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Vocabulary Test: math stem 3Words:para, penta, plu, quardri, tetra, quin, radi, sci, sect, solv, sub, sym
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Quiz #1Words:possible, gold, milk, quiet, natural, lot, stone, act, build, middle, assistant, brilliant, compliant, extravagant, ignorant, artifact, migration, nomad, adapt, agriculture, rounding
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Vocabulary Test: AmLitVocab6Words:asseverate, atrophy, bastion, cavort, credence, decry, derogatory, dissemble, eulogy, evince, exhume, exigency, feckless, flotsam, frenetic, incumbent, nefarious, nettle, recumbent, strategem
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary 1Words:abhor, bigot, counterfeit, enfranchise, hamper, kindle, noxious, placid, remuneration, talisman
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 2 VocabWords:ajar, tremor, ominous, commence, gnarled, tentatively, adversary, benefactor, concession, foresight, impart, malodorous, ponder, pungent, retort, tactic, authentic, commotion, conspiracy, descendant, sheepishly, unseemly
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Vocabulary Test: Reading VocabularyWords:main idea, textual evidence, author analysis, topic, purpose, stated purpose, draw conclusions, explicit, cause, effect, central idea
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Vocabulary Test: Spanish verbsWords:abrazar, andar, besar, caminar, comprar, enseñar, estudiar, ganar, llegar, mirar, nadar, pagar, preguntar, sacar, tocar, trabajar, visitar, esperar, alquilar, enviar, olvidar, firmar, gastar, cocinar, lavar, odiar, amar, bailar, buscar, cantar, contestar, escuchar, explicar, hablar, llevar, necesitar, practicar, preparar, terminar, tomar, viajar, llenar, desear, entrar, mandar, ayudar, regresar, saludar, dejar, relajar
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Vocabulary Test: ASSIGNMENT 4 BUSINESS BOOKWords:Work experience, management, Employment agency, Contract, Employer, Fee, Employee, Computer, Vocational counselor, Appointment, interview, benefits, Retirement plan, foreman, Self-employed, Worker’s compensation
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Vocabulary Test: MathWords:Find the Ratios 4/6, Find The Ratios 20/6, Find the Ratios 6/3, Find the rate of 20 & 8, Find the Rate of 5 & 8, Lol, Monkey, Rainbow unicorn, Rainbow hugs, Thx
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Vocabulary Test: examWords:slung, frail, contact, presentable, mistrusted, barren, snatch, tug, firmly, frowned, roam, dew, acquiesces, augment, condone, amass, disseminate, concur, laud, efface
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Vocabulary Test: kap4Words:button, pocket, slippers, belt, aunt, uncle, twins, son, daughter, baby, cheek, eyebrows, thumb, heel, back, neck, stomach, swimsuit, tights, swimming trunks, shoelaces
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Vocabulary Test: vocabulary test 4Words:askance, diurnal, etymology, gregarious, intransigent, adf, aadf, adf, dasf, sdfa, fasdf, safs, df, sadf, saf, dsfa, asdf, sdfa, fds, maudlin
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Vocabulary Test: MASLA7AWords:inferior, discrepancies, satisfactory, discharged, lax, guileless, heirloom, articulate, laconic, racounter
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Vocabulary Test: vocab quizWords:Date, Chew, Brake, Angry, Eagle, Factory, Gone, Horrible, Idea, Jeans, Mistake, Noise, Pickle, Speak, Video
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 3 PracticeWords:abridge, adherent, altercation, cherubic, condone, dissent, eminent, exorcise, fabricate, irate, marauder, obesity, pauper, pilfer, rift
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Vocabulary Test: APUSH Chapters 23-24Words:Stalwart, Compromise of 1877, Thomas Nast, Horace Greeley, Roscoe Conkling, Jim Crow Laws, James G. Blaine, Gilded Age, Spoils System, Bloody Shirt, Tweed Ring Scandal, Credit Mobilier Scandal, Billion Dollar Congress, Samuel Tilden, Whiskey Ring, Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison, Rutherford B. Hayes, James Garfield, Chester Arthur, Charles Guiteau, Bland Allison Act, Grand Army of the Republic, Pendleton Act of 1833, Resumption Act, Crime of 73
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Vocabulary Test: vocabWords:mourn, intricate, exasperated, civil, torment, resist, flimsy, quest, intrude, vacant
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