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Vocabulary Test: poe vocab
allegory, blasphemous, cessation, dauntless, disapprobation, impede, impetuous, pestilence, propriety, prostrate, reverie, robust, sagacious, sedate, tangible, tremulous, untenant, visage, voluptuous, wanton

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Vocabulary Test: Chinese Lesson Eleven
生活, 篇, 日记, 起床, 洗澡, 穿, 衣服, 洗衣店, 一边。。。一边, 发音, 新, 电脑, 餐厅, 报纸, 发E-mail, 到, 正在, 以前, 告诉, 已经, 封, 信, 先生/小姐, 最近, 学期, 除了。。。以外, 专业, 会, 开始, 习惯, 后来, 清楚, 进步, 音乐会, 希望, 能, 用, 笑, 祝

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Vocabulary Test: candy4
Pineapple, Banana, Cherry, Lemon, Lime, Raspberry, Srawberry, Orange, Blueberry, Grapefruit, Watermelon, Pear, Peach, Apple, Grape, Plum, Blackberry

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Vocabulary Test: Chinese Lesson Thirteen
买, 衣服, 东西, 售货员, 件, 衬衫, 颜色, 红, 穿, 戴, 条, 裤子, 号, 小, 中, 大, 贵, 便宜, 付钱, 钱, 一共, 多少, 快, 毛, 分, 百, 找钱, 双, 鞋, 换, 一样, 虽然, 大小, 合适, 不用, 浅, 深, 裙子, 毛衣, 女服, 牛仔裤, 大衣, 帽子, 手套, 手表, 眼镜, T-恤衫, 卖, 黄, 咖啡色, 黑, 灰, 蓝, 绿色, 紫色, 粉红色, 粉红色, 橙色, 百

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Vocabulary Test: vocab unit 7
authorize, culprit, dawdle, dissect, expend, fatality, gullible, illicit, immerse, inflammatory, memorandum, pathetic, presevere, prevaricate, quash, relish, reminisce, scour, tribute, writhe

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Vocabulary Test: goverment6th
sovereign, human rights, inalienable rights, limited goverment, unlimited goverment, authority, oppression

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Vocabulary Test: A Perfect Execution Pages 221-230
Brevity, Perturbed, Skein, Gravitas, Ballast, Unwitting, Errant, Smut

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Vocabulary Test: World Civi, Renaissance
Renaissance -Italy To England, Reformation, Humanism, Secular, Perpective, Gutenberg, Rise of literacy/Vernacular, Luther, 95 Theses, Simony, Indulgences, Protestant, Henry Vlll, Anglicans, Counter-Reformation

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Vocabulary Test: vocab 11, 12
aberration, adjudge, candor, corroborate, dearth, diurnal, herculean, ludicrous, retrospect, salient, artifice, augury, captivate, chicanery, configuration, deduce, extant, scrupulous, proponent, refute

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Vocabulary Test: Egypt
Pharaoh, Pyamid, Afterlife, Farmer, Taxes, Craftsman, Tomb

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Vocabulary Test: Mrs. Humphries
doctrine, confessions, Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, attributes of God, goodness of God, greatness of God, triune

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Vocabulary Test: energy
Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy, Mechanical Energy, Thermal Energy, Electrical Energy, Chemical Energy, Nuclear Energy, Electricmagnetic Energy, Energy, Law of Conservation

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Vocabulary Test: UNIT 2 REVIEW
Contemplate, Designate, Disciplined, Implement, Innovative, Perpetually, Procrastinate, Spontaneously, Consequence, Contend, Conviction, Dictate, Endeavor, Momentous, Profound, Transition, Alienation, Commiserate, Empathize, Ethnicity, Integrate, Perception, Segregation, Tolerance

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Vocabulary Test: walliam
1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 3, 2, 3, 4

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Vocabulary Test: Parron Vcoab 16
Crux, excruciating, crux, crucial, Dol, indolent, doleful, dolorous, Acri, acerbic, acrid, acrimonious, exacerbate, Ferv, fervent, fervor, effervessent

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Vocabulary Test: UNIT REVIEW
Career, Collaborate, Commitment, Expectations, Insight, Talent, Transform, Culture, Achieve, Assert, Evolve, Heritage, Perspective, Self-esteem, Compose, Euphoria, Expression, Phenomenon, Recitation, Structure, Transcend, Innovator, Improvisation, Evaluate

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Vocabulary Test: Church History
sura, badr, mecca, dar-al-sulh, ansar, qu'ran, muhammad, dhimma, caliph, umar(ummah), sira, yathrib, uthman, dar-al-islam, AH, dar-al-hard, jizya, muslim, allahu akhbar, islam, sunnah, kaba, allah, razzia, uhud, medina, dhimmi, hadith, dhimmitude, wayne

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Vocabulary Test: norman-lewis
disheveled, baffling, lenient, repulsive, audacious, parry

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Vocabulary Test: Aviation Jan 8-12
headwind, tailwind, lift, glide path, flight path, microburts, downdraft, overcast, tropical, coastal, inland, northerly, drizzle, predict, visibility, smoulder, ignite, request clarification, announce action, overheated

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Vocabulary Test: semster 1 exam
book, notebook, pencil, computer, board, desk
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