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Vocabulary Test: himym 2
egotism, farce, fetter, garrulous, harangue, ignominy, knave, maudlin, mendacious, moribound, obdurate, pedantic, raiment, spurious, temporize, unstinting, verbose, wanton, wayward

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Vocabulary Test: Oh my
Collection, Dictionary, Glamour, Teenager , Storage, Success, Detective, quadrilateral , Hazard, Precipitation

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Lab Terminology
telophase, anaphase, metaphase, prophase, interphase, ipsilateral, lateral, anterior, proximal, posterial, lateral, inferior, deep, lateral, superior, distal, Reproductive system, Urinary sytem, digestive system, respiratory sytem, lymphatic system, cardiovascular system, endocrine system, muscular system, nervous system , skeletal system, integumentary system, reproductive system, urinary system, digestive system, respiratory system, lymphatic system, cardiovascular system, nervous system, endocrine sysem, muscular system, integumentary system, skeletal system

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Vocabulary Test: himym 1
abjure, abstemious, acerbic, adumbrate, allay, altruistic, arboreal, belie, blandishment, boon, burgeon, cloying, consign, curative, demagogue, denizen, descry, efface, effusive

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy-tissue locations
Nervous tissue, Smooth muscle, Skeletal muscle, Blood, Fibrocartilage, Bone, Hyaline cartilage, Elastic cartilage aka yellow fiber, Adipose, Dense connective aka white fiber, Loose/areolar connective, Glandular, Transitional, Stratified columnar, Stratified cuboidal, Stratified squamous, Pseudostratified columnar, Simple columnar, Simple cuboidal, Simple squamous

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Vocabulary Test: in my dad's book
train, percent, serious, pay the bills, neat and tidy, manager, imagine, headline, grown-up, get on someone's nerves, factory, decide, costumer, crazy about, ashamed of, annoying

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Vocabulary Test: MY DAD`S BOOK
train(v), serious, percent, pay the bills, neat and tidy, imagine, manager, headline, grown-up, get on someone's nerves, factory, decide, customer, crazy about, ashamed of, annoying

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Vocabulary Test: Mythology 1
sanguine, reproach, presentiment, timid, acquiesce, gambol, divest, temerity, agile, unguent, foreboding, transfix, sagacity, edifice, reflux, buoy, zephyr, oracle, oblivion, appellation

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Vocab Test- Muscles Part 2
abductor digiti minimi, flexor digitorium brevis/abductor hallucis, flexor digiti minimi, soleus, gastrocnemius, peroneus brevis, peroneus longus, tabialis anterior, extensor hallucias longus, extensor digitorum longus, adductors, abductors, supinator, pronator, flexors, extensors, tricep, deltoid, bicep, trapezius, serratus anterior, pectoralis major/ pectoralis minor, latissimus dorsi

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Vocab Test- Muscles Part 1
Zygomaticus minor muscle, Zygomaticus major muscle, Triangularis muscle, Risorius muscle, Orbicuparis oris muscle, Mentalis muscle, Levator labii superioris muscle, Levator anguli oris muscle, Depressor labii inferioris muscle, Buccinator muscle, Procerus muscle, Corrugator muscle, Orbicularis oculi muscle, Sternocleidomastoideus, Platysma muscle, Temporalis, Masseter, Auricularis posterior, Auricularis anterior, Auricularis superior, Epicranial aponeurosis, Frontalis, Occipitalis, Epicranius, Insertion, Belly, Origin, Cardiac muscle, Nonstriated muscles , Striated Muscles

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Vocabulary Test: Mywords-2
Absolve , Abrogate , Abridge , Abreast , Abominate, Abolish , Abjure , Abduct , Abandon , Aback
Test Also Includes: sentences

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Vocabulary Test: Mywords
adore, Aggravate, Aggrieve, Affluent, Aftermath, Adhere, Affinity, Advent, Adjourn, Adamant
Test Also Includes: sentences

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Vocabulary Test: In my dad's book
headline, grown up, get on someones nerves, factory, decide, crazy about, ashamed of, annoying

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Vocabulary Test: Greek Mythology
Eros, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Hephaestus , Aphrodite, Ares, Dionysus, Hestia, Hades, Poseidon, Hera, Zeus

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Vocab Test- Bones
Talus, Metatarsal, Tarsal, Femur, Tibia, Fibula, Patella, Ulna, Radius, Metacarpus, Carpus, Phalanges, Clavical, Humerous, Scapula, Sternum, Thorax, Ribs, Zygomatic bones, Cervical vertebrae, Hyoid bone, Mandible, Maxillae, Nasal bone, Lacrimal bone, Ethmoid bone, Sphenoid bone, Frontal bone, Temporal bone, Parietal bone, Cranium, Facial skeleton, Occipital bone, Skull

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy and Physiology
transverse plane, frontal plane, saggital plane, caudal, cranal, lateral, medial, distal, proximal, posterior/dorsal, inferior, anterior/ventral, superior, nine abdominopelvic regions, four abdominopelvic quadrants, anatomical position, positive feedback, negative feedback, effector, control center, receptor, extrinsic regulation, intrinsic regulation, Disease, homeostasis, levels of organization, cytology, histology, anatomy, physiology

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy 4 major membranes
Function 7 of cutaneous membrane: , Function 5 of cutaneous membrane: , Function 6 of cutaneous membrane: , Function 4 of cutaneous membrane: , Function 2 of cutaneous membrane: , Function 3 of cutaneous membrane: , Body example of cutaneous membrane: , Function 1 of cutaneous membrane: , Synovial joints include..., Tissue type of synovial membranes: , Synovial membrane function: , Synovial membranes secrete a synovial fluid for..., Tissue type of mucous membranes: , Body examples of mucous membranes:, Mucous membrane function: , Mucous membranes contain , Body example of serous membranes: , Serous membranes secrete a watery fluid called..., Tissue type of serous membranes: , Serous membrane function:

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Vocabulary Test: HRSMYF
percent, cerious, train , neat and tidy, pay the bills, imagine, manger, headline, grow up , get on someones nerves, decide, factory, crazy about , customer, annoying, ashamed of

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Vocabulary Test: In My Dad's Book 2
train, serious, precent, neat and tidy, pay the bills, manager, imagine, headline, grown-up, get on someone's nerves, factory, decide, crazy about, customer, ashamed of, annoying

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy & Physiology II
Respiratory System Function, Nervous System Function, Urinary System Function, Skeletal System Function, Endocrine System Function, Muscular System Function, Digestive System Function, Female Reproductive System Function, Integumentary System Function, Cardiovascular System Function

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Vocabulary Test: The Leap

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Vocabulary Test: nippsthirteen
impose, infer, jubilee, judicious, lacerate, languid, meddler, miniscule, kink, klutz

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Vocabulary Test: 'After Twenty Years" Vocabulary
absurdity, dismally, spectators, intricate, simultaneously, destiny

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Vocabulary Test: science test
cell cycle, chromosomes, Binary Fission, Homologous chromosomes, chromatids, centromere, mitosis, cytokinesis, heredity, dominant traits, recessive traits, genes, alleles, genotype, phenotype, probability

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Vocabulary Test: Wordmaster3
Harsh, Scale, Larder, Barren, Fruitless, Ascent, Sedate, Peer, Wallow, Muffle, Rugged, Objection, Glimpse, Climate, Probe, Boisterous, Bask, Swarm, Disperse, Curb, Pristine, Husky, Shingles, Terrain, Amplify

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Vocabulary Test: The Maze of Bones
Lamented, Brusque, Perilous, Alternate, Confidante, Voucher, Inherit, Folio, Pseudonym, Chaperone, Pliable, Gendarme, Sarcasm, Conceited, Asunder, Surveillance, Predicament, Trilingual, Mausoleum

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Vocabulary Test: Semester1 Explorers Test
Christopher Columbus, Juan Ponce de Leon, Ferdinand Magellan, Francisco Coronado, Hernando Cortes, Henry Hudson, Sir Walter Raleigh, Robert de LaSalle, Amerigo Vespucci, John Cabot

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Vocabulary Test: TO Vocab Quiz
affection, aloof, asset, bicker, gross, hesitation, impatient, incredulous, madras, nape, perspiration, premonition, rank, rarities, reputation, roguish, sarcastic, specific, suffocate, unfathomable, wince, dog

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Vocabulary Test: Problems
arbeitslos, aufpassen, ausgeglichen, benachteiligen, bevorzugen, die Diskriminierung, das Geschlecht, die Gleichheit, herrschend, illegal, die Karriere, der Lohn, miteinander, pessimistisch, die Stelle, stolz, ungerecht, der Ausländer, die Eingliederung, der Einwanderer, ethnische Probleme, freuen, die Gesellschaft, die Gewalt, die Gewalttätigkeit, die Hautfarbe, multikulturell, der Rassismus, rassistisch, der soziale Wohnungsbau, die Staatsangehörigkeit, die vorgefasste Meinung, das Vorurteil, l

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Vocabulary Test: antigone 2
lithe, yoke, sultry, deflect(s), expansive(ly), edict, mortal, insolent, brazen, transcend(s), deference, subordinate, seduce, absolve

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Vocabulary Test: Cell Vocab
tissue, organ, organ system, organism, unicellur, multicellur, population, community, ecosystem, cell membrane, organelles, cytoplasm, nucleus, prokaryotic cell, eukaryotic cell, bacteria, cell wall, ribosome, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, chloroplast, Golgi complex, vesicle, vacuole, lysosome

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Vocabulary Test: euro5
treaty of utrecht, treaty of paris, Union with Scotland, United Kingdom, 1600s-english rulers tried to subdue catholic ireland what was t, constitutional government, tories, whigs, the cabinet system, cabinet, prime minister, landowning aristocrats, geroge III- personal rule, 1788, Honezollen rule, colonies, maritime nations, dentral europe, netherlands, dule of orleans, john law, Mississippi Bubble scandal, Cardinal Fleury, tried to get nobels to pay taxes in France, Louis XV, George I, Lets cabinet make important decision, robert Walpole, Let sleeping Dogs lie, 400,000 people claim nobility nobels=no taxes, nobels of the sword, nobels of the robe, venal nobles, Hapburgs, pragmatic sanction, Brandonburg prussia, fredrick William, Junkers, Fredrick I (fredrick), Fredrick Willam I, Fredrick II, The Great, begins two wars (war of austria and 7 years war), uses army to invade silesia, Balance of power, War of austria Succession, 7 years war, William Pitt, Treaty of paris

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Vocabulary Test: Ch. 15 Vocab. Test
abstain, affiliate, agnostic, aspire, benevolent, deficit, dissent, diversion, lucrative, mandatory

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Vocabulary Test: vocab week 14
coax, snug, advise, delirious, fret, cherish, faint, flabbergasted, proper, obsinate, urgent

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Vocabulary Test: Confrontation
lunges, eerie, coward, despair, confrontation, welded, deserted, buckle, desperate

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Vocabulary Test: La maison
Le séjour, La chambre à coucher, La salle de bains, La cuisine, La salle à manger, Le vestibule, Le cellier, Le grenier, Le débarras, Le garde-manger

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Vocabulary Test: Unit 1 Lesson 2
caustic, chronic, contrary, cryptic, fictitious, frivolous, gruesome, superficial, volatile

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Vocabulary Test: Tech04
Insidious, inviolate, Disposed, Expedient, Eradication, Sagacity, Gallant, Impregnable, Maxims, Anomalies

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Vocabulary Test: Book 1, Lesson 2
n. aroma, n. beverage, adj. bland, adj. brittle, n. cluster, v. combine, v. consume, v. crave, v. cultivate, adj. equal, v. export, v. extract, v. introduce, v. purchase, adj. tropical, v. cluster, n. combination, n. craving, n. equivalent, n. export
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