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Vocabulary Test: SAT Words 8
extraneous, trifling, objective, vacillate, steadfast, unwitting, elucidate, ascetic, venerate, ostentatious

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Vocabulary Test: Research Vocabulary Quiz
bibliography, cite, direct quotation, documentation, MLA, outline, paraphrase, parenthetical, plagiarism, process, multi genre research paper, source, summary, thesis statement, topic

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Vocabulary Test: crazymonkey
crazy, twenty-four, eight, nine, one, once

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Vocabulary Test: jjjjji
natinal legislature, new jersey plan, federalist, anti federalist, faction, bicameral, unicameral, supreme court, weakenes of the articles of confederation, marbury vs madison

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Vocabulary Test: legal
abandonment, abatement, abstract, abstract of record, accessory, accomplice

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Vocabulary Test: jina jan 2
make it, make noise, make (oneself) at home, make up (one's) mind to do, mix __ with __, move to, need to ___, neither __ or ___

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Vocabulary Test: The Giver Vocabulary
palpable, wheedle, chastisement, reprieve, meticulously, requisitioned, sinous, assimilate, ominous, obsolete, warily, dejected, languid, augment, vigilant

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Vocabulary Test: Hit parade5
brevity, expedient, transient, augment, bolster, burgeon, copious, distend, grandiose, prodigious, profundity, redouble, scintillating, averse, conspicuous, demure, diffidence, docile, innocuous, placid, quiescent, concord, concur, dogmatic, fastidious, intransigence, jocular, meticulous, affable, alacrity, amiable, benign, sanguine, belligerent, cantankerous, contentious, deleterious, exacerbate, flippant, insolent, nerfarious, pernicious, rancorous, repugnant, supercilious, arboreal, invocation, stratify, variegated, verdant

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Vocabulary Test: Illiad Vocab
Amok, Bilthe, Clandestine, Folly, Gall, Gluton, Grisly, Harried, Hone, Impetuous, Incense, Incorrigible, Insatiable, Irate, Lustruous, Maim, Melee, Muster, Reprisal, Shrewd, Braggart, Impregnable, Semblance, Fain, Respite

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Vocabulary Test: Aice English midterm vocab
acquisitive, arrogate, banal, belabor, carping, coherent, congeal, emulate, encomium, eschew, germane, insatiable, intransigent, invidious, largesse, reconnaissance, substaniate, taciturn, temporize, tenable, accost, animadversion, avid, brackish, celerity, devious, gambit, halcyon, histrionic, incendiary, maelstrom, myopic, overt, pejorative, propriety, sacrilege, summarily, suppliant, talisman, undulate, articulate, cavort, credence, decry, dissemble, distraught, eulogy, evince, exhume, feckless, murky, nefarious, piquant, primordial, propinquity, unwonted, utopian, verbiage, verdant, viscous, atrophy, bastion, concord, consummate, disarray, exigency, flotsam, frenetic, glean, grouse, incarcerate, incumbent, jocular, ludicrous, mordant, nettle, pecuniary, pusillanimous, recumbent, stratagem, acuity, delineate, depraved, enervate, esoteric, fecund, fiat, figment, garner, hallow, idiosyncrasy, ignominy, mundane, nuance, overweening, penchant, reputed, sophistry, sumptuous, ubiquitous, abject, agnostic, complicity, derelict, diatribe, effigy, equity, inane, indictment, indubitable, intermittent, moot, motif, neophyte, perspicacity, plenary, surveillance, sylvan, testy, travesty, allay, bestial, convivial, coterie, counterpart, demur, effrontery, embellish, ephemeral, felicitous, furtive, garish, illusory, indigent, inordinate, jettison, misanthrope, pertinacious, picayune, raiment

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab
recrimination, servile, sensationalistic, rationale, penchant, mandate, idiosyncratic, iconoclastic, dogmatic, dearth, contentious, elation, inured, pedestrian, coerce, digression, extraneous, gaffe, pedantic, obfuscate, intransigent

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Vocabulary Test: AP Vocab
stalwart, callous, anamoly, ephemeral, sagacious, delineate, sallow, culls, ruminate, mien, prolix, strident, rancor, jocose, paroysm, ebullient, eschew, idiosyncracy, propitiate, churlish, ignominy, dour, taciturn, sagacious, lachrymose, prurient, eschew, licentious, torpid, invidious

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Vocabulary Test: Kitchens
Colophon, Ribbon Interlace, Cameos, Mandorla, Scriptorium, Chancel, Blind Arcades, Impost Blocks, Mausoleum, Narthex, Clerestory, Westwork, Gallery, Cloister, Exedrae, Rotunda, Reliquaries, Picture Stones, Gadrooning, Bosses, Alter Pieces, Repousse, Rune Stones, Diptychs

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Vocabulary Test: 7-8 before and after
antebellum, antecedent, anterior, avant-garde, precept, predestination, preempt, premonition, preposterous, pretentious, vangaurd, premier, primate, prime, primeval, primordial, posterior, posterity, posthumous

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Vocabulary Test: word list:cred=believe
accreditation, credential, credible, credit, creditor, credulous, creed, descredit, incredible, incredulous

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Vocabulary Test: Psychology Vocab 91-180
Clinical Social Worker, Cognition, Cognitive Development, Cognitive Psychology, Collective Unconscious, Consciousness, Contact Comfort, Contextual Distinctiveness, Coping, Counseling Psychologist, Countertransference, Crystallized Intelligence, Date Rape, Debriefing, Developemental Psychology, Difference Threshold, Dissociative Amnesia, DNA, Dream Work, DSM-IV-TR

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Vocabulary Test: GRE Vocabulary (A)
Abase, Abate, Amalgamate, Ardor, Exacerbate, Canard, Ford, Fallow, Fervid, Bevy

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Vocabulary Test: Fatema Atshan
Conducive, Deduce, Evince, Impetuous, Impetus, Induce, Intractable, Invincible, Petulant, Protracted, Provincial, Retract

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Vocabulary Test: ch.24vocab
alternative resource, chemical energy, electrical energy, energy, generator, inexhaustible resource, kinetic energy, law of conservation of energy, nonrenewable resource, nuclear energy, photovoltaic, potential energy, radiant energy, renewable resource, thermal energy, turbine

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Vocabulary Test: sdjfksfka;sda
allegory, vindictive, tradegy, hysteria, subservient, inflexible
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