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Vocabulary Test: Chinese Lesson Six Part TwoWords:月, 号, 星期, 天, 生日, 年, 多大, 岁, 清, 怎么样, 还是, 可是, 事, 忙, 为什么, 因为, 还有, 前天, 后天, 前年, 后年, 明年, 去年, 上个星期, 下个星期, 上个月, 下个月, 表, 刘金
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Vocabulary Test: 20 ElementsWords:silver, gold, hydrogen, potassium, magnesium, helium, sulfur, oxygen, carbon, flourine, sodium, mercury, iron, nitrogen, chlorine, calcium, iodine, copper, aluminum, neon
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Vocabulary Test: awesomenessWords:pickles, dog, tiger, math, Lynn, bed bugs, toothbrush, watch dog, homework, jello, car, dragon, monkey
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Vocabulary Test: Chinese Lesson SevenWords:周末, 打球, 看, 跳舞, 听, 有时候, 常常, 马丽, 那么, 去, 外国, 请客, 所以, 好久, 不错, 想, 觉得, 有意思, 只, 睡觉, 算了, 找, 别的, 对了, 听, 唱歌, 篮球, 网球, 橄榄球, 棒球, 足球, 排球
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Vocabulary Test: germany76Words:coagulate, suburban, percussion, continuously, venture, ghetto, tattered, viscid
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Vocabulary Test: germany77Words:destiny, sensibility, excuse, aesthetic, stalemate, nettle, barb, commentary, seam
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Vocabulary Test: unit 8Words:acclamation, clamor, declaim, forensic, forum, lingo, lingua franca, linguist, circumlocution, colloquium, locution, loquacious, proverbial, verbatim, verbose
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Vocabulary Test: Chinese Lesson EightWords:呀, 进, 快, 进来, 一下儿, 漂亮, 坐, 工作, 一点(儿), 吧, 要, 杯, 可乐, 可以, 给, 水, 瓶, 一起, 聊天(儿), 才, 回家, 打工, 好吃, 好喝, 好看, 好玩(儿), 汽水(儿), 矿泉水, 可口可乐, 百事可乐, 雪碧
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Vocabulary Test: SpellingWords:barrier, compose, considerable, industrious, shrivel, calculate, senseless, deputy, reliable, loot, rejoice, jolt
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Vocabulary Test: World Civi, MedievalWords:Muhammad, Allah, Five Pillars, Shari'a, Monasteries, Vikings, Feudalism, Vassal, Fief, Serfs, Manorialism, Three-Field System, Guild, Chivalry, Canon Law, Holy Roman Empire, Investiture Crisis, Concordat Of Worm, Crusades, Reconquista, Inquistion, Usury, Banking, Growth of towns/cities, William the Conqueror, Magna Carta, Parliament, Babylonian Captivity, Great Schism, Palgue
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Vocabulary Test: Chinese Lesson NineWords:给, 打电话, 喂, 在, 就, 那, 位, 时间, 几, 问题, 要, 开会, 节, 课, 年级, 考试, 以后, 以前, 要是, 方便, 到。。。去, 办公室, 行, 没问题, 等, 不客气, 文, 练习, 学习, 说, 啊, 但是, 得, 回来, 回去, 进来, 进去
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Vocabulary Test: voc sixWords:cloister, consort, equivocation, fantastical, harbinger, hither, husbandry, metaphysical, muzzle, perturb, plight, prophetic, purveyor, rapt, resigned, rebuke, tangible, transpose, ulcerous, corporal, assiduous, bedaub, somniferous, stupor, levity
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Vocabulary Test: chapter 6Words:Who Crispus Attucks?, What is the Boston Massacre?, What is the Townshend Acts?, What is the writs of assistance?, What are the daughters of liberty?, Who is Samuel Adams?, What is committee of correspondance?, What is the Boston Tea Party?, What are Duties?, Who is John Adams?, What is the Declaratory Act?, What did parliament approve in 1767?, What happened in 1768?, What happened in April 1770?, What did parliament pass in 1773, What is the sons of liberty?, What did Hewes destroy?
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Vocabulary Test: JgjWords:kug, gygugyu, hhhvvj, bhbhjhjjbhjbh, hjjhhbjhbj, hbbhbjbhbjbhb, hjbhbhbb, bhbbhjbhbhb, bhjbhbhbhj, bh, hhb, hb, hhuhuhu, bh, bh
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Vocabulary Test: Science MidtermWords:Water Vapor, Ozone Layer, Acid Rain, Land Breeze, Density, Storm, Mesosphere, Exosphere, Lightning, Altitude, Flood, Barometer, Drought, Thermosphere, Isobar, Isotherm, Pressure, Psychrometer, Soot, Evacuate, Anemometer, Coriolis Effect, Wind-chill Factor, Humidity, Wind, Scattering, Thunderhead, Radation, Cumulonimbus Clouds, Jet Streams, Cumulus Clouds, Stratus Clouds, Cirrus Clouds, Wind Vane, Hurricane, Tornado, Snowstorm, Forecast, Fog, Radar, Greenhouse Effect, Thermometer
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Vocabulary Test: JoeWords:Una ensalada, Unos vegetales, La orden, Un bote, Un te helado, La cena, Un bocadillo, Unas frutas, Un pan dulce, Unas papas fritas
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Vocabulary Test: Chinese Lesson TenWords:错, 都, 跟, 说话, 得, 帮助, 复习, 汉字, 写, 慢, 教, 怎么, 就, 学, 笔, 铅笔, 纸, 本子, 难, 快, 那里, 第, 预习, 语法, 容易, 多, 懂, 生词, 有一点(儿), 不谢, 平常, 这么, 半夜, 功课, 真, 大家, 念, 课文, 录音, 男得/女的, 帅
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Vocabulary Test: Photosynthesis Vocab QuizWords:autotroph, C3 Plant, C4 Plant, Calvin cycle, CAM plant, carbon fixation, electromagnetic energy, global warming, granum, greenhouse effect, light reaction, mesophyll, photon, photophosphorylation, photorespiration, photosynthesis, photosystem, producer, reaction center, stoma, stroma, thylakoid, wavelength
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