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Vocabulary Test: in my dad booksWords:train, serious, percent, pay the bills, neat and tidy, manager, imagine, headline, grown up, get on somone's netves, factory, decide, customer, crazy about, ashemed of, annoying
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Vocabulary Test: Mythology 1Words:sanguine, reproach, presentiment, timid, acquiesce, gambol, divest, temerity, agile, unguent, foreboding, transfix, sagacity, edifice, reflux, buoy, zephyr, oracle, oblivion, appellation
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Vocabulary Test: my dad bookWords:pay the bills, amagan , groun up, hideline, decide, factory, crazy aboat , ashamed of, annying
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Vocabulary Test: My Side Vocab 1Words:combustible, implements, conquer, whittle, emphatic , tinder, gorge, flint, restless., venison, hemlock
Test Also Includes: synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, sentences
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy & Physiology IIWords:Respiratory System Function, Nervous System Function, Urinary System Function, Skeletal System Function, Endocrine System Function, Muscular System Function, Digestive System Function, Female Reproductive System Function, Integumentary System Function, Cardiovascular System Function
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Vocabulary Test: anatomyWords:Anterior Pituitary, AntPituitary, Anterior Pituitary, Anterior Pituitary, Anterior Pituitary, Anterior Pituitary, Anterior Pituitary, Hypothalamus, Hypothalamus, Pineal
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Vocabulary Test: mythologyWords:finish, sinewy, impudent, malevolence, halycon, epithets, deftly, bedevil, baleful, abysmal , velocity, vanquished, levitation, docile, careening, imminent, desolate , dank, scuttled, enticed , intricate, engulfed, treachery, stealthily, stately, omen, lavish, laments
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Vocabulary Test: In My Dad's BookWords:train, serious, pay the bills, neat and tidy, percent, manager, imagine, headline, grown-up, get on someone's nerves, decide, factory, customer, crazy about, ashamed of, annoying
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Vocabulary Test: in my dad's bookWords:train, percent, serious, pay the bills, neat and tidy, manager, imagine, headline, grown-up, get on someone's nerves, factory, decide, costumer, crazy about, ashamed of, annoying
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy-tissue locationsWords:Nervous tissue, Smooth muscle, Skeletal muscle, Blood, Fibrocartilage, Bone, Hyaline cartilage, Elastic cartilage aka yellow fiber, Adipose, Dense connective aka white fiber, Loose/areolar connective, Glandular, Transitional, Stratified columnar, Stratified cuboidal, Stratified squamous, Pseudostratified columnar, Simple columnar, Simple cuboidal, Simple squamous
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy 4 major membranesWords:Function 7 of cutaneous membrane: , Function 5 of cutaneous membrane: , Function 6 of cutaneous membrane: , Function 4 of cutaneous membrane: , Function 2 of cutaneous membrane: , Function 3 of cutaneous membrane: , Body example of cutaneous membrane: , Function 1 of cutaneous membrane: , Synovial joints include..., Tissue type of synovial membranes: , Synovial membrane function: , Synovial membranes secrete a synovial fluid for..., Tissue type of mucous membranes: , Body examples of mucous membranes:, Mucous membrane function: , Mucous membranes contain , Body example of serous membranes: , Serous membranes secrete a watery fluid called..., Tissue type of serous membranes: , Serous membrane function:
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Vocabulary Test: my test 2Words:train, serious, perecnt, pay the bills, neat and tidy, manager, imagine, headline, grown up, get on someone's nerves, factory, customer, decide, ashamed of, crazy about, annoying
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Vocabulary Test: MY DAD`S BOOKWords:train(v), serious, percent, pay the bills, neat and tidy, imagine, manager, headline, grown-up, get on someone's nerves, factory, decide, customer, crazy about, ashamed of, annoying
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Vocabulary Test: In My Dad's Book 2Words:train, serious, precent, neat and tidy, pay the bills, manager, imagine, headline, grown-up, get on someone's nerves, factory, decide, crazy about, customer, ashamed of, annoying
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Vocabulary Test: HRSMYFWords:percent, cerious, train , neat and tidy, pay the bills, imagine, manger, headline, grow up , get on someones nerves, decide, factory, crazy about , customer, annoying, ashamed of
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy & PhysiologyWords:Male Reproductive System, Nervous System, Integumentary System, Cardiovascular System, Urinary System, Skeletal System, Lymphatic System, Muscular System, Digestive System, Endocrine System, Respiratory System, Female Reproductive System
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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Test #2 part 2Words:Latitude , Longitude , Altitude of the celestial pole=, What does the universe look like from earth? (WHWL?), Why do constellations we see depend of latitude and time of the , Seasons , Axis tilt, Why doesn't distance matter?, Summer solstice , Winter solstice , Equinoxes, Why do we see phases of the moon, Synchronous rotation, Lunar eclipse, Solar eclipse , Why don't we have an eclipse at every new and full moon? , Two conditions must be met to have an eclipse , What was once so mysterious about the movement of planets in our
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Vocabulary Test: Carmyn CWords:paro, parare (verb), luvo, luvare (verb), laudo, laudare (verb), narro, narrare (verb), porto, portare (verb), saluto, salutare (verb), voco, vocare (verb), cesso, cessare (verb), specto, spectare (verb), aqua, aque (noun), fabula, fabulae (noun), filia,filiae (noun), via, viae (noun), iratus-a-um (adj.)
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Vocabulary Test: vocab 5Words:altruistic, assent, benefactor, chivalrous, clemency, dearth, diffident, discrepency, embark, facile, indomitable, infaliable, plod, pungent, remiss, repose, temerity, truculent, unfeigned, virulent
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Vocabulary Test: owl pelletWords:altricial, amphibian, carnivore, clutch, crepuscular, dusk, ecosystem, facial disc, herbivore, incubation, invertebrate, mammal, nocturnal, owlet, pesticide, precocial, predator, prey, raptor, reptile, roost, stealth
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Vocabulary Test: brynn2Words:detested, appropriate, compunction, untenable, unremitting, stealthily, position, occupation, objectionable, jubilee, gratified, glutton
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Vocabulary Test: braveheartWords:Freedom, Handkerchief, Robert the Bruce, Scotland, Longshanks, Argyle, Isabella, Murron, primae noctis, Leper
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Vocabulary Test: Hunger Games Vocab.Words:insidious, segue, benign, dissonant, intersperse, peevish, extricate, forte, stalemate, levity, pariah, scrupulous, pariah, dissipate, lethargy, despondent, meticulous, copse, eradicate, sated, imprudent, equidistant, catacombs, ruminate, arduous, banal, deluge, reaping, verve, apothecary, racketeering, dissent, tenuous, bludgeon, gnarled
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Vocabulary Test: SAT Unit 1 and 2Words:adage, antics, avowed, banter, bonanza, churlish, citadel, collaborate, congested, decree, detriment, discordant, durable, enterprising, evolve, excerpt, frugal, gingerly, glut, grope, hover, incognito, invalidate, jostle, laggard, legendary, maim, minimize, oblique, plaudits, preclude, revert, rubble, servile, veer, venerate, vigil, wanton, wrangle, preconceive
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Vocabulary Test: Christmas Carol - Act IIWords:astonish, compulsion, severe, meager, audible, intercedes, gratuity, ingrate, gratis, gratification, interplanetary, interpersonal, interject
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Vocabulary Test: malaise-ominousWords:malaise, pandemic, pacifist, castigate, palpable, nettle, belie, latent, nocturnal, avarice, pompous, undulate, mawkish, presentiment, sardonic, veracity, baleful, taciturn, ominous, extol
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Vocabulary Test: Vocal 7Words:Brisk, Linger, Mingle, Nimble, Perpetual, Saunter, Scurry, Sedentary, Stride, Totter
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Vocabulary Test: Fresh Greek and LatinWords:acro, algo, ambi-, ante-, anti-, bene, bio, cent, co, eu, flex, flu, fort, giga, grav, gress, helio, -iatric, idio, ject, lab, laps, leg, lev, lex, lipo, loqu, luc, migra, neg, neuro, -oma, -osis, pyr, scend, sen, seps, sol, spire, vers
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Vocabulary Test: nicholas3Words:ancient, climate, cling, custom, decay, disturb, expose, perform, remote, timid
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Vocabulary Test: Orange Book Vocab Unit 6Words:blossom, collide, constant, content, distract, drought, foul, noble, policy, quiver, slight, tidy
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Vocabulary Test: SpanWords:registro, dialecto, sociolecto, bilinguismo, norma culta, acento, diglosia, prestamo, argot o jerga
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Words Test #10Words:sis, spasm, stalsis, stasis, sthenia, stenosis, stomy, taxia, tension, therapy, tome, tony, tripsy, trophy, tropin, tropic, ula, ule, uria, y, tomy
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