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Vocabulary Test: Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry Ch. 5-6 Vocabulary QuizWords:malevolent, luxury, bewildered, vanity, obnoxious, furrowed, mercantile, revolt, reluctant, subdued, prevail, veranda, promenade, reprimand, moping, mute, sulk, snidely, languid
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Vocabulary Test: My FriendsWords:r, r, rr, r, rrrrr, rrrrrr, rrrrrr, r, rrr, rrr, 4444, 4444, 444, 444, 444, 444, 444, 444, 444, 444
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Vocabulary Test: Mythology wordsWords:cloth, fortune, martial, typhoon, volcano, erotic, morgue, chronicle, Saturday, insomnia, amorous, cereal, panic, January, floral
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Vocabulary Test: I’m going to change my life (vert)Words:je vais changer ma vie, je vais faire du sport régulièrement, je vais manger sain, je vais prendre des cours d’arts martiaux, je vais aller au collège à pied, je vais aller au collège à vélo, je vais faire trente minutes d’exercice par jour, je ne vais pas jouer à des jeux vidéo, je ne vais pas manger de hamburgers, je ne vais plus boire de boissons gazeuses
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Pre/suffixWords:a-,an-, ab-, abdomin(o)-, -ac, -acal, acnth(o)-, acous(io)-, acr(o)-, -acusis, -ad, ad-, aden(o)-, aden(i), adip(o), adren(o), -aemia, aer(o)-, aesthesio-, -al, alb-, alge(si), -algia, alg(i)o, allo-, ambi-, amnio-, amph-, amphi-
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Vocabulary Test: My holidaysWords:mis vacaciones, generalmente, normalmente, me quedo en casa, salgo con mis amigos por la noche, vamos a la cafetería, voy a España, pero el año pasado, fui a Cuba, fuimos en avión, bailé salsa, hice yoga, jugué al fútbol, pinté
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Vocabulary Test: My houseWords:mi casa, ¿Cómo es tu piso?, ¿Cómo es tu casa?, es, antiguo / antigua, moderno / moderna, bonito / bonita, feo / fea, nuevo / nueva, viejo / vieja, pequeño / pequeña, cómodo / cómoda, grande
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Vocabulary Test: In my bedroomWords:Mando mensajes, Escucho música, Bebo coca cola, Duermo mucho, Veo la televisión, Juego con el ordenador, Estudio, Hablo por teléfono, Leo libros, Como bocadillos, Navego por Internet
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Vocabulary Test: My ambitions (vert)Words:guide touristique, footballeur, directeur/directrice de magasin, comptable, chauffeur de camion, chauffeur de taxi, avocat / avocate, chef, agent de police, hôtesse de l’air, électricien / électricienne, mécanicien / mécanicienne, ouvrier / ouvrière, infirmier / infirmière, acteur / actrice, facteur / factrice, chanteur/chanteuse, vendeur / vendeuse, coiffeur / coiffeuse, serveur / serveuse, pompier, réceptionniste, secrétaire, professeur, médecin, je voudrais être, plus tard, ingénieur, interprète, journaliste, juge, pilote, vétérinaire, contrôleur aérien, webdesigner, designer de chaussures, pâtissier / pâtissière, au chômage, plombier
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Vocabulary Test: My eyes and my hairWords:Tengo bigote, corto , rizado, ondulado, Tengo barba, pelirrojo, rubio , liso, largo, gris, negro, blanco, castaño, Tengo el pelo …, Tiene el pelo …, Tengo gafas, verdes, ¿Cómo es tu pelo?, grises, marrones, Tiene los ojos …, azules, Tengo los ojos …, ¿De qué color son tus ojos?
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Vocabulary Test: My weekWords:el domingo, el sábado, mi semana, el lunes, el martes , el miércoles, el jueves, el viernes
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Vocabulary Test: Mythology Unit 1Words:Marchen, Legend, Myth, Archetype, Collective unconscious, Monomyth, Mythology, Mystical, Cosmological, Sociological, Psychological, Legends, Märchen, Folklore, Birth, Call to Adventure, Helpers/Amulet, Crossing the Threshold, Tests, Helpers, Climax/The Final Battle, Flight, Return, Elixer, Home
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Vocabulary Test: People Who Made History in TaxonomyWords:Gaspard Bauhin, John Ray, Carolus Linnaeus, Ibn-Sina, Valerius Cordus, Aristotle, Theophrastos , Dioscorides, Pliny the Elder
Test Also Includes: synonyms, parts of speech, sentences
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Vocabulary Test: Human AnatomyWords:Append- , Cardi-, Cran-, Dors-, Homeo-, -logy, Meta-, Pariet-, Pelv-, Peri- , Pleur- , -stasis , -tomy
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Vocabulary Test: 3rd U1, W5- My Rows and Piles of Coins spellingWords:broil, appoint, annoy, poison, bounce, employ, prowl, thousand, avoid, choice, voyage, amount, hour, shower, proud, however, mountain, coward, turmoil, chowder
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Vocab Chapter 18Words:Acidosis, Aldosterone, Alkalosis, Angiotensin II, Buffer System, Filtrate , Glomerular Filtration Rate, Glomerulus, Juxtaglomerular Apparatus, Kidney, Loop of Henle, Micturition, Nephron, Peritubular Capillaries, Renin, Ureters, Urinary Bladder, Urine
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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Ch.16 (Earth & Moon: Comparative Planetology)Words:albedo, anorthosite, basalt, breccia, comparative planetology, ejecta, global warming, greenhouse effect, large-impact hypothesis, late heavy bombardment , magma ocean, mantle, mare (pl: maria), micrometeorite , multi-ringed basin, ozone layer, plastic, plate tectonics , pressure (P) wave, primary atmosphere, rays, rift valley, secondary atmosphere , secondary crater, seismic wave, seismograph , shear (S) wave, subduction zone, terminator , vesicular basalt
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Vocabulary Test: Frankenstien Vocabulary TestWords:Disunion, Enounce, Anatomize, Emaciate, Imbue, Ardour, Inquirer, Pursuit, Bestow, Elixer, Enticement, Rankle, Transmute, Imbibe, Multifarious, Benignity, Repine, Pittance, Interment, Ardent
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Vocabulary Test: Lesson 15Words:intrepid, seasoned, guidance, undoubtedly, cherish, hoist, delectable, pristine, fragile, privilege
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Vocabulary Test: spanish midterm vocabulary chapter 2Words:el restaurante, la mesa, el/la mesero(a), el/la camarero(a), el/la cocinero(a), el menu, la cuenta, la tarjeta de credito, la propina, el dinero, el vaso, la taza, el plato, el tenedor, el cuchillo, la cucharita, la cuchara, el mantel, la servilleta, poner la mesa, pedir, servir, freir, repetir, reservar, tener hambre, tener sed, rico(a), delicioso(a), la carne, la carne de res, el biftec, la ternera, el cordero, el pescado, los mariscos, los camarones, las almejas, la langosta, el ajo, la berenjena, la alcachofa, el arroz, el maiz, la sal, la pimienta, el aceite, el vinagre, i miss counted
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Vocabulary Test: FPracticeWords:rummaged, pathetic, undetected, ricocheting, chameleon, famine, generosity, scrounging
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Vocabulary Test: parts of a cellWords:cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, nuclear membrane, vacuole, mitochondrion, organelles, chromosomes, cell wall, chloroplast, chlorophyll, diffusion
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Vocabulary Test: spanish midterm vocabulary chapter 3Words:la computadora, el ordenador, el teclado, el monitor, la pnatalla, el disquete, el disco compacto, el raton, la impresora, la ranura, el correo electronico, el CD-ROM, Internet, prender la maquina, meter un disquete, entrar los datos, hacer las tareas, guardar, comunicarse, terminar, apagar, sacar, el facsimil, el fax, el aparato, el documento, boca arriba, baca abajo, mandar, transmitir, meter, pulsar el boton, el telefono publico, la ranura, el auricular, el disco, el telefono celuar, el contestador automatico, dejar un mensaje, la guia telefonica, el prefijo de pais, la clave de area, el numero de telefono, hacer una llamada, descolgar el auricular, introduci la tarjeta, oir el tono, marcar el numero, sonar, contestar, Esta...?, De parte de quien?, a menudo, con frecuencia, ____________________, ___________________
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Vocabulary Test: spanish midterm vocabulary chapter 4Words:la zapateria, la joyeria, mirar en el escaparate (la vitrina), probarse la ropa, en que puedo servirle?, quisiera..., no me (le) queda(n) bien, el bolsillo, el saco, la chaquetta, el abrigo, el impermeable, la gabardina, el sueter, la camisa de mangas cortas (largas), el vesido, el cinturon, el panuelo, la ropa interior, la bufanda, los botones, las sandalias, las botas, el tacon, las joyas, una pulsera, una cadena, un anillo, un arete, un pendiente, en reloj, la muneca, el cuello, el dedo, la oreja, el oido, mediano(a), ancho(a), estrecho(a), de oro, el colmado, la tienda de abarrotes, la tienda de ultramarinos, el puesto, el supermercado, el hipermercado, la panaderia, la carniceria, la pescaderia, la veerduleria, la fruteria, el pan, la carne, el pescado, los mariscos, los pasteless, las legumbres, los vegetables, hacer las compras, ir de compras, a cuanto estan...?, tener buena pinta, empujar el carrito, fresco(a), la bolsa de plastico, una tarada, una rebanada, un frasco, una caja, una docena, man i can not count
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Vocabulary Test: bobWords:adroit, amicable, averse, belligerent, benevolent, cursory, duplicity, extol, feasible, grimace, holocaust, impervious, impetus, jeopardy, meticulous, nostalgia, quintessence, retrogress, scrutinize, tepid
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Vocabulary Test: Semester 1 VocabWords:accentuate, antibody, bamboozle, deduction, exult, hieroglyphic, immune, impertinent, labyrinth, metaphor, alliteration, boycott, camouflage, eclectic, fallacy, hologram, introspection, jovial, laconic, maneuver, analogy, bizarre, chronology, cower, deign, dialogue, embargo, flourish, formidable, heritage, aspire, commemorate, decorum, despondent, enthusiastic, exponent, guru, guerilla, hypocrisy, kilometer, boisterous, divulge, ellipse, gargoyle, inference, jaunty, lichen, light year, marsupial, mosaic
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Vocabulary Test: MT3062Words:humoral immunity, Cell-Mediated response, Indirect fluorescent, Direct fluorescent-antibody, ELISA, Agglutination testing, precipitation titration, Complement fixation, IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD, IgE, Type I Hypersensitivity, Major histocompatibility complex, Enzyme immunoassay, Ouchterlony test, Immunodiffusion, Innate immunity, Adaptive immunity
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Vocabulary Test: WTRFGWords:cunning, festered, persistence, dormant, dumbfounded, quavering, hampering, wily, faltered, taut, lithe, jubilant, feeble, painstaking, solemn, leering, bellingerent, sidled, awed, clambered, jarred, domain, winced, nonchalantly, strutted
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Vocabulary Test: steam list 7Words:numer, fort, ornith, osteo, culp, necro, polis, ego, agog, spir, dia, arc, acro, derm, zo, per, pac, urb, brev, pugn, ecto, plasto, cle, il, fus
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Vocabulary Test: carolineWords:motion, speed, velocity, acceleration, force, newton, net force, friction, gravity, weight, mass
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Vocabulary Test: hiWords:internal rhyme, ode, sound devices, end rhyme, poetry, ballad, rhythm, sonnet, imagery, repetition, stanzas, figurative language, epic, rhyme, personification, simile, free verse, rhyme scheme, lines, meter, metaphor, alliteration, form
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Vocabulary Test: Matching QuizWords:Wave, Medium, Transverse Wave, Compressional Wave, Crests, Troughs, Rarefaction, Wavelength, Frequency, Period, Amplitude, Refraction, Diffraction, Interference, Standing Wave, Resonance
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Vocabulary Test: 010312Words:care, father, interesting, sweat, thumb, touch, dappled, entranced, trooped, circling, adorable, assortment, habitat, immense
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