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Vocabulary Test: ACT List 2
Grandeur, Historic, Imminent, Inconceivable, Jumbled, Languid, Malicious, Objectivity, Obsolete, Potent, Pragmatic, Qualitative, Radical, Reinforce, Solidarity, Sparingly, Tedious, Tentative, Viability, Vital
Test Also Includes: synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, sentences

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Vocabulary Test: Level F Unit 9 Copy Copy
Penury, Novice, Nebulous, Irresolute , Evanescent, Equivocate, Egregious , Dilatory, Culpable, Avarice, Astute, Anathema, Adulation, Abate , Pretentious, Recapitulate, Resuscitate, Slovenly, Supposition, Torpid

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Vocabulary Test: impossible test
rizzler, chad, pokemon, tan, sigma, ... /// ..., football, free, b-17, SR-71 Blackbird

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Vocabulary Test: Wind in the Willows Vocab Test
blues, abode, folly, heart-to-heart, banquet, dismally, pursued, distress, clangorous, squandering

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Vocabulary Test: NC/ENL #7
Heroic (adj.): , Edible (adj.):, Passage (n.): , Decade (n.):, Abolish (v.):, Gigantic (adj.):, Primary (adj.):

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Vocabulary Test: Level F Unit 9 endings
Abates, Abated, Abating, Egregiously, Equivocates, Equivocated, Equivocating, Equivocation, Irresolutely, Recapitulates, Recapitulated, Recapitulating, Resuscitated, Resuscitates, Resuscitating

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Vocabulary Test: chron/arium/orium/ment
chronological, amendment, assessment, aquarium, emporium, planetarium, synchronize, chronicle, chronometer , chronic
Test Also Includes: parts of speech, sentences

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Vocabulary Test: Root Words List 2 (Eng. 1)
zoo , sed , tetra , theo (the) , vor (vour) , xen , reg , sect , hydra , jud , loc , mon , mort , neg , neo , ocu , omni , post , pre , re
Test Also Includes: sentences

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Vocabulary Test: Grammar vocab
salutation, closing, direct quotation, proper adjective, proper noun, adjective, capitalize

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Vocabulary Test: How Well U Know Josh?
Nonplussed, Brawl Stars, Anodyne, Awefawerf, Wordestresteriere Sauce, $0:D@, supercali, gul GUL GULP

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Vocabulary Test: March10vocab
Indolent, futile, Paramount, decimated, debacle, eloquent, fray, resilience, incredulous, litigious

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Vocabulary Test: Treasure Island: Part Five
niggard, preponderance, tether, cache, forbear, dilapidate

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Vocabulary Test: Juniors Gatsby # 4
Supercilious , Contiguous , Sumptuous , Pastoral , Incessant , Hauteur , Proprietary , Elicit , Juxtaposition , Defunct , Obstinate , Vestige , Laudable , Meretricious , Turgid , Dilatory , Portentous , Magnanimous , Redolent, Garrulous, Superfluous

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Vocabulary Test: AP Lit Set 7 Terminology Quiz
Mood, motif, motivation, onomatopoeia, oxymoron, parable, paradox, koan, koan, parallel structure, paratactic sentence, parody, mood, motif, motivation, onomatopoeia, oxymoron, parable, paradox, parallel structure, paratactic sentence, parody

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Vocabulary Test: La comida y las bebidas
vegetariano, la lechuga, el almuerzo, el huevo, un jugo de naranja, comer, caliente, frio, el postre, el pollo, la leche, el vaso, el helado, las verduras, aprender, vivir, ir a , escribir, la mantequilla, una ensalada, comprender, tener que

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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 7: Charge Accounts & Credit Cards
overdraft, unpaid-balance method, account statement, finance charge, credit card, charge account

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Vocabulary Test: Longitude and Latitude
meridians , Parallels , Equator , Lines of Longitude , Prime Meridian , Lines of Longitude , longitude , latitude

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Vocabulary Test: Julius Caesar Drama Terms 1-10
stage directions, act, scene, spectacle, comedy, tragedy, playwright, exposition, script, drama

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Vocabulary Test: History Vocab. Unit 3
Movable type, Gentry, Wu Zhao, Tang Taizong, Liu Bang, Monopoly, Civil service , Wudi, Assimilation , Centralized government , Han dynasty, Qin dynasty, Daoism, Laozi, Bureaucracy , Yin & Yang, Autocracy , Filial piety, 1 Ching , Shi Huangdi, Legalism, Mandate of heaven, Confucius , Feudalism, Oracle Bones, Dynastic Cycle, Loess

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab 03/12
rotate, pitiless, presentable, neutral, gauge , migrant, daze, flimsy, abuse, appliance, confirm, shred
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