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Vocabulary Test: AstronomyWords:Why don't we see lunar eclipses once every month, Which planet is known as the "red planet", is rocky, and has bee, Label in words the order of the Sun, Earth, and moon during a ne, Which planet is the largest, has a "red spot", and is gaseous?, Which planet is know for its large, beautiful rings?, List the planets in order from the sun.
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Vocabulary Test: Roll of Thunder, Hear My CryWords:ambled, lingered, remnants, adamant, pointedly, reluctantly, rile, acrid, crescendo, lilting, rasped, amenities, persnickety, despicable, finality
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Vocabulary Test: Greek Mythology Words:Telemachus, Apollo, Athena, Cronus, Philoeteus, Eurynome, Penelope, Eurycleia, Eurymachus, Antinous:, Eumaeus, Teiresias, Thrinakia, Cyclops, Scylla , Sirens, Circe , Cicones, Charybdis, Calypso, Alcinous, Aeaea
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Vocabulary Test: Mystery VocabularyWords:Secondary Source, Fugitive, Culprit, Victim, Snitch, Sidekick, Suspect, Witness, Sleuth, Red Herring, Mystery, Protagonist, Motive, Hunch, Evidence, Detective, Deduction, Antagonist, Clue, Alibi
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Vocabulary Test: AnatomyWords:where are neurotransmitters released?, nerve, cytoplasm, Nissil Bodies, ganglia, Reflexes
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Vocabulary Test: Quiz 6 TaxonomyWords:Passeriformes, Gruiformes, Galliformes, Falconiformes, Tachycineta bicolor, Stelgidopteryx serripennis, Progne subis, Petrochelidon pyrrhonotoa, Hirundo rustica, Hirundinidae, Carpodacus mexicanus, Carduelis tristis, Carduelis pinus, Spizella pusilla, Fringillidae, Junco hyemalis, Spizella passerine, Melospiza melodia, Ammodramus savannarum, Pipilo erythrophthalmus, Cyanocitta cristata, Emberizidae, Corvidae, Corvus brachyrhynchos, Pheucticus ludovicianus, Spiza Americana, Passerina cyanea, Cardinalis cardinalis, Passerina caerulea, Cardinalidae, Bombycilla cedrorum, Alaudidae, Eremophila alpestris, Bombycillidae, Rallidae, Fulica Americana, Gruidae, Grus Canadensis, Odontophoridae, Colinus virginianus, Phasianus colchicus, Tympanuchus cupido, Meleagris gallopavo, Phasianidae, Cathartes aura, Falconidae, Falco sparverius, Cathartidae, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, Buteo swainsoni, Buteo lagopus, Buteo jamaicensis, Accipiter cooperii, Accipitridae
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Vocabulary Test: AnatomyWords:Cervix - Urethra - Prostate, 1st Ejaculation - Menopause - Onset of Menstruation, Tuberculosis - Chlamydia - Trichomoniasis, Condom - Tubal Ligation - Vasectomy, Urethra - Bladder - Testes, Epididymis, Urethra, Clitoris, Sperm Cells, Seminal Vesicle - Vas Deferens - Ovaries, Fallopian Tube - Vagina - Prostate, Thymus - Amniotic Sac - Placenta, Amoeba - Embryo - Fetus, Placenta, Estrogen - Progesterone - Testosterone, Estrogen, Uterus, Fallopian Tubes, Egg Cells, Cervix, Seminal Vesicles, Testes, Vas Deferens, Ejaculation, Puberty, Fertilization, Erection, Prostate Gland, Ovaries, Testosreone, Fetus, Semen, Labia, Embryo, Vagina, Scrotum
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Vocabulary Test: Full TaxonomyWords:Catostomidae, Cyprinidae, Clupeidae, Acipenseridae, Cyprinodontidae, Anguillidae, Amiidae, Polyodontidae, Ichthyomyzon unicuspis, Ichthyomyzon castaneus, Ictiobus niger, Ictiobus cyprinellus, Ictiobus bubalus, Cycleptus elongates, Catostomus commersonii, Catostomus catostomus, Carpoides cyprinus, Carpoides carpio, Ctenopharyngodon idella, Notemigonus crysoleucas, Hybognathus argyritis, Hybognathus placitus, Macrybopsis storeriana, Macrhybopsis geuda, Macryhybopsis meeki, Platygobio gracilis, Cyprinus carpio, Fundulus sciadicus, Dorosomatinae Dorosoma, Fundulus kansae, Anguilla rostrata, Amia calva, Polyodon spathula, Scaphirhynchus platorynchus, Acipenser fulvescens, Scaphirhynchus albus
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Vocabulary Test: Taxonomy of FishWords:Ichthyomyzon unicuspis, Ichthyomyzon castaneus, Ictiobus niger, Ictiobus bubalus, Ictiobus cyprinellus, Cycleptus elongates, Catostomus commersonii, Carpoides cyprinus, Catostomus catostomus, Carpoides carpio, Ctenopharyngodon idella, Notemigonus crysoleucas, Hybognathus argyritis, Hybognathus placitus, Macrybopsis storeriana, Macrhybopsis geuda, Macryhybopsis meeki, Platygobio gracilis, Cyprinus carpio, Dorosomatinae Dorosoma, Fundulus sciadicus, Fundulus kansae, Amia calva, Anguilla rostrata, Polyodon spathula, Scaphirhynchus platorynchus, Scaphirhynchus albus, Acipenser fulvescens
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Vocabulary Test: myne a testWords:price competition, indirect competition, non-price competition, product usage, marketing intelligence, geographic segmentation, market share, benefits delivery, direct competition, market segment, market potential, psychographics, product usage, Geographic , demographics
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Vocabulary Test: greek mythologyWords:hephaestus, hades, hera, ares, demeter, apollo, hestia, artemis, aphrodite, persephone, zeus, hermes, dinonysus, poseidon, athena
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Vocabulary Test: mythologyWords:Hestia, Hephaestus, Poseidon, Dionysus, Hera, Zeus, Hermes, Hades, Demeter, Ares, Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Aphrodite
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Vocabulary Test: Army and WarWords:un militaire, un simple soldat, un militaire de carrière, un soldat, un parachutiste, un homme de troupe, les soldats, la troupe
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Vocabulary Test: Mya 1Words:struct, just , scrib, fix, terra, pedi, herb, cred, aqua, sol
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Vocabulary Test: Heathcare AnatomyWords:pelvic cavity, abdominal cavity, thoracic cavity, anterior or ventral cavity, dorsal cavity, transverse plane, cornal (frontal) plane, midsagittal plane, planes, section, deep (internal), Superficial (external), distal, proximal, lateral, medial, inferior, caudal, superior, cranial, posterior or dorsal, anterior or ventral, anatomical position , physiology, anatomy
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Vocabulary Test: AstronomyWords:Chandrasekhar Limit, Type 1A Supernova, Mass Transfer, White Dwarfs, Deep Convection, Triple Alpha Reaction, Brown Dwarfs, Core Degeneracy, T Tauri Star, Protostar, Bok Globule, Stellar Formation, Dark Nebulae, Emission Nebulae, Reflection Nebulae, Flares, Prominences, Magnetic Field, Solar Wind, Corona, Chromosphere, Photosphere, Convective Zone, Radiative Zone, Active, Passive, Fusion, Hydrostatic Equilibrium
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 1Words:pelvic cavity , left pleural cavity, mediastinum, pericardial, right pleural cavity, abdominopelvic cavity, frontal or coronal, Thoracic cavity, transverse, saggital, deep, superficial, distal, proximal, lateral, inferior, medial, superior, posterior or doral, ventral, cephalic, Anterior, plantar, calcaneal, popliteal, sural, lumbar, glutteal, dorsal, olecranal, inguinal, Acromial, buccal, tarsal, femoral, patellar, crural, pollex, phallanges , carpal, antebrachial, antecubital, brachial, cervical, thoracic, otic, ocular/orbital, cranial, frontal
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Vocabulary Test: vocab8Words:absolution, bereft, chargin, demoralize, eminently, fawning, garble, hellion, impunity, labyrinth, livid, mediocre, nomad, omnivorous, passive, illusion, impending, implacably, impregnability, inarticulate, incontrovertible, indigenous, intractable, integrity, irrelevant
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Vocabulary Test: Midterm SWords:affable, ameliorate, aplomb, autonomy, circuitous, erudite, expiate, flout, fractious, gossamer, hackneyed, inadvertent, infer, ingratiate, innuendo, interloper, intrinsic, irrevocable, proclivity, provincial, scurrilous, seditious, sepulchral, surmise, transient, umbrage, unwieldy, vitriolic, petulant, assuage
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Vocabulary Test: OceanWords:benthic, contientala shelf, wave, current, ecosystem, abyssal plain, contiental rise, continental slope, zooplankton, depth, mid ocean ridge, netiton, tide, gulf stream, ocean trench, ocean, plankton, salinity, phytoplanton
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Vocabulary Test: iseeWords:ruse, concealed, brittle, elongate, novel, simplify, adhesive, unkempt, malice, basin, seldom, vacate, soiled, farce, condone, isolation, miser, domestic, appeal, plea, obsolete, superb, seldom, liberate, distort, reproach, remorse, innate, stint, sentimental, infamous, mediocre, detrimental, obtain, tactful, germinate, ultimate, restrain, uproot, withered, eccentric, lenient, rabid, rapid, meadow, harbinger, immature, naughty, shy
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Vocabulary Test: Dorkinsnob TestWords:Dorkinsnob, Dorkinsnobs ROCK!, Qwertyuiop, Snobindork, Holographic Safe, Snobinsnob, Unknown, Dorkindork, Dorkinsnobindork, Snobindorkinsnob
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Vocabulary Test: UIL Vocab N,O,PWords:natatorial, necessitate, neuralgia, nigrescence, noblesse oblige, nonexistant, nontenured, nunciature, obliquity, octodecimo, odeum, ogreish, Oligocene, ontic, oology, organoleptic, ornithopter, otitis media, ozonize, palinode, panacean, panoply, parataxis, parvis, pasqueflower, patinaed, patrilineage, perennate, pestilential, phantasmagoria, philosophize, physiognomy, placebo effect, plebeian, plunger, poet laureate, polyglot, pomology, Ponzi scheme, posit, prandial, precatory, preordination, presidential, presynaptic, primrose path, proboscidian, prophesier, prosecutorial, protolithic
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Vocabulary Test: travelWords:lack, delay, narrow roads, queue, occupy, legendary, stretch, isolated, frequently, transaction
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Vocabulary Test: Biology9Words:Homozygous, Heterozygous, Dominant, Recessive, Gene, Allele, Chromosome, Nucleus, DNA, Genotype, Phenotype, Cell
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Vocabulary Test: chinese4Words:yuè liang, yuàn yì, yuán liàng, yuán lái, yù dào, yǔ yán, yǒu yì, yǒu hǎo, yóu qí, yóu jú, yǒng yuǎn, yǐng xiǎng, yì yì, yì shù, yì jiàn, yǐ wéi, yī zhí, yī qiè, yī kuàir, yī biān … yī biān …, yī gòng, yī dìng, yī bān, yāo qiú, yǎn chū
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Vocabulary Test: Lesson 16Words:charming, racket, ingenious, outwit, tender, delighted, brittle, embraced, cunning, disguised
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Vocabulary Test: test 1Words:2 timothy 3:16, mattew 28:19, ecclesiastes 9:5, 1 john 5:19, john 5:28,29, John 17:3, psalm 37:10,11, romans 5:12, john 8:32, john 1:18, james 4:8, 1 john 4:8, psalms 83:18
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Vocabulary Test: HitlerWords:Weimar Republic, Third Reich, Swastika, S.A., Reparations, Paramilitary, Nazism, Mein Kampf, Lebensraum, Imperialism, Fuhrer, Demagogue, Anarchy
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Test #5Words:bolster, bookie, boondoggle, boor, borne, bottleneck, brook, brunt, brusque, bucolic, bulwark, bumf, burgeon, burnish, bylaw, cachet, cadre, cagey, cairn, calumny, cant, cantankerous, cantonment, capacious, capricious
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