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Vocabulary Test: statsWords:Rhode Idland, South Dakota, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virgin Island, Vermont, Virginina, Washingtion, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Wyoming
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 7Words:affable, ineffable, dictatorial, diction, dictum, ditty, edict, indict, indite, interdiction, jurisdiction, malediction, valediction, gloss, polyglot
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Lesson 13-18Words:Autocratic, Autonomy, Caste, Despot, Feudal, Hegemony, Oligarchy, Sovereign, Totalitarian, Usurp, Diligence, Fastidious, Finicky, Imprudent, Judicious, Meticulous, Slovenly, Trepidation, Unmindful, Belie, Bellicose, Belligerence, Blithe, Besmirch, Biased, Bibliophile, Bereave, Bizarre, Bland, Minutia, Condemn, Culpable, Exonerate:, Extort, Incorrigible, Malfeasance, Misdemeanor, Purloin, Ruffian, Unscrupulous, August, Condescend, Deference, Grovel, Lackey, Celestial, Predominate, Subjugation, Slavish, Supercilious, Sycophant, Bog, Bombastic, Boorish, Bucolic, Bumptious, Buffoon, Cabal, Cacophonous, Cadaverous, Callous, Flagrant, Conspicuously, Furtive, Expressive, Latent, Pathology, Ostensible, Salient, Sequester, Subterfuge, Unobtrusively, Vaunt, Adroit, Blasé, Cliché, Clientele, Entrepreneur, Forte, Gauche, Naïve, Nonchalant, Rendezvous, Calumniate, Candid, Cantankerous, Captious, Castigate, Chauvinist, Chicanery
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Vocabulary Test: R180 Workshop 5Words:calculate, compensate, moderate, priority, strategy, management, credible, compulsive, impulse, ignorance
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Vocabulary Test: 175-225Words:sate, defray, impovershed, opinionated, sheepish, approbation, jaded, meritorious, licit, illicit, anterior, guise, entomb, enrage, repose, insular, pertinacity, discomfited, resplendent, lieu, divisive, abhor, inestimable, eclectic, indefatigable, remonstrate, beget, recuse, inveterate, dogmatic, redress, transient, diminutive, dilapidated, auspicious, expounding, antipodal, nepotism, compendious, reprobate, bromidic, arcane, redress, tome, disabuse, droll, irrefragable, stoic, humdrum, query
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Vocabulary Test: Health CareersWords:Dys-, -ectomy, Hyper-, Hypo-, Iso-, -itis, Noct(o), Oso(o), Phago-, -plasty, carcin(o)-, chlor(o)-, -cide: -cidal, -cyte;cyto-, neo-, nucle(o)-, -oma, onc(o), -some, hydro-, -lysis, -phillic, poly-, Aqua-, Chromo-, Endo-, Ex- or exo, Erythro-, Leuko-, Morpho-, Super-, -logy, Bio-, Macro-, Ocu;Oculo-, Patho-, Trans, CBC, RR, TLC, post, Rx, Dx, qid, tid, q3hr, prn, Ob, r, sob, per, CPR, wt, ECG/EKG, po, c/o, ht, bm, RN, CNA, IV, fx, cc, amb, ICU, ng, aseptic, dorsal, ventral, septic, posterior, anterior, Excretion, Secretion, thoracic
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Vocabulary Test: Hatchet VocabularyWords:Cessna, turbulance, horde, altitude, viciously, murky, pulverize, crude, imbed, exasperation, reposition, intervals, persistent, bluff, shaft, corrosive, stabilize, intact, stymie, butane
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Vocabulary Test: War Horse VocabularyWords:inexorably, contemplate, brigadiers, no man's land, consternation, barbarous, resonant, kinship, euphoric, inexplicable, tetanus, cauterized
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Vocabulary Test: Jean-LucWords:Acute, Hearken, Cunning, Hearty, Stealthy, crevice, refrain, vex, dismember, fancy, vehement, trifle, gesticulate, dissemble, pestilence, precipitous, harbor, wrest, acquiesce, scourge, detest, marauder, pinion, strewn, exasperated, retort, plight, condolence, interloper, endeavor, languor, lull, a
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Vocabulary Test: Units 5-8 syn and antWords:antique, baggage, digest, establish, eternal, haste, humid, lash, oppose, pioneer, sensible, worthy, blossom, collide, constant, content, distract, drought, foul, noble, policy, quiver, slight, tidy, accurate, alert, ancestor, disaster, elementary, envy, epidemic, feeble, penetrate, romp, staple, survive, awkward, clatter, gallant, lukewarm, plentiful, ration, reserve, scholar, smolder, trudge, volunteer, weary
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Vocabulary Test: MusicWords:Measure, Sharp, Alto(A), Tenor(T), Bass(B), Soprano(S), Dynamics, Mezzo Piano: mp, Piano: p, Mezzo Forte: mf, Forte: f, Flat, Time Signature, Key Signature, Repeat Sign, Bar Lines, Staff, Grand Staff, Treble Clef/G Clef, Bass Clef/F Clef
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Vocabulary Test: Prayer VocabularyWords:rosary, prayer, Bethlehem, Jesus, Jewish, Fatima, bible, Mary, chapel, secrets, gift, joyful mysteries, sorrowful mysteries, glorious mysteries, luminous mysteries, joseph, star, Nazareth, manger, Christmas, Mary, thorns, crucifixion, tomb, resurrection, Easter, Baptism, transfiguration, Eucharist, garden, I am what you say I am, King of the Jews, Angel, Queen of Heaven and Earth, Jordan, assumption, Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh, presentation
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Vocabulary Test: reasoning, shape,importance, modesty, vanityWords:deduce, dilemma, dogmatic, eclectic, fallacious, fallible, heterodox, hypothetical, illusion, indubitable, orthodox, paradoxical, plausible, preposterous, rational, rationalize, sophistry, specious, speculate, tenable, amorphous, concave, contour, distort, malleable, rotund, sinuous, symmetrical, symmetry, grave, nugatory, paltry, paramount, relevant, coy, demure, diffident, modest, modesty, staid, brazen, egoism, ostentatious, overweening, pert, vain, vainglorious, vanity, good, luck
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