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Vocabulary Test: Egyptian mythology vocabulary quiz
pharaoh, papyrus, sphinx, hieroglyphics, mummify, pyramids, Nile, sarcophagus, afterlife, Ra, or Re, Hathor, or Hut-hor, Set, or Sutekh, Bast, or Bastet, Sekhmet, or Sakhmet, Nephthys, or Nebet-hut, Anubis, or Inepu, Osiris, or Wesir, Isis, or Aset, Bes, Thoth, or Djehuty, Sobek, Apophis, or Apep

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Vocabulary Test: Mythology Allusions
cloth, fortune, martial, typhoon, volcano, erotic

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Vocabulary Test: 3rd U1, W5- My Rows and Piles of Coins vocab
arranged, bundles, dangerously, errands, excitedly, steady, unwrapped, wobbled

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Vocabulary Test: 3rd U1, W5- My Rows and Piles of Coins spelling
broil, appoint, annoy, poison, bounce, employ, prowl, thousand, avoid, choice, voyage, amount, hour, shower, proud, however, mountain, coward, turmoil, chowder

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Vocabulary Test: Human Anatomy
Append- , Cardi-, Cran-, Dors-, Homeo-, -logy, Meta-, Pariet-, Pelv-, Peri- , Pleur- , -stasis , -tomy

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Vocabulary Test: ACT Vocabulary Test One - Fayette Academy
Abhorrent, Aggregate, Altruistic , Annotate, Atrophy , Antecedent, Empathy , Ennui , Iconic, Geriatric , Grammarian, Invasive , Juxtapose, Lament, Misnomer, Mnemonic, Munificence, Myopic , Nemesis, Nominal , Retention , Stratosphere, Tenuous, Veracious , Bonus - List Another Vocabulary and Its Definition Not Listed on

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Vocabulary Test: Mythology Unit 1
Marchen, Legend, Myth, Archetype, Collective unconscious, Monomyth, Mythology, Mystical, Cosmological, Sociological, Psychological, Legends, Märchen, Folklore, Birth, Call to Adventure, Helpers/Amulet, Crossing the Threshold, Tests, Helpers, Climax/The Final Battle, Flight, Return, Elixer, Home

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Vocabulary Test: Mythology words
cloth, fortune, martial, typhoon, volcano, erotic, morgue, chronicle, Saturday, insomnia, amorous, cereal, panic, January, floral

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Vocabulary Test: People Who Made History in Taxonomy
Gaspard Bauhin, John Ray, Carolus Linnaeus, Ibn-Sina, Valerius Cordus, Aristotle, Theophrastos , Dioscorides, Pliny the Elder
Test Also Includes: synonyms, parts of speech, sentences

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Vocabulary Test: 4th U6, W1- My Brother Martin vocab
numerous, minister, generations, avoided, ancestors, pulpit, shielding

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Vocab Chapter 18
Acidosis, Aldosterone, Alkalosis, Angiotensin II, Buffer System, Filtrate , Glomerular Filtration Rate, Glomerulus, Juxtaglomerular Apparatus, Kidney, Loop of Henle, Micturition, Nephron, Peritubular Capillaries, Renin, Ureters, Urinary Bladder, Urine

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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Ch.16 (Earth & Moon: Comparative Planetology)
albedo, anorthosite, basalt, breccia, comparative planetology, ejecta, global warming, greenhouse effect, large-impact hypothesis, late heavy bombardment , magma ocean, mantle, mare (pl: maria), micrometeorite , multi-ringed basin, ozone layer, plastic, plate tectonics , pressure (P) wave, primary atmosphere, rays, rift valley, secondary atmosphere , secondary crater, seismic wave, seismograph , shear (S) wave, subduction zone, terminator , vesicular basalt

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Vocabulary Test: Ch. 1 I Accidentally vaporized my Pre-Algebra Teacher
gesturing, expelled , miserable, distracted, vaportized, lunged , triumphant, immortal, torture, probation, scrawny, determined, envy

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Vocabulary Test: The Quiz of Mystery
fragile, Absolve, accentuate, Apathetic, appraise, archaic, archetypal, augment, authoritorian, avian, awe, belated, beneficial, benevolent, brandish

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Vocabulary Test: Cyclops Myth
Usher, Ravage, Courtesy, Ninny, ponder, profusion, wrench, adversary, oar, wheeze
Test Also Includes: synonyms, parts of speech, sentences

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Vocabulary Test: Ch. 1 I Accidentally vaporized my Pre-Algebra Teacher Copy
envy, miserable, expelled , determined, scrawny, porbation , torture, immortal, triumphant, gesturing, lunged , vaportized, distracted

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Vocabulary Test: My Very Own Room
Luckiest, Ruined, Exact, Crate, Storage, Determination, Separate

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Vocabulary Test: yummywords1
spurn, gibber, firebrand, halcyon, anthesis, duoliteral, rind, biodegradable, intenerate, pericope

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Vocabulary Test: Mythology Vocab
Allude, Allusion , Phrase, Significant , Mythology , Odyssey , Myth , Greek

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Vocabulary Test: My job (vert)
créer, contacter, acheter, travailler avec d’autres personnes, travailler seul, varié, stimulant, motivant , intéressant, créatif , le boulot / l’emploi / l’emploi, le travail, inventer, organiser, répondre au téléphone, travailler en équipe, trouver

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Vocabulary Test: Customary Units of Length, Weight and Capacity
1 foot, 1 yard, 1 mile, 1,760 yards, 1 pound, 1 ton, 1 cup, 1 pint, 1 quart, 1 gallon

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab. Words - Chap. 3&4
Endorse, Denounce, Bereavement, Loss, Predicament, Dilemma, Tribulation, Ecstasy, Complicated, Intricate, Preposterous, Reasonable, Obfuscate, Confuse, Deplorable, Admirable

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab test 1
anthology, ascertain, astute, aural, crucial, emboss

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary 2
abroad, against, captain, curtain, language, nuisance, foresee, aimlessly, boastful, miscalculate, agreement, appraiser

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Vocabulary Test: Lesson 2
corpse, conceal, dismal, frigid, inhabit, numb, peril, recline, shriek, sinister, tempt, wager

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Vocabulary Test: gre3
alloy, appropriate, arrest, august, bent, broach, brook, cardinal, chauvinist, color, consequential, damp, die, essay, exact, fell, fell, flag, flip, ford, grouse, guy, intimate, list, lumber, meet, milk, mince, nice, obtain, occult, pedestrian, pied, pine, plastic, pluck, prize, rail, rent, quail, qualify, sap, sap, scurvy, singular, stand, steep, strut, table, tender

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary One
Rhinovirus, Cure, Rabies virus, Communicable, Symptoms, Infect, Organism, STD (sexually transmitted disease), Diagnosed, Transmit, Treatment, Cure, Ethnic, Virus, Regimen, Pseudonym, AIDS

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Vocabulary Test: Test
eighteen, mother, twenty, thing, great, plunger, cupcake

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Vocabulary Test: new L.A. Quiz
Abduct, Compulsion, Fateful, Ferocious, Gravity, Lenient, Rancorous

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Vocabulary Test: MT306
Inflammatory response, Leukocyte, Macrophage, Neutrophil, Eosinophil, Basophil, Antigen, Antibody, Interferon, Cytokines, Interleukin, Tumor Necrosis Factor, Lymphocyte, B cell, Memory B cells, T cell, Plasma cell, Natural killer cell, Anamnestic response, CD cell markers, Tolerance, Prozone, Heavy chain, light chain, constant region, variable region, antibody, Bone marrow, Thymus, gut-associated lymphoid tissue, lymph node, Lymph, Opsonin, Agglutinin, Immunodiffusion, Ouchterlony test, Enzyme immunoassay, complement system, Human Leukocyte Antigens, Allograft

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Vocabulary Test: gre4
waffle, wag, abjure, adumbrate, anathema, anodyne, apogee, apostate, apotheosis, asperity, asseverate, assiduous, augury, bellicose, calumniate, captious, cavil, celerity, chimera, contumacious, debacle, denounement, descry, desuetude, desultory, diaphanous, diffident, dirge, encomium, eshew, excoriate, execrate, exegesis, expiate, estirpate, fatuous, fractious, gainsay, heterodox, imbroglio, indefatigable, ineluctable, inimitable, insouciant, inveterate, jejune, lubricious, mendicant, meretricious, minatory, nadir, nonplussed, obstreperous, ossified, palliate, panegyric, parsimonious, pellucid, peroration, plangent, prolix, propitiate, puerile, puissance, pusillanimous, remonstrate, sagcious, salacious, salutary, sanguine, saturnine, sententious, stentorian, stygian, sycophant, tendentious, timorous, tyro, vitiate, voluble

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Vocabulary Test: Biography Quiz 2011
Elvis Presley, Stephenie Meyers, Mia Hamm, Will Smith, Ellen Degeneres, Michael Jordan, Adolf Hitler, Abraham Lincoln, Steve Jobs, Dale Earnhardt, Joe DiMaggio, Johnny Chapman, Icharo Suzuki, Lou Gehrig, Neil Armstrong, Michael Jackson, Tom Brady, Derek Jeter, Tiki Barber, Steven Spielberg, Thurman Thomas, J.R.R. Tolkien, Hilary Duff, Eddie Murphy, Beyonce, Cal Ripken Jr., Queen Latifah, Walt Disney, R.L.Stine, Bethany Hamilton

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Vocabulary Test: Cassie Bailey 2nd period class
Alternative Resource, Chemical Energy, Energy, Generator, Inexhasutible Resource, Kinetic Energy, Law of Conservation of Energy, Nonrenewable Resource, Nuclear Energy, Photovoltaic, Potential Energy, Radiant Energy, Renewable Resource, Thermal Energy, Turbine, Electrical Energy

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Vocabulary Test: ch.24 vocab
alternative resource, chemical energy, electrical energy, energy, generator, inexhaustible resource, kinetic energy, law of conservation of energy, nonrenewable resource, nuclear energy, photovoltaic, potential energy, radiant energy, renewable resource, thermal energy, turbine

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Vocabulary Test: Lit Test
Archetype, Dramatic Irony, Foreshadowing, Bias, Elegy, Lyric Poetry, Tragic Flaw, Epic Poetry, Kenning, Sonnet, Tragedy, Monologue, Soliloquy, Image/Imagery, Theme, Conflict, Characterization, Author's Purpose

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Vocabulary Test: Cassie Bailey 2nd period class
alternative resource, chemical energy, electrical energy, Energy, Generator, inexhaustible resource, kinetic energy, law of conservation of energy, nonrenewable resource, nuclear energy, Photovoltaic, potential energy, radiant energy, renewable resource, thermal energy, Turbine

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Quiz: Chemical Formulas
Chemical property, Classify, Yields, Produces, Photosynthesis, Physical property, Chemical equation, Balanced, Chemical reaction, Precipitate, Formula Unit, Balanced equation, Unbalanced, Formation, Substance, Subscript, Compound, Reactant, Element, Coefficient, Oxidation, Product, Chemical formula, Formula unit

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Vocabulary Test: spanish midterm vocabulary chapter 1
la estacion de farrocarril, la ventanilla, el billete, el boleto, sencillo, de ida y vuelta, la sala de espera, el mozo, el maletero, el equipaje, la maleta, la bolsa, el tablero de llegadas, el tablero de salidas, el horario, el quiosco, el tren, el anden, la via, en segunda (clase), en primera (clase), bajar (se) del tran, subir al tren, transbordar, salir a tiempo, con retaso, con una demora, el coche, el vagon, el pasillo, el compartimiento, el asiento, la plaza, libre, ocupado(a), reservado(a), completo(a), el coche-cama, el coche-comedor, el coche- cafeteria, la litera, el revisor, la parada, en la proxima parada

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Vocabulary Test: Science
Dependent Variable, Scientific law, Control group, Variable, Model, energy, Friction, Radiant, Convection, Motion, Constant, Acceleration, Friction, DNA, Fission

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Vocabulary Test: edward 15
dispensation, cordially, tranquility, contemptuous, contentious, diminutive, disapprobation, auspicious, arbitrated, melancholy, benign, benevolence, placidly, asinine, edification, vexation, entailment, condescended, wallowing, illicitly
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