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Vocabulary Test: Culinary Arts
Work Station, Work Selection, Cooking line, Single straight-line arrangement, L-shaped arrangement, Parallel face to face arrangement, Work flow, Mise en place, Work simplification, Range of motion

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Vocabulary Test: GRE
Abscond, aberrant, alacrity, anomaly, approbation, arduous, assuage, audacious, austere, axiomatic, canonical, capricious, censure, chicanery, sonnoisseur, convoluted, disabuse, discordant, disparate, effrontery, eloquent, enervate, ennui, equivocate, erudite, exculpate, exigent, extemporaneous, filibuster, fulminate, ingenuous, inured, irascible, laud, lucid, magnanimity, martial, mundane, nascent, nebulous, noxious, obtuse, obviate, onerous, paen, parody, perennial, perfidy, perfunctory, perennial

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Vocabulary Test: gre1
perspicacious, prattle, precipitate, predilection, prescience, prevaricate, qualms, recant, refute, relegate, reticent, solicitous, sordid, sporadic, squander, static, stupefy, stymie, synthesis, torque, tortuous, truculent, veracity, virulent, voracious, waver, abater, accolade, adulation

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Vocabulary Test: PUSHCART WAR 2
enlarge, enormous, expose, extinct, grave, inconvenient, irritated, jubilant, manifesto, massacre

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Vocabulary Test: PUSHCART WAR 4
significance, slogan, spectator, tactfully, timid, transom, truce, underestimate, violated

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Vocabulary Test: Four Perfect Pebbles Vocab Ch 1-4
der Fuhrer, emigrate, anti-semitism, prejudice, Nazi, Kristallnacht, aryan, synagogue, Holocaust, deportation, refugee, genocide, concentration camp, swastika, Reichstag, Judenrein, Iron Cross, Chancellor, Schutzstaffeln, Nurembert Laws

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Vocabulary Test: gre2
aesthetic, ameliorate, ascetic, avarice, axiom, burgeon, bucolic, cacophony, canon, castigation, catalyst, caustic, chary, cogent, complaisance, contentious, contrite, culpable, dearth, demur, didatic, discretion, disinterested, dogmatic, ebullience, eclectic, elegy, emollient, empirical, enigmatic, empemeral, esoteric, eulogy, exonerate, facetious, fallacy, furtive, gregarious, harrangue, heretical, hyperboe, impecunious, incipient, inert, innocuous, intransigent, inveigle, morose, odious, opaque

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Vocabulary Test: Lesson 3
n. ancestor, n. carnivore, v. comprehend, n. duration, adj. evident, adj. extinct, adj. ferocious, adj. gigantic, v. obscure, n. option, adj. premature, v. preserve, n. prey, adj. puny, v. survive, adj. optional, adj. carnivorous, v. prey, adj. obscure, n. comprehension

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Vocabulary Test: The Hand 13A
emancipate, manacle, mandate, manifest, manipulate, dexterity, ambidextrous, digital, deflect, genuflect, inflection, reflection, rapacious, rapt, surreptitious

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab 101
anthropomorphism, ecclesiology, hermenutics, kerygma, parousia, soteriology, perichoresis, nominalism, exemplarism, exegesis

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Vocabulary Test: Byzantine and Muslim Civilization
Constantinople, Constantine, Justinian, Justinian's Code, Schism, Muhammad, Nomads, Caravans, Mecca, Muslim, Mosque, Quran, Omar Khayyam, Caliphs, Sufis

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Vocabulary Test: SSAT3
Animosity, Debilitating, Deficient, Insolent, Irate, Notorious, Profane, Recalcitrant, Warlock, Aloof, Banal, Belligerent, Browbeat, Choleric, Garrulous, Incompetent, Insipid, Ostentatious, Pedantic, Pugnacious, Ravenous, Sanctimonious

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Vocabulary Test: SSAT4
Abyss, Barrage, Brig, Hovel, Indictment, Quiver, Plight, Rue, Adverse, Aggravate, Assailable, Corpulent, Founder, Impasse, Incumbent, Insinuation, Mar, Null, Repudiate, Ruse, Sedate, Slander, Superfluous

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Vocabulary Test: SSAT5
Benign, Exquisite, Immaculate, Robust, Clarity, Deft, Meticulous, Pious, Illuminate, Imply, Lament, Reminiscence, Dormant, Eradicate, Excavate, Fundamental, Innate, Merge

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Vocabulary Test: SSAT6
Adept, Facet, Ingenuity, Inscribe, Novice, Procure, Tenacious, Toil, Vend, Vigor, Wane, Admiring, Ambivalent, Analytical, Biased, Brash, Cautious, Dubious, Ironic, Jubilant, Objective, Sarcastic, Skeptical, Somber, Subjective, Temperament

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Vocabulary Test: SSAT7
Pedestrian, Uniform, Sage, Flag, Refrain, Abdominable, Arid, Delusion, Despair, Dread, Exasperate, Gaunt, Impediment, Laden, Parch, Pungent, Rancid, Repugnant, Revile, Scorn, Abhor, Deleterious, Disparage, Penurious, Quandary, Recuperate, Salve, Authentic, Era, Extinct, Hackneyed, Hoary, Obsolete, Posterity, Premise, Retrospect

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Vocabulary Test: SSAT8
Absolved, Concede, Contrition, Implore, Indignant, Obdurate, Obstinate, Pardoned, Penitent, Placate, Revere, Abridge, Academic, Adage, Assert, Cumulative, Genre, Oration, Preamble, Ail, Bewilder, Confound, Crevice, Decompose, Deteriorate, Dilute, Distort, Quibble, Rift, Squalid

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Vocabulary Test: SSAT9
Cacophony, Evanescence, Mercurial, Volatile, Circulate, Evacuate, Exclusion, Exile, Fluctuate, Linger, Recede, Rout, Audible, Dingy, Elaborate, Elongate, Embroider, Emulate, Fringe, Hue, Livid, Lush, Opulent, Plumage, Stark, Sublime, Tome, Translucent, Virtuoso, Vivid, Ramble

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Vocabulary Test: SSAT10
Adamant, Condescend, Contradict, Egotist, Glutton, Imperious, Plunder, Shun, Timid, Wily, Abstinence, Capricious, Contemptuous, Contentious, Feral, Rancorous, Staid, Candor, Clandestine, Correlation, Fathom, Frank, Keen, Plausible, Presume, Prophetic, Shrewd, Stifle, Tryst

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Vocabulary Test: SSAT11
Impervious, Indifferent, Languid, Mirth, Nimble, Nonchalant, Tepid, Burly, Dexterity, Exuberant, Felicity, Frugal, Idiosyncratic, Integrity, Paramount, Prosperous, Prudent, Thrifty, Venerate, Whimsical
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