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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Root Words 54-105Words:alveol/o, bronch/o, cyan/o, nas/o, rhin/o, olfact/o, pector/o, thorac/o, steth/o, pleur/o, pneum/o, pulmon/o, spir/o, steth/o, trache/o, abdomin/o, celi/o, lapar/o, adip/o, lip/o, steat/o, amyl/o, bil/i, chol/o, bucc/o, cholecyst/o, choledoch/o, cirrh/o, col/o, dent/i, odont/o, enter/o, esophag/o, gastr/o, gingiv/o, gloss/o, lingu/o, gluc/o, glyc/o, hepat/o, icter/o, lith/o, or/o, stomat/o, proct/o, sigmoid/o, cyst/o, glomerul/o, micturit/o, nephr/o, ren/o, noct/i, olig/o, pyel/o, ur/o, urin/o, aden/o, andr/o, cortic/o, crin/o, kal/o, natr/o, somat/o, ster/o, thyr/o
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Body LandmarksWords:Nose, Eyes, Neck/Throat, Shoulder, Upper Biceps, Boob, Lower Bicep, Front Elbow, Stomach, Belly Button, Wrist, Fingers, Genital Area, Front Knee, Shin, Ankle, Eyes, Cheek, Chin, Sternum , Side Boob, Forearm , Lower Stomach/Pelvis, Around Genital, Hips, Thigh, Side of Shin/Calf, Back of Head, Shoulder Blade, Spinal Cord, Back of Elbow, Lower Back, Butt, Back of Knee, Calf, Heel, Balls of Feet
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Root Words 1-53Words:anter/o, dist/o, dors/o, kary/o, later/o, medi/o, poster/o, proxim/o, viscer/o, albin/o, carcin/o, cutane/o, dermat/o, derm/o, erythemat/o, hidr/o, hist/o, hydr/o, karat/o, melan/o, onych/o, seb/o, squam/o, trich/o, xanth/o, arthr/o, axill/o, cephal/o, caud/o, chrondr/o, cost/o, dactyl/o, fibul/o, humer/o, mandibul/o, maxill/o, myel/o, orth/o, oste/o, patell/o, rheumat/o, sacr/o, scapul/o, spondyl/o, synov/i, fibr/o, my/o, muscul/o, kinesi/o, cerebell/o, cerebr/o, crani/o, encephal/o, gli/o, mening/o, neur/o
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Vocabulary Test: Mythological AllusionsWords:Pygmalion, Promethean , Parnassus, Paean, Morphine , Niobe, Mercury/ Hermes, MArtial, Medea, Lethargy, Junoesque, Hector, Helen (of Troy), Furor , Harpy, Halcyon , Cupidity, Erotic, Atlantean, Chimera, Saturnalia, Argus-eyed, Athena/Minerva, Apollo, Aeolian, Sautrnine, Sibyl, Sisypheanian, Stentorian, Stygian, Tantalize, Terpsichorean, Vulcanize
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Test 1Words:Chemical, Cellular, Tissue, Organ, Organ system, Organism, Integumentary system, Skeletal system, Muscular system, Nervous system, Cardiovascular system, Lymphatic system, Respiratory system, Digestive system, Urinary system, Male/Female reproductive systems, Maintaining boundaries, Movement, Responsiveness, Digestion, Metabolism, Excretion, Reproduction, Growth
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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Test No. 1Words:What is our place in the universe?, Planets , Stars , Local Group Galaxies , Solar (Star) System, Star , How many stars in our solar system?, Planet, Moon (or satellite), Medium and Large Moons , Small Moons , Asteroid, Comet, Nebula "Clouds", Galaxy , Universe, DEFINITION: LIGHT YEAR , How far would you have to walk to reach Alpha Centauri?, How big is the Milky Way Galaxy?, How big is the universe? , What is our place in the universe?, How big is the universe?, How did we come to be? Part 1, How do our lifetimes compare to the age of the universe?, How did we come to be? Part 2, How is Earth moving in our solar system?, Earth orbits the Sun (revolves) once every year...., Is our Sun the center of The Milky Way Galaxy , More detailed study of the Milky Way (spiral galaxy), Hubble discovered that
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Vocabulary Test: anatomyWords:positive feedback mechanism, metabolism, catabolism, anatomy, ausculation, palpation, anabolism, physiology , negative feedback mechanism, principal of complmentarity, homostasis
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Vocabulary Test: Carmyn CWords:paro, parare (verb), luvo, luvare (verb), laudo, laudare (verb), narro, narrare (verb), porto, portare (verb), saluto, salutare (verb), voco, vocare (verb), cesso, cessare (verb), specto, spectare (verb), aqua, aque (noun), fabula, fabulae (noun), filia,filiae (noun), via, viae (noun), iratus-a-um (adj.)
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy and PhysiologyWords:Describe any special features of a section, structures that comprise the coxal bone, cervical vertebrae, Thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae and sacral, lumbar, sacrum, coccyx, structures that comprise the rib cage, Paired Coxal Bone, structures that comprise the pectoral girdle, synarthrodial joints, diathrodial joints, amphiarthrodial joints, joints, skeletal ligaments, tendons, ligaments, Visceral ligaments, fascia, nervous tissue, cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, striated muscles, smooth muscles in?, smooth muscles are?, muscles, Mast cells, lymphocytes, Macrophages, necrotic, blood, red and white corpuscles, bone, fibrocartilage, hyaline cartilage, adipose, cartilage, epithelial tissue, connective tissue
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Vocabulary Test: AnatomyWords:Abdominal, Acromial, Antecubital, Axillary, Brachial, Buccal, Carpal, Cervical, Coxal, Crural, Digital, Femoral, Fibular, Inguinal, Popliteal , Sacral, Scapular, Sural, Vertebral, Olecranal, Occipital, Lumbar, Gluteal, Fermoral, Deltoid, Cephalic, Calcaneal, Umbilical, Thoracic, Tarsal , Sternal, Pubic, Pelvic, Patellar, Orbital, Oral, Nasal
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Vocabulary Test: myths, fables, folktalesWords:condition, hatchling, swooped, bait, commotion, stealthy, despair, grief, invention, cave - in, lay claim, steam- powered, onlooker, spirit, hinge, massive, ultimate, approaching, expert, murmur, offering, Centaur, focused, outraged, enormous, intervened
Test Also Includes: sentences
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Vocabulary Test: Lit Vocab My FamilyWords:repercussion, phobia, impassioned, quash, prudent, implore, pandemonium, vain, hoist, scuttle, agitated, glib, oblivious, impend, surreptitious, maneuver, dawdle, infinite, extinguish, enrapture, unassuming, assault
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Vocabulary Test: MYMOMWords:Root, Route, Sail, Sale, Scene, Seen, Seam, Seem, Shoo, Soar, Sore, Stair, Stare, Straight, Strait, Shoe
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Chapter 1 (def , system & organs)Words:Lymphatic (Immune) System Organs, Cardiovascular System Organs, Endocrine System Organs, Nervous System Organs, Muscular System Organs, Skeletal System Organs, Integumentary System Organs, Male Reproductive , Female Reproductive , Digestive, Urinary, Respirtory, Lymphathic (Immune), Cardiovascular, Endocrine, Nervous, Muscular, Skeletal, Integumentary , Physiology, Anatomy, Respiratory System Organs, Digestive System Organs, Urinary System Organs, Male Rep. System Organs, Female Rep. System Organs
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Vocabulary Test: AmyWords:Atom, Atomic number, Atomic theory, Electromagnetic spectrum, Electron, Electron cloud, Emission spectrum, Energy level, Hypothesis, Isotope, Law of definite proportions, Lewis dot diagram, Mass number, Neutron, Nucleus, Proton, Valance electron
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary pretest #1Words:accelerate, compensate, define, element, feasable, generate, hypothesis, identify, magnitude, manipulate, obtain, organize, range, section, segment, technique, tense, ultimate, verbal, variable
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Vocabulary Test: Spanish voc 3Words:A, Alli, Almuerzo, Alo, Amarillo, Amigo, Amiga, Arroba, Arte, Ay, Azul, Biologia, Blanco, Blusa, Boligrafe, Borrador, Calcetin, Camisa, Camiseta, Cestoda de papelas
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Vocabulary Test: Oceans Part 1Words:atom, compound, continental rise, continental shelf, continental slope, mixture, molecule, ocean trench, solution
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Vocabulary Test: Spanish vocab 3bWords:Chino, Chica, Clase, Colegio, Color, Como se dice, Como se llama, Como, Comprendo, Computacion, Computadora, Cuaderno, Cual, Cuales, Cuanto, Dia, Direccion, Disco compacto, Diskette, Domingo, El, El, La, Ella, Ellas, Ellos, En, Escritorio, EspanoL, Estar, Estudiante, Estudiar, Examen, Falda, Gris, Hablar, Hay, Historia, Horario, Impresora
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Vocabulary Test: Career VocabWords:database, backup, bookmark, cd-rom, cell, chat, cpu, domain, download, URL, virus, web page, word processor, netiquette, peripheral, phishing, RAM, post, search engine, software, filename extension, flash drive, forum, hardware, modem, multimedia, password, reader, RSS feed, tag, blog, wiki, search engine, icon, cursor/character
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Vocabulary Test: Social Studies Chapter 3 VocabularyWords:prehistoric, Pre-Columbian, archaeologist, artifact, migration, land bridge, nomad, extinct, subsistence, domesticate, manioc, irrigation, shifting agriculture, civilization, specialization, surplus, llama, thatch, leaching, tributary, palisade
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Pretest # 2Words:community, tradition, citizen, civil, relationship, proactive, responsible, communication, goal, persistent, enthusiasm, reactive, think, confidence, achieve, create, derive, evaluate, function, priority
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Vocabulary Test: Bible Vocab 1Words:Canaan, Prophet, Famine, Epistle, New Testament, Gospel, Savior, Christ, Idol, Biblia, Old Testament, Sacrifice, Adultery, Pharaoh, Tabernacle, Barren, Unleavened, Sabbath, Messiah, Passover, Exodus, Ark of God, Transgression, Atonement, Curse, Enmity, Covenant, Covet, Manna
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Vocabulary Test: spanish vocab 3cWords:ingles, jeans, jueves, lapiz, libro, llevar, los, las, lunes, mapa, martes, matematicas, mi, miercoles, mira, mochila, musica, necesitar, negro, nosotros, nosotras, nuevo, nueva, numero de telefono, numero de fax, numero de celular, pagina, palabra, pantalla, pantalon, papel, pared
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Vocabulary Test: spanish vocab 3dWords:periodico, pizarra, profesor, profesora, puerta, punto, pupitre, que quiere decir, que, quien, quiere decir, raton, regla, reloj, revista, rojo, roja, ropa, sabado, sacapuntas, se, se dice, ser, silla, sobre, tompoco, teclado, teefono, terminar, tiza, tu, ud., el ,, ella, un, una, unos, unas, ventana, verde, viernes, zapato, chica, mommy
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Vocabulary Test: FatimaWords:inscribed, resemblance, regulation, grouchy, embarrassment, postmarked, enthralled, pennant, spicy, undone, vigil, marveled, ravaged, broadcast, calculations, unsatisfactory, muffler, phase, sumptuous, coincidences, hobbled, prospered, sheepishly, sweeten
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Vocabulary Test: Elements and Types of DramaWords:implored, morose, destitute, void, conveyed, gratitude, playwright, actor, Act, scene, characterization, dramatic speech, dialogue, monologue, stage directions, scenery, props, comedy, tragedy, drama, screenplays, teleplays, radio plays
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Vocabulary Test: A Raisin in the Sun vocabulary testWords:sarcastically, exuberance, oppressive, ludicrous, plunder, monologue, vengeance, rebuffs, vindicated, presumably, heathenism, mutilated, inappropriately, menacingly, epitaph, plaintively, wrought, proposition, ominous, amid
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