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Vocabulary Test: Government 2
consequence, Constitution, cooperate, council, culture, election

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Vocabulary Test: Government 3
embassy, freedom, government, governor, judge, law

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Vocabulary Test: Government 4
legislature, majority rule, mayor, nation, President, problem

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Vocabulary Test: Government 5
responsibility, rights, solution, Supreme Court, tax, treaty, vote

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Vocabulary Test: Government
ambassador, ballot, border, capital, citizen, Congress

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Vocabulary Test: 12 Powerful Words
Trace, Analyze, Infer, Evaluate, Formulate, Describe, Support, Explain, Summarize, Compare, Contrast, Predict

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Vocabulary Test: En la escuela
la clase de, arte, inglés, español, matemáticas, educación física, tecnología, ciencias naturales, ciencias sociales, la hora, el horario, la tarea, el almuerzo, la calculadora, el diccionario, la carpeta de argollas, aburrido, divertido, difícil, fácil, favorito, práctico, interesante, más ... que, a ver, mucho, para, ¿Quién?, Yo tengo, Tú tienes, primero, segundo, tercero, cuarto, quinto, sexto, séptimo, octavo, noveno, décimo

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Vocabulary Test: vocabulary test
undulate, modest, immune, stately, encumbered, placid, whimsical, endearing

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Vocabulary Test: vocab quiz
prehistoric, compass, frigid, remote, summit, caver, authentic, continent, endure, formations

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Vocabulary Test: MsSmithVocab4
abject, affable, articulate, belligerent, catholic, copious, debase, devoid, eclectic, enigma, felicitous, foible, gloat, harbinger, implaccable, lurid, moot, paradox, parochial, versatile

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Weeks 1-5
elevate, garland, flammable, horde, immaculate, junction, yearn, collate, tuition, tamper, vigorous, flourish, snob, congested, blotch, automatic, glutton, implore, harmonious, deplete

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Vocabulary Test: vocab11
diagram, frustrate, frustrating, graduate, prank, primary, risk, risky, stress, urge, vacant, vigorous

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Unit 5
blemish, blunt, capable, conclude, detect, fatigue, festive, hospitality, nomad, persecute, supreme, transport

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Vocabulary Test: Ch 3 Atomic Structure Vocab Quiz
Atom, Law of Constant Composistion, Atomic Theory of Matter, Cathode Ray, Cathode Ray Tube, Electron, Radioactivity, Nucleus, Proton, Neutron, Atomic Mass Unit, Atomic Number, Ion, Isotope, Mass Number, Atomic Mass, Nuclear Reaction, Strong Nuclear Force, Radioactive Decay, Nuclear Equation

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Vocabulary Test: Science Unit B Ch. 2 Changes in Matter
evaporation, condensation, solvent, solute, dilute, concentrated, reactant, product, exothermic reaction, endothermic reaction, formula, chemical equation, acid, base, pH scale, indicator, neutralization

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Vocabulary Test: Social Studies Ch 2 Peoples of the Americas
cultures, colonies, dominion, interdependent, industry, immigration, imports, exports, landlocked, expedition, mestizos, mulattoes, population density, epidemic, natural increase, metropolitan area, primate city, rural area

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Vocabulary Test: vocab 4
affiliated, ascertain, attainment, bequeath, cogent, converge, disperse, esteem, expunge, finite, invulnerable, malevolent, nonchalant, omniscient, panacea, scrupulous, skulk, supercilious, uncanny, venial

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Vocabulary Test: math1
dollar sign, decimal point, equivalent, dollar, quarter, dime, nickel, penny

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Vocabulary Test: Hoot Vocabulary
Ambushed, Mushed, Smudged, Wiry, Bound, Vaulted, Vandalism, Monetary, Hoisted, Malicious

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Vocabulary Test: Review Test
acute, conceive, gradually, inquire, object, aversion, captive, council, dismay, dusk, anxious, commotion, desperate, exasperation, fascinate, agitation, agony, gesture, gloomy, melancholy
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