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Vocabulary Test: frankiii
apparel, appreciate, continuous, dissolve, domesticate, emerge, fiber, function, hatch, inhibit, minute, motion, sheathe, shed, transfer

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Vocabulary Test: Spanish Mi Comida Favorita
El almuerzo, la bebida, la cena, compartir, la comida, el desayuno, vender, desayunar, el cafe, el cereal, el huevo, el jugo de naranja, la leche, el pan, el yogur, el pan tostado, el batido, la miel, la mantequilla, la bolsa, la hamburguesa, el sandwich de jamon y queso, la sopa, el atun, la ensalada, la mantequilla de cacahuate/cacahuete, la bana/el platano, la manzana, las uvas, las fresas, la toronja, la pina, la sandia, el durazno, la pera

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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 12 government
speaker of the House, president of the Senate, president pro tempore, party caucus, floor leader, whip, committee chairman, seniority rule, standing committee, select committee

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Vocabulary Test: nina rahgozar
heredity, trait, dominant trait, recessive trait, genes, pollination, true-breeding plants, alleles, genotype, phenotype, probability, meiosis, homologous, homologous chromosomes, sex cells, sex chromosomes, heterozygous, homozygous, complementary

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Vocabulary Test: Geometry
a, c, b, ad, e, e

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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 8 Vocabulary Quiz
Bond Dissociation Energy, Bonding Orbital, Covalent Bond, Coordinate Covalent Bond, Diatomic Molecule, Dipole, Dipole Interactions, Dispersion Forces, Double Covalent Bond, Hybridization, Hydrogen Bonds, Molecular Compound, Molecular Formula, Molecular Orbital, Molecule, Network Solids, Nonpolar Covalent Bond, Pi Bond, Polar Bond, Polar Covalent Bond, Polar Molecule, Polyatomic Ion, Resonance Structure, Sigma Bond, Single Covalent Bond, Structural Formula, Tetrahedral Angle, Triple Covalent Bond, Unshared Pair, Van der Waals Forces, VSEPR Theory

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Vocabulary Test: werwaertertgsdygser
fastidious, florid, garrulous, hapless, impetuous, indefatigable, iniquity, plethora, reprove, sanguine, transient, undulate, vapid, wanton, zenith

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Vocabulary Test: History Quiz
Eugene Debs, Andrew Carnegie, Credit Mobillier, Interstate Commerce, Social Darwinism, Thomas Edison, John D. Rockefeller, Bessemer Process, Alexander Graham Bell, Sherman Antitrust Act

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Vocabulary Test: Quad Quiz
quadrilateral, parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square, trapezoid

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Vocabulary Test: 13
affable, arduous, beset, conjecture, curtail, denizen, fastidious, felicity, hackneyed, fiddlesticks, infinitesimal, malaise, noxious, panacea, sanguine

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Vocabulary Test: Spanish

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Vocabulary Test: Unit 10
abolish, appeal, brittle, condemn, descend, dictator, expand, famine, portable, prey, thrifty, visual

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Vocabulary Test: Spanish2
despertarse, levantarse, cepillarse los dientes, afeitarse, ducharse, secarse, peinarse, maquillarse, arreglarse, el cepillo de dientes, la pasta de dientes, la crema de afeitar, el champu, la secadora de pelo, el dedo, la muneca, el hombro, el codo, a veces, generalmente, frecuentemente, normalmente, ponerse la ropa, lavarse, acostarse, acostarse, apagar la luz, dormirse, entrenarse, tener prisa, tener sueno, el peine, la toalla, el jabon, el desodorante, el cuello, la cara, el diente, primero, luego, despues

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Vocabulary Test: Government Chapter 12-2
joint committee, conference committee, bill, joint resolution, concurrent resolution, resolution, rider, discharge petition, subcommittee, committee of the whole, quorum, engrossed, filibuster, cloture, veto, pocket veto

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Vocabulary Test: vocab1
cupola, encroach, obliterate, coquettish, dispensation, arch, dank, mote, pallid, vanquish, temerity, diffident, deprecation, pauper, jalousie, cabal, circumvent, thwart, impervious, sibilant, macabre, bier, acrid, pall, inextricable

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Vocabulary Test: VOCABULARY
Annul, Blase, Bolster, Deplore, Frivolous, Muster, Nonentity, Obsess, Ornate, Oust, Peruse, Porous, Promontory, Prone, Qualm, Recourse, Residue, Solicitous, Staid, Sustain

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Vocabulary Test: religion midterm
Divine Revelation, salvation history, sacred tradition, sacred scripture, Magisterium, Incarnation, Dogma, Docetism, Gospel, ways to know Christ, three fold office, Son of God, Lord, testament, pentateuch, historical books, Wisdom books, Prophetic books, minor prophets, apocrypha, tracing God's covenant, inspiration, evangelists, Gospel, Canon/criteria, formation of the Gospel, Catechesis, historical, synoptic Gospels, Q source, Parables, Vulgate, four major terrains, pontus pilate, Samaria, Sanhedrin, abba, synagague, temple, Passover, pentacost, tabernacles, Pax Romana, Publicans, Apocalypse, Pentateuch, torah, Ark of the Covenant, zealots, tax collectors, essenes, mystery, 65-70 A.D, winged lion, son of man, authoritative teacher, son of man/suffering servant, messianic secret, pontius pilate, barabbas, 124 A.D, winged man, the new abraham, son of David, Ecclesia, Magi Account, Q source, parables, matthews gospel quoted what the most, beatitudes, 85 A.D., Ox, prophet, the Holy Spirit help in 3 ways, pentacost, jesus as the prophet, age of promise, time of jesus, the age of the church, the church ocntinues Jesus' prophetic message, 3 dramatic stages in salvaton history with the H.S., prayer, special role of mary and women, immaculate conception, assumption, johns gospel, christ's divinity, two purposes that john had for writing the gospel, matthias, redaction, wedding feast at cana, anti-semitism, patron saint of Soph Class, Infancy narratives included who?, I have not come to call the righteous but sinners, i am not worthy to untie his sandal straps

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Quiz #2
agreement, suggest, odor, cancel, flexible, fact, entertain, produce, daily, experience, original, tension, negative, identify, memoir

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Vocabulary Test: cricket
acquaintance, scrounging, eavesdropping, wistfull, sumpathetically, logical, excitable

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Vocabulary Test: W.T.K
Conventional Radiography, Computed Radiography, Direct Converson, Digital Imaging, Digital Radiography (RD), Indirect Conversion, Matrix, PACS, Photostimulable, Pixels, Postprocessing, Quantum Mottle, Window Width, Window Level
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