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Vocabulary Test: Chinese Lesson ThreeWords:é‚£, 书, è°, 室å‹, 汉è¯, 课本, 汉日è¯å…¸, è¯å…¸, 就是, æ—¥è¯, è¿™, ç£å¸¦, 日本, 音ä¹, 朋å‹
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Vocabulary Test: Chinese Lesson FourWords:图书馆, 在, 那儿, 请问, 对不起, 这儿, 知道, 没关系, 教学, 楼, 那儿, 北边, 南边, 东边, 西边, 左边, 右边, 不用, 不用谢, 宿舍, 前边, 后边, 上边, 下边, 书店, 咖啡馆, 邮局, 商店, 食堂, 银行, 教室
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Vocabulary Test: freshman engliish exam reviewWords:precipitous, wrest, petty, dispossessed, acquiesce, affray, wont, marauder, ere, pinion, interloper, endeavor, draft, languor, succor, tranquil, translucent, blissful, luxuriate, congealed, corpse, premises, spanner, trifle, exasperated, cite, premeditated, spontaneous, alibi, ulterior, bedlam, craven, cur, grave, cannonading, fleeting, derisive, inscrutable, haggard, distraught, insolent, disdainful, rend, inisnuate, pandemonium
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Vocabulary Test: Quarter 2 VocabularyWords:naive, inevitable, duress, insidious, heinous, sinewy, perplexing, arogant, drab, ravenous, loquacious, contempt, scrutinize
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Vocabulary Test: ygWords:matter, Physical Property, Chemical Property, element, compound, mixture, heterogeneous, homogeneous, solution, physical change, Chemical Change, Law o conservation o mass, colloid, suspension
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Vocabulary Test: romeWords:king, partricians, republic, senate, consuls, dictator, pleians, tribunes, veto, emperor, pronvinces, forum, policies, census, basilicas, legions, gladiators, agueduct, messiah, crucifixon, apostle, gospels, chistianity, old testament, new testament, martyrs
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Vocabulary Test: history (people) study guideWords:Nat Turner, Saqajawea, Alexander Hamilton, Andrew Jackson, John Marshal, Albert Gallatin, Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, Daniel Shays, Tories, Thomas Paine, William Penn, Corteze, Maqilin, Roger Williams, John Smith, John Cabot
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Vocabulary Test: history (places) study guideWords:spain, georgia, pacific coast, china, florida, bering straight, france, boston, philidelphia, saratoga, lexington, spain, new orleans, louisiana, trippecanoe, virginia
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Vocabulary Test: SCBDA Musical TermsWords:a poco, a tempo, accelerando, adagietto, adagio, al fine, alla, allargando, allegretto, allegro, andante, andantino, animato, aappasssionato, briliante, cantabile, chromatic, coda, con amina, con brio, con forza, grazia, con spirito, crescendo, da capo, dal segno, decresendo, diminuendo, dolce, energico, etude, fermata, forte, fortissimo, furioso, grandioso, grave, grazioso, l'istesso, larghetto, largo, legato, lento, maestoso, marziale, meno, mezzo, moderato, molto, mosso, non troppo, pianissimo, piano, pocp, pocp a poco, prestissimo, presto, rallentando, ritardando, ritenuto, rubato, segno, sempre, sforzando, simile, soli, solo, sostenuto, staccato, subito, tacet, tempo, tenuto, vivace, ?????, ?????
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Vocabulary Test: history (things) study guideWords:albony plan, navigation acts, london company, mayflower compact, merchantalism, mestizos, 12th amendment, articles of confederation, bill of rights, sedition act, virginia plan, republican party, tariff of 1832, judicial review, nullification, monroe doctrine, marbury vs. madison
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Vocabulary Test: TollboothWords:macabre, depict, overwrought, luminous, laudable, dejected, unkempt, perilous, obstinate, amiable, adept, animosity, malicious, procrastinating, tumult, nuisance, ominous, superfluous, erratic, precarious, concur, cacophony, lethargic, disconsolate, barren, pungent
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Vocabulary Test: Spanish 4 Mid-Term ExamWords:la carabela, la neblina, la colina, la orilla, el siglo, la guerra, la lucha, veraniego(a), extranjero(a), huir, parecerse a, el apoyo, los aparatos, el caserio, previo(a), optar por, sobre las cuatro, al cabo de, doler, doloroso(a)
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Vocabulary Test: Soldier's Heart Vocabulary 1Words:ague, anguish, apalling, bellow, commandeered, contorted, corrosion, demoralized, expend, forage, heft, horrific, inferno, latrine, mutiny, rabid, skirmish, unscathed, din, commissary
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Vocabulary Test: Chinese Lesson FiveWords:专业, 国际, 关系, 中文, 系, 研究生, 现代, 文学, 有, 空 (儿), 时候, 欢迎, 去, 玩(儿), 卫生间, 教室, 旁边, 里边, 外边, 中间, 对面, 对, 现在, 常常, 的时候, 喝茶, 喝咖啡, 听音乐, 看书, 看朋友, 看电影, 看电视, 喜欢, 唱歌, 开车, 做作业, 吃饭, 做什么
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Vocabulary Test: history study guideWords:most important part of louisiana purchase?, jefferson and the republicans feared the power of the federalist, medisons veto of the bonus bill was important?, missouri compromise?, jackson supported allo of the following but?, james monroe?, series of events?
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Vocabulary Test: Chinese Lesson Six Part OneWords:现在, 几, 点, 大学, 早上, 上课, 部分, 大部分, 分, 学校, 下课, 半, 太。。。了, 早, 电影, 开始, 差, 刻, 议会儿, 见, 早上, 上午, 中午, 下午, 晚上, 今天, 明天, 明天, 每天, 起床, 早饭, 午饭, 晚饭, 睡觉
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