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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Test IV
enlighten, enthrall, equanimity, equitable, eradicate, erudite, exasperation, exemplary, exonerate, expedient, extol, fabrication, facile, feasible, flagrant, flourish, folly, forthright, futile, galvanize, garnish, genial, grave, gregarious, groundless

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Vocabulary Test: fron spanish
aeropuerto, taxi, linea aerea, avion, mostrador, agente, pasajero, billete, boleto, pasaporte, pantalla de salidas y llegados, tarjeta de embarque, numero del asiento, numero del vuelo, destino, puerta de salida, bordo, bascula, maleta, equipaje, control de seguridara, control de pasaportes, aduama, comandante

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Vocabulary Test: Alabama History Chapter 7
hub, export, import, urban, reform, segregate, prejudice, pig iron, normal school, NAACP

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Vocabulary Test: Form III Midterm
poly-, polytheism, monotheism, vivid, famine, strait, peninsula, isthmus, e.g., i.e., etc., devout, austere, plait, sumptuous, hermit, obstinate, effigy, barbarian, wily, bard, epic, odyssey, veritable, prose, verse, "in vain", paraphrase, guile, reign, succeed, host, idol, idle, astute

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Vocabulary Test: Week 16 vocab
Salubrious, Solicitious, Capitulate, Deprecating, Astute, Beseech, Glean, Obfuscate, Pathos, Primeval

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Vocabulary Test: Science Vocab
Parallel, Pinnate, Palmate, Anchorage, Surface Area, Phloem, Xylem, Chloroplasts, Apical, Dominance, Response, Stimulus

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Vocabulary Test: alex
Columns, Absorb, Protects, Rustling, Dissolve, Particles, Tugged, Paused, Scavenger, Self-Sufficient

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Vocabulary Test: Lit Vocab #01/2012
metropolis, momentous, obstreperous, pensive, perilous, shoddy, sprightly, surly, tirade, vagrant

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Jan 6 Test
murmur, dismay, passion, foundation, retorted, dashed, malicious, truant, inhuman, venture, forge, meddling, earnest, modest, faith

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Vocabulary Test: H Vocabulary Words
habitat, haggle, harpoon, haughty, havoc, herbivore, hesitant, hinder, hives, hoax

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Vocabulary Test: wordly wise 14
accompany, apoint, capable, capitulate, elated, embrace, laborious, mint, profit, rebel, thrive

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary test 17
Perfidious, illicit, discrepancies, inundated, sumptuous, Inscrutable, Abeyance, Primoridal, Homogeneous, Pervaded, Extricate, Menial, Rampant, Cajoled, Pestilence, Anarchy, Nadir, Enthnology, Impair, Commodious, Harbinger, Emanate, Demagogue, Prevaricate, Detriment, Obnoxious, Chastise, Irrevocable, Deplore, Intercede

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Vocabulary Test: Heat Wave! Vocabulary Test
commotion, sprouted, trough, blizzard, churned, snagged, horizon, mercury, singe, yeast

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Vocabulary Test: Spanish quiz cuaderno 6
las caracteristicas, el pelo, una persona, el hombre, la mujer, delgado, gordo, fuerte/débil, inteligente, artístico, atlético, trabajdor, estudioso, perezoso, estupido, bueno, malo, guapo, atractivo, bonito, feo, alto, bajo, viejo, joven, cómico, serio, castaño, pelirrojo, rubio, moreno, calvo, simpático, antipático, organizado, desoganizado, grande, pequeño

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Vocabulary Test: Bio Vocab #1
abiotic, adenine, anatomy, antibiotic, accuracy, aerobic, ancestry, activation energy, amino acids, analagous structures, active transport, active site, alleles, anaerobic, anticodon

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Vocabulary Test: vocab
stern, boisterous, genial, placid, relenting, pungent, clamor, wampum, blustering, intricate, ghastly, contortion, lamely, substantial, scruffy, array, rushes, scarlet, grim, sloemn

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Vocabulary Test: backspanish
copiloto, asiltente de vuelo, hacer un viaje, tomar un vuelo, revisar el boleto, facturar el equipaje, pasar por el control de seguridad, abordar embarcar, salir a tiempo, tarde, con una demora, despegar, aterrizar, desembarcar, reclamar el equipaje, abrir las maletas, inspeccionar, el pass, extranjero, venir, permitir, poner, traer, saber, conocer

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Vocabulary Test: vocab number 13
vex, disseminate, stupor, privy, illusory, inarticulate, gainsay, derogatory, morose, insinuate, malinger, optimist, awry, rhapsodize, painstaking, affable, comeliness, diffident, disapprobation, germane

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Vocabulary Test: SATVOCAB1
abhor, bigot, counterfeit, enfranchise, hamper, kindle, noxious, placid, remuneration, talisman, abrasive, bilk, covert, engender, hangar, knotty, nuance, plagiarism, renown, tangent

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Vocabulary Test: archetypal symbols
Water, Sun, Colors, Circle, Serpent, Numbers, Woman, The wise Old Man, Garden, Tree, Desert, Creation, Hero, Genres
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