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Vocabulary Test: poe vocabWords:allegory, blasphemous, cessation, dauntless, disapprobation, impede, impetuous, pestilence, propriety, prostrate, reverie, robust, sagacious, sedate, tangible, tremulous, untenant, visage, voluptuous, wanton
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Vocabulary Test: Chinese Lesson ElevenWords:生活, 篇, 日记, 起床, 洗澡, 穿, 衣服, 洗衣店, 一边。。。一边, 发音, 新, 电脑, 餐厅, 报纸, 发E-mail, 到, 正在, 以前, 告诉, 已经, 封, 信, 先生/小姐, 最近, 学期, 除了。。。以外, 专业, 会, 开始, 习惯, 后来, 清楚, 进步, 音乐会, 希望, 能, 用, 笑, 祝
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Vocabulary Test: candy4Words:Pineapple, Banana, Cherry, Lemon, Lime, Raspberry, Srawberry, Orange, Blueberry, Grapefruit, Watermelon, Pear, Peach, Apple, Grape, Plum, Blackberry
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Vocabulary Test: Chinese Lesson ThirteenWords:买, 衣服, 东西, 售货员, 件, 衬衫, 颜色, 红, 穿, 戴, 条, 裤子, 号, 小, 中, 大, 贵, 便宜, 付钱, 钱, 一共, 多少, 快, 毛, 分, 百, 找钱, 双, 鞋, 换, 一样, 虽然, 大小, 合适, 不用, 浅, 深, 裙子, 毛衣, 女服, 牛仔裤, 大衣, 帽子, 手套, 手表, 眼镜, T-恤衫, 卖, 黄, 咖啡色, 黑, 灰, 蓝, 绿色, 紫色, 粉红色, 粉红色, 橙色, 百
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Vocabulary Test: vocab unit 7Words:authorize, culprit, dawdle, dissect, expend, fatality, gullible, illicit, immerse, inflammatory, memorandum, pathetic, presevere, prevaricate, quash, relish, reminisce, scour, tribute, writhe
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Vocabulary Test: goverment6thWords:sovereign, human rights, inalienable rights, limited goverment, unlimited goverment, authority, oppression
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Vocabulary Test: World Civi, RenaissanceWords:Renaissance -Italy To England, Reformation, Humanism, Secular, Perpective, Gutenberg, Rise of literacy/Vernacular, Luther, 95 Theses, Simony, Indulgences, Protestant, Henry Vlll, Anglicans, Counter-Reformation
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Vocabulary Test: vocab 11, 12Words:aberration, adjudge, candor, corroborate, dearth, diurnal, herculean, ludicrous, retrospect, salient, artifice, augury, captivate, chicanery, configuration, deduce, extant, scrupulous, proponent, refute
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Vocabulary Test: Mrs. HumphriesWords:doctrine, confessions, Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, attributes of God, goodness of God, greatness of God, triune
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Vocabulary Test: energyWords:Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy, Mechanical Energy, Thermal Energy, Electrical Energy, Chemical Energy, Nuclear Energy, Electricmagnetic Energy, Energy, Law of Conservation
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Vocabulary Test: UNIT 2 REVIEWWords:Contemplate, Designate, Disciplined, Implement, Innovative, Perpetually, Procrastinate, Spontaneously, Consequence, Contend, Conviction, Dictate, Endeavor, Momentous, Profound, Transition, Alienation, Commiserate, Empathize, Ethnicity, Integrate, Perception, Segregation, Tolerance
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Vocabulary Test: walliamWords:1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 3, 2, 3, 4
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Vocabulary Test: Parron Vcoab 16Words:Crux, excruciating, crux, crucial, Dol, indolent, doleful, dolorous, Acri, acerbic, acrid, acrimonious, exacerbate, Ferv, fervent, fervor, effervessent
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Vocabulary Test: UNIT REVIEWWords:Career, Collaborate, Commitment, Expectations, Insight, Talent, Transform, Culture, Achieve, Assert, Evolve, Heritage, Perspective, Self-esteem, Compose, Euphoria, Expression, Phenomenon, Recitation, Structure, Transcend, Innovator, Improvisation, Evaluate
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Vocabulary Test: Church HistoryWords:sura, badr, mecca, dar-al-sulh, ansar, qu'ran, muhammad, dhimma, caliph, umar(ummah), sira, yathrib, uthman, dar-al-islam, AH, dar-al-hard, jizya, muslim, allahu akhbar, islam, sunnah, kaba, allah, razzia, uhud, medina, dhimmi, hadith, dhimmitude, wayne
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Vocabulary Test: Aviation Jan 8-12Words:headwind, tailwind, lift, glide path, flight path, microburts, downdraft, overcast, tropical, coastal, inland, northerly, drizzle, predict, visibility, smoulder, ignite, request clarification, announce action, overheated
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