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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 4 of 19
pancreas is located, acenar cells , exocrine you secrete, hormones, endocrine that are produced in pancreas, what area of cells are endocrine in the pancreas, 2 functions of the pancreas, endocrine function of the pacreas, exocrine function of the pancreas, enzymes in small itestine activate pancreatic enzymes is , when chyme is sent in the small intestine you release, wall of small duodenum makes what , bile salts and secretin tells what to produce more bile, CCJ tells the gallbladder to do what, CCK and secretin , segmentation, vegus nerve is sympathetic or parasympathetic, high ph makes you want to make more what, low ph you do not want to do what, functions of the stomach, control of gastric digestion two types

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 4 of 20
nervous system control of gastric digestion, what does sympathetic do during gastric digestion, hormones during gastric digestion, chemo receptors target what to make gastrin, gastrin does what, increase muscle contraction is due to , in small intestine you do two movements, segmentation, peristalic waves, ilicecal valve, large itnestine movement, haustal contractions, mass movment, gastrocolic reflex, contracting what will keep you from defecating, external anal sphincter is , internal anal sphincter is , ureters go where, right kidney is lower than the left why, glands on the kidney are called

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 4 of 22
2 layers of the glumerular capsule, parietal is what in the nephron, visceral has what in the nephron, types of nephrons 2, 85% of nephrons are , 15% of nephrons are , vasa recta allow you to , renal copscle means, podocyte , filtration membrane includes, juxtaglomerular apparatus, granular cells make, macula densa cells, granular cells , mesangial cells , the kidneys filtrate, the kidneys filter how much urine, mechanism of urine formation, renal copisol, net filtration pressure

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 4 of 7
ventilation perfusion coupling, perfusion, autoregulation, increased oxygen you, decreased oxygen you, daltons law, partial pressure of each gas is directly proportional to, total atomosphere, oxygen accounts for , henrys law, carbon dioxide does like, oxygen does not like to , nitrogen , parital pressure of oxygen is , when adding one oxygen, once you bind one oxygen what happens, hemoglobin will , unbinding , when all four are bound hemoglobin is , if less than four are bound hemoglobin is

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 4 of 21
indent where vessels and ureter are attached are called, in each kidney you have how many nephrons, kidneys, urinary bladder, ureters, urethra, renal cortex, renal medulla, renal pelvis, blood vesssel bring what to the nephron, renal artery brings what in the kidney, vessels do what in the kidney, 5 parts of nephron, afferent arterial goes to what , efferent goes where, efferent forms the , the kidney cannot filter out what, every day you squeeze out how many liters , three processes of the nephron, most of the nephron is where

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 4 of 23
net filtration pressure , normal filtration is , increase hydrostatic pressure and bp you do what, intrinsic controls of glomerular filtration, extrinsic controls of glomerular filtration, intrinsic controls myogenic mechanism, myogenic control deals with , macula densa cells of the JGA respond to , extrinsic controls of the sympathetic system triggers what, what does renin do, what are the effects of angiotensin 2, you release renin when you, what triggers renin release

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy test 4 of 1
alveoli is the respiratory zone where, capillaries are composed of , what has to get through the respiratory membrane , type one cells are composed of , respiratory membrane is composed of , wall of respiratory membrane includes, cappilaries surround alveoli like, type two cells make what, surfactant does what, pores, what surrounds alveoli, macrophages constantly do what, cilli help what, apex of the lungs is where, base on the lungs sits, cardiac notch is where, main bronchus goes , pulmonary arteries bring, the lugs are attached where, space between the lungs is called

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 4 of 3
parietal layer, visceral , pleural cavity located, pleurisy , pleural pressure, normal pressure , pressure between parietal and visceral , intra pulmonary pressure , difference between pleural pressure minus intrapulmonary pressur, difference between pleural pressure and intrapulmonary called, pulmonary ventilation consists of two phases, atmospheric pressure, intrapulmonary (intra-alveolar) pressure, two inward forced promote, elastic recole of lungs decreases, thoracic wall pulls outward allowing, things that make your lungs want to collapse, lungs want to stay open because of , intrapleural pressure, if intrapleural pressure and intrapulmonary pressure and equal

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 4 of 2
main bronchi is called , the root of the lungs includes, serous membrane does what, parietal layer, visceral layer, space between the parietal and the visceral layer is called, broncho pulmonary, since the lungs have their own air and blood supply , hilium means, what is found on the hilium, cancerous lung, lungs with polutants, deoxygenated blood coming from pulmonary trunk to each lung, pulmonary veins coming back from the lungs , bronchial arteries, nerve supply, parasympathetic comes from, sympathetic coming from, what would sympathetic do to the tubing, parasympathetic woul ddo what to the tubing

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 4 of 4
intrapulmonary pressure minus intrapleural pressure equals, what happens if you do not have transpulmonary pressure, inspiration is active or passive process, intrapulmonary pressure drops during , what happens during inspiration, boyles law, decrease in volume equals , increase in volume equals , decrease volume you, increase volume decreases pressure which, phrenic nerve innervates the, what happens when the phrenic nerve stops sending impulses, inspiration happens when , external intercostal, where are the external intercostals, inspiratory muscles include, forced inspiration muscles include, expiration muscles include, forced expiration muscles include, forced expiration and forced inspiration is an

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 4 of 6
conducting zone, physiological or alveolar dead space, why would someone not be able to do a gas exchange any longer, alveolar dead space, total dead space is the sum of waht, respiratory volumes used to asses a persons respiratory status, why does oxygen move from alveolus to capillary, why does carbon dioxide leave the vessel at the venous in alveol, why does oxygen go out into the tissue, partial pressure is greater in tissues causing, external respiration occurs in the lungs using, internal respiration occurs, gases move using , diffusion is moving from, ventilation perfusion coupling, perfusion, if you have low ventialtion (oxygen in alveoli) why send blood, perfusion, ventilation, the alveoli with less oxygen

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 4 of 5
once the phrenic nerve relaxes, passive process, active process, quiet expiration is normally, during expiration inspiratory muscles, thoracic cavity volume decreases during, pressure increases during, resistance, when would there be a problem with resistance, what is given to people to help relax thier smooth muscles , surfactant, when are there problems with surfactant, lung compliance means, examples of problems with lung compliance, tidal volume, inspiratory reserve, expiratory reserve , residential volume, vital capacity, dead space

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 4 of 8
when all four are bound, if less than four are bound, what affects saturation, carbonic anhydrace, chloride shift , increase hydrogen ions =, more exercise does what to pH, increase respirations when you exercise why, increase metabolism, increase hydrogen ions you want to , increase in hydrogen ions does what to pH, with a lot of hydrogen ions you, gas that really affects breathing is , hyperventilation, the reason you pass out during hyperventilation, chemo receptors feel changes in , the receptors in peripheral aortic arch feel what, brain centers are stimulated by, peripheral centers are stimulated by, external respiration

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 4 of 6
afferent arterial, efferent arterial, wall of capsule is , visceral is made of , podocytes are where, types of nephrons, cortical nephrons, vasa recta surrounds cortical allows you to, each kidney you have how many nephrons, three parts of filtration membrane, what can get throught the filtration membrane, what cannot get through filtration membrane, juxtaglomerular apparatus, granular cells can secrete, macula densa cells look at , masangial cells , filtrate urine, uine is what percent of total filtrate, you make how many liters of filtrate, you make how much urine

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 4 of 8
what does angiotensin do, renin causes, what triggers renin release, you do external respiration, when you get to tissues you do what, physical factors influencing pulmonary ventilation

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 4 of 9
carbon dioxide in greater temperature does what, what if you have low levels of carbon dioxide, what if you have too much carbon dioxide, ventilation perfusion coupling, where alveolar O2 is high, where alveolar O2 is low, internal respiration, respiraotry membrane consists of , decreased surface area decreases what, 98.5% loosely bound to each Fe of hemoglobin is, oxyhemoglobin 98% is bound and is , how to transport carbon dioxide, loading and unloading of O2 is facilitated by, rate of unloading and loading O2 is regulated by, in systemic capillaries HCO3 quickly does what, what happens after HCO3 diffuses into plasma, CO2 combines with water to form what, if hydrogen rises excess H is removed by, if H concentration begins to drop H2CO3, increased metabolism

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 4 of 1
external respiration occurs , you transport oxygen attached to what, you transport CO2 attached to , when you get to the tissues you do what, physical factors influencing pulmonary ventilation, surfactant, partial pressure in alveoli is greater so, why does carbon dioxide move, you want to unload oxygen if (is regulated by), increase in hydrogen ions=, the main reason why you do respiration is , alimentary canal, liver, gallbladder, ingestion, propulsion, mechanical digestion, chemical digestion, absorption, large intestine absorbs

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 4 of 3
serosa, two types of enteric nerve plexus, submucosal nerve plexus, myenteric nerve plexus, hard palate contains, hard and soft palate are composed of , salivary amylase, parotid, submandibular, sublingual, deglutition, uvula and the epiglottis, parietal, chief cells produce, endocrine cells produce, gastrin, cephalic phase, gastric phase, two stimuli of gastric phase, intestinal phase

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 4 of 2
only thing that is chemically digested in the stomach, only thing chemically digested in oral cavity, what is digested in small intestine, what if you have a problem with your liver, visceral peritoneum, parietal peritoneum, peritoneal cavity, retroperitoneal organs, peritonitis, omentum, mesentery, celiac trunk, superior mesenteric, inferior mesenteric, hepatic portal vein, hepatic portal includes, inferior mesenteric, mucosa, submucosa, muscularis

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 4 of 7
mechanisms of urine formation, filtration, reabsorption, secretion, net filtration pressure determined by, two opposing forces of net filtration, glomerular hydrostatic pressure is , capsular hydrostatic pressure is , pressure because of plasma proteins does what , if you increase blood pressure there is , glomerular filtration rate, GFR is dependent on, increase blood pressure, decrease blood pressure, if GFR increases, if there is too much GFR too much nacl, if there is not enough GFR and little sodium, big decrease in blood volume will cause, what does norepinephrine do, renin

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Vocabulary Test: aileen
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Vocabulary Test: Prefixes~ UN......PRE

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary test
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Vocabulary Test: WWW
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Vocabulary Test: language
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Vocabulary Test: unit 3
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Vocabulary Test: LOL POPDOPSHIT
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Vocabulary Test: garage
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Vocabulary Test: math test 6-7
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Vocabulary Test: Brianna Nauman
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Vocabulary Test: A Perfect Execution Pages 211-220
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Vocabulary Test: MrB_001
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Test #10
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Vocabulary Test: 7,1
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Lesson 1
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Vocabulary Test: sat2
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Inv 1-3
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Vocabulary Test: Chinese Lesson One
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Vocabulary Test: Chinese Lesson Two
哪, 国, 人, 同学, 们, 来, 介绍, 一下(r), 姓, 的, 美国, 他, 认识, 很, 高兴, 也, 呢, 东方大学, 天明, 小白, 张红, 王朋, 李友, 加拿大, 中国
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