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Vocabulary Test: How I Spent My Summer VacationWords:voices, cowboys, toy, enjoyment, oil, point, join, soil, joy, coin, around, without, fire, train, wait , captured, imagination, manners, matador, plains, relax, vacation
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy TestWords:Forearm, Mandible, Long bones have reached their adult length, Calcium, Osteocytes, Osteoclasts, endosteum, Harmone Calcitonin, Osteons, Toes and Fingers, Bone breaking the skin, Support, storage, protection, and blood cell production, Marrow , Endosteum, Intramembranous bones, Long bone is growing, Osteoblasts, Long axis, Blood, cartilage, fibrous connective tissue, and nerve tissue, Vitamin D, Calcification, Epiphysis, Femur , Trabaculae, Redbone marrow, Canaculi, bony matrix, ossification, Location of secondary ossification centers, Presence of an epiphyseal line, endosteum, Sutures, Osteopenia
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy VocabWords:Vertebral, Manus, pollex, Carpal, Crural, Pedal, Dorsal, Otic, Lumbar, Distal, Acromial, Gluteal, Plantar, Brachial , Inguinal, Sacral, fibular, Medial, Hallex, Buccal
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Vocabulary Test: jeremyWords:descendants, vehicle, agreeable, appreciate, pioneers, transportation, boomed, emigration
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Vocabulary Test: English II Legends & Myths Vocab.Words:confront, vault, strategic, contemptible, endear, confinement, interminable, renown, redress, discourteous, enmity
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Vocabulary Test: Norse MythologyWords:Gunnungagap, Niffelheim, Muspellheim , Ymir , Audumla , Midgard , Asgard , Yggdrasill, Ragnorak , Bifrost , Mimir, Thor , Alfheim, Odin, Loki
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Vocabulary Test: How I Survived My Summer Vacation Vocabulary QuizWords:clink, singsong, diversion, editors, infamous, deformed, irritably, dragged, grub, compulsion, aroma, groped, stormed, century, patented, inspiration, blur
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Vocabulary Test: AnatomyWords:amphiarthrosis, bursa, compact bone, diaphysis , diarthrosis, epiphysis , fracture, ligament, marrow, meniscus, ossification, osteoclast, osteocyte, osteon, periosteum, synovial fluid, appendicular skeleton, articulation, avial skeleton, spongy bone, synarthrosis, osteoblast
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Vocabulary Test: My little pony testWords:Princess Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie , Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Prince Shining Armor , Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (Cadance) , Princess Celestia , Princess Luna
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Vocabulary Test: my ponyWords:what's your favorite animal, what are you good at, are you good at remembering your homework., how many pets do you have, what do you love about you, do have any electronics
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Set 15 VocabWords:par-; para-, path-; -pathy, -ped-, -ped-, pent-, per-, peri-, permea-, phag-, pheno-, phil-, phon-; -phone, -phore; pher-, photo-, phren-, phyl-, physi-, pino-, plan-, plasm-; -plast
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Vocabulary Test: Mythology 2Words:Hades, Artemis, Apollo, merry and precocious, Hermes, Persophone, Underworld queen, Cerebrus, Elysian fields, Dionysus, Niobe, Orion, Modest hunter, Charon, Demeter, jealous, Poseidon, moody and violent, precocious, crevice
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Vocabulary Test: voc test ch 8,9,10Words:alter, optimist, pretense, blunt, prolong, chronic, refrain, chronological, remorse, ample
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Vocabulary Test: voc test ch 8,9,10aWords:acute, anonymous, apprehensive, arrogant, bestow, donor, phobia, prominent, prudent, recipient
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Vocabulary Test: Eng 9 VocabWords:abstain, acrobat, alternative, amphibian, anthropology, apathy, audition, biography, biology, chromatic, circumnavigate, civilian, cosmopolitan, cryptic, democracy, dormant, egocentric, elaborate, epidemic, eulogy, fraternity, geology, hemoglobin, homicide, homonym
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Vocabulary Test: voc test ch 8,9,10abWords:absurd, adhere, affluent, alienate, assess, compile, contempt, defect, doctrine, dogmatic
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Vocabulary Test: The Origin of the Seasons Vocabulary QuizWords:majestic, garlands, cascaded, turf, chariot, consent, immortal, anoint, embers, crooning, sower, crafty, gloomier, decreed
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab test 2Words:chronic, chronological, circumscribe, citadel, clamber, collaborate, collateral, comply, condolence, congeniality, congruent, connive, conspiracy, contaminate, contempt, cope, credentials, culmination, cumberson, cynic, deficient, defile, defraud, demoralize, denote, depict, depreciate, devout, dexterity
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Vocabulary Test: FoodsWords:Pizza, Turkey, Chicken, Pie, Cake, Pasta, Taco, Hambuger, Hotdog, Bacon
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Vocabulary Test: English 9 Vocabulary Final TestWords:abstain, acrobat, alternative, amphibian, anthropology, apathy, audition, biography, biology, chromatic, chronic, circumnavigate, civilian, cosmopolitan, cryptic, democracy, dormant, egocentric, elaborate, epidemic, eulogy, fraternity, geology, hemoglobin, homicide
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Vocabulary Test: eng12Words:chloroform, palatial, renunciation, barracks, aspirants, barrage, laconically, studious, adjoining, debauched, stupor, convulsed, shrapnel, affably, cloister
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Vocabulary Test: vocabularyWords:scrambled, brush, forlorn, scurrying, befall, headland, trinket, pried, vainer, vowed, flung, slinked, beckoned, lair, clutching, tide pool, gusts, snarling, gorged, bobbed
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Vocabulary Test: To Kill a Mockingbird VocabularyWords:predilection, asinine, condescended, onslaught, fruitless, caricatures, ingenuous, changelings, obstreperous, reconnaissance, inconspicuous, oppressive, forthright, thunderstruck, inflection, infallible, ominous, duress, furtive, chiffarobe
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Vocabulary Test: vocabulary quizWords:mean, median, mode, range, outlier, population, sample, random sample, percent of change, percent of increase, percent of decrease, interset, simple interest, principal, effort
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Vocabulary Test: First Friday QuizWords:alpha, bet, omega, kappa, safety, objectives, things, remember, Simpson's, Quiz, Dare, Butter, Fly, Shoot, Moore
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Vocabulary Test: kaykayWords:summer, give up, gainful, car, were, not, heartless, up, down, kayla
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Vocabulary Test: Sara PfaffWords:enhance, sacraficed, frigid, participants, equivalent, durable, prime, deduced, affirmed, culmination
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