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Vocabulary Test: My Side of the Mountain Chap 16-20
momentum, conceded, forum, barometer, retreat, concoction, resilient, portico, adorned, ingenious, wistfully, sired, rendition, sanguine, reluctantly, quarry, originated, diginity, plumage, assured, conspicuous

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Vocabulary Test: My Coummunity, My Country Copy
Supreme Court, congress, tax, court, law, government, citizen, community, governor, symbol

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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Ch.11 (Neutron stars & black holes)
black hole, event horizon, gamma-ray burst, gravitational radiation, gravitational redshift, hypernova, lighthouse model, magnetar , millisecond pulsar, neutron star, pulsar , pulsar wind, schwarzschild radius (RS), singularity, time dilation, x-ray burster

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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Ch.12 (The milky way galaxy)
bottom-up hypothesis , calibrate , central bulge, cepheid variable star, dark matter, density wave theory, disk component , flocculent , galactic corona, grand design, halo, instability strip, keplerian motion, kiloparsec (kpc), metals , monolithic collapse (top-down) hypothesis , nucleosynthesis , period-luminosity relation, population 1 stars , population 2 stars , proper motion, rotation curve, RR Lyrae variable star , Sagittarius A*, self-sustaining star formation, spherical component , spiral density wave theory, spiral tracer

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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy vocab
Electromagnetic radiation, Wavelength, Frequency, Nanometer, Angstrom, Photon, Infrared radiation, Charge coupled device, Ultraviolet radiation, False color image, Spectrograph, Grating, Cosmic ray, Absorption spectrum, Spectral classes, Blueshift/redshift, Photosphere, Convection, Chromosphere, Solar corona, Solar wind, Helioseismology

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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Ch.9 (Formation & Structure of Stars)
21-cm radio line, association , bipolar flow, birth line, bok globule, brown dwarf, carbon-nitrogen-oxygen (CNO) cycle, cocoon, conduction, convection, dark nebula, emission nebula, energy transport, free-fall collapse, giant molecular cloud, herbig-haro object, H2 region, hydrostatic equilibrium, interstellar absorption line, interstellar dust, interstellar emission line, interstellar extinction, interstellar medium, interstellar reddening , molecular cloud, nebula, OB association , opacity, pressure-temperature thermostat, protostar, protostellar disk, radiation, reflection nebula, shock wave, star-formation pillar, stellar model, T association , T Tauri star, young stellar object (YSO), zero-age main sequence (ZAMS)

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Vocabulary Test: My Coummunity, My Country Copy
community, ciitizen, government, law, court, tax, congress, Supreme Court, governor, symbol

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Vocabulary Test: C-B Vocab Mythology List 1
Adonis, aegis, amazon, ambrosial, atlas, auroral, bacchanalian, Cassandra, chimerical, Draconian

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Vocabulary Test: My Very Own Room
Luckiest, Ruined, Exact, Crate, Storage, Determination, Separate

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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Ch.10 (Deaths of Stars)
accretion disk, angular momentum , Chandrasekhar limit, degenerate matter, globular cluster , helium flash, horizontal branch, inner Lagrangian point, Lagrangian points, nova, open cluster, planetary nebula, regular satellite, Roche lobe, roche surface, supernova, supernova (type 1A), supernova remnant , synchrotron radiation, triple-alpha process, turnoff point, type 1 supernova, type 1A supernova, type 1B supernova, type 2 supernova

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Vocabulary Test: C-B Vocab Mythology 3
labyrinthine, laconic, lethargic, Lucullan, marathon, martial, mentor, mercurial, myrmidon, narcissistic, nectar

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Vocabulary Test: C-B Vocab Myth List 2
flora, fauna, eristic, Elysian, echolalia, forum, hector, herculean, hermetic, iridescent , jovial

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Vocabulary Test: C-B Vocab Mythology 4
nemesis, odyssey, Olympian, paean, palladium, panic, philippic, plutocratic, procrustean, protean, Pyrrhic

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Vocabulary Test: C-B Vocab Mythology 5
titantic, thespian, terpsichorean, tantalize, Stygian, Spartan, stentorian, saturine, siren, solon

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Vocabulary Test: Ch. 1 I Accidentally Vaporized my Pre-Algebra Teacher Copy
torture, immortal, triumphant, lunged , vaportized, distracted, miserable, expelled , gesturing, probation, scrawny, determined, envy

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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Ch.14 (Modern Cosmology)
antimatter, big bang, big rip, black dwarf, closed universe , cold dark matter , cosmic microwave background, cosmological constant , cosmological principle, cosmologist , cosmology , critical density, dark age, dark energy, expanding universe , filament, flat universe , flatness problem, grand unified theories (GUTs), homogeneous , horizon problem, hot dark matter , Hubble time, inflationary universe, isotropic, large-scale structure, nonbaryonic matter, observable universe, Olbers's paradox, open universe , quintessence , recombination, reionization , static, supecluster , voids, WIMPs

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Vocabulary Test: Mysteries
purloin, hearsay, aloof, disclosure, hunch, sleuth, suspect, cipher, disguise, analyzing , fugitive , breakthrough, admonition, newsmonger, eavesdropper, red herring, sinister, deduction, strategies, alibi, clue, witness , testimony, hypothesis, appraise

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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Ch.15 (Origin of the Solar System)
accretion, asteroid , catastrophic hypothesis , comet, condensation, condensation sequence, debris disk, differentiation, direct collapse , evolutionary hypothesis, extrasolar planet , folded mountain range, gravitational collapse, half-life, heat of formation , heavy bombardment , hot jupiter, ice line, Jovian planet, Jovian problem, Kuiper belt, Kuiper belt object (KBO), meteor, meteorite , meteoroid , microlensing , midocean rise , outgassing , planetesimal, protoplanet, radiation pressure, solar nebula theory, thermal energy, transits, uncompressed density

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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Ch.13 (Galaxies: Normal & Active)
Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), active galaxy, barred spiral galaxy, distance indicator, distance scale, double-exhaust model, double-lobed radio galaxy, elliptical galaxy, galactic cannibalism , gravitational lensing, hot spot, hubble constant (H), hubble law, irregular galaxy, local group, look-back time, megaparsec (Mpc), poor galaxy cluster, quasar (quasi-stellar object, or QSO), radio galaxy, rich galaxy cluster, ring galaxy, rotation curve, rotation curve method, seyfert galaxy, spiral galaxy, standard candle, starburst galaxy, tidal tail, unified model

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Vocabulary Test: Renal Anatomy
Kidney, Ureter, Bladder, Sphincter, Urethra, Capsule, Calyx, Cortex, Renal pelvis, Medulla, Renal artery and vein, Renal pyramid, Glomerulus, Bowman’s capsule, Proximal tubule, Loop of Henle, Distal tubule, Collecting duct

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Vocabulary Test: Mustafa's English vocab
unfair, ancestors, numerous, segregation, unsuspecting, avoided, injustice

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Vocabulary Test: Mustafa's Science vocab
mass, matter, density, volume, state of matter, solid

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary
Turbulent, Collide, fragile, Abrupt, Analyze, Refine

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Vocabulary Test: kmin jan 3
take out, toxins, installment, high demand, local residents, put off

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Vocabulary Test: workshop 3
ambush, complicated, hesitate, peril, ponder, site, reality, certainly, inscribe, peer

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Vocabulary Test: Imapso quiz
Impaso, quiz, you, are, awesome, loser, you, fail, right, now

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab
sich bewegen, das Übergewicht, entwickeln, die Fantasie(n), was sie mit sich anfangen sollen, die Gebühr(en), bestimmte Kanäle, öffentlich-rechtlich, die Gewalt, gewalttätig, der Zuschauer, die Flucht, der Alltag, verleiten, einsam, echt, die Fernbedienung(en), bequem, der Rechner, das Erlebnis(se), per Knopfdruck, fortsetzen, lästig, die Werbepause(n), verwalten, abspielen, bieten, der Empfang von, aufnehmen, erweitern

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Vocabulary Test: night vocab
Convoy, Hooligans's, innumerable, queue, frenzy, torment, wail, imperceptibly, interlude, loathed, latter, raucous, sabotage

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Vocabulary Test: wtschool-05
peddler, pylon, assassinate, stoop, tenement, pogrom, plead, coax, console, oath, mascot

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Vocabulary Test: midterm vocab
variable, quotient, coefficient, denominator, prime number, perimeter, inequality, greatest common factor, product, factor

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Vocabulary Test: testing vocab
conclude, convey, suggest, foreshadow, flashback, symbolism, summary, theme, tone, mood, infer, author's purpose

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Vocabulary Test: Mission PI Possible
ORYX, TJC, Tracer, Data, Special, Common, Lean, PDCA, PISC, Leadership

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Vocabulary Test: Gen Sci Chapter 8
index fossils, geological column, Theory of Evolution, eras, fossil graveyards, paraconformity, intermediate link

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Vocabulary Test: workshop 6
elements, hostile, instinct, reaction, sufficient, eventually, assume, temporary, speculate, endurance

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab1
fraternize, throttle, goons, shudder, discipline, formidable, hunch, banal, mundane, dour

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Vocabulary Test: Geometry Quiz
Point, Line Segment, Line, Ray, Plane, Endpoint, Vertex, Intersecting Lines, Parallel Lines, Perpindicular Lines, Angles, Acute Angle, Obtuse Angle, Straight Angle, Right Angle, Protractor

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nonchalantly, calculated, loftily, dispute, deem, cudgel, inedible, raucous, bough, collision, watertight, novelty, majestically, immortals, obstacle, piers, writhing, executioner, elusive, eloquent, abundant, famine, orator

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Vocabulary Test: Gen Sci, Chapter 9
living organism (criteria), DNA, atom, molecule, photosynthesis, metabolism, receptors, cell

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Vocabulary Test: cuddles78
rendezvous, ponder, noxious, quagmire, whimsical, killjoy, versatile, convertible, gratify, impartial, knoll, tolerate, amateur, rebellion, appease, partial, falsehood, navigate, kindling, domestic

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Vocabulary Test: Gen Sci, Chapter 10
biology, Five Kingdom System, classification, prokaryotic cell, eukaryotic cell, pathogen, decomposers, vegetative reproduction
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