth muscle, voluntary muscles

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Vocabulary Test: petia
battles, plantations, dissolve, seceded, surrender, rage, Confederates, rebels, Union (Yankees), independence

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Vocabulary Test: dgdsfgsd
ruthless, serene, skeptical, unscathed, turmoil, atrocious, atone, authentic, avocation, apprise

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Vocabulary Test: kjrm
hdgfhfh, fhdgmj, ,jkg,, fcgncg, bnhj,yuih, jkhjuk, m,,n,jklkjljk

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Vocabulary Test: Lit Final
allusion, analogy, antagonist, aside, atmosphere, blank verse, charecter, charecterization, climax, conflict, external conflict, internal conflict, diction, drama, epithet, fiction, flashback, foil, foreshadowing, genre, iambic meter, iambic pentameter, imagery, irony, dramatic irony, situational irony, metaphor, monologue, nonfiction, oxymoron, personification, plot, protagonist, pun, repition, setting, short story, similie, soliloquey, sonnet, symbol, theme, tone, nothing, nothing

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Vocabulary Test: populations- science
carrying capacity, population, paratism, predation, fossil fuels, enviornment

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Vocabulary Test: journeys-10
embark, surveyed, conduct, cramped, bracing, pressing, distracted, representatives, viewpoints, shattered

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Vocabulary Test: vocab 16
amass, acclaim, anarchist, banter, blithe, cacophonous, commensurate, complacency, dissicate, diminution, elicit, incessant, jollity, kindle, parsimony, penury, pliable, quell, rectify, rue, sluggard, stealthy, succinct, voluminous, x

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Vocabulary Test: hwiz1000
admonish, breach, brigand, circumspect, commandeer, cumbersome, deadlock, debris, diffuse, dilemma, efface, muddle, opinionated, perennial, predispose, relinquish, salvage, spasmodic, spurious, unbridled

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Vocabulary Test: Social Studies
Articles of conf., Constitutuion, delegates, government, independent, preamble, ratify, revenue, tax, suffrage, magna carta, english bill of rights, vergina statue

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Vocabulary Test: The Cask of Amontialldo
Avenge, Preclude, Impunity, Redress, Retribution, Immolation, Connoisseur, Accost, Abscond, Catacombs, Gait, Orb, Repose, Gesticulate, Recoil, Circumscribe, Fetter, Implore, Hearken, Aperture

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Vocabulary Test: A Perfect Execution Pages 231-240
Untoward, Ideology, Billet, Blasphemy, Sully, Arid, Rosary, Volition, Obstruction, Censorious

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Vocabulary Test: vit vocab
revitalize, revive, survival, survivor, vital, vitality, vitamin, vivacious, vivid, vivisection

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Vocabulary Test: L.A.
Amiss, Brawl, Detest, Domestic, Flagrant, Flaw, Fledgling, Fluster, Foremost, Momentum, Notable, Nurture, Paradox, Perjury, Presume, Prior, Proficient, Salvo, Vigilant, Wrath
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