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Vocabulary Test: Study My English Vocabulary
Parquet, Apogee, Ingenue , Eminent, Convoke, Tumult, Erudite, Malinger, Paucity, Flag, Rebuff, Curmudgeon , Upbraid, Ecclesiastic , Beseech, Aphasia, Fervent, Infirmity, Timorous, Swill, Bane, Lugubrious, Enliven, Homiletctis

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Vocabulary Test: Greek & Roman Mythology Q2
apace, precocious, indignant, infuriate, pestilence, chimera, rapacious, formidable, vociferous, dowry, adroit, torpid, tenacious, caparison, lurk, libation, inextricable, ruminate, Nectarous, Contumacious

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Vocabulary Test: hummymymummy
biodiversity , variations , revolting , voraciously , evolved , idly, charles darwin, industrial revolution , calculations, preservation

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Vocabulary Test: test my vocab
duck, dog, cat, bird, mouse, water

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Vocabulary Test: Emmy
venture, uncanny, supplement, strew, segment, refuge, presumption, instantaneous, incite, illiteracy, enchant, devour, calamity, blunder, absolute

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Vocabulary Test: Deuteronomy
Moses teaches on Criminal Law - The Reasons for the Death Penalt, Moses teaches on Criminal Law - Legal Testimony & Perjury, The great responsibility ( 6-8) - To pass on the faith to the ne, The great responsibility ( 3-5 ) - To pass the faith on to the n, The great responsibility ( the first two) - To pass the faith , Title DT., Moses speaks to the new generation about, Background, Date and chronology, Key Word, Authorship, main content in DT.

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Vocabulary Test: Sequel to my SUPER HARD TEST
Cat, Camel, Apple, Pear, Angry Bird, Angry Cat, GMO, Shamu, Pie, Tesselation

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Vocabulary Test: Mr. Gummy
Theme, Resolution, Coordinate plane, Flashback, Inference, Motivation, Irony , Constant, Perspective, Tone

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Vocabulary Test: Mr.Gummy
Inference, Resolution, Irony, Coordinate plane, Motivation, Tone, Perspective, Flashback, Theme

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 1
pelvic cavity , left pleural cavity, mediastinum, pericardial, right pleural cavity, abdominopelvic cavity, frontal or coronal, Thoracic cavity, transverse, saggital, deep, superficial, distal, proximal, lateral, inferior, medial, superior, posterior or doral, ventral, cephalic, Anterior, plantar, calcaneal, popliteal, sural, lumbar, glutteal, dorsal, olecranal, inguinal, Acromial, buccal, tarsal, femoral, patellar, crural, pollex, phallanges , carpal, antebrachial, antecubital, brachial, cervical, thoracic, otic, ocular/orbital, cranial, frontal

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Vocabulary Test: Heathcare Anatomy
pelvic cavity, abdominal cavity, thoracic cavity, anterior or ventral cavity, dorsal cavity, transverse plane, cornal (frontal) plane, midsagittal plane, planes, section, deep (internal), Superficial (external), distal, proximal, lateral, medial, inferior, caudal, superior, cranial, posterior or dorsal, anterior or ventral, anatomical position , physiology, anatomy

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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy
Chandrasekhar Limit, Type 1A Supernova, Mass Transfer, White Dwarfs, Deep Convection, Triple Alpha Reaction, Brown Dwarfs, Core Degeneracy, T Tauri Star, Protostar, Bok Globule, Stellar Formation, Dark Nebulae, Emission Nebulae, Reflection Nebulae, Flares, Prominences, Magnetic Field, Solar Wind, Corona, Chromosphere, Photosphere, Convective Zone, Radiative Zone, Active, Passive, Fusion, Hydrostatic Equilibrium

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Vocabulary Test: my brother martin
xgfck.gughj,b, ztydfkid, xtrfkfuygk, ykldyv, fy, sdl, lucky, man

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Vocabulary Test: Embalming Anatomy
laparoscopy, malaborption, malocculusion, occult blood, pruritus ani, xerostomia

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary L17 - The Albertosaurus Mystery
location, buried, skeletons, prove, clues, fierce, uncovering, evidence, remains, fossils

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Vocabulary Test: Mystery Quiz
Conflict, solution, Plot, setting, detective, clue, red herring, Suspects

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Vocabulary Test: Norse Mythology
berserker, sif, Norse mythology, Tyr, Odin, Loki, Thor

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Vocabulary Test: Which my little pony character are you
What do you do to animals?, What would you have as a pet, Who do you think you'll be?, How much do you care about your image?, What is your favorite color?, Whats your favorite subject

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Vocabulary Test: exam#3 anatomy & physiology
left upper quadrent [LUQ}, right upper quadrent [RUQ], right lower quadrent {RLQ], left lower quadrent [LLQ], lumbar regions (left and right), hypogastric region, iliac (or inguinal) regions (left and right), umbilical region, epigastrig region, hypochondriac regions (left and right), transverse plane , frontal or coronal plane, suppine, prone, sagittal plane, proximal, distal, superficial, medial, superior, lateral, posterior/dorsal, inferior, anatomical position, anterior/bentral, ventral cavity, dorsal cavity , reproductive system, lymphatic and immune system, integumentary system, urinary system, digestive system, sensory system, nervous system, endocrine system, muscular sustem, cardiovascular system , skeletal system, respiratory system

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Vocabulary Test: myth 2nd
inadvertent , impregnable , heinous , didactic , diffident , credulous , conventional , apocryphal , bestial , agog, alleged , supercilious , tacit , spare , reverence , recreant , rapacious , primal , predatory , perverse , perfidious , infallible , odious , incontrovertible , rive , prevail , exhort , incise , entranced , disparage , edify , depreciate , berate , averted , ad infinitum , ad hoc, insinuation , imbroglio , genealogy, fealty , elite, credence , cause celebre, chutzpah , canker, brevity, cabal , behemoth , vertex, tirade , striation , progenitor, scintilla, palaver, person non grata, offal, nabob, miscreant , mystique , mèlange, malversation

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Vocabulary Test: Greek Words Quiz 1
Skopeo, Phone, syn, Thesis, Tropos, Photos, Phila, Metron, Graph, Tele, Sauros, biblos, phobos, kinesis, logos

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Vocabulary Test: 1
lunes, martes, jueves, viernes, domingo, colegio, almuerzo, miércoles, computación, amigo, estudiante, bolígrafo, borrador, cesto de papeles, cuaderno, escritorio, página, pared, pizarra, puerta, pupitre, regla, reloj, sacapuntas, silla, ventana, amarillo, rojo, azul, a caballo, a pie, autobús, avión, barco, metro, biblioteca, triste, escuela, calle, edificio, tienda, cantante, zapatos, calcetines, bebida, comida, jugo, mesero, pescado, refresco, amable, cariñoso, divertido, guapo, lento, feo, tonto, compras, generoso, partido, bajo, difícil, fácil, delgado, aburrido, canoso, rubio, pelirrojo, moreno, abierto, apurado, cansado, cerrado, enfermo, limpio, libre, sucio, bailar, cantar, preguntar, escuchar, jugar, mirar, nadar, patinar, hablar, ir, comer, tarea, cuántos, quién, por qué, cuándo, cuál, Ellos, tú, nosotros, ustedes, usted, ella

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Vocabulary Test: inimical-vociferous-usage
inimical, innate, inordinate, jaded, laden, legacy, leverage, ludicrous, mandatory, opprobrious, ostentatious, perceive, plausible, poignant, prudence, pungent, quagmire, recidivism, remiss, render, repast, sentient, shrewd, soiree, soporific, specious, staid, translucent, viable, vociferous

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Vocabulary Test: 2
codo, corazón, cuello, espalda, garganta, lengua, oído, rodilla, hombro, cepillo, espejo, excusado, grifo, gripe, lavabo, tina, correos, carretera, esquina, puente, cuadra, torre, iglesia, papelería, dulcería, vitrina, almacén, césped, vecina, acera, correos, carros chocones, rueda de Chicago, montaña rusa, algodón de azúcar, finca, fila, desfile, globo, payaso, taquilla, boleto, malabarista, árbol, bosque, cielo, estrella, plumas, patas, gallina, oso, pez, conejo, pájaro, simpático, feroz, rosado, aderezo, almeja, azucarera, camarón, cangrejo, ciruela, costilla, durazno, marisco, pimiento, pera, pulpo, salchicha, sandía, ternera, tocino, toronja, a cuadros, a rayas, cajero, consejo, desteñido, joyeria, raya, surtido, tela, vestidor, prenda, cocinero, camarero, cuenta, propina, salero, fuegos artificiales, golosinas, trapecista, jaula, oveja, pato, cuerno, gallo, ducha, sopa

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Vocabulary Test: 2b
íbamos, divertía, veíamos, me gustaba, comíamos, quería, eran, estaba, viste, me gustó, comimos, vieron, vimos, estábamos viendo, estaban comiendo, estabas comiendo, hablaba, hablaron, estabas hablando, escribíamos, escribían, estaban escribiendo, escribiste, escribió, fui

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Vocabulary Test: unit 9
defile, awry, dire, disarming, disgruntled, renown, recluse, prodigy, predominant, pertinent, penal, mien, impunity, fend, endow, encroach, apt, bludgeon, captulate, chafe

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Vocabulary Test: gasconade-propitious
gasconade, contumacious, harbinger, histrionics, loathe, peruse, raze, reticent, halcyon, plethora, phlegmatic, perfunctory, inchoate, impunity, importune, exacerbate, anathema, loath, egregious, propitious

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Vocabulary Test: 13.00 Vocab SBE
Business interruption insurance, Business risks, Casualty insurance, Economic risks, Errors-and-omissions insurance, Fidelity bonds, Human risks, Life insurance, Natural risks, Performance bonds, Personal property, Property insurance, Pure risk, Real property, Risk, Risk management, Risk retention, Robbery, Shoplifting, Speculative risk, Workers’ Compensation

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Vocabulary Test: quiz
Austere, Metamorphosis, Esoteric, Notorious, Facsimile, Perfunctory, Grotesque, Provocative, Mesmerize, Travisty

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Vocabulary Test: Level F Unit 1
approbation, assuage, coalition, decadence, elicit, expostulate, hackneyed, hiatus, innuendo, intercede, jaded, lurid, meritorious, petulant, prerogative, provincial, simulate, transcend, umbrage, unctuous

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Vocabulary Test: bio midterm
biology, community, organism, consumer, producer, photosynthesis, growth, development, heredity, reproduction, adaptation, parasite, decomposer, predator, prey, autotroph, heterotroph, homeostasis, cell, tissue, organ, system, organism, hypothesis, variable, dependent, independent, experimental group, control group, theory, data, weight, mass, volume, length, gram, liter, meter, kilo-, hecto-, deka-, deci-, milli-, micro-, nano-, matter, atom, proton, neutron, electron, duet rule, octet rule, electron diagram, elements, periodic table, chemical bond, covalent bonding, molecules, ionic bonding, ions, subscript, symbol, atomic mass, atomic number, chemical formula, products, reactants, yield, dissociation, polarity, polar water, hydrogen bonds, van der waals, cohesion, adhesion, capillary action, homogeneous, heterogeneous, physical property, physical change, chemical property, chemical change, solution, solvent, solute, acid, base, ph scale, hydrogen ions, hydroxide ions, organic compounds, hydrocarbons, carbohydrates, monosaccharide, disaccharide, polysaccharide, glucose, fructose, galactose, sucrose, maltose, lactose, starch, glycogen, cellulose, proteins, amino acid, dipeptide, peptide bond, polypeptide, lipid, glycerol, fatty acid, steroid, polymer, monomer, condensation, hydrolysis, functional group, hydroxyl group, phosphate group, amino group, carboxyl group, nucleic acid, energy, enzyme, substrate, active site, lock and key, activation energy, coenzyme, Hooke, Leeuwenhoek, Schleiden, Schwann, Virchow, cell, organelle, cell membrane, nucleus, nuclear membrane, nucleolus, chromosome, chromatin, mitochondria, cristae, endoplasmic reticulum - smooth, ribosome, golgi body, lysosome, vacuole, vesicle, cytoplasm, cell wall, plastid, chloroplast, chromoplast, leucoplast, centriole, cytoskeleton, microfilament, microtubules, cilia, flagella, fluid mosaic model, phosphate glycerol, endoplasmic reticulum - rough, diffusion, osmosis, passive transport, active transport, facilitated diffusion, endocytosis, phagocytosis, pinocytosis, hydrophilic, hydrophobic, exocytosis, good luck

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Vocabulary Test: dutch colony
Duke, New World, Patroon, Rye, Slave, Spin, Surrender, Traditional, Indentured Servant, Merchant, Colony, Governor, Culture, Taxes

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Vocabulary Test: SSAT1
Jeer, Jest, Parody, Recreation, Skit, Adjunct, Coalesce, Congeal, Consensus, Contiguous, Fission, Fusion, Juxtapose, Pact, Rendezvous, Abdicate, Accord, Allege, Assess, Condone, Conventional, Counsel, Debunk, Decree, Inquiry, Ratify, Sustain, Ambiguous

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Vocabulary Test: Government
Amicus Curiae brief, Dealignment argument, Divided government, Elite theory, Factions, Fairness Doctrine, Feeding Frenzy, Free rider problem, Horse race coverage, Iron triangle, Litigation, Lobbying, Nonpartisan elections, Office column ballot, Party column ballot, Photo Opportunity, Pluralism, Political Action Committee, Patronage, Revolving door, Selective exposure, Selective perception, Sound bite, Spin control

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Vocabulary Test: Earth Science Vocab Final fall 2011
empirical evidence, theory, law, global warming, fossil fuels, climate change, science, pseudoscience, hypothesis, observation, experiment, independent variable, dependent variable, data, geosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, energy budget, physical weathering, abrasion, chemical weathering, oxidation, acid precipitation

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab pract 1
abandon, abandoned, abbot, abdominal, abidance, bacterium, baffle, balm, barren, belate, calamity, calculable, candid, caption, carbohydrate, Darwinism, deadlock, decaliter, decameter, decant, earthenware, eccentricity, edgy egocentric, egoist, eligible, fabricate, facial, fanatic, fancier, faulty, gala, galaxy, gauge, genealogy, generality, habitant, habitat, hacker, handwriting, hard-hearted, illuminate, imitator, immature, immerse, immortal, jargon, jubilant, judiciary, jugglery, juicy, kilometer, kingling, kismet, knight errant, knighthood, laborious, lactation, laddie, laminated, latitude, machinery, magician, magnet, magnetize, magnification, nameless, narrate, narrator, narrow-minded, nationality, oaken, obese, observatory, obsession, obstruction, pacify, packet, pact, paddy, palatable, quadrant, quadruple, quantity, quarrelsome, quarter, radius, ramshackle, rash, rasping, rationalize, sacrifice, sadistic, safeguard, saucy, scholarly, tactics, taint, tangent, tarnish, taxation, unanimity, unbecoming, unbiased, underhanded, undersized, vacate, vagabond, vain, valid, valorous, warlike, wary, weak-kneed, weighty, well-bred, zeal, witless, word processor, workaday, workmanship, worm, vex, viable, viola, viper, virtual reality

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Vocabulary Test: SSAT2
Ambiguous, Amorphous, Itinerant, Kinetic, Obscure, Remote, Writhe, Egress, Epoch, Intangible, Polymorphous, Prolific, Scull, Sporadic, Variegated, Akin, Amiable, Congenial, Equivalent, Extol, Placate, Altruistic, Aspirant, Astute, Benevolence, Surrogate

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Vocabulary Test: french
Argent, trop cher, une robe, un short, un pull, des chaussures, la rentree, dernier, prochain, vetements, trouve, j'ai pu, des lunettes de soleil, porter, semaine, enyoye, d'abord, un chemisier, une jupe, j'ai coulu

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Vocabulary Test: Computer Terms Week 3
Shortcut, Software, Spam, Task Bar, URL, User, Virus, Wallpaper, WWW, Computer

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Vocabulary Test: Only A Dollar's Worth
scorn, mortgage, pension, sputtered, upholstery, frugal
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