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Vocabulary Test: How I Survived My Summer Vacation Vocabulary QuizWords:clink, singsong, diversion, editors, infamous, deformed, irritably, dragged, grub, compulsion, aroma, groped, stormed, century, patented, inspiration, blur
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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy CH.1 (Here and Now)Words:astronomical unit (AU), field of view, galaxy, light-year (ly), milky way, Milky Way Galaxy, planet, scientific method, scientific notation , solar system, spiral arm, star, universe, our galaxy
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy VocabWords:Vertebral, Manus, pollex, Carpal, Crural, Pedal, Dorsal, Otic, Lumbar, Distal, Acromial, Gluteal, Plantar, Brachial , Inguinal, Sacral, fibular, Medial, Hallex, Buccal
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Vocabulary Test: My little pony testWords:Princess Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie , Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Prince Shining Armor , Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (Cadance) , Princess Celestia , Princess Luna
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Vocabulary Test: How I Spent My Summer VacationWords:voices, cowboys, toy, enjoyment, oil, point, join, soil, joy, coin, around, without, fire, train, wait , captured, imagination, manners, matador, plains, relax, vacation
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Vocabulary Test: Norse MythologyWords:Gunnungagap, Niffelheim, Muspellheim , Ymir , Audumla , Midgard , Asgard , Yggdrasill, Ragnorak , Bifrost , Mimir, Thor , Alfheim, Odin, Loki
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Vocabulary Test: English II Legends & Myths Vocab.Words:confront, vault, strategic, contemptible, endear, confinement, interminable, renown, redress, discourteous, enmity
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Vocabulary Test: Words from MythologyWords:aegis, amazon, ambrosia, aphrodisiac, atlas, chronicle, crony, epidemic, fauna, flora, gorgon, harpy, hectoring, hedonist, Herculean, hypnotic, iridescent, janitor, jovial, labyrinthine, laconic, lethargic, libation, lyric, marathon, martial, mentor, mercurial, metamorphosis, mnemonic, muse, narcissism, nectar, nemesis, odyssey, oracle, panacea, pandemonium, panic, platonic, plutocrat, siren, somnolent, sophomore, stoic, thespian, zephyr, Trojan horse, Pandora's box, Achilles' heel
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Vocabulary Test: jeremyWords:descendants, vehicle, agreeable, appreciate, pioneers, transportation, boomed, emigration
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Vocabulary Test: AnatomyWords:amphiarthrosis, bursa, compact bone, diaphysis , diarthrosis, epiphysis , fracture, ligament, marrow, meniscus, ossification, osteoclast, osteocyte, osteon, periosteum, synovial fluid, appendicular skeleton, articulation, avial skeleton, spongy bone, synarthrosis, osteoblast
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy TestWords:Forearm, Mandible, Long bones have reached their adult length, Calcium, Osteocytes, Osteoclasts, endosteum, Harmone Calcitonin, Osteons, Toes and Fingers, Bone breaking the skin, Support, storage, protection, and blood cell production, Marrow , Endosteum, Intramembranous bones, Long bone is growing, Osteoblasts, Long axis, Blood, cartilage, fibrous connective tissue, and nerve tissue, Vitamin D, Calcification, Epiphysis, Femur , Trabaculae, Redbone marrow, Canaculi, bony matrix, ossification, Location of secondary ossification centers, Presence of an epiphyseal line, endosteum, Sutures, Osteopenia
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Set 15 VocabWords:par-; para-, path-; -pathy, -ped-, -ped-, pent-, per-, peri-, permea-, phag-, pheno-, phil-, phon-; -phone, -phore; pher-, photo-, phren-, phyl-, physi-, pino-, plan-, plasm-; -plast
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Vocabulary Test: voc test ch 8,9,10Words:alter, optimist, pretense, blunt, prolong, chronic, refrain, chronological, remorse, ample
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Vocabulary Test: voc test ch 8,9,10aWords:acute, anonymous, apprehensive, arrogant, bestow, donor, phobia, prominent, prudent, recipient
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Vocabulary Test: Eng 9 VocabWords:abstain, acrobat, alternative, amphibian, anthropology, apathy, audition, biography, biology, chromatic, circumnavigate, civilian, cosmopolitan, cryptic, democracy, dormant, egocentric, elaborate, epidemic, eulogy, fraternity, geology, hemoglobin, homicide, homonym
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Vocabulary Test: voc test ch 8,9,10abWords:absurd, adhere, affluent, alienate, assess, compile, contempt, defect, doctrine, dogmatic
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Vocabulary Test: The Origin of the Seasons Vocabulary QuizWords:majestic, garlands, cascaded, turf, chariot, consent, immortal, anoint, embers, crooning, sower, crafty, gloomier, decreed
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab test 2Words:chronic, chronological, circumscribe, citadel, clamber, collaborate, collateral, comply, condolence, congeniality, congruent, connive, conspiracy, contaminate, contempt, cope, credentials, culmination, cumberson, cynic, deficient, defile, defraud, demoralize, denote, depict, depreciate, devout, dexterity
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Vocabulary Test: FoodsWords:Pizza, Turkey, Chicken, Pie, Cake, Pasta, Taco, Hambuger, Hotdog, Bacon
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Vocabulary Test: English 9 Vocabulary Final TestWords:abstain, acrobat, alternative, amphibian, anthropology, apathy, audition, biography, biology, chromatic, chronic, circumnavigate, civilian, cosmopolitan, cryptic, democracy, dormant, egocentric, elaborate, epidemic, eulogy, fraternity, geology, hemoglobin, homicide
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Vocabulary Test: eng12Words:chloroform, palatial, renunciation, barracks, aspirants, barrage, laconically, studious, adjoining, debauched, stupor, convulsed, shrapnel, affably, cloister
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Vocabulary Test: vocabularyWords:scrambled, brush, forlorn, scurrying, befall, headland, trinket, pried, vainer, vowed, flung, slinked, beckoned, lair, clutching, tide pool, gusts, snarling, gorged, bobbed
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Vocabulary Test: To Kill a Mockingbird VocabularyWords:predilection, asinine, condescended, onslaught, fruitless, caricatures, ingenuous, changelings, obstreperous, reconnaissance, inconspicuous, oppressive, forthright, thunderstruck, inflection, infallible, ominous, duress, furtive, chiffarobe
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Vocabulary Test: vocabulary quizWords:mean, median, mode, range, outlier, population, sample, random sample, percent of change, percent of increase, percent of decrease, interset, simple interest, principal, effort
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Vocabulary Test: First Friday QuizWords:alpha, bet, omega, kappa, safety, objectives, things, remember, Simpson's, Quiz, Dare, Butter, Fly, Shoot, Moore
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Vocabulary Test: kaykayWords:summer, give up, gainful, car, were, not, heartless, up, down, kayla
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Vocabulary Test: Sara PfaffWords:enhance, sacraficed, frigid, participants, equivalent, durable, prime, deduced, affirmed, culmination
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