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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 4 of 7
mechanisms of urine formation, filtration, reabsorption, secretion, net filtration pressure determined by, two opposing forces of net filtration, glomerular hydrostatic pressure is , capsular hydrostatic pressure is , pressure because of plasma proteins does what , if you increase blood pressure there is , glomerular filtration rate, GFR is dependent on, increase blood pressure, decrease blood pressure, if GFR increases, if there is too much GFR too much nacl, if there is not enough GFR and little sodium, big decrease in blood volume will cause, what does norepinephrine do, renin

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 4 of 4
g cells produce, gastrin, in order to reduce ph you have to produce, plicae circularis, villi are, one each of the cells there are, microvilli form the , as you go from the duodenum down to illium there is , 4 lobes of the liver, hepatocytes , functions of the liver, porta hepatis, the pancreas is mostly, endocrine function of the pancreas, exocrine fuction of the pancreas, digestive enzymes digest, brush border activates, CCK does what, secretin, secretin and bile salts tell the liver

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 4 of 9
carbon dioxide in greater temperature does what, what if you have low levels of carbon dioxide, what if you have too much carbon dioxide, ventilation perfusion coupling, where alveolar O2 is high, where alveolar O2 is low, internal respiration, respiraotry membrane consists of , decreased surface area decreases what, 98.5% loosely bound to each Fe of hemoglobin is, oxyhemoglobin 98% is bound and is , how to transport carbon dioxide, loading and unloading of O2 is facilitated by, rate of unloading and loading O2 is regulated by, in systemic capillaries HCO3 quickly does what, what happens after HCO3 diffuses into plasma, CO2 combines with water to form what, if hydrogen rises excess H is removed by, if H concentration begins to drop H2CO3, increased metabolism

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 4 of 8
what does angiotensin do, renin causes, what triggers renin release, you do external respiration, when you get to tissues you do what, physical factors influencing pulmonary ventilation

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 4 of 1
external respiration occurs , you transport oxygen attached to what, you transport CO2 attached to , when you get to the tissues you do what, physical factors influencing pulmonary ventilation, surfactant, partial pressure in alveoli is greater so, why does carbon dioxide move, you want to unload oxygen if (is regulated by), increase in hydrogen ions=, the main reason why you do respiration is , alimentary canal, liver, gallbladder, ingestion, propulsion, mechanical digestion, chemical digestion, absorption, large intestine absorbs

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 4 of 5
CCK and secretin are involved in , peristalsis, stomach and small intestine peristalsis is called, in the anus peristalis is called, segmentation, large intestines big job is to, internal anus, external anus, haustrae, tenia coli, right kidney is lower and smaller than the left because, you make urine and drain it through the , renal cortex, renal medulla, renal pelvis, urethra , afferent arterial goes , renal corpus includes, way through the nephron, nephron spands part in

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Vocabulary Test: Phlebotomy Vocab
Vein, Ecchymosis, Basilic Vein, Glucose, Flash Back, Order-Of-Draw, Serum, Erythrocyre, Coagulate, Venipuncture, Hemolyze, Plasma, Peripheral Blood, Antecubital, Palpate, Hypodermic Needle, Fasting, Diaphoretic, Blind Stick, Aseptic, Embolus, Hematoma, Blood Clot, Anticoagulant, Blood

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 4 of 6
afferent arterial, efferent arterial, wall of capsule is , visceral is made of , podocytes are where, types of nephrons, cortical nephrons, vasa recta surrounds cortical allows you to, each kidney you have how many nephrons, three parts of filtration membrane, what can get throught the filtration membrane, what cannot get through filtration membrane, juxtaglomerular apparatus, granular cells can secrete, macula densa cells look at , masangial cells , filtrate urine, uine is what percent of total filtrate, you make how many liters of filtrate, you make how much urine

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 4 of 8
when all four are bound, if less than four are bound, what affects saturation, carbonic anhydrace, chloride shift , increase hydrogen ions =, more exercise does what to pH, increase respirations when you exercise why, increase metabolism, increase hydrogen ions you want to , increase in hydrogen ions does what to pH, with a lot of hydrogen ions you, gas that really affects breathing is , hyperventilation, the reason you pass out during hyperventilation, chemo receptors feel changes in , the receptors in peripheral aortic arch feel what, brain centers are stimulated by, peripheral centers are stimulated by, external respiration

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 4 final 2
acini cells, renal medulla, renal cotex , renal corpus , renal pelvis, vascula densa, vasa recta does what, granular cells, masangial cells, renal corpuscle, corticol nephrons, juxtemedulary nephron, granular cells, increase blood pressure, decrease blood pressure, superior mesenteric, inferior mesenteric, organs of the digestive tract, enamel, peridontal ligaments

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 4 final 1
superior mesenteric, inferior mesenteric, hepatric portal includes, organs of the digestive tract, mesenteric, enamel, peridontal ligaments, pulp cavity, wall of digestive from lumen out, pancreas produces, omentum, mucosa, celiac trunk, myenteric, chief cells produce, parietal produces, endocrine cells produce, secretin, secretn and bile salts tell the liver to do what, cck does what

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Root Words 105-173
amni/o, balan/o, colp/o, episi/o, gonad/o, gynec/o, hyster/o, lact/o, mamm/o, mast/o, men/o, nat/o, oopho/o, ovul/o, ovari/o, orch/o, salping/o, spermat/o, test/o, angi/o, vas/o, arteri/o, arther/o, brachi/o, cardi/o, coron/o, cyt/o, erythr/o, leuk/o, scler/o, ser/o, sphygm/o, thromb/o, ven/o, immun/o, lymphaden/o, splen/o, tox/o, aer/o, agglutin/o, ambul/o, anis/o, audi/o, aur/o, ot/o, bacill/o, bi/o, coagul/o, cry/o, esthesi/o, febr/o, gen/o, ger/o, hem/o, hemat/o, isch/o, kil/o, morph/o, myc/o, myring/o, necr/o, nos/o, ocul/o, ophthalm/o, onc/o, opt/o, path/o, ped/i, phag/o, pharmac/o, phleb/o, prandi/o, psych/o, pur/o, py/o, radi/o, tympan/o

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 4 of 3
serosa, two types of enteric nerve plexus, submucosal nerve plexus, myenteric nerve plexus, hard palate contains, hard and soft palate are composed of , salivary amylase, parotid, submandibular, sublingual, deglutition, uvula and the epiglottis, parietal, chief cells produce, endocrine cells produce, gastrin, cephalic phase, gastric phase, two stimuli of gastric phase, intestinal phase

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 4 of 2
only thing that is chemically digested in the stomach, only thing chemically digested in oral cavity, what is digested in small intestine, what if you have a problem with your liver, visceral peritoneum, parietal peritoneum, peritoneal cavity, retroperitoneal organs, peritonitis, omentum, mesentery, celiac trunk, superior mesenteric, inferior mesenteric, hepatic portal vein, hepatic portal includes, inferior mesenteric, mucosa, submucosa, muscularis

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Vocabulary Test: mythology
Prometheus (forethought/foreman), Epimetheus, Chaos, Io, Europa, Polyphemus, Adonis, Cyclops, Narcissus, Aphrodite, Echo, Hyacinth, Rhea (mother of Zeus), Cronus (father of Zeus), Titans, Argus, Pandora, Persephone, Apollo

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Vocabulary Test: Mystery of the Missing Lunch Vocabulary Test
Red Herring, Culprit, Alibi, Anxious, Evidence, Accuse, Survey, Secure, Succession, Suspect, Testify

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Vocabulary Test: tommy vocab2
Adroit, Amicable, Averse, Belligerent, Benevolent, Cursory, Duplicity, Extol, Feasible, Grimace, Holocaust, Impervious, Impetus, Jeopardy, Meticulous, Nostalgia, Quintessence, Retrogress, Scrutinize, Tepid

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Vocabulary Test: jimmy vocab 3
Abominate, Acculturation, Adventitious, Ascribe, Circuitous, Commiserate , Enjoin, Expedite, Expiate, Ferment, Inadvertent , Nominal, Noncommittal, Peculate, Proclivity, Sangfroid, Seditious, Tenuous, Vitriolic, Wheedle

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Vocabulary Test: Mystery
alibi, deduction, forensic, investigation, hunch, motive, mystery, suspense

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Vocabulary Test: Mystery Vocabulary Words
Victim, Witness, Suspect, Criminal , Culprit, Thief, Detective, Motive, Opportunity

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Vocabulary Test: Chinese Lesson Three
那, 书, 谁, 室友, 汉语, 课本, 汉日词典, 词典, 就是, 日语, 这, 磁带, 日本, 音乐, 朋友

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Vocabulary Test: mid-term quiz
Devshirme, Strait, Famine, Isthmus, Mosque, Caucasus, Sultan

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Vocabulary Test: Chinese Lesson Four
图书馆, 在, 那儿, 请问, 对不起, 这儿, 知道, 没关系, 教学, 楼, 那儿, 北边, 南边, 东边, 西边, 左边, 右边, 不用, 不用谢, 宿舍, 前边, 后边, 上边, 下边, 书店, 咖啡馆, 邮局, 商店, 食堂, 银行, 教室

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Vocabulary Test: freshman engliish exam review
precipitous, wrest, petty, dispossessed, acquiesce, affray, wont, marauder, ere, pinion, interloper, endeavor, draft, languor, succor, tranquil, translucent, blissful, luxuriate, congealed, corpse, premises, spanner, trifle, exasperated, cite, premeditated, spontaneous, alibi, ulterior, bedlam, craven, cur, grave, cannonading, fleeting, derisive, inscrutable, haggard, distraught, insolent, disdainful, rend, inisnuate, pandemonium

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Vocabulary Test: Quarter 2 Vocabulary
naive, inevitable, duress, insidious, heinous, sinewy, perplexing, arogant, drab, ravenous, loquacious, contempt, scrutinize

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Vocabulary Test: yg
matter, Physical Property, Chemical Property, element, compound, mixture, heterogeneous, homogeneous, solution, physical change, Chemical Change, Law o conservation o mass, colloid, suspension

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Vocabulary Test: rome
king, partricians, republic, senate, consuls, dictator, pleians, tribunes, veto, emperor, pronvinces, forum, policies, census, basilicas, legions, gladiators, agueduct, messiah, crucifixon, apostle, gospels, chistianity, old testament, new testament, martyrs

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Vocabulary Test: Watsons- Chapters 1-4
emulate, punctual, vital, eavesdropped, discrimination, prohibited, provoke, segregation, pinnacle, hostile

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Vocabulary Test: Buster Makes The Grade
mr.ratbrun, was, handing, back, some, math, quizzes

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Vocabulary Test: history (people) study guide
Nat Turner, Saqajawea, Alexander Hamilton, Andrew Jackson, John Marshal, Albert Gallatin, Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, Daniel Shays, Tories, Thomas Paine, William Penn, Corteze, Maqilin, Roger Williams, John Smith, John Cabot

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Vocabulary Test: history (places) study guide
spain, georgia, pacific coast, china, florida, bering straight, france, boston, philidelphia, saratoga, lexington, spain, new orleans, louisiana, trippecanoe, virginia

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Vocabulary Test: SCBDA Musical Terms
a poco, a tempo, accelerando, adagietto, adagio, al fine, alla, allargando, allegretto, allegro, andante, andantino, animato, aappasssionato, briliante, cantabile, chromatic, coda, con amina, con brio, con forza, grazia, con spirito, crescendo, da capo, dal segno, decresendo, diminuendo, dolce, energico, etude, fermata, forte, fortissimo, furioso, grandioso, grave, grazioso, l'istesso, larghetto, largo, legato, lento, maestoso, marziale, meno, mezzo, moderato, molto, mosso, non troppo, pianissimo, piano, pocp, pocp a poco, prestissimo, presto, rallentando, ritardando, ritenuto, rubato, segno, sempre, sforzando, simile, soli, solo, sostenuto, staccato, subito, tacet, tempo, tenuto, vivace, ?????, ?????

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Vocabulary Test: history (things) study guide
albony plan, navigation acts, london company, mayflower compact, merchantalism, mestizos, 12th amendment, articles of confederation, bill of rights, sedition act, virginia plan, republican party, tariff of 1832, judicial review, nullification, monroe doctrine, marbury vs. madison

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Vocabulary Test: Tollbooth
macabre, depict, overwrought, luminous, laudable, dejected, unkempt, perilous, obstinate, amiable, adept, animosity, malicious, procrastinating, tumult, nuisance, ominous, superfluous, erratic, precarious, concur, cacophony, lethargic, disconsolate, barren, pungent

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Vocabulary Test: Spanish 4 Mid-Term Exam
la carabela, la neblina, la colina, la orilla, el siglo, la guerra, la lucha, veraniego(a), extranjero(a), huir, parecerse a, el apoyo, los aparatos, el caserio, previo(a), optar por, sobre las cuatro, al cabo de, doler, doloroso(a)

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Vocabulary Test: Soldier's Heart Vocabulary 1
ague, anguish, apalling, bellow, commandeered, contorted, corrosion, demoralized, expend, forage, heft, horrific, inferno, latrine, mutiny, rabid, skirmish, unscathed, din, commissary

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Vocabulary Test: Chinese Lesson Five
专业, 国际, 关系, 中文, 系, 研究生, 现代, 文学, 有, 空 (儿), 时候, 欢迎, 去, 玩(儿), 卫生间, 教室, 旁边, 里边, 外边, 中间, 对面, 对, 现在, 常常, 的时候, 喝茶, 喝咖啡, 听音乐, 看书, 看朋友, 看电影, 看电视, 喜欢, 唱歌, 开车, 做作业, 吃饭, 做什么

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Vocabulary Test: history study guide
most important part of louisiana purchase?, jefferson and the republicans feared the power of the federalist, medisons veto of the bonus bill was important?, missouri compromise?, jackson supported allo of the following but?, james monroe?, series of events?

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Vocabulary Test: Chinese Lesson Six Part One
现在, 几, 点, 大学, 早上, 上课, 部分, 大部分, 分, 学校, 下课, 半, 太。。。了, 早, 电影, 开始, 差, 刻, 议会儿, 见, 早上, 上午, 中午, 下午, 晚上, 今天, 明天, 明天, 每天, 起床, 早饭, 午饭, 晚饭, 睡觉

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Vocabulary Test: Human Righs Vocabulary 1
life, rights, freedom, peace, belief, faith
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