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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary 1
formidable, relentlessly, musings, prefer, sentimental , will , engulfed, audible, keepsake, chastised, sightings, earnest, desperately, convinced, misperception, hoaxes, elusive, theoretical, encounters, hastily, muffled, gaping, beckoned, feeble

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Vocabulary Test: Unit 11
dfadsfadf, adfasdfasdf, adsfasfdadf, asdfasdfad, adsdadfdsf, asadfs, adsfdasff, dfasfadfadfasdf, faasdfadsf, asdfdf, adsfdfsfsdf, safasdfdasf, asasfasf, sfsdfdsf, sfssf, afadfasdf, dadffdf, 222323c234, 2434234, The Glorious number 27, 32432423, 42342342, 423434, 34234234

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Vocabulary Test: Test
Where did the plague begin (continent and country) -, What are buboes and where are they located , What happened in France as a result of the Hundred Years’ War, names of the Bubonic Plague, , What did Wycliffe do that the Church saw as a threat, How did the Black Death in Europe affect, population , How did the Black Death in Europe affect, Feudalism, Mongol rule negative impact on Russia , How did the Black Death in Europe affect prices , How did Ivan IV change the Russian government , How did Ivan III change the Russian government , In what year did the Bubonic Plague reach Italy, How did it arrive in Europe (Plague), Which ships brought it (plague), From where(ships), what does Ring around the Rosie depict about the Black Death , European areas that escaped the huge death toll from the plague, Which group was blamed and persecuted unfairly(Black plague), What doctors wore and why , Doctors cure , What are the three types of Plague, Most deadly black plague , Most common black plague , pneumonic, Feudalism declines (why)[plague], Loss of faith During the black plague , Chronological order , Council of Constance, Pope Boniface VIII – who captures him, 100 year war , How long did the 100 year war last, What two new weapons were used to propel armies to victory durin

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Vocabulary Test: ATLWCS - Week 5
Prosperity , Taut, Belligerent , Bravado, Cadence, Capitulate , Chronic, Harrowing , Ludicrous, Reticent, Solicitous , Wane, Whim, Wrath, Inexplicable , Visage, Prosper, Narrate, Dispassionate , Hallowed

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Vocabulary Test: EH2 Untit 10
respite, respite, profess, profess, misnomer, misnomer, lamentable, lamentable, insuperable, insuperable, garrulous, garrulous, exponent, exponent, exponent, disheveled, disheveled, crestfallen, crestfallen, covet, covet, contentious, contentious, blithe, blithe, askew, allure, allure , allure, allure, acquiesce, acquiesce , retribution, retribution, sinuous, sinuous, sonorous, sonorous, vanguard, vanguard, wastrel, wastrel

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Vocabulary Test: Matching
Black, Dnieper, Urban VI, Ural, Clement V, Clement VII, Martin V, Boniface VIII, Cyrillic, Kainaz, Appanage, Oprichniki, Balkan, Boyar, Czar, Golden Horde, Heresy, Steppe, Avignon, Calais, China, Kiev, Moscow, Ukraine, Kaffa, Sicily, Jan Hus, Philip IV, John Wycliffe, Yaroslav, Edward III, Vladimir, Olga, Ivan IV, Batu Khan , Ivan III, Volga, Genghis Khan, English, Genoese, Mongols, Slavs, Byzantines, Swedes, Caspian

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Vocabulary Test: ATLWCS - Week 6
Apprentice, Pallet, Smallpox, Sprain, Preserve , Vienna, Mozart, Napoleon Bonaparte , Schema, Frenetic , Bulwark , Chateau, Oscillate , Abridge, Distend, Serrated, Antagonism, Banal, Indolent, Ascetic

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Vocabulary Test: 10th grd history unit 5 exploration
caravel ships / lateen sails, Astrolabe / Compass, Joint Stock company, Subsidiesrifs, Mercantilism, Tarifs, Prince Henry the Navigator, Bartolomeo Dias, Vasco Ga Gama, Christopher columbus, Columbian Exchange, Indigenous, Line of Demarcation (Treaty of Tordesillas), Pedro Alvarez Cabral, Amerigo Vespucci, Vasco Nunex de Balboa, Ferdinand Magellan, Conquistador, Juan Ponce de leon, Hernandez Cortez, Montezuma, Francisco Pizarro, John Cabot, Jacques Cartier, Samuel de Champlain, Robert LaSalle, Henry Hudson, Sea dogs, Sir Francis Drake, Vice Roys, Encomiendas, Peninsulares , Creoles, Mestiizos, Mulattoes

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Vocabulary Test: Business Vocab #1
Return on Investment (ROI), Market Share, Expenses, Revenue, Stakeholders, Break-even Point, Profit

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Vocabulary Test: Spanish Vocab 9A
abajo, adelante, adentro, afuera, allá, allí, aquí, arriba, atrás, bien, breve, claro, cómodo, demasiado, diario, en medio, exitoso, frecuente, fuerte, incómodo, mal, mejor, oscuro, peor, reciente, semanal, todavía (no), tal vez, ya, ya no

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Vocabulary Test: Rhetorical Analysis
Anaphora, Parallelism, Epistrophe, Antithesis, Aphorism, Rhetorical Question, Alliteration, Allusion, Hyperbole, Imagery, Metaphor, Personification, Simile, Ethos, Pathos, Logos

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Vocabulary Test: reese ss 3.12.25
Ben Kuroki, who was he and fight for?, Which President decided to drop atomic bomb, Who were the Tuskegee Airmen?, Who were the code talkers and language used?, B-17 used for what and its nickname?, What happened with Dunkirk?, Where is Normandy?(country) and which beach was the deadliest? N, Why was Pearl Harbor not a complete success for japan?, What is the Bataan Death March and what happened?, Did either side use trench warfare like WWI?, What happened to Japanese Americans after Pearl Harbor ?, What is the blitz?, Who worked in the US factories once US entered the war, Why do Japanese troops not surrender?, define genocide and who was Hitler doing this to?, What did Hitler mean by Aryan race?, Gulags were where and who used them for what purpose?, Why does Japan invade China?, What country was invaded that began WWII and who did Hitler sign, Total number of people killed in the Holocaust? How many Jewish , Who and what did Hitler blame for Germany's problems?, number of deaths in WWII, prime minister of england, prime minister of japan, why did U.S bomb Europe during the day , allied powers, axis power , leader of italy and type of goverment

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Vocabulary Test: Business Vocab #2
Cash Flow, Scalability, Liquidity, Diversification, Capital Expenditure (CapEx), Equity, Brand Equity

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Vocabulary Test: Slangs
no biggie, extra, bestie, vibe-check, dope, cheesy, flex, no cap, yikes, mid

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Vocabulary Test: ATLWCS - Week 9
Virtuoso, Virulent , Conclusive , Perceptible , Mandate, Vertebrae, Goethe, Foregone, Dictum, Ambulatory, Callow, Torrid, Acknowledge , Perimeter , Recite, Acquire, Technique, Hideous, Paralysis , Positive

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Vocabulary Test: ATLWCS - Week 10
Direct, Ornate, Masonry, Relentless, Interpret, Excruciating , Putrid, Personnel, Refugee, Shamble , Scorn, Subordinate, Dwell, Firsthand , Pungent , Distort, Comprised, Melancholy, Intricate, Contrived

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Vocabulary Test: College English Vocab 11
Agrarian, Burgeon, Cataclysm, Culinary, Denigrate, Gourmet, Grandiloquent, Hybrid, Manifold, Palatable, Panacea, Plebian, Scourge, Stalemate, Temperate

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Vocabulary Test: Business Vocab #3
Business-to-Consumer (B2C), Business-to-Business (B2B), Target Audience, Competitive Advantage, Blue Ocean Market, Red Ocean Market, Product Differentiation

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Vocabulary Test: Business Vocab #3_Final
Business-to-Consumer (B2C), Business-to-Business (B2B), Target Audience, Competitive Advantage, Blue Ocean Market, Red Ocean Market, Product Differentiation

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Vocabulary Test: Beata_Wertynska_10
(steering) wheel, hazardous, fatal, satnav, adjust, distraction, mean of transport, tube, according to, cause an accident, little - less - the least, field, damage, mess =/= miss, since then ..., traffic lights, traffic jam, in front of =/= straight on, hurt, brakes, carriage, cycle lane, parking fine, pedestrian zone, rush hour, taxi rank, run out of
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