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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 5 of 8Words:midpiece, acrosome, sustentacular cells, meiosis , gamete formation involves, gametes are , most body cells are , spermatogenesis, to get diploid you do , in order to do haploid you have to do , diploid , haploid , homologous pairs, diploid contain sets from mom and dad and contain, ejaculation is due to , sympathetic spinal reflex causes, who has more body water content, tail, head, major regions of the sperm
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 5 of 7Words:dartos muscle is the, cremator muscle, pathway for sperm, seminiferous tubules, intersitial cells , the testes blood supply, spermatic cord inclues, the structure of the penis, spongy urethra ectile tissue, corpus spongiosum, the male duct system inclues, epidiymis, ductus deferns , in males because prostate can enlarge it can , accessory glands male, seminary gland produces, fluid plus sperm is , erection, erection is due to , ejaculation
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 5 of 9Words:medulla contains, uterine vessels , follicle cells are , follicle, cortex contains, two poorly defined regions of the ovaries are, blood supply of ovary, mesovaium, broad ligament, female internal genitalia, female sex hormones, female gonads, ovarian ligament, suspensory ligament, location of the ovaries, size of ovaries, fuction of male reproductive, function of female reproductive, accessory ducts in female, female gametes
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 5 of 11Words:rectouterine pouch, three layers of the uterine wall, perimetrium, myometrium, endometrium, stratum functionalis, stratum basalis , vagina, vagina contains, hymen, fornix, people that die because of coat hanger abortions die becaues, mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, vestibule, greater vestibular glands, greater vestibular glands is the same as what in males, clitoris, perineum
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Vocabulary Test: Diluted Anatomy TestWords:trochanter, Anterior/Frontal Fontanel, articular cartilage, short bones, Meatus or Canal, line or linea, sesamoid bones, Patella, Saggital Suture, intramembranous ossification, Squamosal suture, Endosteum , posterior or dorsal (occipital) fontanel, spinous process or Spine, facet, Condyle, Sinus, Process, spongy or cancellous bone, metaphysis, between frontal and 2 parietal bones, tuberosity, epiphysis
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 5 of 10Words:ectopic pregnancy, muscle tubes also contain, female duct system, corpus luteum, ampulla, oocyte is carried along by, fibriae, once sperm is fertilized its called a , ovulation, graafian follicle, granulosa cells, uterus, cervix, cervical galnds make, cardinal ligament does what, when aging what happens to cardinal ligament, mesometrium is part of , broad ligament, peritoneal pouches, vesicouterine pouch
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 5 of 1Words:who has more water?, why do infants have more water, why would males have more fluid than females, why do the elderly have the least, body water content most to least, two compartments for fluid compartment on the inside is, two compartments for fluid compartement on outside is, ECF has two types , interstitial, plasam, where is most the body fluid, types of material in ECF than ICF, composition of body fluids: water, solutes are, nonelectrolytes, electrolytes, dissociate, major cation for ECF, major anion for ECF, major cation for ICF
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 5 of 2Words:major cation for ECF, major anion for ECF, major cation for ICF, major anion for ICF, fluid movemnet among compartments is regulated by, water moves freely by , ions movmenet require, change in solue concentration of any compartment leads to, fluid intake needs to equal, most fluid will be from , metabolism fluid intake is from, how do you get rid of fluid, you give off fluid by, insensible loses, only thing that really regulates input of fluid is , thirst mechanism, hypothalamic thirst center osmoreceptors are stimulated by, water losses, minimum daily sensible water loss of , water reabsorption in collecting ducts is proportional to
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Vocabulary Test: MylesWords:dead, dead tired, dear, December, decide, to decide on/against, decidedly, decision, declare, decorate, dedicate, defeat, degree, degree (temperature), delicious, dentist, deodorant, depart, departure, department, (academic) department, department store, deposit, depressing, describe, desk, dessert, destination, destroy, detail, detail oriented, detailed, detective story, dependable, develop, development, diagonally across from, dialect , diarrhea, dictator , dictatorship, dictionary
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 5 of 3Words:decrease ADH equals, increase ADH equals, increased osmolarity triggeres, Dehydration: ECF water loss due to, crenation, water intoxication or cellular over hydration occurs with, what causes edema, electrolytes are , importance of salts, changes in plasma sodium levels affect, regulation of sodium balance, 65% sodium reabsorbed in the , 25% sodium is reclained in the , aldosterone, granular cells sense, maculadensa cells sense, if you release aldosterone you increase, renin angiotensin mechanism is the main trigger for , granular cells of JGA secrete renin in response to, aldosterone release is also triggered by
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 5 of 4Words:if yout ake back sodium you give off, aldosterone does what, angiotensin also releases, ANP, Aldosterone and ADH , ANP, ANP is released by , decreases blood pressure and blood volume, potassium directly stimulates, influence of aldosterone, increased potassium in the adrenal cortex causes, parathyroid hormoe promotes increase in calcium levels by, calcium reabsoption and , normal pH of blood is , alkalosis , acidosis , more acidic toward, more base toward, most hydrogen is produced by, breakdown of proteins in
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 5 of 5Words:break down of proteins in ECF include, hydrogen is liberated when, strong acid, weak acid , strong acid with a ewak base ned up with , how do we prevent changes in pH, renal , systems that resist changes in pH , amino acids are made of , protein buffer system: if pH goes up it means that you made, protein buffer system: if pH goes down you want to , when you have excess carbon dioxide what do you increase, renal regulation: if pH is high you want to , renal regulation: if pH is low you want to , hydrogen is coupled with, abnormalities of acid base balance, the most important indicator of respiratory function is , respiratory acidosis, respiratory alkalosis, hyperventilation
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 5Words:respiratory acidosis is caused by, respiratory alkalosis is caused by, metabolic alkalosis is caused by, metabolic acidosis is caused by , protein ph balance, mesovaum, broad ligament
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 1 of 1Words:nervous system includes, endocrine system includes, speed of nervous system, speed of endocrine, there is a _____ period with endocrine stimulus, endocrine gland includes, neuroendocrine includes, organs that are "partial", thymus produces, pancreas produces, testes and ovaries produce, cells that determine self-verse nonself , hypothalamus is part what, tissues that make hormones, fat tissue produces, heart produces , ANP does what, Kidneys produce, erythroprotein does what, endocrine tissue is characterized as, exocrine gland, endocrine
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 1 of 6Words:gonadotropis , Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) , process of gonadotropins, prolactin does what, how to inhibit prolactin, prolactin is released by the , high estrogen will increase release of , girls have high estrogen right before what, what will increase estrogen, posterior pituitary does what, oxytosin stimulates what, as the baby grows pushing down what happens, as the baby feeds it hurts because, if you dont produce enough oxytosin what happens, senestray , ADH does what in the kidney, ADH is what, ADH is produced by the , ADH is released by the , ADH is released why, decreased blood pressure means what, with diabetes insifidus you are not, what happens with urine with diabetes insifidus
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 1 of 4Words:anterior pituitary produces , anterior pituitary hormone are not made unless, hypothalamus makes, posterior pituitary does not what, TSH does what, thyroid controls what, if you have a problem is basal metabolic rate you, tropic means, ACTH (adreno cortico tropic hormone) does what, growth hormone targets, prolactin targets , follicle stimulating hormone targets, lutenizing hormone does what, pituitary description, posterior pituitary does what , anterior pituitary does what , amino based hormones perform , lipid soluble perform, activation depends on, up regulation, down regulation, lipid soluble are , thyroid hormone is also attached to
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 1 of 5Words:one way of getting rid of thyroid hormone is , permissive , synergist, antagonist, glucagon and insulin are what, testosterone and thyroid hormone are what, humoral, if calcium i the blood is too low you will, tropic hormones, tropic hormones do what, tells growth hormone when to stimulate, what happens with growth hormone, storage area of ATP is in the , glycogen is brokedown where, growth hormone is regulated by hormones in the , growth hormone targets, too much growth hormone causes, acromegaly- hypersecretion of growth hormone, hyposecretion- pituitary dwarf, thyroid stimulating hormone released by, TRH (thryoid releasing hormone), TRH goes where, andrenocorticotropic hormone, corticosteroids- glucocorticoid, what does cortisol do
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 5 of 6Words:respiratory acidosis and alkalosis are looking at, metabolic acidosis and alkalosis are looking at, strong acid, weak acid, strong base, weak bases accept, causes of metabolic acidosis, someone with diarrhea will get rid of , metabolic alkalosis is much less commmon than, metabolic alkalosis is indicated by, metabolic alkalosis is caused by, male gonad, femal gonad, gemale gametes, sex hormones male, sex hormoes female, scrotum keeps the testes, bulburethra, the scrotum has two muscles, the muscles of the scrotum do what
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Vocabulary Test: frederick douglass 1-5Words:impertinent, intimation, odiousness, disposed, deference, partiality, diligent, reverberate, ineffable, jargon, supposition, brook, ascertain, sundered, imbibe, execrate, obdurate, immutable, consummate, egotistical
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Vocabulary Test: Vocable Lesson 5Words:amaze, amazing, arctic, Arctic, court, elect, interval, limit, league, milestone, recreation, tackle
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Vocabulary Test: lesson 12 practiceWords:blighted, incomprehensible, ambivalence, millennium, tempestuous, audacious, nostalgia, vibrant, millimeters, millefleurs, ephemeral, illustrious, serene, lament, reminiscent, bemused, milliliter, vigorous
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab 1Words:over/under, marauders, medley, incredulously, maelstrom, -cide, inference, theme
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Vocabulary Test: vocabularyWords:climate, tundra, desert, alpine, ecology, subalpine, habitat, adaptation, plateau, forage
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Vocabulary Test: vocabularyWords:biome, polar zone, food chain, arid, habitat, water cycle, echo, vapor, carnivore, herbivore
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Vocabulary Test: Eng 11 Semester examWords:camouflage, elegant, impressive, inhabited, launched, luxurious, moored, seasoned, solemn, superb, contracts, craze, emerged, inherited, levitated, manifested, manipulating, medium, multitude, proficient, bewitched, dappled, despair, dissolved, fumbled, hostile, omen, opposed, purify, urged, assassin, compassion, deprived, expectantly, intrusion, melancholy, presided, rebuking, statesman, terrorized, alien, cautious, dismay, effective, immigrant, intensely, justified, lurking, monotonous, persistence, admission, current, laden, linger, malice, manner, quarters, recluse, rejoiced, superstition, audacity, encountered, intolerable, patrons, plagued, prominence, repulsive, restored, valid, vandals, abated, bedraggled, coax, devastated, dire, futile, haven, merged, parcel, posh
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Vocabulary Test: vocabularyhistorychapter5Words:subcontinent, monsoons, Sanskrit, caste system, hinduism, reincarnation, Karma, Jainism, Nonviolence, Sikhism, Fasting, meditation, Buddha, Buddhism, Nirvana, Missionaries, metallurgy, alloys, Hindu-Arabic numerals, inoculation, astronomy, Candra Gupta II, Asoka, Candragupta maurya
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Vocabulary Test: wordsWords:cat, dog, elephant, donkey, squirrel, cabin, bird, tree, square, circle
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Vocabulary Test: CHAPTER 24Words:Alternative Resource, Chemical Energy, Electrical Energy, Energy, Generator, Inexhaustible Resource, Kinetic Energy, Law Of Conservation Of Energy, Nonrenewable Resource, Nuclear Energy, Photovoltaic, Potential Energy, Radiant Energy, Renewable Resource, Thermal Energy, Turbine
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary: Conservation of EnergyWords:mechanical energy, potential energy, kinetic energy, conduction, convection, radiation, thermal energy, temperature, transformation of energy, law of conservation of energy, heat transfer
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Vocabulary Test: APES vocab quiz- Chapter 1Words:Natural capital, Natural services, Renewable resouce, Perpetual resource, Gross Domestic Product, Point source pollution, Nonpoint source pollution, Ecological tipping point, Exponential growth, Planetary management worldview, Stewardship worldview, Environmentally sustainable society
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Vocabulary Test: vocabWords:embassy, orbit, space shuttle, astronaut, reusable, satellites, launches, intensly, trailblazer
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Quiz 1Words:abrasive, bilk, convert, engender, hangar, knotty, nuance, plagiarism, renown, tangent, abasement, billowing, enhance, harangue, labyrinth, nullify, plaintiff, replete, tangible, abstain, blighted, credulous, enshroud, haughtiness, lachrymose, obfuscate, plethora, tedium, blasphemy, enigma
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Vocabulary Test: voabWords:convulsions, medium, derelict, proprietor, concession, ostracism, pinnacle, stifling, imperiously, braggart
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Vocabulary Test: Las Partes del CuerpoWords:la nariz, los ojos, la rodilla, el dedo del pie, el brazo, la espalda, la boca, la mano, el hombro, el dedo, el pie, la cabeza, la oreja, la pierna
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