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Vocabulary Test: Biggest Hockey Fan Ever
weather, atmosphere, ozone, water vapor, density, pressure, air pressure, barometer, mercury barometer, aneroid barometer, altitude, troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, ionosphere, exosphere, pollutants, photochemical smog, acid rain

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Vocabulary Test: in ex
include, inflate, inhale, inject, inspire, inspect, instruct, invite, eject, emit, erupt, exceed, exclude, exhale, expand, extinguish

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Vocabulary Test: kaylers
ausgezeichnet, erstklassig, fabelhaft, fantastich, glanzend, prima, toll, grossartig, herrlich, klasse, praachtig, vorzuuglich, wunderbar, klar, wert, nahe, schuldig, bequem, dankbar, fremd

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Vocabulary Test: spelling 2012
Copious, deluge, fanfare, glut, ostentatious, profusion, swelter, guile, pseudonym, embellish

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Vocabulary Test: Occuprep Vocabulary
responsibility, aerobic exercise, addiction, priority, action plan, obstacle

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Unit 16
Debunk, Tentative, hamper, autonomous, savvy, negligible, stealth, inception, itinerant, levity, cantankerous, nonchalant, lassitude, servile, ardent, obstinate, din, obstinate, ample, wary

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Vocabulary Test: analogies
reasonable doubt, defendant, defense, jury, prosecution, guilty, unanimous, verdict, impartial, homicide, premeditated homicide, testimony, acquittal, evidence

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Vocabulary Test: English Exam
mutely, emanated, protruded, pupils, discombobulate, exasperating, propaganda, allegory, puerile, ingenuous, uttering, obliterate, indignant, retorted, puckish, egregious, vapid, barbs, tittered, malevolent, loped, dapper, nemesis, wafted, putrescent, sycophant, epithets, bravado, infuriate, alacrity, regale, ambeled, bailiwick, rejoined, insufferable, intolerable, symbol, motif, reiterated, diffidently, earnestly, noisome, sniggered, emitted, garbled, incoherently, amicable, omnipresent, despicable, automation, arduous, griped, incessant, promptly, a plethora of, astute, mirth, superlative, exasperated, mused, disregarded, malicious, bibliophilic, otiose, derison

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Vocabulary Test: vocab 28
Holland, Macedonia, Middle Ages, Newfoundland, Opium Wars, Paleolithic Cave Paintings, Papacy, Persia, Pizzaro, Reconquest of Spain, Humanism, Roman Catholic Church, Royal Court, Shinto, Constitutional Monarchy, Daoism, Elizabeth I, Fuedal Lord, Gothic Cathedrals, High Middle Ages, High Renaissance, Ice Age, Karma, Khans, Latten Sail, Machu Pichu, Squire, Toltects, Torah, Trial of Galileo, Trojan War, Arabia, Babylon, Hammorabi's Code, Battle of Tours, Black Death, British West Indies, Byzantine Church, Christian Monotheism, City-State, African-American Union Soldier, American Dream, American Forieghn Policy, American Identity, American West, Anne Hutchinson, Antebellum, Anti-Federalists, Anti-Immigration Attitude, Atlantic Slave Trade, Bacon's Rebellion, Big Stick Diplomacy, Mormons, analogous, catastrophic, compensatory, decade, enunciate, gamut, heterogeneous, inordinate, introspective, irascible, maladjusted, mandate, morality, neurotic, neutralize, pedagogue, perpetuate, perspicacious, phenomenon, susceptible, distaff side, on the qui vive, ones back up, bring home the bacon, abhor, absurd, anthropologist, artifact, bigot, bizzare, contemptuous, entreaty, fetish, imperative, imprudent, imperative, inanimate, invioable, originate, prohibition, taboo, taint, tradition, universal, vulnerable, get of one's high horse, the first water, dyed-in-the-wool, blue chip, aegis, awesome, conflagaration, congenial, debris, deplorable, detriment, dispersed, doddering, eruption, hoard, imbibe, initiate, longevity, oblirtate, puny, rue, sage, senile, virile, broad as it is long, blow hot and cold, the doldrums, burn the midnight oil, acute, aversion, cogent, evince, gist, hostile, inevitable, intrinsic, jettison, lucrative, paramount, prevalent, rebuke, remiss, superficial, lethargic, terse, transient, tussle, vogue, strike while the iron is hot, split hairs, sleep on it, once in a blue moon, adamant, ardent, array, bereft, besmirch, constrict, culminate, egoist, exultion, falter, humility, invective, inveterate, obscure, pinnacle, prodigy, pungent, retrospect, vitriolic, voluminous, break the ice, pull one's weight, bring down the house, loaded for bear, avarice, bedlam, cacophony, compatible, disgruntled, equanimity, eradicate, exploit, impede, infalliable, insatiable, irrational, moribund, nadir, panacea, propinquity, revere, sedate, serenity, vulnerable, lock, stock, and barrel, feather in one's cap, white elephant

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Vocabulary Test: jfkld
vex, disseminate, stupor, privy, illusory, inarticulate, gainsay, derogatory, morose, insinuate, malinger, optimist, awry, rhapsodize, painstaking, affable, comeliness, diffident, disapprobation, germane

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Vocabulary Test: Unit 1
Serious, visible, hatch, arise, resource, cabinet

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Test #1
Bitterness, fretful, wretched, between, frighten, through, whether, weather, toward, possible, brilliant, ignorant, assistant, mend

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Vocabulary Test: test time
safe, alarm, damp, insect, plant, soil, scatter, team, collect, tool

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Vocabulary Test: geometry
Point, Line, Ray, Endpoint, Segment, Plane, Intersecting Lines, Parallel Lines, Angle, Vertex, Degree, Right Angle, Acute Angle, Obtuse Angle, Straight Angle, Vertical Angles, Complementary Angles, Supplementary Angles

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Vocabulary Test: Digestive System
Enzymes, Bile, Uvula, Papillae, Gingivae, Absorption, Chyme, Bolus, Heartburn, Vomiting, Swallowing, Liver, Gallbladder, Saliva, Stomach, Esophagus, Diaherra, Ulcer

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Vocabulary Test: H.S. Test
Picayune, Misanthrope, Jettison, Raiment, Coterie, Convivial, Allay, Effrontery, Ephemeral, Embellish, Felicitous, Illusory, Garish, Demur, Counterpart, Bestial, Furtive, Pertinacious, Indigent, Inordinate

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Vocabulary Test: Charlotte Doyle Vocab. Quiz
conspiracy, slanderous, impertinence, quell, mutiny, congenial, vigilant, reprieve, decorum, docile, atonement, scrutiny, prophecy, apparition, abominations, adversity, audacity, perplexity, copiously, renounce

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab
aero, ambul, alter, ante, and, ab, acu, acious, icious, ful

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Vocabulary Test: UNIT TEST A

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Vocabulary Test: UNIT TEST B
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