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Vocabulary Test: frederick douglass 1-5
impertinent, intimation, odiousness, disposed, deference, partiality, diligent, reverberate, ineffable, jargon, supposition, brook, ascertain, sundered, imbibe, execrate, obdurate, immutable, consummate, egotistical

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Vocabulary Test: Vocable Lesson 5
amaze, amazing, arctic, Arctic, court, elect, interval, limit, league, milestone, recreation, tackle

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Vocabulary Test: lesson 12 practice
blighted, incomprehensible, ambivalence, millennium, tempestuous, audacious, nostalgia, vibrant, millimeters, millefleurs, ephemeral, illustrious, serene, lament, reminiscent, bemused, milliliter, vigorous

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab 1
over/under, marauders, medley, incredulously, maelstrom, -cide, inference, theme

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Vocabulary Test: vocabulary
climate, tundra, desert, alpine, ecology, subalpine, habitat, adaptation, plateau, forage

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Vocabulary Test: vocabulary
biome, polar zone, food chain, arid, habitat, water cycle, echo, vapor, carnivore, herbivore

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Vocabulary Test: Eng 11 Semester exam
camouflage, elegant, impressive, inhabited, launched, luxurious, moored, seasoned, solemn, superb, contracts, craze, emerged, inherited, levitated, manifested, manipulating, medium, multitude, proficient, bewitched, dappled, despair, dissolved, fumbled, hostile, omen, opposed, purify, urged, assassin, compassion, deprived, expectantly, intrusion, melancholy, presided, rebuking, statesman, terrorized, alien, cautious, dismay, effective, immigrant, intensely, justified, lurking, monotonous, persistence, admission, current, laden, linger, malice, manner, quarters, recluse, rejoiced, superstition, audacity, encountered, intolerable, patrons, plagued, prominence, repulsive, restored, valid, vandals, abated, bedraggled, coax, devastated, dire, futile, haven, merged, parcel, posh

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Vocabulary Test: vocabularyhistorychapter5
subcontinent, monsoons, Sanskrit, caste system, hinduism, reincarnation, Karma, Jainism, Nonviolence, Sikhism, Fasting, meditation, Buddha, Buddhism, Nirvana, Missionaries, metallurgy, alloys, Hindu-Arabic numerals, inoculation, astronomy, Candra Gupta II, Asoka, Candragupta maurya

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Vocabulary Test: words
cat, dog, elephant, donkey, squirrel, cabin, bird, tree, square, circle

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Vocabulary Test: Computer Terms Week 4
Desktop Computer, Keyboard, Laptop, Modem, Monitor, Mouse, Printer, Scanner, Speakers, Touch Pad

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Vocabulary Test: CHAPTER 24
Alternative Resource, Chemical Energy, Electrical Energy, Energy, Generator, Inexhaustible Resource, Kinetic Energy, Law Of Conservation Of Energy, Nonrenewable Resource, Nuclear Energy, Photovoltaic, Potential Energy, Radiant Energy, Renewable Resource, Thermal Energy, Turbine

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Vocabulary Test: Elements of a Plot Quiz
Exposition, Conflict, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Quiz
Crest, Trough, Medium, Transverse wave, Longitudinal Wave, Compression, rarefaction, Mechanical Wave

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary: Conservation of Energy
mechanical energy, potential energy, kinetic energy, conduction, convection, radiation, thermal energy, temperature, transformation of energy, law of conservation of energy, heat transfer

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Vocabulary Test: Ancient Greece
Peninusula, isthmus, oligarchy, aristocracy, democracy, tyrant, myth, fable, epic, vivid

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Vocabulary Test: APES vocab quiz- Chapter 1
Natural capital, Natural services, Renewable resouce, Perpetual resource, Gross Domestic Product, Point source pollution, Nonpoint source pollution, Ecological tipping point, Exponential growth, Planetary management worldview, Stewardship worldview, Environmentally sustainable society

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Vocabulary Test: vocab
embassy, orbit, space shuttle, astronaut, reusable, satellites, launches, intensly, trailblazer

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Quiz 1
abrasive, bilk, convert, engender, hangar, knotty, nuance, plagiarism, renown, tangent, abasement, billowing, enhance, harangue, labyrinth, nullify, plaintiff, replete, tangible, abstain, blighted, credulous, enshroud, haughtiness, lachrymose, obfuscate, plethora, tedium, blasphemy, enigma

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Vocabulary Test: voab
convulsions, medium, derelict, proprietor, concession, ostracism, pinnacle, stifling, imperiously, braggart

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Vocabulary Test: Las Partes del Cuerpo
la nariz, los ojos, la rodilla, el dedo del pie, el brazo, la espalda, la boca, la mano, el hombro, el dedo, el pie, la cabeza, la oreja, la pierna
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