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Vocabulary Test: Culinary ArtsWords:Work Station, Work Selection, Cooking line, Single straight-line arrangement, L-shaped arrangement, Parallel face to face arrangement, Work flow, Mise en place, Work simplification, Range of motion
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Vocabulary Test: GREWords:Abscond, aberrant, alacrity, anomaly, approbation, arduous, assuage, audacious, austere, axiomatic, canonical, capricious, censure, chicanery, sonnoisseur, convoluted, disabuse, discordant, disparate, effrontery, eloquent, enervate, ennui, equivocate, erudite, exculpate, exigent, extemporaneous, filibuster, fulminate, ingenuous, inured, irascible, laud, lucid, magnanimity, martial, mundane, nascent, nebulous, noxious, obtuse, obviate, onerous, paen, parody, perennial, perfidy, perfunctory, perennial
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Vocabulary Test: gre1Words:perspicacious, prattle, precipitate, predilection, prescience, prevaricate, qualms, recant, refute, relegate, reticent, solicitous, sordid, sporadic, squander, static, stupefy, stymie, synthesis, torque, tortuous, truculent, veracity, virulent, voracious, waver, abater, accolade, adulation
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Vocabulary Test: PUSHCART WAR 2Words:enlarge, enormous, expose, extinct, grave, inconvenient, irritated, jubilant, manifesto, massacre
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Vocabulary Test: Four Perfect Pebbles Vocab Ch 1-4Words:der Fuhrer, emigrate, anti-semitism, prejudice, Nazi, Kristallnacht, aryan, synagogue, Holocaust, deportation, refugee, genocide, concentration camp, swastika, Reichstag, Judenrein, Iron Cross, Chancellor, Schutzstaffeln, Nurembert Laws
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Vocabulary Test: gre2Words:aesthetic, ameliorate, ascetic, avarice, axiom, burgeon, bucolic, cacophony, canon, castigation, catalyst, caustic, chary, cogent, complaisance, contentious, contrite, culpable, dearth, demur, didatic, discretion, disinterested, dogmatic, ebullience, eclectic, elegy, emollient, empirical, enigmatic, empemeral, esoteric, eulogy, exonerate, facetious, fallacy, furtive, gregarious, harrangue, heretical, hyperboe, impecunious, incipient, inert, innocuous, intransigent, inveigle, morose, odious, opaque
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Vocabulary Test: Lesson 3Words:n. ancestor, n. carnivore, v. comprehend, n. duration, adj. evident, adj. extinct, adj. ferocious, adj. gigantic, v. obscure, n. option, adj. premature, v. preserve, n. prey, adj. puny, v. survive, adj. optional, adj. carnivorous, v. prey, adj. obscure, n. comprehension
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Vocabulary Test: The Hand 13AWords:emancipate, manacle, mandate, manifest, manipulate, dexterity, ambidextrous, digital, deflect, genuflect, inflection, reflection, rapacious, rapt, surreptitious
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab 101Words:anthropomorphism, ecclesiology, hermenutics, kerygma, parousia, soteriology, perichoresis, nominalism, exemplarism, exegesis
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Vocabulary Test: Byzantine and Muslim CivilizationWords:Constantinople, Constantine, Justinian, Justinian's Code, Schism, Muhammad, Nomads, Caravans, Mecca, Muslim, Mosque, Quran, Omar Khayyam, Caliphs, Sufis
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Vocabulary Test: SSAT3Words:Animosity, Debilitating, Deficient, Insolent, Irate, Notorious, Profane, Recalcitrant, Warlock, Aloof, Banal, Belligerent, Browbeat, Choleric, Garrulous, Incompetent, Insipid, Ostentatious, Pedantic, Pugnacious, Ravenous, Sanctimonious
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Vocabulary Test: SSAT4Words:Abyss, Barrage, Brig, Hovel, Indictment, Quiver, Plight, Rue, Adverse, Aggravate, Assailable, Corpulent, Founder, Impasse, Incumbent, Insinuation, Mar, Null, Repudiate, Ruse, Sedate, Slander, Superfluous
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Vocabulary Test: SSAT5Words:Benign, Exquisite, Immaculate, Robust, Clarity, Deft, Meticulous, Pious, Illuminate, Imply, Lament, Reminiscence, Dormant, Eradicate, Excavate, Fundamental, Innate, Merge
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Vocabulary Test: SSAT6Words:Adept, Facet, Ingenuity, Inscribe, Novice, Procure, Tenacious, Toil, Vend, Vigor, Wane, Admiring, Ambivalent, Analytical, Biased, Brash, Cautious, Dubious, Ironic, Jubilant, Objective, Sarcastic, Skeptical, Somber, Subjective, Temperament
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Vocabulary Test: SSAT7Words:Pedestrian, Uniform, Sage, Flag, Refrain, Abdominable, Arid, Delusion, Despair, Dread, Exasperate, Gaunt, Impediment, Laden, Parch, Pungent, Rancid, Repugnant, Revile, Scorn, Abhor, Deleterious, Disparage, Penurious, Quandary, Recuperate, Salve, Authentic, Era, Extinct, Hackneyed, Hoary, Obsolete, Posterity, Premise, Retrospect
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Vocabulary Test: SSAT8Words:Absolved, Concede, Contrition, Implore, Indignant, Obdurate, Obstinate, Pardoned, Penitent, Placate, Revere, Abridge, Academic, Adage, Assert, Cumulative, Genre, Oration, Preamble, Ail, Bewilder, Confound, Crevice, Decompose, Deteriorate, Dilute, Distort, Quibble, Rift, Squalid
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Vocabulary Test: SSAT9Words:Cacophony, Evanescence, Mercurial, Volatile, Circulate, Evacuate, Exclusion, Exile, Fluctuate, Linger, Recede, Rout, Audible, Dingy, Elaborate, Elongate, Embroider, Emulate, Fringe, Hue, Livid, Lush, Opulent, Plumage, Stark, Sublime, Tome, Translucent, Virtuoso, Vivid, Ramble
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Vocabulary Test: SSAT10Words:Adamant, Condescend, Contradict, Egotist, Glutton, Imperious, Plunder, Shun, Timid, Wily, Abstinence, Capricious, Contemptuous, Contentious, Feral, Rancorous, Staid, Candor, Clandestine, Correlation, Fathom, Frank, Keen, Plausible, Presume, Prophetic, Shrewd, Stifle, Tryst
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Vocabulary Test: SSAT11Words:Impervious, Indifferent, Languid, Mirth, Nimble, Nonchalant, Tepid, Burly, Dexterity, Exuberant, Felicity, Frugal, Idiosyncratic, Integrity, Paramount, Prosperous, Prudent, Thrifty, Venerate, Whimsical
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