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Vocabulary Test: Vocal Anatomy
Vocal System, Pharynx, Trachea, Esophagus, Epiglottis, Larynx, Vocal Folds, Vocal Chords, Glottis, Phonation, Emphasis, Pitch , Articulation , Intonation , Pace

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy of the systemic circulation
popliteal, cephalic vein, gonadal, carotid , valves, great saphenous, median cubital , circle of willis, hepatic portal vein , brachiocephalic artery, celiac artery, the blood vessels that play the most important role in regulatin, axillary, superior mesenteric , subclavian

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy and Physiology
Physiology, Anatomical Position, Metatarsals (Metatarus) , Anatomy, Tarsals (Tarsus) , Femur, Carpus (Carpals), Phalanges , Humerus, Fibula, Tibia, Metacarpus (Metacarpals), Ulna , Radius, Sternum, Appendicular Skeleton, Clavicles , Scapulae, Lumbar Vertebrae , Coccyx, Thoracic Vertebrae, Parietal Bones , Cervical Vertebrae, Temporal Bones , Sphenoid Bone, Frontal Bone, Skull, Occipital Bone, Iliac/Inguinal Regions, Lumbar Regions, Hypochondriac Regions, Axial Skeleton, Hypogastric Region, Epigastric Region, Umbilical Region, Pelvic Cavity, Pericardial Cavity, Abdominopelvic Cavity , Abdominal Cavity, Pleural Cavities, Ventral Body Cavity , Thoracic Cavity, Cranial Cavity, Vertebral Cavity , Dorsal Body Cavity

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Vocabulary Test: MyFav
Abash, Abate, Abdicate, Aberration, Abhor, Abject, Abnegate, Abortive, Abridge, Absolute, Absolve
Test Also Includes: parts of speech

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Vocabulary Test: Enemy of the People Vocab Quiz
Prolific, Tolerance, Fad, Hilt , Tribute, Subordinate, Archetype, Blunder, Precipice, Discretion, Traitor , Moderation , Adjourned , Subpoena, Conspiracy , Zeal, Effrontery, Humanitarian, Picayune , Incredulous

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Vocabulary Test: the Alchemyst Vocabulary words
Ruse, Jibe, Queasy, Succession, Sodden, Grimaced, Monochrome, advocate, Aversion, Nonchalant
Test Also Includes: synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, sentences

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Vocabulary Test: "New feet wihin my garden go" Vocabulary Quiz
solitude, troubadour, pensive, punctual, folktale, told

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Vocabulary Test: phlebotomy word seach
microbioloby, vector, vehicle , autologus, tourniqet, concentric circles, ice pack, bounce, gray, pathology

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Vocabulary Test: mytest
five, four, three, two, one, six
Test Also Includes: sentences

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Vocabulary Test: What is my gender?
Boy, Noob, Loser, Male, Girl, Female

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Vocabulary Test: Deuteronomy
The key word of duet, The death penalty, Duet preaches the law, What does duet mean, How do you pass the faith, What is the background of duet, When was duet written, What does duet contain, The theme of Duet., Who wrote deut

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Vocabulary Test: 8th Grade astronomy final review
our system is in ? what type is it?, three galaxies, open clusters characteristics are, large groups of stars are, solar systems, when a star runs out of fuel it becomes , small mass stars , how long a star lives depends on , a star is born when , nebula , hr diagrams are used to , a light year is , a light year is used to measure, the brightness of a star depends on, characterists used to identify staars , when a meteroid hits earths surface it is called , when a meteriod enters earths atmosphere what does it create and, a meteoroid is a , asteriods revolve sround the sun in , asteriouds are found? what is it called?, most comets are found in , orbits of comets are , comets are made of, uranus' axis of rotation is, saturns rings are made of , jupiter is , nickname for outer planets, characteristics of outer planets , four outer planets, mars is nicknamed? because?, mercury is, earth is unique because , nickname for inner planets , characteristics of inner planets, four inner planets, suns atmosphere includes, sun sinterior consits of, nuclear fushion, heliocentric system , the moon was formed by , highlands, craters, maria, features of the moon, spring tide, neap tide, tides are caused by, tides, you see a total lunar eclipse when, when does a lunar eclipse occur, umbra, penumbra, when does a solar eclipse occur, what are the 2 types of eclipses, when does an eclipse occur, the phase of the moon depends on, phases, what do the changing relative positions of the moon the sun and , newtons 1st law of motion , inertia, weight , mass, what two factors does the strenght of the force of gravity depen, newtons law of universal gravitation, equinox, what is the name of when the sun reaches the farthest position n, the hemisphere titlted toward the sun had what , what season is it in the northern hemisphere when the north end , what angle is the earth tilted at , why does earth have seasons, how long does it take earth to complete one revolution around th, revolution, how long does it take earth to rotate once on its axis, what does earth rotation cause , rotation, earths 2 motions through space?, quasar, parallax , radio telescope, observatory , spiral galaxy , super nova, constillation, big bang, neutron star, universe, spectrograph , black hole, prostar , space station , thrust , orbital velocity , Space Spinoff, Remote Sensing, Rocket, Vaccum, Space Probe, Velocity

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Vocabulary Test: Grade 8 Astronomy
what does earth rotaion cause , rotation, earths 2 motions through space?, quasar, parallax , radio telescope, observatory , spiral galaxy , super nova, constillation, big bang, neutron star, universe, spectrograph , black hole, prostar , space station , thrust , orbital velocity , Space Spinoff, Remote Sensing, Rocket, Vaccum, Space Probe, Velocity

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Vocabulary Test: what carcter from my channle are you
Haily , Kylie, Sydney, brandon , jacobe , chloe

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Vocabulary Test: human anatomy 1 review
Standard atomical position, Transverse Plane, Frontal Plane , Sagital Plane, Vertebral , Sural, Scapular, Sacral, Popliteal, Perineal, Otic, Occipital, Lumbar, Gluteal, Dorsum, Calcaneal, Umbilical, Thoracic, Tarsal, Sternal, Pollex, Pubic, Pelvic, Pedal, Patellar, Palmar, Oral, Orbital, Nasal, Mental, Manus, Mammary, Inguinal, Hallux, Frontal, Femoral, Fibular, Crural, Digital, Cervical, Coxal, Cephalic, Carpal, Buccal, Axillary , Brachial, Antecubital , Antebrachial, Acrominal, Abdominal

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Vocabulary Test: My Singing Monsters
Shrubb, Accordion, Kazilleon, T-Rox, Water Island, Kazilleon

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Vocabulary Test: mystery
mackenzie , vocabbuzz, valerie , trenton gibson, windy sparks, malina briagas

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Vocabulary Test: Music Mythology
accidental, Key, Composers, Slur , Octave, Orchestra, Fur Elise

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Vocabulary Test: my brother
name, and middle, last , is , his, what

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy
append, cardi, cran, dors, homeo, logy

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Vocabulary Test: odyssey vocab one
harried, appalled, ponderous, profusion, meditation, adversary, beguiling, foreboding, assuage, abominably, ardor, travail

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Vocabulary Test: St. Augustine Vocabulary
marketplace, palisade, palmetto, caquina, berm, tories, dumbwaiter, artifact, galleons, fiercely, marsh

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Vocabulary Test: Cask of Amontillado vocabulary
enthusiasm, injuries, nevertheless, perceived, render, revenge, unnecessarily, ventured, colossal, excessive, immediate, indication, interruption, succession, tier, vigorously, retribution, explicit, precluded, extemporaneous

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Vocabulary Test: vocabular
mediocre, meritorious, trusim, validate, candid, criterion, dexterity, legitimate, appraisal, base

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Vocabulary Test: unit 2 test -gerfers
1800, 1930, 1960, 1975, 1987, 1999, population distribution/density, asia( regional population), africa( regional population), north america( regional population), south america( regional population), antartica( regional population), Europe ( regional population), oceania( regional population), arithmetic, physical population density, rate of natural incrase, growth rate, ireland(doubling times), china( DOUBLING TIMES), coasta rica (DOUBLING TIMES), east Asia( world population), south asia( world population), western europe( world population), north america( world population), china (population 1950), india(population 1950), u.s(population 1950), russia(population 1950), japan(population 1950), indonesia(population 1950), germany(population 1950), brazil(population 1950), united kingdom(population 1950), italy (population 1950), china(2006), india(2006), u.s(2006), indonesia(2006), brazil(2006), pakistamn(2006), bangladesh(2006), russia(2006), nigeria(2006), japan(2006), age,sex, pyramid, low birth rate, total fertility rate (TFR), us birth rate, us death rate, high stationary stage (demographic transition model), early expanding stage (demographic transition model), late expanding stage (demographic transition model), low stationary stage (demographic transition model), early declining stage (demographic transition model), china's one child policy, these regulations include, for urban residents &government employees, in rural areas, a 3rd child is allowed, policy includes, 87% of all married, 25% of woman, infant mortality rose, TFR dropped from, sex section abortion, a scarcity of females has, 4:2:1, Chinese society, absolute distance, relative distance, peoples perception, net migration, majority of migrants, long distance migrants, urban residents, families are less, step migration, the difference in voluntary & involuntary migration, migratory movement, external migration, 1974 UN pop conference (United nations role in migration), 1984 (United nations role in migration), 1994 (United nations role in migration), linear grwoth, exponential growth, malthusion theory of pop explosion, neo malthusians, stationary and declining pop

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Vocabulary Test: Goodbye Vietnam
Thatched, Superstition, Scoffed, Disgraced, Lulled, Unbecoming, Commemorated, Infirmities, Idle, Eviously, Ebony, Sickle, Barbarian, Perish, Reverently, Kowtowed

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab List 5
Expletive, Profligate, Zealous, Approbation, Attribute, Bellicose, Indisposed, Gambit, Cache, Pejorative, Elucidate, Innocuous

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Vocabulary Test: r180 Vocab Workshop 3
ambush, complicated, hesitate, peril, ponder, site, reality, certainly, inscribe, peer

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Vocabulary Test: Barrio Boy/A Day's Wait
reassuring, contraption, formidable, epidemic, flushed, evidently, purgative, covey, flanked, maneuver, menace, radiant

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Vocabulary Test: r180 Vocab Workshop 1
aspire, circumstances, drastic, significant, urgent, anguish, devoted, intent, intense, effective

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Vocabulary Test: r180 Vocab Workshop 2
contagious, epidemic, impact, internal, resistance, feasible, expose, infect, estimate, courageous, contaminated

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Vocabulary Test: r180 Vocab Workshop 4
agitate, confront, controversy, critic, oppose, offensive, promote, restriction, detrimental, censor

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Vocabulary Test: r180 Vocab Workshop 5
calculate, compensate, moderate, priority, strategy, management, credible, compulsive, impulsive, ignorance

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Vocabulary Test: r180 Vocab Workshop 6
demolish, devastating, elimination, emerge, evade, mingle, profession, disadvantage, approval, clarity

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Vocabulary Test: r180 Vocab Workshop 7
complex, conscious, data, specific, sensation, structure, essential, diminish, vital, dominant

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Vocabulary Test: r180 Vocab Workshop 9
accomplish, enforce, influential, protest, register, segregation, federal, massive, sacred, demonstration

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Vocabulary Test: Geography Vocab
Free Enterprise, Market Economy, Command Economy, Mixed Economy, GNP, GDP, Industrialized Country, Developing Country, Symbol, Imports, Exports, Ethnic Group, Death Rate, Third World Country, Literacy Rates, Culture

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary List #6
furtive, felon, plethora, hapless, irate, dour, cordial, malicious, adamant, archaic

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Vocabulary Test: AIS test CH 10
Online prompting, Enter data close to where customer order is received, Independent shipping authorization, Procedures for rejected inputs, Preformatted screens, Customer credit check, One-for-one checking of goods, picking ticket, sales order, Populate inputs with master data, Review open sales orders (tickler file), Turnaround document (picking ticket with bar codes)

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Vocabulary Test: Loved Best
swooned, astonished, envious, rivalry, encouraging, brief, chuckling, soothing, sobbed, praised
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