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Vocabulary Test: Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
admonish, temerity, dense, exasperation, outwit, meticulous, stealthily, lynched, raucous, trudge, emphatic, malevolent, engross, vague, feign, aloof, interject, subtle, proprietor, mercantile, falter, placid, chignon, audible, apprehensive, languid, interminable, boycott, sulk, inaudible, reassurance, saunter, seep, generate, pneumonia, scowl, suspicious, rile, despondent, scheme, humdrum, crescendo, desolate, acrid, despicable, flimsy, persistent, condone, tormentor

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Vocabulary Test: Mythology Test
5 Characteristics of a Myth, Zeus and Jupiter, Poseidon and Neptune, Demeter and Ceres, Hestia and Vesta, Hermes and Mercury, Aphrodite and Venus, Hephaestus and Vulcan, Ares and Mars, Artemis and Diana, Apollo, Athena and Minerva, Hera and Juno

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Vocabulary Test: Is my friend fat?
Fat, Obese, Chubby, Normal, Skinny, Really skinny

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Vocabulary Test: Elements of a Myth
An attempt to explain natural processes like, A mixture of morals, poetry, , A story of gods, , An early piece of , An attempt to free people, A connection to religious, A traditional tale, A story created to give, A response to man's need for

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Vocabulary Test: Classical myth
agave, cadmus, achilles , creon, hephaestus , pentheus , oedipus , jocasta , tiresias , ajax, phoinix, ithica , agamemnon , apollo, hermes , helen , patroclus , hector , priam , paris, andromache , astyanax , thetis , aeneas , zeus , poseidon , juno , aphrodite, mercury , turnus , alcmena , calchas, odysseus , telemachus , penelope , polyphemus, circe, calypso , sophocles , euripides, delphic oracle , polis, peleus , briseis , chryseis , chryses , medea , jason , juno , jupiter , venus, augustus, carthage , dido , ascanius , cupid , anchises , sibyl , amphitrou , sosia

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Vocabulary Test: Classical Mythology terms
mentor, labyrinthine, chimerical, martial, Lucullan, laconic, lethargic, iridescent, jovail, hermetic, Herculean, hector , Draconian, Elysian, bacchanalian, atlas, auroral, ambrosial, amazon, aegis, Adonis, titanic, thespian, terpsichorean, tantalize, Stygian, stentorian, solon, saturnine, siren, Pyrrhic, protean, philippic, plutocratic, procrustean, panic, odyssey, paean, palladium, nemesis, mercurial , myrmidon

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Vocabulary Test: Myths2
Midas, Procrustes, Sciron, Danae, Titans, Daedalus, Icarus, Minotaur, Narcissus, Echo, Medusa, Gray Sisters

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Vocabulary Test: Myths1
Hades, Demeter, Prometheus, Persephone, Zeus, Epimetheus, Corynetes, Aristeus, Ariadne, Eurydice, Aegeus, Orpheus

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Vocabulary Test: Economy
90-160, 30,000, 1954, 75%, 1904, 1911, 40%, 49 years, 1,000-30,000, 4-18, 35-166, 7, 1920, 1%, November 1917, November 1917, 4x, 100-2,000, 9-28, 2,000-11,000, 1921-28, 120%, 29,000-52,000, 1897, 2x, 7x, 1892-1903, 1887-92, 1891, 1886, 1883, 1873-82, 700-14,000, 1 million, 1882-86, 2x, 6%, 26-86, 1862 , 1862-78, 93% by 1937, December 1917

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Vocabulary Test: Myths3
Acrisius, Theseus, Eros, Apollo, Pitocamptes, Rhea, Gaea , Psyche, Tartarus, Uranus, Hera, Hephaestus, Hermes, Perseus, Pandora, Poseidon, Athena, Minos, Chaos, Aphrodite, Hundred Headed Giant, Zephyrus, Cyclopes, Kronos

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Vocabulary Test: My words 29
Irascible , Strut , Voluble , Rancor , Mundane, Perpetuated , Genre , Bane , Condone, Eclectic

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Vocabulary Test: mytest
five, four, three, two, one, six
Test Also Includes: sentences

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Vocabulary Test: the Alchemyst Vocabulary words
Ruse, Jibe, Queasy, Succession, Sodden, Grimaced, Monochrome, advocate, Aversion, Nonchalant
Test Also Includes: synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, sentences

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Vocabulary Test: Enemy of the People Vocab Quiz
Prolific, Tolerance, Fad, Hilt , Tribute, Subordinate, Archetype, Blunder, Precipice, Discretion, Traitor , Moderation , Adjourned , Subpoena, Conspiracy , Zeal, Effrontery, Humanitarian, Picayune , Incredulous

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Vocabulary Test: Vocal Anatomy
Vocal System, Pharynx, Trachea, Esophagus, Epiglottis, Larynx, Vocal Folds, Vocal Chords, Glottis, Phonation, Emphasis, Pitch , Articulation , Intonation , Pace

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Vocabulary Test: phlebotomy word seach
microbioloby, vector, vehicle , autologus, tourniqet, concentric circles, ice pack, bounce, gray, pathology

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Vocabulary Test: "New feet wihin my garden go" Vocabulary Quiz
solitude, troubadour, pensive, punctual, folktale, told

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Vocabulary Test: Horse Anatomy
Ear, Mane, Withers, Thigh, Flank, Hock, Hoof, Breast, Fetlock, Forelock

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy
append, cardi, cran, dors, homeo, logy, meta

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy
append, cardi, cran, dors, homeo, logy

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Vocabulary Test: Government 2
consequence, Constitution, cooperate, council, culture, election

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Vocabulary Test: Government 3
embassy, freedom, government, governor, judge, law

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Vocabulary Test: Government 4
legislature, majority rule, mayor, nation, President, problem

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Vocabulary Test: Government 5
responsibility, rights, solution, Supreme Court, tax, treaty, vote

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Vocabulary Test: Government
ambassador, ballot, border, capital, citizen, Congress

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Vocabulary Test: 12 Powerful Words
Trace, Analyze, Infer, Evaluate, Formulate, Describe, Support, Explain, Summarize, Compare, Contrast, Predict

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Vocabulary Test: En la escuela
la clase de, arte, inglés, español, matemáticas, educación física, tecnología, ciencias naturales, ciencias sociales, la hora, el horario, la tarea, el almuerzo, la calculadora, el diccionario, la carpeta de argollas, aburrido, divertido, difícil, fácil, favorito, práctico, interesante, más ... que, a ver, mucho, para, ¿Quién?, Yo tengo, Tú tienes, primero, segundo, tercero, cuarto, quinto, sexto, séptimo, octavo, noveno, décimo

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Vocabulary Test: vocabulary test
undulate, modest, immune, stately, encumbered, placid, whimsical, endearing

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Vocabulary Test: vocab quiz
prehistoric, compass, frigid, remote, summit, caver, authentic, continent, endure, formations

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Vocabulary Test: MsSmithVocab4
abject, affable, articulate, belligerent, catholic, copious, debase, devoid, eclectic, enigma, felicitous, foible, gloat, harbinger, implaccable, lurid, moot, paradox, parochial, versatile

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Weeks 1-5
elevate, garland, flammable, horde, immaculate, junction, yearn, collate, tuition, tamper, vigorous, flourish, snob, congested, blotch, automatic, glutton, implore, harmonious, deplete

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Vocabulary Test: vocab11
diagram, frustrate, frustrating, graduate, prank, primary, risk, risky, stress, urge, vacant, vigorous

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Unit 5
blemish, blunt, capable, conclude, detect, fatigue, festive, hospitality, nomad, persecute, supreme, transport

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Vocabulary Test: Ch 3 Atomic Structure Vocab Quiz
Atom, Law of Constant Composistion, Atomic Theory of Matter, Cathode Ray, Cathode Ray Tube, Electron, Radioactivity, Nucleus, Proton, Neutron, Atomic Mass Unit, Atomic Number, Ion, Isotope, Mass Number, Atomic Mass, Nuclear Reaction, Strong Nuclear Force, Radioactive Decay, Nuclear Equation

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Vocabulary Test: Science Unit B Ch. 2 Changes in Matter
evaporation, condensation, solvent, solute, dilute, concentrated, reactant, product, exothermic reaction, endothermic reaction, formula, chemical equation, acid, base, pH scale, indicator, neutralization

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Vocabulary Test: Social Studies Ch 2 Peoples of the Americas
cultures, colonies, dominion, interdependent, industry, immigration, imports, exports, landlocked, expedition, mestizos, mulattoes, population density, epidemic, natural increase, metropolitan area, primate city, rural area

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Vocabulary Test: vocab 4
affiliated, ascertain, attainment, bequeath, cogent, converge, disperse, esteem, expunge, finite, invulnerable, malevolent, nonchalant, omniscient, panacea, scrupulous, skulk, supercilious, uncanny, venial

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Vocabulary Test: math1
dollar sign, decimal point, equivalent, dollar, quarter, dime, nickel, penny

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Vocabulary Test: Hoot Vocabulary
Ambushed, Mushed, Smudged, Wiry, Bound, Vaulted, Vandalism, Monetary, Hoisted, Malicious

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Vocabulary Test: Review Test
acute, conceive, gradually, inquire, object, aversion, captive, council, dismay, dusk, anxious, commotion, desperate, exasperation, fascinate, agitation, agony, gesture, gloomy, melancholy
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