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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 1 of 3Words:up regulation, down regulation, posterior pituitary is , anterior pituitary is , hypophysis means, adeno means, another name for anterior pituitary, another name for posterior pituitary, neuro means, anterior pituitary makes , what tells the anterior pituitary to secrete, making growth hormones, anterior pituitary is completely controlled by the , what travels in the blood supply, portal system, hypothalamophypophyseal portal system, posterior pituitary produce, ADH and oxytosin, hypothalamuohypophyseal tract, posterior pituitary does not make what
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 1 of 2Words:endocrine tissue is avascular or vascular, endocrine system produces blood and puts it where, autocrine glands, paracrine, what can easily go through the cell membrane, what cannot get through the cell membrane, 2 types of hormones, lipid soluble, lipid soluble are ___ based, water soluble are _____ based, the cyclic AMP signaling mechanism, lipids are _____ that cause_____, most abundant hormones are , when one water based attaches to cell membrane , increase in growth hormone would cause, cyclic AMP is , when you have a second messenger, if you have alipid based , increase in receptors causes, good affinity and a big amount causes
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 1 of 4Words:anterior pituitary produces , anterior pituitary hormone are not made unless, hypothalamus makes, posterior pituitary does not what, TSH does what, thyroid controls what, if you have a problem is basal metabolic rate you, tropic means, ACTH (adreno cortico tropic hormone) does what, growth hormone targets, prolactin targets , follicle stimulating hormone targets, lutenizing hormone does what, pituitary description, posterior pituitary does what , anterior pituitary does what , amino based hormones perform , lipid soluble perform, activation depends on, up regulation, down regulation, lipid soluble are , thyroid hormone is also attached to
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 1 of 6Words:gonadotropis , Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) , process of gonadotropins, prolactin does what, how to inhibit prolactin, prolactin is released by the , high estrogen will increase release of , girls have high estrogen right before what, what will increase estrogen, posterior pituitary does what, oxytosin stimulates what, as the baby grows pushing down what happens, as the baby feeds it hurts because, if you dont produce enough oxytosin what happens, senestray , ADH does what in the kidney, ADH is what, ADH is produced by the , ADH is released by the , ADH is released why, decreased blood pressure means what, with diabetes insifidus you are not, what happens with urine with diabetes insifidus
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 5 of 6Words:respiratory acidosis and alkalosis are looking at, metabolic acidosis and alkalosis are looking at, strong acid, weak acid, strong base, weak bases accept, causes of metabolic acidosis, someone with diarrhea will get rid of , metabolic alkalosis is much less commmon than, metabolic alkalosis is indicated by, metabolic alkalosis is caused by, male gonad, femal gonad, gemale gametes, sex hormones male, sex hormoes female, scrotum keeps the testes, bulburethra, the scrotum has two muscles, the muscles of the scrotum do what
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 1 of 5Words:one way of getting rid of thyroid hormone is , permissive , synergist, antagonist, glucagon and insulin are what, testosterone and thyroid hormone are what, humoral, if calcium i the blood is too low you will, tropic hormones, tropic hormones do what, tells growth hormone when to stimulate, what happens with growth hormone, storage area of ATP is in the , glycogen is brokedown where, growth hormone is regulated by hormones in the , growth hormone targets, too much growth hormone causes, acromegaly- hypersecretion of growth hormone, hyposecretion- pituitary dwarf, thyroid stimulating hormone released by, TRH (thryoid releasing hormone), TRH goes where, andrenocorticotropic hormone, corticosteroids- glucocorticoid, what does cortisol do
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 1 of 7Words:thyroid gland produces what, T3 and T4 control what, follicular makes what, T4 is what you see where, cells want what T3 or T4, since T4 is mainly in the blood what happens, hypothyroid- myexedema (mucus swelling), iodine is needed for what, goiter- hypothyroidism, what will resolve goiter, severe hypothyroid- cretinism, graves- hyperthyroid, Exophthalmos, why does thryoid gland have great blood supply, 4 tissues on the back of the thyroid are, parathryoid is involved in , both calcitonin and PTH are involved in, hydroxyappetite, when you need more calcium in blood what happens, antagonist (Calcium), calcitonin does what to calcium, PTH does what to calcium, parathyroid is what causes calcium to
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Vocabulary Test: My quizWords:amyl/o, append/o, cholecyst/o, col/o, dont/o, enter/o, enzyme/o, esopha/o, gastr/o, hepat/o, lingu/o, pancreat/o, pharyng/o, proct/o
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 1 of 1Words:nervous system includes, endocrine system includes, speed of nervous system, speed of endocrine, there is a _____ period with endocrine stimulus, endocrine gland includes, neuroendocrine includes, organs that are "partial", thymus produces, pancreas produces, testes and ovaries produce, cells that determine self-verse nonself , hypothalamus is part what, tissues that make hormones, fat tissue produces, heart produces , ANP does what, Kidneys produce, erythroprotein does what, endocrine tissue is characterized as, exocrine gland, endocrine
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Vocabulary Test: Jimmy BobWords:Diagram, discuss, distinguish, enumerate, evaluate, explain, illustrate, interpret, justify, list , outline , analyze, categorize, classify, compare, contrast, criticize, deduce, defened, define, describe, paraphrase, predict, prove, relate, review, state, summarize, synthesize, trace
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Vocabulary Test: Greek Myth Vocab 2Words:Atlas, Calliope, Cloth, Echo, Fortune, Titanic, Morphine, Erotic, Geology, Hypnosis, Insomnia, Jovial, Opulent, Terminal, Lunatic
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 4 of 2Words:main bronchi is called , the root of the lungs includes, serous membrane does what, parietal layer, visceral layer, space between the parietal and the visceral layer is called, broncho pulmonary, since the lungs have their own air and blood supply , hilium means, what is found on the hilium, cancerous lung, lungs with polutants, deoxygenated blood coming from pulmonary trunk to each lung, pulmonary veins coming back from the lungs , bronchial arteries, nerve supply, parasympathetic comes from, sympathetic coming from, what would sympathetic do to the tubing, parasympathetic woul ddo what to the tubing
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 4 of 20Words:nervous system control of gastric digestion, what does sympathetic do during gastric digestion, hormones during gastric digestion, chemo receptors target what to make gastrin, gastrin does what, increase muscle contraction is due to , in small intestine you do two movements, segmentation, peristalic waves, ilicecal valve, large itnestine movement, haustal contractions, mass movment, gastrocolic reflex, contracting what will keep you from defecating, external anal sphincter is , internal anal sphincter is , ureters go where, right kidney is lower than the left why, glands on the kidney are called
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 4 of 19Words:pancreas is located, acenar cells , exocrine you secrete, hormones, endocrine that are produced in pancreas, what area of cells are endocrine in the pancreas, 2 functions of the pancreas, endocrine function of the pacreas, exocrine function of the pancreas, enzymes in small itestine activate pancreatic enzymes is , when chyme is sent in the small intestine you release, wall of small duodenum makes what , bile salts and secretin tells what to produce more bile, CCJ tells the gallbladder to do what, CCK and secretin , segmentation, vegus nerve is sympathetic or parasympathetic, high ph makes you want to make more what, low ph you do not want to do what, functions of the stomach, control of gastric digestion two types
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 4 of 22Words:2 layers of the glumerular capsule, parietal is what in the nephron, visceral has what in the nephron, types of nephrons 2, 85% of nephrons are , 15% of nephrons are , vasa recta allow you to , renal copscle means, podocyte , filtration membrane includes, juxtaglomerular apparatus, granular cells make, macula densa cells, granular cells , mesangial cells , the kidneys filtrate, the kidneys filter how much urine, mechanism of urine formation, renal copisol, net filtration pressure
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 4 of 21Words:indent where vessels and ureter are attached are called, in each kidney you have how many nephrons, kidneys, urinary bladder, ureters, urethra, renal cortex, renal medulla, renal pelvis, blood vesssel bring what to the nephron, renal artery brings what in the kidney, vessels do what in the kidney, 5 parts of nephron, afferent arterial goes to what , efferent goes where, efferent forms the , the kidney cannot filter out what, every day you squeeze out how many liters , three processes of the nephron, most of the nephron is where
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Vocabulary Test: poetry termsWords:rhythm, free verse, personification, speaker, alliteration, metaphor, lines, stanza, rhyme, repetition, onomomatopoeia, imagery, simile
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Vocabulary Test: Mid-Year Exam VocabWords:abhor, capricious, empathy, fabricate, indictment, melodramatic, mandatory, hierarchy, goad, flux, innate, ambivalent, cajole, benevolent, umbrage, sedate, renovate, suffice, tragedy, relish, ameliorate, chastise, lethargic, fortuitous, hedonist, grandiose, loquacious, refrain, strife, terse, arbitrator, brazen, uniform, synopsis, ostracize, quaint, raze, neonate, noxious, pariah, amorphous, cavort, berate, audacious, callous, hiatus, manifest, fortify
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Vocabulary Test: VocabularyWords:precarious, succient, placid, diplatidated, trivial, ominous, trepidation, destitute, minute, despondent, fleet, ostentatious, affluent, tepid, loiter, latter, immense, ludicrous, rancid, irate
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab 76-100Words:dissension, beatitude, descry, odorous, devising, covert, discern, throng, array, festoons, don, admonish, shrewd
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Vocabulary Test: Canterbury Tales VocabularyWords:pilgrimage, penance, physiognomy, indulgence, martyr, sovereign, coy, cloister, absolve, shrive, wanton, secular, sanguine, tithe, tabard, lechery, mercenary, seemly, guile, prevarication, wend, hostelry, sedate, prelate, scurrility, preferment, repine, concubine, diocese
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Vocabulary Test: Lesson 5Words:n. avalance, n. blizzard, v. challenge, v. conquer, n. crevice, adj. foolhardy, v. lure, n. makeshift, n. optimist, adj. previous, n. route, n. summit, adj. terse, v. thwart, adj. vertical, n. optimism, n. challenge, n. lure, n. conquest, adj. makeshift
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Vocabulary Test: Tech05Words:bohemian, deterrence, synergy, criminological, desperate, Draconian, deprivation, marginally, federalized, Rake
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 4 VocabularyWords:serene, precursor, immense, discourage, yielded, indomitable, bias, vortex, paradise, flora, evoke, anticipation, reverence, fauna, venture, millstone, entreat, phenomenon, ignite, prosperity
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Vocabulary Test: vocabularyq2Words:Audible, Dialect, Dialog, Ebbed, Exasperation, Figurative Language, Gleaned, Gully, Historical Fiction, Loitering, Meticulous, Monotonous, Mortgage, Pensive, Plantation, Raucous, Scarlet, Symbolism, Vigorous
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Vocabulary Test: Wordly Wise #6 Vocab QuizWords:apparel, appreciate, continuous, dissolve, transfer, shed, motion, sheathe, inhibit, minute, hatch, fiber, emerge, function, domesticate
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Vocabulary Test: OCR GCSE Latin Vocabulary (Higher Tier) 2Words:descendo, descendere, descendi, descensus (verb 3), deus, dei (m) (noun 2), dico, dicere, dixi, dictus (verb 3), dies, diei (m) (noun 5), difficilis, difficile (adjective), diligens, diligentis (adjective), dirus, dira, dirum (adjective), discedo, discedere, discessi (verb 3), diu (adverb), do, dare, dedi, datus (verb 1), doceo, docere, docui, doctus (verb 2), domina, dominae (f) (noun 1), dominus, domini (m) (noun 2), domus (f) (noun 4), domi, donum, doni (n) (noun 2), dormio, dormire, dormivi (verb 4), duco, ducere, duxi, ductus (verb 3), dum (conjunction), dux, ducis (m) (noun 3), e, ex (+ ablative) (also used as prefix with verbs) (preposition, ecce! (adverb), effugio, effugere, effugi (verb 3), ego, mei (pronoun), egredior, egredi, egressus sum (verb 3 deponent), emo, emere, emi, emptus (verb 3), enim (conjunction), eo, ire, i(v)i (conjunction), epistula, epistulae (f) (noun 1), equus, equi (m) (noun 2), et (conjunction), et... et, etiam (adverb), exercitus (m) (noun 4), exspecto, exspectare, exspectavi, exspectatus (verb 1), facilis, facile (adjective), facio, facere, feci, factus (verb 3), faveo, favere, favi, fautus (+ dative) (verb 2), felix, felicis (adjective), femina, feminae (f) (noun 1), fero, ferre, tuli, latus (irregular verb), ferox, ferocis (adjective), festino, festinare, festinavi (verb 1), fidelis, fidele (adjective), filia, filiae (f) (noun 1), filius, filii (m) (noun 2), flumen, fluminis (n) (noun 3), forte (adverb), fortis, forte (adjective), forum, fori (n) (noun 2), frater, fratris (m) (noun 3), frustra (adverb), fugio, fugere, fugi (verb 3), gaudeo, gaudere, gavisus sum (verb 2), gaudium, gaudii (n) (noun 2), gens, gentis (f) (noun 3), gladius, gladii (m) (noun 2), gravis, grave (adjective), habeo, habere, habui, habitus (verb 2), habito, habitare, habitavi, habitavus (verb 1), heri (adverb), hic, haec, hoc (pronoun), hic (adverb), hodie (adverb), homo, hominis (m) (noun 3), hora, horae (f) (noun 1), hortur, hortari, hortatus sum (verb 1 deponent), hortus, horti (m) (noun 2), hostis (m) (noun 3), iaceo, iacere, iacui (verb 2), iam (adverb), ianua, ianuae (f) (noun 1), ibi (adverb), idem, eadem, idem (pronoun), igitur (adverb), ille, illa, illud (pronoun), imperator, imperatoris (m) (noun 3), imperium, imperii (n) (noun 2), impero, imperare, imperavi, imperatus (+ dative) (verb 1), in (+ ablative) (also used as prefix with verbs), in (+ accusative) (also used as prefix with verbs), incendo, incendere, incendi, incensus (verb 3), infelix, infelicis (adjective), ingens, ingentis (adjective), ingredior, ingredi, ingressus sum (verb 3 deponent), inimicus, inimici (m) (noun 2), inquit (irregular verb), insula, insulae (f) (noun 1), intellego, intellegere, intellexi, intellectus (verb 3), inter (+ accusative) (preposition), interea (adverb), interficio, interficere, interfeci, interfectus (verb 3), intro, intrare, intravi, intratus (verb 1), invenio, invenire, inveni, inventus (verb 4), invito, invitare, invitavi, invitatus (verb 1), ipse, ipsa, ipsum (pronoun), ira, irae (f) (noun 1), iratus, irata, iratum (adjective), is, ea, id (pronoun) (this, that, he, she, it, them), ita (adverb)
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Vocabulary Test: 6Words:Kioalsodwal, wal-mart, jilfodo, pooppee, peepee, kilojolzzko, kilooopo
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