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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Lecture Test 1Words:Glands, Gap Junction, Tight Junction, Smooth Muscle, Axon, Soma, Platelets, Leukocytes, Blood, Sponge Bone, Compact Bone, Fibro Cartilage , Elastic Cartilage, Hyaline Cartilage , Cartilage, Dense Irregular Connective Tissue, Reticular Tissue , Areolar Tissue, Elastic Fibers, Collagenous Fibers, Stratified Cuboidal , Stratified Squamous, Stratified Epithelium , Simple Cuboidal, Simple Epithelial, Simple Squamous, Transverse Plane, Negative Feedback, Desmosomes, Intercellular Junction, Cardiac Muscle , Skeletal Muscle , Glial Cells, Dendrites, Neurons/ Nerve Cells, Erythrocytes , Bone , Dense Regular Connective Tissue , Adipose Tissue, Reticular Fibers, Connective/Fibrous Tissue, Transitional Epithelium, Psuedostratified Columnar, Simple Columnar , Epithelial Tissue, Frontal Plane, Sagital Plane, Positive Feedback, Dynamic Equilibrium, Physiology, Anatomy, Exocrine Glands, Endocrine Glands , Unicellualr Glands , Membranes, Cutaneous Membrane , Mucous Membrane, Serous Membrane
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Vocabulary Test: holes#myWords:stuck, shimmering, Occasionally, leap, extended, Faded, haze, admit, raspy, encourage
Test Also Includes: synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, sentences
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy&Physiology Words:Pineal, hyperthyroidism, hyperglycemic, hypothyroidism, hypoparathyroidism, Pancreas(somatostatin), Pancreas(glucagon), Adrenal Medulla, How does a non-steroid hormone act on its target cells?, How does a steroid hormone act on its target cell?, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Thymus, Placenta, Adrenal Cortex, hyperparathyroidism, hypoglycemic, Acinar cells of pancreas , Pancreas(Insulin), Zona fasiculate, Zona glomerulosa, Adrenal Capsule, Islet of langerhans, Zona Reticularis
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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Test #6 Words:Planets, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter Part 1 , Jupiter Part 2 , Jupiter Part 3 , Saturn Part 1, Saturn Part 2 , Uranus, Neptune, Jovian Ring Systems, Pluto and Other Dwarf Planets, Other Icy Bodies (NOT Jovian planets), Motion of Large Bodies, Two Major Planet Types, Swarms of Smaller Bodies, Notable Exceptions, What is the nebular theory?, Origin of the Nebula, Evidence from Other Gas Clouds, Star-Forming Clouds, Glowing Dust Grains, Conservation of Angular Momentum Part 1, Conservation of Angular Momentum Part 2, Flattening Part 1 , Flattening Part 2 , Flattening Part 3 , Flattening Part 4 , Disks Around Other Stars, Conservation of Energy Part 1 , Conservation of Energy Part 2 , Conservation of Energy Part 3 , Formation of Terrestrial Planets Part 1 , Formation of Terrestrial Planets Part 2, Formation of Terrestrial Planets Part 3, Accretion of Planetesimals, Formation of Jovian Planets Part 1 , Formation of Jovian Planets Part 2 , Formation of Jovian Planets Part 3, Formation of Jovian Planets Part 4, Asteroids and Comets, Heavy Bombardment, Origin of Earth’s Water, Captured Moons , Giant Impact, Odd Rotation, Radioactive Decay, Dating the Solar System, Dating the Solar System
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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Test #6 Chapter 10Words:Why are extrasolar planets difficult to detect? Part 1 , Why are extrasolar planets difficult to detect? Part 2 , Planet Detection (Direct), Planet Detection (Indirect), Gravitational Tugs PART 1, Gravitational Tugs PART 2 , Astrometric Technique , Doppler Technique, First Extrasolar Planet Detected Part 1, First Extrasolar Planet Detected Part 2, Transits and Eclipses Part 1, Transits and Eclipses Part 2, Direct Detection, Measurable Properties, Planet Mass and Orbit Tilt, Calculating density, Orbits of Extrasolar Planets Part 1 , Orbits of Extrasolar Planets Part 2, Surprising Characteristics, Revisiting the Nebular Theory, Planetary Migration, Gravitational Encounters, Planetary Types, Modifying the Nebular Theory, Planets: Common or Rare?
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Vocabulary Quiz #1Words:Anatomy, Physiology, Macroscopic Anatomy, Microscopic Anatomy, Regional Anatomy, Systemic Anatomy, Surface Anatomy, Cytology, Embryology, Renal Physiology, Neurophysiology, Cardiovascular Physiology, Chemical level, Tissue level, Cellular level, Organ level, Organ system level, Organismal level, Integumentary system, Movement, Responsiveness, Digestion, Metabolism, Excretion, Reproduction, Growth, Nutrients, Oxygen, Water, Normal Body Temperature
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 10/13/2014Words:asthma, symptoms of asthma, coughing or wheezing attacks are worsened by, bronchitis, people who have bronchitis, bronchitis may be 2 things, acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis, symptoms of bronchitis, pneumonia, how is pneumonia diagnosed, lung cancer is the , cigarette smoking is the , passive/ second hand smoking, the two types of lung cancer which grow and spread differently, the stage of lung cancer, treatment of lung cancer can involve a combination of surgery, what is the role of the diaphragm pg 83, name the structures of the diaphragm, the diaphragm attaches in 3 places
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 2 (10/13/2014Words:pericardium, the points of attachment for the diaphragm, diaphragm attaches in 3 places, if its on the rib it is , brevis means, collapsed lung, box looking thing in diaphragm, trampoline structure under diaphragm, under the falciform ligaments , diaphragm attaches to liver, the diaphragm is the structure that seperates the , pericarditis, emphysema, pleurisy, mediastinum, whey they cut the hole in the trachea, name the acessory muscles of the neck, correct order of the process, what muscle is superficial, what muscle is deep, which muscle is weak and lies deep in the body, which muscle is heavy and top of the internal, muscles between the ribs are, if it attaches to the bone it is , what muscle attaches to the c's, if muscle attaches to the Ilium, name the 5 muscles posterior thoracic muscles of inspiration, name the peck muscles, the pectoralis major covers what, intercostal , transversus thoracis muscle is also called, latissimus dorsi, when men wear brace around their waist it covers what , teres minor, dr hall put the back of her hand on kaitlan and hand folded over, the rhomboids, levator scapulae, all 3 muscles groups of scalenes, the 3 lobes in the right lung, fissures in the right lung, 2 lobes on left lung, fissure in the left lung, describe type 1 and type 2 cells, fissure, if my trachea splits what is the composition, bifurcates, purpose of intratracheal membrane
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Vocabulary Test: Greek MythologyWords:Ares, Apollo, Artemis, Zeus, Demeter, Hestia, Hera, Dionysus, Hermes, Hades, Poseidon, Athena, Chronos, Atlas, Persephone
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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 3 Business in the global economyWords:Absolute advantage , Balance of payments , Balance of trade , Common market , Comparative advantage , Culture, Domestic business , Embargo , Exchange rate , Exports, Foreign debt , Foreign exchange market , Franchise , Free-trade agreement , Free-trade zone , Global strategy , Host country , Imports , Infrastructure , Interest rates , International business , Joint venture , Licensing , Multinational company (MNC) , Multinational strategy , Negative or unfavorable balance of payments , Positive or favorable balance of payments , Quota , Tariff , Trade barriers , Trade deficit , Trade surplus
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Vocabulary Test: Jeremy Fink & the Meaning of LifeWords:abrupt, astute, blatant, capricious, conspicuous, contemplate, contemplation, cryptic, exasperation, giddy, humanity, imminent, incredulously, inexplicably, plod, prominent, reluctant, reverie, sustenance, tangible, tentatively, trudge, unison, valid, vigorously, wallow
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Vocabulary Test: Lawler AcademyWords:facilitate, spurious, lampoon, sage, exuberance, animosity, detachment, lavish, indict, falter, fanaticism, vacillate
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy DirectionsWords:body, neck, head, ramus, margin/border, facet, condyle, angle, process, spine, crest/crista, line/linea, epicondyle, trochanter, tuberosity/tuber, tubercle, lingula, cornu, hamalus, fossa, sinus/labyrinth, fissure, canal/meatus, foramen, notch, fovea, groove/sulcus
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Vocabulary Test: Avian AnatomyWords:Arteries, Veins, Crop, Grit, Herbivore, Carnivore, Glucose, Pathogen, Epidermis, Dermis, Subcutaneous Tissue, Striated
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Vocabulary Test: Jimmy English VocabWords:Transcend, Malicious, Acquiesce, Benign, Lucid, Ostracize, Dissuade, Judicious, Capricious, Fortuitous, Eclectic, Jocular, Intrinsic, Amenable, Precarious, Altruism, Deprecate, Anomaly, Elucidate , Precipitate, Poignant, Imminent, Malevolent, Acumen, Sanguine, Disdain, Epitome, Cogent, Prevaricate, Cajole, Subtle, Nefarious, Dubious, Implore, Compel, Entreat, Impetuous, Infer, Imply, Allusion, Absolve, Nemesis, Allude, Abyss, Comply, Scrupulous, Vacillate, Terse, Impediment, Ubiquitous
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Vocabulary Test: My Brother Sam Lists 1 & 2Words:principles, lasciviousness, subversion, rebellious, treason, agitator, prevail, brisk, reliable, dishonorable, surveyor, apprentice, cordial, skirmishes, ciphering
Test Also Includes: synonyms, parts of speech, sentences
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Vocabulary Test: what do you knowWords:the word brandon means, do you were skinny jeans, bananas are, the word morgan mens, big boys is, who is mr.O, does reality hurt, tim is a, the word 2012 means, what is the word, pick a color, are you smart enough to pass
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Vocabulary Test: bbWords:create, quiz, to, two, too, sunset, pickle, Mr., Mrs., Ms., teacher, great
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Vocabulary Test: Science 2nd Qtr FinalWords:Cyst, Cyto, De, Dem or Demos, Derm, Di, Dia, Dis, Duc or Duct, Ego, Epi, Equa or Equi, Erg or Urg, Ess, Er, Or, Ex, Exo, Frac, Frag, Fid, Fide, Flect, Gastro, Gastri, Gen
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Vocabulary Test: 1-3-12 vocabularyWords:Barricade, Apprehension, Brackish, Aplomb, Bluff, Barricade, Brandish, Aptitude, Attentive, Banish, Adversary
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Vocabulary Test: inventorsWords:Catapult, Gas automobile, digital compact disc (CD), Telegraph, Incandescent light bulb, Telephone, Modern Computer, Steam Locomotive, Compound Microscope, Refridgerator, Typewriter, Plastic, Digital Camera, Cell Phone, Toaster, Hearing Aid, Bicycle, Microphone
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Vocabulary Test: mzsheekaWords:compatible numbers, LCD, GCF, multiplicative inverse, reciprocal, pound, ounce, ton, cup, pint, quart, gallon, perimeter, area, formula, circle, center, diameter, radius, circumference
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Vocabulary Test: Science 4Words:Nucleotide, Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, Cytosine, Incomplete dominance, Mutation, Mutagen, Dedigree, Selective breeding, Genetic engineering
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Vocabulary Test: the giver vocabWords:Adherence, Assimilated, Assuage, Chastise, Fleeting, Flushed, Immobilize, Integral, Jaunty, Languid, Lapse
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Vocabulary Test: vocabulary Test IIIWords:denounce, deplete, derisive, desolate, despair, deter, detrimental, diffident, diplomatic, disavow, discord, discredit, disgruntled, disingenuous, disparage, doctrinaire, dogmatic, duplicity, durable, ebullient, eloquent, empathy, endorse, enervate, enhance
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Vocabulary Test: curious incident part 2Words:jumper, jaundice, chips, nocturnal, hypothetical, spanners, furrow, logician, quid, tube, imploding, sellotaped, saccades, schizophrenic, parabola, clarification, graffitied, cashpoint, truncheon, scarpering
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Vocabulary Test: Romeo and Juliet Part OneWords:profaners, pernicious, augmenting, portentous, transgression, posterity, languish, heretics, esteem, obscured, boisterous, alderman, benefice, purged, loathed
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Vocabulary Test: week 18Words:dispatch, emergency, gear, guess, order, chief, valves, equipment, code, scamble
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Vocabulary Test: math vocabWords:clustering, front end estamation, scientific notation, common denometer, composite number, divisble, equivlant fractions, factor, GCF, improper fractions, like fractions, mixed numbers, prime factorization, prime number, proper factorization, repeating decimal, simpliest form, terminating decimal, unlike factions, LCD, arithmetic sequence, associtive property, base, communitive property, compatiable number, distributive property, evaluate, exponet, expotential form, numerical expression, orders of operations, over estimate, sequence, term, underestimate, algerbraic expression, constant, equation, solution, LCM, reciprocals, bar graph, coordinate graph, double bar graph, double line graph, frequency table, histogram, line graph, line plot, mean, median
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