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Vocabulary Test: KimmyR
frivolous, transfixed, flank, askew, reverently, coax, pillar, resolve, appalled, endeavor, frivilous, prosperity

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy
Single row of cells, attached by HEMOdesosomes. Youngest cells. , Newly made cells enter this layer to divide and add thickness, Cells stop dividing, flatten and heavily produce keratin, cells are dead and cornified, they are the most superficial, and, Produce melanin which is a dark pigment that colors the skin, Produce keratin which is a protein that forms hair and nails, Produce new cells that move to outer layers:

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy The Skin
Stratified squamous cells and avascular , Connective tissue and vascular, Attaches integument to muscle , A, B, C

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Vocabulary Test: Mythological alluisons
Achilles, Vulcan, Mercury, Hades/Pluto, apollo/sol, Athena/ Minerva, Diana/Artemis, Mars/Ares, Neptune/Poseidon, Persephone, Demeter/Cres, Narcissus and Echo, Arachne, Bacchus/ Dionysus, Psyche, cupid/eros, pandora, the Sirens, Europa, Pan/ Satyr, Midas, Hercules, Oedipus, Zephyr, Styx(river), Nemesis, Prometheus, Cyclops, Aphrodite/ Venus, Adonis, centuar, Minotaur, Paris, phoenix

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Vocabulary Test: My Antonia Vocabulary test
noblesse, oblige, typographical, canto, commedia, aeheld, plough, parsimonious, menial, vexation

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Vocabulary Test: mythological allusions
Phoenix, Paris, Minotaur, Centaur, Adonis, Aphrodite/Venus, Cyclops, Prometheus, Nemesis, Styx (river), Zephyr, Oedipus, Hercules, Midas, Pan/Satyr, Europa, The Sirens, Pandora, Dedalus and Icarus, Cupid/Eros, Psyche, Bacchus/Dionysus, Arachne, Narcissus and Echo, Persephone and Demeter/Ceres, Neptune/Poseidon, Mars/Ares, Diana/Artemis, Athena/Minerva, Apollo/Sol, Hades/Pluto, Mercury, Vulcan, Achilles

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Chapter Two
acid, Chemistry, base, RNA, atoms, conformation, atomic number, atomic weight, catalyst, decomposition, compound, covalent bond, proteins , Nucleus, electrons, isotopes, electrolyte, element, steroids, polar, exchange reaction, fatty acid, formula, disaccharides, fats, glycerol, reversible reaction, inert, hydrogen bond, buffers, inorganic, ion, ionic bond, isotope, matter, molecular formula, monosaccharide, neutral, neutron, buffers, nucleic acid, nucleotide, organic, PH, Phospholipid, polysaccharide, sugars, molecule, proton, DNA

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy2
What are the two types of supportive connective tissue?, Supportive connective tissue functions? (cartilage/bone), Stratified Cuboidal Epithilium, Hyaline Cartilage, Eosinophils (white blood cells), Elastic Connective Tissue (elastic), Dense irregular connective tissues, What are the 3 types of loose connective tissue?, Function of 3 types of loose connective tissue? (areolar/adipos, What are the 3 types of cartilage?, Lymphocytes, Areolar Connective Tissue (loose), Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar Epithilium, Cardiac Muscle Tissue, Reticular Connective Tissue (loose)

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Vocabulary Test: My Papa
charming, desperate, fled, humor, rudely, seldom, snatched, style, acquaintance, author, biography, enable, reveal, recognition, sympathetic, variety

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Vocabulary Test: Retest: Government and Economy Test
Mixed Economy, Representative Democracy, Dictatroship, Developing Nations, Communism, Constitutional Monarchy, GDP (Gross Domestic Product), Standard of Living, Literacy Rate, Capitalism

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Vocabulary Test: My Side of the Mountain Vocabulary
aspen, beady, blazed, bulbs, burrows, cache, fashion, ferocity, funnel, harsh, harvesting, hemlock, jesses, laced, lingering, lure, mantle, migration, ox bow, propped, props, sedges, storehouse, survival, talons, tethered, tubers, ventilate, warblers, winged

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Vocabulary Test: mya
volume, mass, meniscus, qualitative, quantitative, graduated cylinder, balance, meterstick/metric ruler, water displacement

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Vocabulary Test: These Are My People
parlor, testimony, matron, hostel, parlor maid, reefer coat, sarcastic, triumphant, shilling, interpreter, barrier, visa, foreigner

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Vocabulary Test: My Unit 4 Test xD !!(:
Aquit , Deem, Devastate , Discredit, Elusive, Generate, Idolize, Ingratitude, Keepsake, Mortal

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Vocabulary Test: My Side of the Mountain Final Vocab test
bandit , barometer, amateur, berated, boughs, captive, cavity, civilization , concoction, contentment, dependent, edible, exertion, fatigue , frayed , frisking, generations, harassing, hordes , humanity, orginated , precious , preen, ravine, remote, revived , roam, savory , tedious , teathered

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Vocabulary Test: MyFirstTest
Title Bar, Menu Bar, Standard Toolbar, Name Box, Help, Task Pane, Scroll Bars, Sheet Tabs, Formula Bar, Formatting Toolbar

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy the skin
Functions of the skin, 3 Main layers of the skin, Epidermis layer, Dermis:, Hypodermis or Subcutaneous layer, The epidermis is made mostly of.., List of layers from superficial to deep, Stratum Germinativum:, Keratinocytes:, Melanocytes:, Germinative cells:, Stratum Spinosum (spiny), Stratum Granulosum , Stratum Corneum , Dermis is a thick layer composed of, Papillary, Reticular:, Hypodermis (subcutaneous layer) below skin contains , Skin Color, Types of glands in the dermis, Sweat (sudoriferous) gland:, Sebaceous gland, Nails:, Hair, Healing: , As you become older, Merocrine: , Aprocrine: , Ceruminous, Mammary

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Vocabulary Test: zzmmmommy
cheerful, agree, argue, accomplish, attempt, goal

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Chapt. Three
active transport, anaphase, cell membrane, centriole, centromere, centrosome, chromatid, chromatin, chromosome, cilia, cytoplasm, differentiation, diffusion, endocytosis, endoplasmic reticulum, exocytosis, facilitated diffusion, golgi apparatus, hyperplasia, hypertonic, hypotonic, insulin, isotonic, leukocyte, lysosome, meiosis, metaphase, microfilament, microtubule, mitochondria (pl), mitosis, myofibril, nucleoli (pl), osmosis, osmotic, osmotic pressure, phagocytosis, pinocytosis, prenatal, prophase, ribosome, selectively permeable, telophase, vesicle, filtration, interphase, nucleus, cytokinesis, stem cells, metastasis

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Vocab
gingival sulcus, attached gingiva, maxilla, mandible, anterior, posterior, medial, lateral , palatal, lingual, incisal, occlusal, mesial, distal, labial, buccal, facial, quandrant , deciduous , exfoliation, dentition, mixed dentition, midline, canine, interproximal area, contact point, embrasure, long axis, gingiva, cingulum, free gingiva, clinical crown, anatomical crown, cementoenamel junction, enamel, cementum, dentin, pulp, root , apex, apical foramen, alveolar process, periodontal ligament , lamina dura , cusps, fossa, marginal ridge, interdental papilla , oral mucosa, furcation, bifurcated, pit

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Vocabulary Test: Page 3 &4 Vocab
politics, government, totalitarianism, anarchy, democracy, republic, majority, minority rights, pluralism, hyperpluralism, liberty, poular sovereignty, state, ratify, judicial, equality, equal justice, judicial review, commerace clause, supremacy clause, incorporation, five freedoms of the first amendment, unprotected speech, primary eleciton, electoral college

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Vocabulary Test: spanish
borrador, calculadora, cuaderno, diccionario, escritorio, lapiz, libro, mochila, papel, pizarron, pluma, tiza, computadora, impresora, pantalla, raton, teclado

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Vocabulary Test: Great Expectations
Felicitous, Imbrue, Reticence, Sagacious, Vexation, Circuitously, Magnanimous, Prodigious, Diffidence, Incipient, Choleric, Derisively, Auspicious, Chary, Staid, Manifest, Vivacity, Querulous, Diffidence, Adjured

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Vocabulary Test: spanish 2
historia, arte, ciencias, computacion, educacion fisica, espanol, estudios sociales, musica, matematicas, literatura, ingles, historia

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Vocabulary Test: british colony
Algonquian, American Revolution, breeches, Declaration of Independence, document, frock coat, historian, Iroquois, natural resource, profitable, shift, surrender, traditional

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Vocabulary Test: Form IV Midterm SG4 religions
founders of Christianity, founders of Islam, founders of Buddhism, founder of Taoism, founders of Judaism, founder of Hinduism, sacred texts of Christianity, sacred texts of Islam, sacred texts of Buddhism, sacred text of Taoism, sacred texts ofJudaism, sacred texts of Hinduism, deity of Christianity, deity of Islam, deity of Buddhism, deity of Taoism, deity of Judaism, deity of Hinduism, tenets of Christianity, tenets of Islam, tenets of Buddhism, tenets of Taoism, tenets of Judaism, tenet of Hinduism

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Vocabulary Test: spanish 3
ayudar, buscar, contestar, ensenar, esperar, llegar, llevar, necesitar, preparar, entrar, patinar, nadar, cantar, estudiar, trabajar, mirar, pasar, usar, hablar

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Vocabulary Test: U.S. Vocab Quiz Chapter 8
Louis Sullivan, Daniel Burnham, Frederick Law Olmstead, Orville and Wilbur Wright, George Eastman, Frank Lloyd Wright, John Augustus Roebling, Booker T. Washington, Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, W.E.B. Du Bois, Niagara Movement, Ida B. Wells, Poll Tax, grandfather clause, segregation, Jim Crow Laws, Plessy vs. Ferguson, debt peonage, Joseph Pullitzer, William Randolph Hearst, Ashcan School, Mark Twain, Rural Free Delivery

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Vocabulary Test: Test
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary 3
Acrid, Boorish, Cynical, Epistle, Heresy, Lance, Obscure, Poignant, Respite, Terse

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Vocabulary Test: k-rod lesson 13
distend, gargantuan, impremable, nostalgic, preserve, pungent, savory, seethe, tribute, vitality

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Vocabulary Test: bouma
frost action, root action, absourbation, wind, water gravity, oxidation, hydration, carbonic acid, living orginisoms, lava & magma

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Vocabulary Test: the great gatsby vocab test
Lauable, insidious, ineffable, Ramification, contingencies, cordial, portentous, magnaimous, formidable, presumptous, inquest, expostulation

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Vocabulary Test: Test2
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

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Vocabulary Test: Chp. 2 Matching Quiz
Neuron, Dendrite, Axon, Myelin Sheath, Action Potential, Threshold, Synapse, Neurotransmitter, Dopamine, Serotonin, Endorphins, Central Nervous System, Peripheral Nervous System, Autonomic Nervous System, Sympathetic Nervous System, Parasympathetic Nervous System, Somatic Nervous System, Brainstem, Medulla, Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Cerebellum, Wernicke's Area, Broca's Area, Plasticity

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Vocabulary Test: test3
alto, bajo, mediano, delgado, flaco, gordo

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Vocabulary Test: vocab ss1-8-12
geocentric, ptliocentric, heliocentric, universal law of gravtiation, rationalism, scientic method, inductive reasoning, philosophe, separation of powers, deism, laissez- faire, social contract, salon, enlightened absolutism

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Vocabulary Test: spanish adjectives 1
alto, bajo, mediano, delgado, flaco, gordo, guapo, bonito, hermoso, lindo, bello, fuerte, debil, vago, perezoso, estudioso, listo, inteligente, tonto, bobo, antipatico, simpatico, divertido, aburrido, pesado, timido, agresivo, campechano, peludo, molesto

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Quiz - Chapter 7 Week 1
Ratio, Equivalent Ratio, Unit Rate, Rate, Proportion, Percent

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Vocabulary Test: VOCAB
el alma, el apodo, el arrepentimiento, el carbón, el desdén, el exilio, el guajiro, el joyero, el mar, el monte, el poema, el poeta, la amistad, la belleza, la cárcel, la estrofa, la honradrez, la joya, la mora, la naturaleza, la palma, la perla, la poesía, la razón, la rima, la sílaba, constante, deportar, desterrar, hermoso, rosada, sencillo, sincero, echar, encarcelar, llorar
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