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Vocabulary Test: Brain: AnatomyWords:Motor in Cranial nerves, Sensory and motor in Cranial nerves, Cranial nerves, Sensory Nerves, Motor Nerves, Parts of Peripheral Nervous System, Nervous system, Peripheral Nervous System, Sensory in Cranial nerves, Spinal nerves, Arachnoid membrane, Pia Mater, Meninges, Blood , Blood-Brain Barrier, lateral ventricles, Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF), Brain depends on what fluids, Pons, Hindbrain, Hypothalamus, Thalamus, Telencephalon, Huntington’s Disease , Basal ganglia, Temporal, Cortex, Occipital, Subdivions of the forebrain, Telencephalon, subdivisions developed from the neural tube, Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic, Parasympathetic nervous system, Sympathetic nervous system, Spinal nerves, Autonomic Nervous System, Medulla, Cerebellum, Midbrain, diencephalon, limbic system, Frontal, Parietal, Central Nervous System (CNS), Parasympathetic ganglia , Chain ganglia, Divisions of Autonomic Nervous System
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Vocabulary Test: Mystery & The Westing Game: Part 1 Vocabulary TestWords:Meager, Averted, Wobble, Subterfuge, Pyrotechnic, Vigil, Beneficiary, Putrid, Amputation, Reupholstered, Deckle
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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Ch.6 (Atoms & Spectra)Words:absolute zero, absorption line, absorption spectrum (dark-line spectrum), astrophysics , balmer series , binding energy, blackbody radiation, blueshift , continuous spectrum, Coulomb force , doppler effect , electron, emission line, emission spectrum (bright-line spectrum), energy level, excited atom, ground state , heat , ion, ionized , isotopes , Kelvin temperature scale , Kirchoff's laws, Lyman series , molecule , neutron, nucleus (of an atom), Paschen series , permitted orbit, proton, quantum mechanics , radial velocity (Vr), redshift , Stefan-Boltzmann Law, temperature , transition , wavelength of maximum intensity (lambda max), Wien's law
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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Ch.7 (The Sun)Words:active region, aurora, babcock model, convection, convection zone, corona, coronagraph, coronal hole, coronal mass ejection (CME), Coulomb barrier, deuterium , differential rotation, dynamo effect, filament, filtergram , flare, granulation, helioseismology , magnetic carpet , maunder butterfly diagram, Maunder minimum, neutrino , nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, photosphere, polarity, positron, prominence , protonproton chain, radiative zone, reconnection event , solar constant , solar wind , spicule , strong force , sunspot, supergranule , weak force, Zeeman effect
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Vocabulary Test: my side of the mountainWords:loping, provoke, poaching, berated, harassing , device, residue, savory , resolved , jesses, tubers , exertion, thrashing, puckered , escorted, wiry
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Vocabulary Test: Jimmy English VocabWords:Transcend, Malicious, Acquiesce, Benign, Lucid, Ostracize, Dissuade, Judicious, Capricious, Fortuitous, Eclectic, Jocular, Intrinsic, Amenable, Precarious, Altruism, Deprecate, Anomaly, Elucidate , Precipitate, Poignant, Imminent, Malevolent, Acumen, Sanguine, Disdain, Epitome, Cogent, Prevaricate, Cajole, Subtle, Nefarious, Dubious, Implore, Compel, Entreat, Impetuous, Infer, Imply, Allusion, Absolve, Nemesis, Allude, Abyss, Comply, Scrupulous, Vacillate, Terse, Impediment, Ubiquitous
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Lecture Test 1Words:Glands, Gap Junction, Tight Junction, Smooth Muscle, Axon, Soma, Platelets, Leukocytes, Blood, Sponge Bone, Compact Bone, Fibro Cartilage , Elastic Cartilage, Hyaline Cartilage , Cartilage, Dense Irregular Connective Tissue, Reticular Tissue , Areolar Tissue, Elastic Fibers, Collagenous Fibers, Stratified Cuboidal , Stratified Squamous, Stratified Epithelium , Simple Cuboidal, Simple Epithelial, Simple Squamous, Transverse Plane, Negative Feedback, Desmosomes, Intercellular Junction, Cardiac Muscle , Skeletal Muscle , Glial Cells, Dendrites, Neurons/ Nerve Cells, Erythrocytes , Bone , Dense Regular Connective Tissue , Adipose Tissue, Reticular Fibers, Connective/Fibrous Tissue, Transitional Epithelium, Psuedostratified Columnar, Simple Columnar , Epithelial Tissue, Frontal Plane, Sagital Plane, Positive Feedback, Dynamic Equilibrium, Physiology, Anatomy, Exocrine Glands, Endocrine Glands , Unicellualr Glands , Membranes, Cutaneous Membrane , Mucous Membrane, Serous Membrane
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy&Physiology Words:Pineal, hyperthyroidism, hyperglycemic, hypothyroidism, hypoparathyroidism, Pancreas(somatostatin), Pancreas(glucagon), Adrenal Medulla, How does a non-steroid hormone act on its target cells?, How does a steroid hormone act on its target cell?, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Thymus, Placenta, Adrenal Cortex, hyperparathyroidism, hypoglycemic, Acinar cells of pancreas , Pancreas(Insulin), Zona fasiculate, Zona glomerulosa, Adrenal Capsule, Islet of langerhans, Zona Reticularis
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Vocabulary Test: taxonomyWords:binomal nomenclature, genus, systematics , taxon, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom, phylogeny, clade, monophylgeny, cladogram, derived charcter, domain, bacteria, archaea, eukarya
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Vocabulary Test: My Coummunity, My CountryWords:community, ciitizen, government, law, court, tax, congress, Supreme Court, governor, symbol
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Vocabulary Test: Foreword My AntoniaWords:paradoxical, omnipresent, poignant, forthright, eclectic, tentative, rhapsodic, venial, indomitable, epigraph, exultant, mundane, inimitable, exuberance, turmoil, haphazard, privation, despicable, anecdote, rueful, apotheosis, flaccid, lethal, gallantry, oeuvre
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Vocabulary Test: Words from MythologyWords:aegis, amazon, ambrosia, aphrodisiac, atlas, chronicle, crony, epidemic, fauna, flora, gorgon, harpy, hectoring, hedonist, Herculean, hypnotic, iridescent, janitor, jovial, labyrinthine, laconic, lethargic, libation, lyric, marathon, martial, mentor, mercurial, metamorphosis, mnemonic, muse, narcissism, nectar, nemesis, odyssey, oracle, panacea, pandemonium, panic, platonic, plutocrat, siren, somnolent, sophomore, stoic, thespian, zephyr, Trojan horse, Pandora's box, Achilles' heel
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Vocabulary Test: Norse MythologyWords:Gunnungagap, Niffelheim, Muspellheim , Ymir , Audumla , Midgard , Asgard , Yggdrasill, Ragnorak , Bifrost , Mimir, Thor , Alfheim, Odin, Loki
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Vocabulary Test: English II Legends & Myths Vocab.Words:confront, vault, strategic, contemptible, endear, confinement, interminable, renown, redress, discourteous, enmity
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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Ch.3 (Cycles of the Sun and Moon)Words:annular eclipse, aphelion, apogee, autumnal equinox, chromosphere, corona, diamond-ring effect, ecliptic, evening star, horoscope, lunar eclipse, milankovitch hypothesis, morning star, node, penumbra, perigee, perihelion, photosphere, prominence, pseudoscience, revolution, rotation , saros cycle, scientific argument, sidereal period, solar eclipse, summer solstice, synodic period, terrestrial planet, totality, umbra, vernal equinox, winter solstice, zodiac
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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Ch.5 (Light & Telescopes)Words:achromatic lens, active optics, adaptive optics, alt-azimuth mount, angstrom, array detector, atmospheric window, cassegrain focus, charge-coupled device (CCD), chromatic aberration, cosmic ray, diffraction fringe, digitized , electromagnetic radiation , equatorial mount, eyepiece, false-color image , focal length, frequency, gamma ray, grating, infrared radiation, interferometry , joule (J), laser guide star, light pollution, light-gathering power, magnifying power , microwave , nanometer , newtonian focus , optical telescope, photographic plate , photometer , photon , polar axis, primary lens, primary mirror, prime focus, radio telescope, radio wave, reflecting telescope, refracting telescope, representational-color, resolving power , schmidt-cassegrain focus, secondary mirror, seeing, sidereal drive , spectral line, spectrograph , spectrum, ultraviolet radiation , wavelength
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Unit 3Words:Ceiling, Receipt, Deceive, Neither, Field, Achieve, Belief, Brief, Relief, Apiece, Leisure, Protein, Reciever, Seize, Conceited, Shield, Niece, Diesel, Grief, Yield
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Vocabulary Test: 1/4/12Words:weather, climate, climatologist, meteorologist, climatologist, meteorologist
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab #1Words:argot, barrage, double-entendre, hyperbole, obsequious, pedantic, truculent, vindictive, wayfarer
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Vocabulary Test: Week 15Words:flimsy, long, gruff, persist, strain, adjust, belongings, mature, realize, reconsider, rubble
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab 1Words:Approbation, Assuage, Coalition, Decadence, Elicit, Expostulate, Hackneyed, Hiatus, Innuendo, Intercede, Jaded, Lurid, Meritorious, Petulant, Prerogative, Provincial, Simulate, Transcend, Umbrage, Unctuous
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Vocabulary Test: VocabularyWords:Altruism, Caldron, Deplore, Exculplate, Illusory, Lobbyist, Onus, Precarious, Sagacious, Trepidation, Amass, Callow, Depravity, Execrable, Immoderate, Lofty, Opaque, Precedent, Sage, Trinket
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Vocabulary Test: The Crucible Act II + BW VocabWords:accolade, atrophy, caucus, demonic, grandiloquent, harangue, noxious, base, calamity, compensate, deceit, falter, indignant, magistrate, resentful, sarcasm
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Vocabulary Test: vocabulary 11Words:Glacier, Valley, Erosion, Delta, Weathering, Canyons, Tributary, Runoff, Groundwater, Landslide, Sediment, Deposition, Bank, Estuary, Flood, Meander, Source, Mouth, River bed, Ox bow lake
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Vocabulary Test: VocabWords:abet, coerce, divulge, meticulous, temerity, gauche, libation, motely, bastion, irascible, jettison, appease, augment, chaos, expunge, jingoism, negligence, strident, adament, disparity, ostensible, rancor, dilettante, austere, frowzy, hienous, impound, acrimony, lethargy, dour
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Quiz #10Words:direct variation, slope, y-intercept, slope intercept form, x-intercept, point slope form, constant variation, standard form
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Vocabulary Test: Scientic methodWords:Analysis, Control, Data, Experimental Error, Experiment, Hypothesis, Inference, Methods / Procedure, Observation, Qualitative Data, Quantitative Data, Replication, Scientific Law, Scientific Method, Scientific Theory, Independent Variable, Dependent Variable
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Vocabulary Test: Chapt. 6 Soc. St.Words:citizen, right, democracy, petition, volunteer, resolve, compromise, delegate, convention, constitution, republic, abolish, patriotism, retreat, cavalry, massacre, scout, fact, opinion, recognize, cabinet, election
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Vocabulary Test: VocabWords:autobiography, autograph, bibliography, biography, cartography, homograph, paragraph, phonograph, photograph, seismograph
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Power Plus Lessons 1-10Words:divulge, abet, dogmatic, insipid, extraneous, coerce, jaundiced, meticulous, temerity, gregarious, heresy, docile, libation, anathema, banter, castigate, gauche, ignominy, motley, emaciated, avarice, furtive, bacchanalian, extradite, copious, irascible, mercenary, bastion, jettison, ostracize, bigot, expunge, argot, candid, negligence, appease, strident, chaos, augment, jingoism, rancor, inexorable, extol, clement, cliche, adamant, diffident, opus, ostensible, disparity, condone, nuance, connoisseur, enigma, apathy, officious, credence, jaunty, dilettante, cult, cynical, ambivalent, demagogue, demure, intrepid, destitute, erudite, dilemma, culmination, concur, abate, decorum, abhor, dole, gamut, extrovert, droll, duplicity, effigy, austere, emulate, sere, enhance, contrite, magnanimous, enunciate, collaborate, impound, impeccable, evoke, inane, unctuous, expatriate, frowzy, heinous, expound, cajole, inscrutable, balk, acrimony, dour, exult, omniscient, feasible, fiasco, metier, fluctuate, harry, incognito, lethargy
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Vocabulary Test: openWords:apothecary, piety, chattels, modest, impotent, taciturn, unsullied, imprudent, profound, optimism, detachment, tyrannical, eccentric, repertoire, vapid, malevolent, morbid, predilection, flivver, transition, nebulous, intimidation, concession, foray
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab PrepWords:berg, guttural, sentiment, fervor, foliage, aversion, haughty, abode, sidelong, cavernous, exasperation, apathy, foreboding, gibbering, ghastly, presiding, sullen, vile, warped, pious
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