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Vocabulary Test: Semester 1 Vocabualry
apparently, cliche, akward, chaotic, dilemma, exhale

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Vocabulary Test: poetry terms
rhythm, free verse, personification, speaker, alliteration, metaphor, lines, stanza, rhyme, repetition, onomomatopoeia, imagery, simile

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Vocabulary Test: chapter 1
blur, grren, loo, noo, monkey, job

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary week #4
Tract, Detract, Protracted, Retraction, Intractable, Mal, Malevolent, Malady, Malign, Malnourished

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Vocabulary Test: Mid-Year Exam Vocab
abhor, capricious, empathy, fabricate, indictment, melodramatic, mandatory, hierarchy, goad, flux, innate, ambivalent, cajole, benevolent, umbrage, sedate, renovate, suffice, tragedy, relish, ameliorate, chastise, lethargic, fortuitous, hedonist, grandiose, loquacious, refrain, strife, terse, arbitrator, brazen, uniform, synopsis, ostracize, quaint, raze, neonate, noxious, pariah, amorphous, cavort, berate, audacious, callous, hiatus, manifest, fortify

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Vocabulary Test: English 1 vocabulry
valid, concise, apathy, digress, comply, restrain, arid, mobile, somber, infer

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary
precarious, succient, placid, diplatidated, trivial, ominous, trepidation, destitute, minute, despondent, fleet, ostentatious, affluent, tepid, loiter, latter, immense, ludicrous, rancid, irate

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab 76-100
dissension, beatitude, descry, odorous, devising, covert, discern, throng, array, festoons, don, admonish, shrewd

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Vocabulary Test: Canterbury Tales Vocabulary
pilgrimage, penance, physiognomy, indulgence, martyr, sovereign, coy, cloister, absolve, shrive, wanton, secular, sanguine, tithe, tabard, lechery, mercenary, seemly, guile, prevarication, wend, hostelry, sedate, prelate, scurrility, preferment, repine, concubine, diocese

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Vocabulary Test: Lesson 5
n. avalance, n. blizzard, v. challenge, v. conquer, n. crevice, adj. foolhardy, v. lure, n. makeshift, n. optimist, adj. previous, n. route, n. summit, adj. terse, v. thwart, adj. vertical, n. optimism, n. challenge, n. lure, n. conquest, adj. makeshift

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Vocabulary Test: Tech05
bohemian, deterrence, synergy, criminological, desperate, Draconian, deprivation, marginally, federalized, Rake

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Vocabulary Test: 7 words makeup verison
licodojozza, poopee, peepee, noyouigo, hiopfzokokoas, kilog, kunjizzoas

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Vocabulary Test: Unit 5 Week 2
fluently, greedily, hastily, secretly, seriously, squeaky

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Vocabulary Test: Unit 4 Vocabulary
serene, precursor, immense, discourage, yielded, indomitable, bias, vortex, paradise, flora, evoke, anticipation, reverence, fauna, venture, millstone, entreat, phenomenon, ignite, prosperity

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Vocabulary Test: vocabularyq2
Audible, Dialect, Dialog, Ebbed, Exasperation, Figurative Language, Gleaned, Gully, Historical Fiction, Loitering, Meticulous, Monotonous, Mortgage, Pensive, Plantation, Raucous, Scarlet, Symbolism, Vigorous

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Vocabulary Test: Caught Ya Vocabulary 1-10
auburn, nestled, insipid, tedious, shrilled, ingenuous, waggish, verdant, otiose, sagacious

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Vocabulary Test: Wordly Wise #6 Vocab Quiz
apparel, appreciate, continuous, dissolve, transfer, shed, motion, sheathe, inhibit, minute, hatch, fiber, emerge, function, domesticate

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Vocabulary Test: OCR GCSE Latin Vocabulary (Higher Tier) 2
descendo, descendere, descendi, descensus (verb 3), deus, dei (m) (noun 2), dico, dicere, dixi, dictus (verb 3), dies, diei (m) (noun 5), difficilis, difficile (adjective), diligens, diligentis (adjective), dirus, dira, dirum (adjective), discedo, discedere, discessi (verb 3), diu (adverb), do, dare, dedi, datus (verb 1), doceo, docere, docui, doctus (verb 2), domina, dominae (f) (noun 1), dominus, domini (m) (noun 2), domus (f) (noun 4), domi, donum, doni (n) (noun 2), dormio, dormire, dormivi (verb 4), duco, ducere, duxi, ductus (verb 3), dum (conjunction), dux, ducis (m) (noun 3), e, ex (+ ablative) (also used as prefix with verbs) (preposition, ecce! (adverb), effugio, effugere, effugi (verb 3), ego, mei (pronoun), egredior, egredi, egressus sum (verb 3 deponent), emo, emere, emi, emptus (verb 3), enim (conjunction), eo, ire, i(v)i (conjunction), epistula, epistulae (f) (noun 1), equus, equi (m) (noun 2), et (conjunction), et... et, etiam (adverb), exercitus (m) (noun 4), exspecto, exspectare, exspectavi, exspectatus (verb 1), facilis, facile (adjective), facio, facere, feci, factus (verb 3), faveo, favere, favi, fautus (+ dative) (verb 2), felix, felicis (adjective), femina, feminae (f) (noun 1), fero, ferre, tuli, latus (irregular verb), ferox, ferocis (adjective), festino, festinare, festinavi (verb 1), fidelis, fidele (adjective), filia, filiae (f) (noun 1), filius, filii (m) (noun 2), flumen, fluminis (n) (noun 3), forte (adverb), fortis, forte (adjective), forum, fori (n) (noun 2), frater, fratris (m) (noun 3), frustra (adverb), fugio, fugere, fugi (verb 3), gaudeo, gaudere, gavisus sum (verb 2), gaudium, gaudii (n) (noun 2), gens, gentis (f) (noun 3), gladius, gladii (m) (noun 2), gravis, grave (adjective), habeo, habere, habui, habitus (verb 2), habito, habitare, habitavi, habitavus (verb 1), heri (adverb), hic, haec, hoc (pronoun), hic (adverb), hodie (adverb), homo, hominis (m) (noun 3), hora, horae (f) (noun 1), hortur, hortari, hortatus sum (verb 1 deponent), hortus, horti (m) (noun 2), hostis (m) (noun 3), iaceo, iacere, iacui (verb 2), iam (adverb), ianua, ianuae (f) (noun 1), ibi (adverb), idem, eadem, idem (pronoun), igitur (adverb), ille, illa, illud (pronoun), imperator, imperatoris (m) (noun 3), imperium, imperii (n) (noun 2), impero, imperare, imperavi, imperatus (+ dative) (verb 1), in (+ ablative) (also used as prefix with verbs), in (+ accusative) (also used as prefix with verbs), incendo, incendere, incendi, incensus (verb 3), infelix, infelicis (adjective), ingens, ingentis (adjective), ingredior, ingredi, ingressus sum (verb 3 deponent), inimicus, inimici (m) (noun 2), inquit (irregular verb), insula, insulae (f) (noun 1), intellego, intellegere, intellexi, intellectus (verb 3), inter (+ accusative) (preposition), interea (adverb), interficio, interficere, interfeci, interfectus (verb 3), intro, intrare, intravi, intratus (verb 1), invenio, invenire, inveni, inventus (verb 4), invito, invitare, invitavi, invitatus (verb 1), ipse, ipsa, ipsum (pronoun), ira, irae (f) (noun 1), iratus, irata, iratum (adjective), is, ea, id (pronoun) (this, that, he, she, it, them), ita (adverb)

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Vocabulary Test: 6
Kioalsodwal, wal-mart, jilfodo, pooppee, peepee, kilojolzzko, kilooopo
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