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Vocabulary Test: new vocabWords:afraid, scraping, discover, crackling, friends, silence, meadow, spindle, enough, except, resources, shining, wrinkled, crept, raccoon, glowing, knife, cattails, juniper, suddenly
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Vocabulary Test: Desastres ecologicosWords:El hundimiento, El vertido tóxico, Un dique, Una compuerta, Un incendio forestal, El bosque, La llama, El humo, La ceniza, El matorral, Las especies, Los osos, El lince iberico, Hundirse, Derramar, Verter, Envenenar, Ponerse enfermo, Esparcirse, Extenderse, Arrasar, Quemar, Arder, Destruir, Danar, Extinguirse, Al hundirse, Al ver, Nocivo, Luego, Entonces, Al dia siguiente, A los pocos dias, Al poco rato, En vias de exctincion, La huella de carbono
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Vocabulary Test: AOT 134Words:january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, october
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Vocabulary Test: privateWords:decision, concentrate, disappoint, intrusion, embarrass, disturb, privacy, private
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 2 Atomic Theory and StructureWords:Atom, Electron, Nucleus, Neutron, Proton, Rutherford Model, Bohr Model, Wavelength, Frequency, Electron Cloud, Extra** Name of Character on 1st Slide
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Vocabulary Test: Lesson 17Words:appeal, addict, wary, aware, misfortune, avoid, wretched, keg, nourish, harsh, quantity, opt
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Vocabulary Test: IsraelWords:vague, suspense, merchants, groaned, dreaded, demand, tremble, attract, afford, profits
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Vocabulary Test: 1Words:fat, fluffy, funny, fortunate, fuller, frustrated
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Week 20Words:author's purpose, cause, difference, disease, draw conclusions, effect, emergency, heimlich maneuver, hygiene, immunization, perpendicular, plot, product, quotient, reclamation, recycle, reduce, reuse, rock cycle, sum
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 2Words:available, cater, customary, dissuade, entrepreneur, firebrand, hazard, homicide, indifference, indignant, indispensable, lubricate, mutual, pelt, plague, poised, regime, retard, transparent, unscathed
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 1-5Words:admonish, breach, brigand, circumspect, commandeer, cumbersome, deadlock, debris, diffuse, dilemma, efface, muddle, opinionated, perennial, predispose, relinquish, salvage, spasmodic, spurious, unbridled, ajourn, alien, comely, compensate, dissolute, erratic, expulsion, feint, fodder, fortify, illegible, jeer, lucrative, mediocre, proliferate, subjugate, sully, tantalize, terse, unflinching, abridge, adherent, altercation, cherubic, condone, dissent, emminent, exorcise, fabricate, irate, marauder, obesity, pauper, pilfer, rift, semblance, surmount, terminate, trite, usurp, abscond, access, anarchy, arduous, auspicious, biased, daunt, disentangle, fated, hoodwink, inanimate, incinerate, intrepid, larceny, pliant, pompous, precipice, rectify, reprieve, revile, accomplice, annihilate, arbitrary, brazen, catalyst, exodus, facilitate, incorrigible, latent, militant, morose, opaque, paramount, prattle, rebut, reprimand, servitude, slapdash, stagnant, succumb
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Vocabulary Test: Freckle JuiceWords:recipe, allowance, ingredients, blur, speck, mayonnaise, combination, freckle, inspect, arithmetic, vinegar, whisper, aisle, cabinets
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Vocabulary Test: Spanish 3.2Words:los articulos, barato (a), laescultura, fino (a), una ganga, la pintura, el retrato, unico (a), (estar) hecho (a) a mano, ser de..., ceramica, cuero, madera, metal, oro, piedra, plata, con mucho gusto, con permiso, de nada, disculpe, no hay de que, pase, perdoneme, me deja ver?, Estar, Poder, Poner, SAber, Tener
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab # 1Words:aquatic, aqueduct, arbitrate, bacillus, plundering, ratify, amphibian, sedimentary, solubility, permeate
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Vocabulary Test: Morpheme #13Words:pre, prefix, preliminary, precaution, presume, post, postscript, posthaste, posterior, postindustrial, mal, bene, malpractice, malodorous, benevolent, benefactor
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Quiz 7Words:abdicate, conservative, discordant, exempt, impartial, naive, negate, porous, prolong, proxy, reciprocal, verify
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