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Vocabulary Test: amyra
Adroit, Macroscope, Fatous, Bovine, Ferret, Affectation, Kneel, Dithotomy, callow, laconic, Quiddity, patent, peccadillo, sagacious, Rationaize

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Vocabulary Test: My Brother Sam Vocab #1
bayonet, muffled, principles, Patriots, sloth, ammunitions, prevail, vile , treason, Lobsterbacks, Minutemen, idling, Tories/Loyalists, Parliament

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Vocabulary Test: My Brother Sam is Dead Vocab #1
muffled, idling, bayonet, Patriots, principles, Minutemen, vile, Lobsterbacks, sloth, ammunitions, Parliament , prevail, Tories/Loyalists, treason

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy
hey, Corpus Callosum, Central Sulcus, hey, Hey, Hey, Bye , Hey, bye , Hey

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Vocabulary Test: My Side of the Mountain Vocab #1
gorge, flint and steel, penknife, trenches, grove, venison, notches, gangplank, cascades, thethers

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Vocabulary Test: Al Capone Does My Shirts Chapters 10 - 19
diagnosis , replicate, skirmish , appeal , wheedle , commando , stewing , divvying , notorious , preposterous , culpability , severance

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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Test #7 Chapter 7
What is necessary for differentiation to occur in a planet?, Earth’s Interior Part 2 Mantle, Lithosphere=STORM (IMPORTANT WILL BE ON TEST), Differentiation IMPORTANT WILL BE ON TEST , Why do water and oil separate?, Terrestrial Planet Interiors, Earth’s Interior Part 3 Crust, Earth, Earth’s Interior Part 1 Core , Moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Strength of Rock, Heat Drives Geological Activity, Sources of Internal Heat, Heating of Interior over Time, Cooling of Interior WILL BE ON TEST , Role of Size (-->geological destiny) WILL BE ON TEST , Strong Magnetic Fields, Earth’s Magnetosphere, Impact cratering Geological Processes, Volcanism Geological Processes, Tectonics Geological Processes, Erosion Geological Processes, Impact Cratering, Volcanism, Outgassing, Tectonics, Plate Tectonics on Earth, Erosion, Radiation Protection, Greenhouse effect:, A Greenhouse Gas, Greenhouse Effect: Bad?, Why the sky is blue, Moon, Cratering of Mercury, Cratering of Mercury, Tectonics on Mercury (No Landing yet!), Mars versus Earth, Seasons on Mars, Storms on Mars, Climate Change on Mars, Cratering on Venus, Volcanoes on Venus, Tectonics on Venus, Erosion on Venus, Does Venus have plate tectonics?, Why is Venus so hot?, Atmosphere of Venus, Greenhouse Effect on Venus, Atmosphere of Venus, Runaway Greenhouse Effect, 1. Surface liquid water , 2. Atmospheric oxygen, 3. Plate tectonics, Continental Motion, Seafloor Recycling, Carbon Dioxide Cycle 1 , Carbon Dioxide Cycle 2, 4. Climatestability, What makes a planet habitable?, What makes a planet habitable?, Planetary Destiny

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Vocabulary Test: My Coummunity, My Country Copy
symbol, governor, Supreme Court, congress, tax, court, law, government, ciitizen, community

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy
iliocostalis thoracis origin, Iliocostalis thoracis insertion, serratus posterior superior origin, serratus posterior superior insertion, serratus posterior inferion origin, serratus posterior inferior insertion, rhomboid major/minor origin, rhomboid major/minor insertion, levator scapulae origin, levator scapulae insertion, latissimus dorsi origin, latissimus dorsi insertion, trapezius origin, trapezius insertion, splenius cervicis origin, splenius cervicis insertion , splenius capitus origin, spenlius capitus insertion, iliocostalis cervicis origin, iliocostalis cervicis insertion, iliocostalis lumborum origin, ilocostalis lumborum insertion, longissiumus thoracis origin, longissiumus thoracis insertion, longissimus cervicis orgin, longissimus cervicis insertion, longissimus capitis origin, longissimus captius insertion, spinalis thoracis origin, spinalis thoracis insertion, seminspinalis cervicis origin, semispinalis cervicis insertion, semispinalis capitis origin, semispinalis capitis insertion, long rotators origin, long rotators insertion, short rotators origin, short rotators insertion, oblique capitus inferior origin, oblique capitis inferior insertion, oblique capitus superior origin, oblique capitus superior insertion, rectus capitus posterior major origin, rectus capitus posterior major insertion, rectus capitus posterior minor origin, rectus capitus posterior minor insertion

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Vocabulary Test: My Coummunity, My Country Copy
community, ciitizen, government, law, court, tax, congress, Supreme Court, governor, symbol

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Vocabulary Test: mythology
god of underworld , Goddess of Agriculture , God of the sea , Goddess of love and beauty , King of titan gods , Godesss ofwisdom and warfare , godess of hearth and home , Msssenger o the gods , god sun and reason , god of fire and forge, god of love , godess of marriage , king of olympian gods , god of wine , god of nature , god of war , goddess of hunt , roman god begining and ending

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Vocabulary Test: Mya
along, close, seem, lady, graph, photograph, atom, property, bought, something, laughed, enough, paragraph, particle, element, decimal, Lexington, Saratoga

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Muscular System:Head & Neck Muscles
Frontalis, Orbicularis Oculi, Orbicularis Oris , Buccinator , Zygomaticus, Masseter, Temporalis, Platysma, Sternocleidomastoid , Occipitalis

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Vocabulary Test: bio and tomy
lobotomy, gastrectomy , atom, atomizer, dichotomy, appendectomy, biota, microbe, biopsy, biometry, biodegradable, biogenesis, biography, antibiotic, tome, phlebotomy, masectomy, anatomy, symbiosis, biometrics , tonsillectomy, biocidal , biochemistry, autobiography, amphibious, abiogenesis

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Muscular System:Trunk, Shoulder, Arm Muscles
Frontalis, Orbicularis Oculi, Orbicularis Oris , Buccinator , Zygomaticus, Masseter, Temporalis, Platysma, Sternocleidomastoid , Occipitalis

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Vocabulary Test: Al Capone Does My Shirts Chapters 1 - 9
buoy , peculiar , scowl , glared , asylum , humane , ashen , opponent , pelting , impressive , grisly , endanger , attire , hordes , scoffing , wallops , contraption , terrace

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Vocabulary Test: from The Story of My Life
Biterness, Prey, Succeed , Tangible, Reveal, Impress , Persist, Sentiment, Vainly, Repentance, Autobiography, Biography

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 10/13/2014
asthma, symptoms of asthma, coughing or wheezing attacks are worsened by, bronchitis, people who have bronchitis, bronchitis may be 2 things, acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis, symptoms of bronchitis, pneumonia, how is pneumonia diagnosed, lung cancer is the , cigarette smoking is the , passive/ second hand smoking, the two types of lung cancer which grow and spread differently, the stage of lung cancer, treatment of lung cancer can involve a combination of surgery, what is the role of the diaphragm pg 83, name the structures of the diaphragm, the diaphragm attaches in 3 places

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Vocabulary Quiz #1
Anatomy, Physiology, Macroscopic Anatomy, Microscopic Anatomy, Regional Anatomy, Systemic Anatomy, Surface Anatomy, Cytology, Embryology, Renal Physiology, Neurophysiology, Cardiovascular Physiology, Chemical level, Tissue level, Cellular level, Organ level, Organ system level, Organismal level, Integumentary system, Movement, Responsiveness, Digestion, Metabolism, Excretion, Reproduction, Growth, Nutrients, Oxygen, Water, Normal Body Temperature

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 2 (10/13/2014
pericardium, the points of attachment for the diaphragm, diaphragm attaches in 3 places, if its on the rib it is , brevis means, collapsed lung, box looking thing in diaphragm, trampoline structure under diaphragm, under the falciform ligaments , diaphragm attaches to liver, the diaphragm is the structure that seperates the , pericarditis, emphysema, pleurisy, mediastinum, whey they cut the hole in the trachea, name the acessory muscles of the neck, correct order of the process, what muscle is superficial, what muscle is deep, which muscle is weak and lies deep in the body, which muscle is heavy and top of the internal, muscles between the ribs are, if it attaches to the bone it is , what muscle attaches to the c's, if muscle attaches to the Ilium, name the 5 muscles posterior thoracic muscles of inspiration, name the peck muscles, the pectoralis major covers what, intercostal , transversus thoracis muscle is also called, latissimus dorsi, when men wear brace around their waist it covers what , teres minor, dr hall put the back of her hand on kaitlan and hand folded over, the rhomboids, levator scapulae, all 3 muscles groups of scalenes, the 3 lobes in the right lung, fissures in the right lung, 2 lobes on left lung, fissure in the left lung, describe type 1 and type 2 cells, fissure, if my trachea splits what is the composition, bifurcates, purpose of intratracheal membrane

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Vocabulary Test: math stem 3
para, penta, plu, quardri, tetra, quin, radi, sci, sect, solv, sub, sym

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Quiz #1
possible, gold, milk, quiet, natural, lot, stone, act, build, middle, assistant, brilliant, compliant, extravagant, ignorant, artifact, migration, nomad, adapt, agriculture, rounding

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Vocabulary Test: AmLitVocab6
asseverate, atrophy, bastion, cavort, credence, decry, derogatory, dissemble, eulogy, evince, exhume, exigency, feckless, flotsam, frenetic, incumbent, nefarious, nettle, recumbent, strategem

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary 1
abhor, bigot, counterfeit, enfranchise, hamper, kindle, noxious, placid, remuneration, talisman

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Vocabulary Test: Unit 2 Vocab
ajar, tremor, ominous, commence, gnarled, tentatively, adversary, benefactor, concession, foresight, impart, malodorous, ponder, pungent, retort, tactic, authentic, commotion, conspiracy, descendant, sheepishly, unseemly

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Vocabulary Test: Critters Cry for Help
threat, status, burrow, bristles, endangered, humid, carnivorous, enormous, habitat

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Vocabulary Test: Reading Vocabulary
main idea, textual evidence, author analysis, topic, purpose, stated purpose, draw conclusions, explicit, cause, effect, central idea

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Vocabulary Test: Spanish verbs
abrazar, andar, besar, caminar, comprar, enseñar, estudiar, ganar, llegar, mirar, nadar, pagar, preguntar, sacar, tocar, trabajar, visitar, esperar, alquilar, enviar, olvidar, firmar, gastar, cocinar, lavar, odiar, amar, bailar, buscar, cantar, contestar, escuchar, explicar, hablar, llevar, necesitar, practicar, preparar, terminar, tomar, viajar, llenar, desear, entrar, mandar, ayudar, regresar, saludar, dejar, relajar

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Work experience, management, Employment agency, Contract, Employer, Fee, Employee, Computer, Vocational counselor, Appointment, interview, benefits, Retirement plan, foreman, Self-employed, Worker’s compensation

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Vocabulary Test: Math
Find the Ratios 4/6, Find The Ratios 20/6, Find the Ratios 6/3, Find the rate of 20 & 8, Find the Rate of 5 & 8, Lol, Monkey, Rainbow unicorn, Rainbow hugs, Thx

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Vocabulary Test: exam
slung, frail, contact, presentable, mistrusted, barren, snatch, tug, firmly, frowned, roam, dew, acquiesces, augment, condone, amass, disseminate, concur, laud, efface

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Vocabulary Test: kap4
button, pocket, slippers, belt, aunt, uncle, twins, son, daughter, baby, cheek, eyebrows, thumb, heel, back, neck, stomach, swimsuit, tights, swimming trunks, shoelaces

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Vocabulary Test: vocabulary test 4
askance, diurnal, etymology, gregarious, intransigent, adf, aadf, adf, dasf, sdfa, fasdf, safs, df, sadf, saf, dsfa, asdf, sdfa, fds, maudlin

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Vocabulary Test: MASLA7A
inferior, discrepancies, satisfactory, discharged, lax, guileless, heirloom, articulate, laconic, racounter

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Vocabulary Test: vocab quiz
Date, Chew, Brake, Angry, Eagle, Factory, Gone, Horrible, Idea, Jeans, Mistake, Noise, Pickle, Speak, Video

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Vocabulary Test: Unit 3 Practice
abridge, adherent, altercation, cherubic, condone, dissent, eminent, exorcise, fabricate, irate, marauder, obesity, pauper, pilfer, rift

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Vocabulary Test: Very Special Snowflake
glanced, whirled, shrugged, broadly, inspired, trudging

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Vocabulary Test: APUSH Chapters 23-24
Stalwart, Compromise of 1877, Thomas Nast, Horace Greeley, Roscoe Conkling, Jim Crow Laws, James G. Blaine, Gilded Age, Spoils System, Bloody Shirt, Tweed Ring Scandal, Credit Mobilier Scandal, Billion Dollar Congress, Samuel Tilden, Whiskey Ring, Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison, Rutherford B. Hayes, James Garfield, Chester Arthur, Charles Guiteau, Bland Allison Act, Grand Army of the Republic, Pendleton Act of 1833, Resumption Act, Crime of 73

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Vocabulary Test: vocab
mourn, intricate, exasperated, civil, torment, resist, flimsy, quest, intrude, vacant

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Vocabulary Test: purple group words
astonishing, continue, doubt, transform, examine, devour
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