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Vocabulary Test: Phlebotomy

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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy definitions
Heliocentric viewpoint, geocentric viewpoint, Reflecting telescope, Eccentricity, Semi-minor axis, Minor Axis, Semi- Major axis, Ellipse, Light Year, Astronomical Unit, Circumpolar Stars, Circumpolar Constellations, Synodic Period, Sidereal Period, Declination, Right Ascension, South celestial pole, North Celestial pole, Celestial Sphere, meridian, Horizon, Zenith, Ecliptic

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Vocabulary Test: Grade 8 Astronomy
what does earth rotaion cause , rotation, earths 2 motions through space?, quasar, parallax , radio telescope, observatory , spiral galaxy , super nova, constillation, big bang, neutron star, universe, spectrograph , black hole, prostar , space station , thrust , orbital velocity , Space Spinoff, Remote Sensing, Rocket, Vaccum, Space Probe, Velocity

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Vocabulary Test: Comparative Anatomy exam IV matching
marsupials, monotreme, avian, proctodeum, Urodeum, corporodeum, Amphibian, salmon, sturgeon, lungfish, shark, Lamprey, Os penis, Hemipenises, hemotumescent, Cloacal swellings, Coacal kissing, Guppies, Sharks, Without Copulation

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Vocabulary Test: 8th Grade astronomy final review
our system is in ? what type is it?, three galaxies, open clusters characteristics are, large groups of stars are, solar systems, when a star runs out of fuel it becomes , small mass stars , how long a star lives depends on , a star is born when , nebula , hr diagrams are used to , a light year is , a light year is used to measure, the brightness of a star depends on, characterists used to identify staars , when a meteroid hits earths surface it is called , when a meteriod enters earths atmosphere what does it create and, a meteoroid is a , asteriods revolve sround the sun in , asteriouds are found? what is it called?, most comets are found in , orbits of comets are , comets are made of, uranus' axis of rotation is, saturns rings are made of , jupiter is , nickname for outer planets, characteristics of outer planets , four outer planets, mars is nicknamed? because?, mercury is, earth is unique because , nickname for inner planets , characteristics of inner planets, four inner planets, suns atmosphere includes, sun sinterior consits of, nuclear fushion, heliocentric system , the moon was formed by , highlands, craters, maria, features of the moon, spring tide, neap tide, tides are caused by, tides, you see a total lunar eclipse when, when does a lunar eclipse occur, umbra, penumbra, when does a solar eclipse occur, what are the 2 types of eclipses, when does an eclipse occur, the phase of the moon depends on, phases, what do the changing relative positions of the moon the sun and , newtons 1st law of motion , inertia, weight , mass, what two factors does the strenght of the force of gravity depen, newtons law of universal gravitation, equinox, what is the name of when the sun reaches the farthest position n, the hemisphere titlted toward the sun had what , what season is it in the northern hemisphere when the north end , what angle is the earth tilted at , why does earth have seasons, how long does it take earth to complete one revolution around th, revolution, how long does it take earth to rotate once on its axis, what does earth rotation cause , rotation, earths 2 motions through space?, quasar, parallax , radio telescope, observatory , spiral galaxy , super nova, constillation, big bang, neutron star, universe, spectrograph , black hole, prostar , space station , thrust , orbital velocity , Space Spinoff, Remote Sensing, Rocket, Vaccum, Space Probe, Velocity

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Vocabulary Test: Week Two: Words from Myth, Lit, and People's Names
Terpsichorean , Tantalize , Stygian , Stentorian, Quixotic , Promethean , Nemesis , Narcissism , Muse, Mercurial , Mentor, Lilliputian , Lethargy , Jovial, Hector, Halcyon, Cupidity , Chimera, Chauvinist , Bowdlerize, Bacchanal

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Vocabulary Test: My Singing Monsters
Shrubb, Accordion, Kazilleon, T-Rox, Water Island, Kazilleon

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Vocabulary Test: mystery
mackenzie , vocabbuzz, valerie , trenton gibson, windy sparks, malina briagas

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Vocabulary Test: army test
sniper rifle, jeep, nuke, battle field 3 , bomber plane, assault rifle, tank

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Vocabulary Test: Economy Vocabulary Quiz
Barter, Trade, Income, Borrow, Product, Demand, Supply, Resource, Scarcity, Service, Goods, Producer, Consumer, Revenue, Economy, Market, Need, Want

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Vocabulary Test: astronomy final
What are quarks?, What are the particles that make up protons and neutrons?, What makes gravity the main force determining the large scale st, What is the range of the gravitational force (the maximum distan, What is the range of the electromagnetic force (the maximum dist, Which of the four fundamental forces holds the electrons in the , How many fundamental forces are there in nature at the present t, What do we mean when we say that the universe is homogeneous?, Good evidence for an original Big Bang that “created” our univer, In relation to the universe, what does isotropy mean?, The cosmic background radiation is, The cosmic background radiation is the, What is the cosmic microwave background radiation?, What is it that keeps localized regions of space, such as things, The cosmological redshift of the light from very distant galaxie, What is the “cosmological redshift”?, Which one of the following statements is a correct description o, Why is the universe expanding?, What do cosmologists study?, Which scientist discovered that the equations he had derived pre, Dark matter in clusters of galaxies, As much as 90% of the matter in the universe may be unseen “dark, Collisions between galaxies, What is a starburst galaxy?, Globular clusters, What is a poor cluster of galaxies?, What is a rich cluster of galaxies?, The Milky Way Galaxy is a(n), What is the Local Group?, How are galaxies spread throughout the universe?, Overall, through space, galaxies are, When swirling eddies of gas-rich matter in the universe collide , In which of the following types of galaxies is star formation no, Recent evidence suggests that galaxies formed, The Magellanic Clouds as seen from the southern hemisphere are e, An astronomer studying a galaxy finds that its spectrum shows on, How are the Magellanic Clouds, the two nearby satellite galaxies, An elliptical galaxy typically contains which of the following k, Which of the following statements is NOT a characteristic of ell, What name is given to a galaxy with a smooth distribution of bri, What is an elliptical galaxy?, Elliptical galaxies look far less impressive than spiral galaxie, How does the amount of dust and gas in a spiral galaxy vary with, What is an SBc galaxy?, Why is the Milky Way Galaxy different from most spiral galaxies?, Why do the spiral arms show up so clearly in spiral galaxies?, According to the theory of self-propagating star formation, the , One difficulty with the density wave theory is that, A particular galaxy appears round, with a nuclear region of unif, A particular galaxy appears round, with a nuclear region of unif, A typical spiral galaxy has _____ stars in a disk of diameter __, Spiral galaxies are classified in terms of increasing tightness , An astronomer studying a distant cluster of galaxies finds that , What is the Hubble classification for a spiral galaxy with a sma, What is the Hubble classification for a spiral galaxy with a lar, What is the Hubble classification for a spiral galaxy with a mod, According to the Hubble classification scheme, an Sc galaxy has , Which of the following terms does NOT name one of the four main , Who developed the classification system that divides galaxies in, What is the basic shape of a spiral galaxy?, What is an Einstein ring?, In observations of a double quasar image produced by gravitation, For gravitational lensing of a distant quasar to occur, the gala, The mechanism that appears to generate two extensive regions of , The central “engine” of an active galaxy appears to be, Which of the following objects is NOT classified as an active ga, Which one of the following properties do Seyfert galaxies and th, Seyfert galaxies are, Seyfert galaxies are, Seyfert galaxies are a distinct class of galaxies because they, The typical fluctuation time for the bright nesses of quasars ca, - Compared with the total output of energy from the Milky Way Ga, - An intense radio source is found to coincide with a starlike o, The extreme redshifts of quasar spectra are caused by, Which observation of quasars convinced astronomers that quasars , The specific characteristics that identify most quasars are, Quasars all appear to be, What is the most outstanding feature of a quasar compared with o, Quasars in our universe are, - Most quasars produce their strongest emissions in which region

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Final Vocab
medulla, Pons, cerebellum, tegmentum, tectum, hypothalamus, thalamus, epithalamus, limbic system, basal ganglia, Cerebral cortex, peripheral ganglia, Spinal nerves, cranial nerves, white matter, gray matter, microglia, oligodendroglia, astrocyte, unipolar, bipolar, multipolar , axons, dendrites, Neuroglia, Trophic hormones, Adenohypophysis, Pars distalis, Pars nervosa

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Vocabulary Test: My Vocab
Caustic , Virulent , Mendacious, Rapacious, Objective, Subjective, Arbitrary, Putative

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Vocabulary Test: hallo my nsamer isdf bobty
A.L.U., CPU , Ram, Rom, Control unit , Ip address , Hyperlink , the bianary code , Bianary number system, byte

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Vocabulary Test: Deuteronomy
The key word of duet, The death penalty, Duet preaches the law, What does duet mean, How do you pass the faith, What is the background of duet, When was duet written, What does duet contain, The theme of Duet., Who wrote deut

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Vocabulary Test: My Checking
Withdrawals, Record, Register, Transaction, Cleared, Signature, Balance, Routing, Account

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Vocabulary Test: mystery of the alamo ghost 5/9/14
harbor, famished, exasperate , illegal, interrogation, synchronize, duel, vandalize, dingy, amphibious
Test Also Includes: parts of speech

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Vocabulary Test: My words 26
Editorial , Nonchalantly , Unfathomable , Premonition , Erudite, Aloofness , Dauntless , Candor , Amity , Abnegation

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Vocabulary Test: human anatomy 1 review
Standard atomical position, Transverse Plane, Frontal Plane , Sagital Plane, Vertebral , Sural, Scapular, Sacral, Popliteal, Perineal, Otic, Occipital, Lumbar, Gluteal, Dorsum, Calcaneal, Umbilical, Thoracic, Tarsal, Sternal, Pollex, Pubic, Pelvic, Pedal, Patellar, Palmar, Oral, Orbital, Nasal, Mental, Manus, Mammary, Inguinal, Hallux, Frontal, Femoral, Fibular, Crural, Digital, Cervical, Coxal, Cephalic, Carpal, Buccal, Axillary , Brachial, Antecubital , Antebrachial, Acrominal, Abdominal

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Vocabulary Test: my brother
name, and middle, last , is , his, what

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Vocabulary Test: Unit 7
Authorize, Booty, Culprit, Dawdle, Dissect, Expend, Fatality, Gullible, illicit, Immerse, Inflammatory, Memorandum, Pathetic, Persevere, Prevaricate, Quash, Relish, Reminisce, Scour, Writhe

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Vocabulary Test: among the hidden
beseechingy, resoulutey, reciprocity, stupified, defiance, hulking, careened, superstition, fascination

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Vocabulary Test: The Lottery by Shirley Jackson
profusely, boisterous, reprimands, reluctuantly, jovial, paraphernalia, ritual, perfunctory, lapse, interminably

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Vocabulary Test: Unit 5
equitable, extricate, transient, blazon, scourge, amnesty, filch, flout, unwieldy, scathing

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Vocabulary Test: 25 antonyms
acquiesce, adulterate, aggrandize, apathy, asinine, assiduous, benign, belated, clandestine, destitute, emaciated, enmity, feckless, fatuous, fictitious, garner, hellion, misconstrue, penury, sallow, unkempt, timorous, vilify, verbose, insolent

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab
Spectrum, Canine, patter, Photoreceptors, Chronological, Corresponding, Hues, Remorse, Aptitude, Petulantly, conviction, enhance

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab 6.02 Transportation
installment loan, residual value, option to purchase, lease term, reduction, capitalized cost, capitalized cost, leasing, up front costs, sticker price, manufacturer’s suggested retail price, options, base price, invoice price, performance, power, fuel economy, auto superstore, imported, domestic, model, make, disclosure sheet, Depreciate, Carpooling, public transit

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Vocabulary Test: Fiona and Tim
din, subjected, luminous, furtive, verge, gale, staunch, dim, daft, flank

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab week 10
Austere, Corpulent, Derisive, Effeminate, Jocund, Manifest, Ostentatious, Sanguine, Strident, Vehement

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Words Test #7
emia, esthesia, form, gen, genesis, globin, globulin, gram, graph, graphy, gravida, ia, iasis, ile, ion, ism, ist, itis, kinesia, lepsy, lith

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Vocabulary Test: Ject
trajectory, projectile, dejected, injection, subject, eject, jettson, projector, reject, interjection

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab 10th 7&8
hypothetical, incipient, insipid, lackluster, malicious, obscure, paucity, placid, procrastinate, querulous, iconoclast, incisive, insurgent, laconic, mar, obsolete, peerless, plagiarize, prodigious, quixotic

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Vocabulary Test: gre 8
peregrinate, zealot, quotidian, ostensible, winsome, quixotic, ostentation, zephyr, sagacious, salient, diaphanous, desultory, diatribe, desiccate, deride, demur, demagogue, deleterious, deference, deface

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Vocabulary Test: test11-11
Serif, Sans Serif, Script, Acronym, Bulleted List, Center Tab, Clipboard, Copy, Ctrl Button, Wingding, Cut, Drag & Drop, Flush, Font, Font Color, Font Dialog Box, Font Effects, Font Size, Font Styles, Format Painter, Highlight, Horizontal Alignment, Insert Mode, Numbered List, Overtype Mode, Paste, Proofreaders Marks, READ-ONLY, Sort, Symbol, Vertical Alignment

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Vocabulary Test: Cell Division
Mitosis, Cytokinesis, Chromatids, Centromeres, Interphase, Cell Cycle, Telophase, Spindle, Prophase, Centriole, Metaphase, Cyclin, Cancer, Cell Division

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Vocabulary Test: overallceet
A 3V, 1.5V, and a 2V battery connected in series-aiding. What's , For an 180k resistor with 10% tolerance, the color band will be?, The particle that orbits the nucleus of an atom is the?, Convert 2.13mA to Amperes., A resistor with yellow, violet, red, and gold. What is its value, Electromotive potential difference can also be known as?, To measure voltage, first open the circuit and insert the voltme, A circuit with a Q of 250 is resonant at 5MHz. What is the Bandw, To tune a series LC circuit to resonance, observe a current mete, When a parallel LC circuit is tuned to resonance, the "tank, What is the formula for inductive reactance?, What is the formula for capacitive reactance?, What is the formula for resonant frequency?, The line current is ______ when a parallel resonant circuit is t, If the Q of a band pass filter is increased, selectivity _____ a, A series resonant circuit connected in series with the load is a, A parallel resonant circuit connected in parallel with the load , Name the four general active and passive filters., A rectifier is used to?, The basic power supply is made up of a?, What does a voltage regulator do?, The most commonly used type of rectifier is the?, The basic diff between a F-W bridge rect, and a F-W center-tappe, Light Emitting Diodes (LED's) are normally____ biased., Rectifier diodes are normally _____ biased., Varactor diodes are normally_____ biased., Zenor diodes are normally ______ biased., A sine wave is an example of a(n)?, An example of a digital signal is a(n)?, A multivibrator produces a(n)?, The astable multivibrator is a?, The output of the VCO is a(n) _____ voltage., Represents an AND gate?, Represents a NAND gate?, Represents an OR gate?, Represents a NOR gate?, Which input of a flip flop are the asynchronous inputs?, Synchronous counters have the clock pulse applied to all Flip-Fl, A common base amplifier has the input on the?, A common base amplifier has the output on the?, The common collector config is also called an ____ follower and , A common emitter ampl has the input on the ____ and the output o, Which amp config has the highest power gain?, Which amp config has the highest output impedance?, Which amp config has the lowest current gain?, Which amp config would be a good driver for and audio speaker?, Which amp config would probably used to connect antenna to an am, Which amp config inverts the output signal?, Which amp config has no voltage gain?, To perform a high-level format on the hard drive and make it boo, How many bits are used in ASCII Code, assuming no parity bit is , If the highest freq to be sampled is 3kHz, what is the minimum a, TDMA, Opcode, This overcomes contact bounce?, in an I/O interface circuit, the address decoder serves to?, Required between the MPU data line and a 7 segment display?, RAM, During the fetch phase of the MPU cycle:, In what units of time are MPU cycles typically specified?, List the layers of the OSI model?, List the layers of TCP/IP?, What is VoIP?, The Data Link Layer is sub-divided into?, DHCP is used to?, The phases of a PLC program scan, in correct order are?, What does I:1/2 represent?, The abbreviations NO and NC represent the state of switch contac, An RTO timer requires ____ to return the Accumulator value to ze, The DONE output bit of a counter is energized when?, A CTU counter has an initial accumulator value of -3. After 12 t, If a timer's Time Base is 0.01 sec, and the Preset value is 3000, The ___ operator is a unary operator because it works with only , If the expression is false, the ____ operator will return true., Which operator would make the following expression false? True _, Which of the following is the same as a megabyte?, What is NOT a way to prevent static charges?, Why is serial data transfer technology becoming more popular tha, In a sine wave, which variable is manipulated by the intelligenc, In a superheterodyne receiver, the inputs to the Mixer stage are, In an FM modulator, the amplitude of the intellegence signal det, Impedence of a 7ft transmission line is 64 ohms. What is it in a, When is all the wave energy reflected back into the incident (th

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Vocabulary Test: GRE 9 and 10
polyglot, discern, distaff, ossify, dissemble, disparate, whimsical, wan, raconteur, wily, dirge, diffident, sportive, disabuse, distend, dilate, dilettante, dilatory, dissonance, dictum, diurnal, efficacy, emulate, eclectic, edify, embellish, eloquent, droll, divine, dyspeptic, ebullient, dogma, effigy, effrontery, dupe, elegy, encomium, dogmatic, dither, doctrinaire

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Vocabulary Test: root words
bio, auto, graph, cosm, gen, nom, crac, autobiograhpy, autograph, autocosm, autogenous, autonomous, autocracy

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Vocabulary Test: Ch.15
learning, behaviorism, associations, learned helplessness, reinforcement, punishment, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, negative punishment, habit hierarchy, drive, motivation, drive reduction theory, shaping

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Vocabulary Test: Term 2 -- Vocab Test #1
acrid, boorish, cynical, epistle, heresy, lance, obscure, poignant, respite, terse
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