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Vocabulary Test: frenchWords:je suis, tu es, il est, elle est, nous sommes, vous etes, ils sont, elles sont
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Vocabulary Test: EllieMWords:ambivalent, ambiguous, proliferate, sanctimonious, autonomy, precipitous, elusive, repudiate, imbue, pervasive, reckoning, palliate, subterfuge, didactic, bromide, austere, pragmatic, dearth, paucity, myopic, prosaic, ardor, torpid, lucid, pulchritude, mendacious, dubious, insipid, esoteric, tacit, dogged, banal, pugnacious, nefarious, tenet, vapid, reclusive, precarious, acrimonious, paradox, respite, laconic, audacious, bellicose, astute, assiduous, assuage, noxious, itinerant, salutary, despondent, abashed, inundated, supplant, mellifluous, obstinate, discerning, obfuscate, objective, immutable, propensity, diffident, loquacious, cacophony, avuncular, salient, impudent, tenuous, felicitous, intransigence, desecration, galvanize, lionize, vilify, accosted, relinquish, effrontery, litigiousness, instigate, pedant, arbitrary, machinations, circumspect
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Vocabulary Test: Weather Vocabulary QuizWords:Air mass, Weather, Climate, Farenheit, Celsius, Temperature, Warm Front, Cold Front, Condensation, Evaportation, Preciptation, High Pressure, Low Pressure, Water Cycle, Wind, Clouds
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Vocabulary Test: frenchWords:je suis, tu es, il est, elle est, nous sommes, vous etes, ils sont, elles sont, jai, tu as, elle a, il a, nous avons, vous avez, ils ont, elles ont
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Vocabulary Test: STARR VOCABWords:Aesthetic effects, Anecdote, Archetype, Bandwagon appeal, Caricature, Coherent argument, Digital media, Docudrama, Epigraph, Etymology
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab 12/19Words:circumspect, arbitrary, machinations, pedant, instigate, litigiousness, effrontery, relinquish, accosted, vilify, lionize, galvanize, desecration, intransigence, felicitous
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Vocabulary Test: math vocabularyWords:show all totals, show new group above, show new group below, odd, even, estimate, addend, sum, hundreds, ones, quick tens, quick hundreds, decade numbers, word name, tens
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Vocabulary Test: Drafting IIWords:Anchor bolt, Blocking, Bridging, Double Joist, Floor Joist, Footing, Foundation Wall, Girder, Header, Joist, Joist Hanger, Post, Crawl space, Drain Tile, Finished Floor, Floor Joist, Insulation, Sole plate, Stud, Sub-floor
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Vocabulary Test: Psychology Vocab 1-90(Kira's)Words:A-B-A Design, Absolute Threshold, Acute Stress, Ageism, Aggression, Algorithm, Altruism, Anorexia Nervosa, Anxiety, Attachement, Attention, Automatic Processes, Behavior, Belief-Bias Effect, Body Image, Child-Directed Speech, Chronological Age, Circadian Rhythem, Biological perpsective, Chunking
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Vocabulary Test: TobaccoWords:tobacco, nicotine, addictive, tar, cilia, carbon monoxide, bidi, chew, emphysema, cigar
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Vocabulary Test: adasaddadadsWords:alexander hamilton, james madison, daniel shays, articles of confederation, legislatve branch, judicial branch, executive branch, constitution, democracy, republic, shays rebellion, constitutional convection
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Vocabulary Test: adsadasdWords:amendment, veto, great compromise, house of representatives, senate, house of representatives, habeas corpus, federalist papers, civil liberties, patriot act, 3/5 compromise, federal government, state government, checks and balances, electoral college, virginia plan, radify, bill of rights
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