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Vocabulary Test: my ownWords:contribution, relinquish, corruption, embassy, cellular, blah blah blah
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy- muscle of the thoraxWords:mm. levatores costarum- origin, mm. levatores costarum- insertion, m. retractor costae- origin, m. retractor costae- insertion, mm. multifidi- origin, mm. multifidi- insertion, mm. rotatores- origin, mm. rotatores- insertion, M. thoracis rectus- origin, M. thoracis rectus- insertion, M.transversus thoracis- origin , M.transversus thoracis- insertion , M.serratus dorsalis caudalis- origin, M.serratus dorsalis caudalis- insertion, M.serratus dorsalis cranialis- origin, M.serratus dorsalis cranialis- insertion, M. serratus ventralis thoracis et cervicis- origin, M. serratus ventralis thoracis et cervicis- insertion, m. pectoralis superficialis (transversus et descendes)- origin, m. pectoralis superficialis (transversus et descendes)- insertio, m. pectoralis profundus- origin, m. pectoralis profundus- insertion, m. subclavius- origin, m. subclavius- insertion
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy- muscle of the crusWords:M.peroneus tertius- origin, M.peroneus tertius- insertion, M.peroneus longus M. peroneus brevis - origin, M.peroneus longus M. peroneus brevis - insertion, M.tibialis cranialis- origin, M.tibialis cranialis- insertion, M. extensor digitorum longus- origin, M. extensor digitorum longus- insertion, M. extensor digitorum lateralis- origin, M. extensor digitorum lateralis- insertion, M. gastrocnemius- origin, M. gastrocnemius- insertion, M. soleus- origin, M. soleus- insertion, M.flexor digitorum superficialis- origin, M.flexor digitorum superficialis- insertion, M.flexor digitorum profundus- origin, M.flexor digitorum profundus- insertion, M. popliteus- origin, M. popliteus- insertion
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Vocabulary Test: ImmyWords:el aeropuerto, el aire acondicionado, Alguilar, el anden, el asiento, el autocar
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Vocabulary Test: Mystery in The MoonlightWords:casual, coincidences, escapades, fraternal twins, identical twins , intent, plots, recruit, threshold, toletarate, Xeroderma Pigmentosum
Test Also Includes: parts of speech
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Vocabulary Test: Leviticus & DeuteronomyWords:What is the title of Deuteromy 31:23?, Waht is contained in Deuteronomy 6:4-9?, What is the title of Deuteronomy 5?, Finish this list of Bks. of the bible: Leviticus, _____, Joshua, Which bk. comes before the others: Joshua, Leviticus, Duertomy?, After Deuteromy, what is the next book of the bible?, How did the Israelites show thair love and respect for Moses?, Who actually marched the Israelites into the promised land?, What did Moses have no equal to?, What is happening in the passage "Moses Looks Upon Canaan"?, Where did Moses break faith with God?, Why didn't Moses lead the Israelites into the Promised Land?, Why does Moses recite his farewell prayer or song?, What does the Book of Dueteronomy contain?, What do the laws contained in the Book of Leviticus do?, Who were to follow the ritual and sacrificial laws?, What laws does the Book of Leviticus contain?, What were the Levites chosen to be?, How old was Moses when he died?, What do you think the Book of Joshua ia about?, How did the Israelites regard Moses? , What is the Song of Moses?, What is the Commission of Joshua?, What is the Covenant of Horeb?, What is an example of the Pentateuch?, What were the laws proclaimed on Mt. Sinai?, Does Deuteronomy contain a second Set of Laws?, What does the word "Deuteronomy" mean?, What wld. the Levites & Isrealites beocome if they obey the laws, How were the Levites and the Israelites to follow these laws?, Where does the Book of Leviticus derive its name?, What is the title of Deuteronomy 3.2?, What is the title of Deuteronomy 32: 48-52?, What is the title of Deuteronomy 34:1-12?, Name five Chapters of the Book of Deuteronomy?
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Vocabulary Test: lizsimmy101Words:L'acier, Le bEton, le bois, la boue, La caoutchouc, Le cuir, La laine, le sable, la soie, l'argile, la toile, le velours, le velours cOtelE, le verre, le cadre, le chevalet, la gravure, le marbre
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Vocabulary Test: jesusismyhelp13Words:Vitriolic, Virulent, Virtuoso, Vilify, Untenable, Urbane, Usurp, Unscathed, Unobstrusive, Unimpeachable, Uniformity, Unassailable, Trubulence, Volatile, Voracious, Wanton, Whet, Whimiscal, Writhe, Zany, Zealous
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Vocabulary Test: Jesusismyhelp12Words:Therapeutic, Thwart, Temper, Tawdry, Temerity, Tacit, Tactless, Surreptitious, Sycophant, Surmise, Suppress, Supplant, Substantiate, Stupor, Subjugate, Stealthy, Stoic, Salutary, Steadfast, Sagacious, Respite, Retract, Rigorous, Rescind, Reproach, Renown, Recluse, Rectify, Recapitulate, Recalcitrant, Raze, Rebuff, Quixotic, Proximity, Querulous, Propriety, Tirade, Torpor, Trepidation, Trite
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Vocabulary Test: Jesusismyhelp11Words:Premonition, Potent, Preclude, Precocious, Ponderous, Placid, Peruse, Partisan, Paucity, Parochial, Parsimonious, Painstaking, Paradigm, Obliterate, Meander, Morose, Languish, Levity, Loquacious, Marred, Predilection , Predecessor, Pompous, Placate, Pique, Phenomenon, Peripheral, Peerless, Paragon, Opulence, Officious, Nonchalance, Negate, Nefarious, Laconic, Jargon, Prerogative, Profane, progeny, Prolific
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Vocabulary Test: TammyWords:Byzantine Empire, Constantinople, Moscis, Ottoman Turks, Justinain and Theodora, Vladimir The Great, Vikings
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Vocabulary Test: Jesusismyhelp7Words:Recalcitrant, Credulous, Impediment, Raconteur, Vivacious, exacerbate, notorious, obtuse, pithy, Deference, Decorous, Diplomacy, Epilogue, ornate, Obsolescent , Eccentric, Precarious, Complacent, Pristine, Pugnacious, Analogy, Obsequious, Postscript, Feasible , Zenith, Allay, philology, Emulate, expiate, proVINcial, perverse, indefensible , Callow, Haggard , haughty, pedantic, Admonitory, nebulous, Recondite, Aggregate
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Vocabulary Test: Jesusismyhelp2Words:Unabridged, Contemporary, Abbreviated, Promiscuous, Revitalizing "re", Pilfered, obscure, inconsPicuous, Tedious
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Vocabulary Test: JesusismyhelpWords:Vacillate , Ambiguous, Presumtuous, Agitated, Transgressed, Antiquated, Saunder, Dissident , Falter, Pretentious, Ludicrous, Concise, Notorious , Devious, Immobile, Taciturn, Voluble , Culpable, DEgrading, MunDane, Scrupulous, "M"ercenary, Disdainful, Laudable , Stagnant, Squalid, Depraved, Dogged, alooF, Solicituous , ScorNful, SUPERcilious, UnscruPulous, Obfus(FUZZ)cate, Lurid, Pandemonium, Candid, Admonition, VeneRation, Malingering
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Vocabulary Test: Jesusismyhelp4Words:Tacit , Elicit, Illicit, Pathos, Tranquility, Quiescent, Pusillanimous , Impassioned, Impetuous, Indomitable
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Vocabulary Test: Jesusismyhelp3Words:Dormant, Latent, Laborious, Jovial, Indict, Instill, Heedless, GeRmane, Evoke, Fallible, Deduce, Derive, Slander, Badgering, Quack, Benevolent, Absconded, Queer, Pummeled, Passively, Capitulated, Solace, Qualms/Misgivings, Unbridled, Fret, Ponder, Mollify, Smug, Peevish, Remiss, Perceptual, Specious, Indulgent , Defamation, Bewildered, Animosity, Antithesis, Atrophy, Petty, Persistent, Obsolete, Callous, Impertient, lucrative, Sensational
Test Also Includes: synonyms, sentences
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Vocabulary Test: My side of the mountain ch13,14Words:mantle, kneading, mallet, toppling, scheme, resented, sprinting, ferocity, eerie, cache, indignity, cavort
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Vocabulary Test: MysteriesWords:mysterious, research, abominable, scrambled, reared, murky, fantastic, imagination, grasped, description, existed, sonor
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Vocabulary Test: vocab 7Words:adieh, advent, apex, assimilate, bogus, exorbitant, interim, inundate, malign, meander, metropolis, momentous, obstreperous, pensive, perilous, shoddy, sprightly, surly, tirade, vagrant
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Vocabulary Test: Latin StemsWords:countenance, manifest, languor, acute, condescend, exquisite, clamor, sublime, tremulous, allude, placid, singular, amiable, incredulous, perplex, profound, prodigious, serene, grotesque, odious
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Vocabulary Test: hiWords:brackish, ethereal, pert, pious, diffident, assuage, reverie, indolent, bland, autocratic, expound, formidable, flaccid, effigy, crucible, enigmatic, pultice, repousse, nonchalance, venerable
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Vocabulary Test: wordly wise 10Words:available, bondage, donate, establish, evade, liberate, numerous, occasion, oppose, prohibit, pursue, reassure, reluctant, superior, yearn
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Vocabulary Test: ElementsWords:Na, Hg, F, Fe, C, N, O, Cl, H, Ca, Au, I, Ag, K, S
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Vocabulary Test: mCWords:Vasco de Gama, Bartolomeu Dias, Fernando de Magellan, Christopher Colomb, Núñez de Balboa, Moctézuma, Cortès, Amerigo Vespucci, Leif Erikson, Marco Polo
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Vocabulary Test: gtla 6Words:acquiesce, affinity, blasphemous, buttress, circumspect, corroboration, deplete, despotic, emanciated, empirical, extraneous, fallow, homogeneous, hyperbole, incontrovertible, irascible, laconic, magnanimity, proliferation, scrupulous, obsequious, sublime, surreptitious, veracity, zeal
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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 8Words:Bond Dissociation Energy, Bonding Orbital, Covalent Bond, Coordinate Covalent Bond, Diatomic Molecule, Dipole, Dipole Interactions, Dispersion Forces, Double Covalent Bond, Hybridization, Hydrogen Bonds, Molecular Compound, Molecular Formula, Molecular Orbital, Molecule
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Vocabulary Test: MeganWords:animosity, apathy, apprehensive, commend, compatible, condolence, consecrate, decrepit, deride, ingenuous, multifarious, obsolete, omnivorous, parsimonious, quandary, recalcitrant, reprisal, revel, stultify, suave
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Vocabulary Test: photo lightWords:photoelectric, photogenic, photokinesis, photolysis, photometer, photon, photosynthesis, phototropism
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Vocabulary Test: readingWords:muster, rumpled, reasuring, assured, formidable, contraption, appalling, wedges, clamor
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Vocabulary Test: LanWords:digraph, unilateral, immigrant, humanitarian, ant, diverge, monogram, dichotomy, philanthropist, ist, tripod, quadru or quadri, shipwright, unison, ier and eer, inhabitant, accompanist, playwright, triathlete, equestrian, descendant, uni, electioneer, di, monopoly, wright, trilogy, financier, qualifier, quadruple, tri, wheelwright, uniform, arian and rian, monarchy, octogenarian, quadriceps, quadruped, preservationist, mon or mono
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Vocabulary Test: NatureWords:beneath, buried, chimney, earthquakes, fireworks, force, trembles, volcanoes
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Vocabulary Test: Science VocabWords:acceleration, deceleration, variables need to calcualte acceleration, constant speed/accleration, velocity, speed, average speed, instantaneous speed, direction, momentum, mass, inertia, conservation of momentum, the law of conservation of momentum, motion, reference point, force
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Vocabulary Test: unit 1Words:declaration of independence, democracy, constitution, amendments, federal govt, magna carta, articles of confideration, bircameral, english bill of rights, bill of rights
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