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Vocabulary Test: Exploring Four Empires of MesopotamiaWords:empire, capital, code of laws, economy, siege, stragegy, assemble, technique, invader, tribute, unify
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Vocabulary Test: Locating EmployersWords:advertise, qualified, abbreviations, classified, acquaintances, bulletin board, opening, agency
Test Also Includes: sentences
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Vocabulary Test: S S Chapter 4 Early EmpiresWords:Royal Road, satrap, province, toleration, Anatolia, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, tribute, code of law, Fertile Cresent, exile, justice, Hammurabi, emperor, empire
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Vocabulary Test: chron, tempWords:anachronism, chronic, chronometer, chronicles, contemporary, extemporaneous, synchronize, tempest, tempo, temporary
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Vocabulary Test: therm=heat,temperatureWords:endothermic, exothermic, therm, thermal, thermodynamic, thermograph, thermometer, thermophile, thermos, thermostat
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Vocabulary Test: La cause/conséquence/subordonnées de tempsWords:tellement de...que + nom/adjectif, Tant de...que + nom, De tel, C'est pour ça/c'est la raison pour laquelle/c'est pourquoi , De sorte que, Si bien que, Par conséquent, D'une manière que, À tel point, Au point que + subj, Au point de + inf, Donc/alors/ainsi, De cette façon, À fin que + subj, D'où, De ce fait, À force de (intensité), Ce n'est pas que (fausse cause), Faute de/du fait de (impossibilité), Comme (il n'y a pas une relation directe, indiscutable), Vu (indiscutable), Compte tenu de/étant donné/comme (indiscutable), Sous prétexte (fellacieux), Sous prétexte/d'autant plus que (renforcement), Quand , Lorsque, Au moment où, Chaque fois, Pendant que/alors que, Tant que, Aussi longtemps, Dès que/maintenant que, Aussitôt que, Après que, Avant que + subj, Jusqu'à ce que + subj, En attendant que + subj, Le temps que + subj
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Vocabulary Test: Mughal and British Empire QuizWords:Indian Subcontinent, Decolonization, Mercantile Class, Provinces, Exports, Mansabdars, Nawabs, Treaty, Zamindars, Direct Rule, Indirect Rule, Sepoys, Hierarchy, Massacre, Partition
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Vocabulary Test: tempWords:weather front, sea breeze, doppler radar, la nina, thermosphere, mesophere, stratosphere, temperature inversion, convection cells, dew point, troposphere, pressure gradient, adiabiatic processes
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Vocabulary Test: Large Employers of DetroitWords:MGM Grand Detroit, Johnson Controls, Henry Ford Health System, General Motors, Greektown Casino, Detroit Public Schools, Wayne County, Quicken Loans, State of Michigan, United States Postal Service, Wayne State University, Motor City Casino, Price Waterhouse Coopers, Deloitte, Detroit Diesel, Comerica, Compuware, Blue Cross Blue Shield, DTE Energy, Detroit Medical Center, Ally Financial
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Vocabulary Test: g4Words:contiguous, megalopolis, prairie, cordillera, canyon, navigable, glaciers, divide, drought, tornado, hurricane, blizzard
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Vocabulary Test: beliedWords:belied, alacrity, evinced, exacerbate, inexorable, lionized, maudlin, parochial, quaffed, quotidian, recompense, sere, tacit, transient, gelid
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Vocabulary Test: unctuousWords:adamant, assiduous, assuage, capacious, cogent, eclectic, emollient, heinous, impasse, jocular, mendacities, mercurial, meritorious, mollify, obviated, parity, pernicious, phegmatic, precocious, precluded, prodigious, reticence, salubrious, stoic, succor, sychophants, taciturn, umbrage, unctuous, vilified
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Vocabulary Test: Creative Suite VocabularyWords:Context Menu, Dock, Panel, Marquee, Workspace, Artboard, Bitmap images, CMYK model, Color mode, Guides, Picas, Pixel, Points, Resolution, RGB Model, Vector graphics, Vectors
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Vocabulary Test: Overseas ExpansionWords:isolationism, expansionism, imperialism, William H Seward, Queen Liliuokalani, annexation, spheres of influence, Open door Policy, Great White Fleet, yellow journalism, Rough Riders, protectorate, Platt Admendment, isthmus, William Gorges, dollar diplomacy, moral diplomacy
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Vocabulary Test: unit5Words:anecdote, consolidate, counterfeit, docile, dominate, entreat, fallible, fickle, fugitive, grimy, iota, maul, potential, radiant, rural, substantial, tactful, tamper, ultimate, uncertainty
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Vocabulary Test: Lesson 2Words:affect, calculate, climate, column, decay, exceed, forbid, grove, limb, mammoth, mature, permit, resist, scorch, tower, affect, calculate, column, column, decay, exceed, forbid, limb, mature, permit, resist, scorch, tower, zeke is a, zeke is a
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 4 Lesson 1Words:acute, ecstatic, evolve, frugal, idealistic, imperative, impervious, moderate, pithy, prospect, rational, relevant
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Vocabulary Test: 6thWords:bazaar, exposure, lottery, readily, transferred, guilty, notation, revenge, verify, composition, diminish, persuade, suffice, allegiance, incredible
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Test #4Words:propinquity, ostler, equanimity, gormandize, mendacious, hoyden, pernicious, discomfiture, arable, lucre, pollard, syndic, abstruse, innuendo, lurid, attenuated, inexorable, abject, adamantine, spurious, humbug, cupidity, chaff, affront, providentially
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Vocabulary Test: stiveWords:discriminate, disdain, diverse, docile, dormant, dupe, eccentric, edible, elusive, embellish, empathy, emulate, enigma, enmity, equivocate, erratic, erroneous, escalate, ethereal, exorbitant
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Vocabulary Test: vocab english 11Words:indecorous, ostentations, avarice, ururers, extort, ostentation, parismary, venerable, craven, obsisance, pertinaciously, maledictions, inscutable, obstinacy, impertinent, waggary, tremulous, vagary, sagacious, iniquity
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Vocabulary Test: 6Words:Anonymous, Browse, Dupe, Dynamic, Eradicate, Frustrate, Grim, Inimitable, Makeshift, Marginal, Pending, Prescribe, Preview, Prominent, Quaint, Reluctant, Scrimp, Snare, Utmost, Vengeance
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Vocabulary Test: databaseWords:Database, Records, Fields, Data Sheet View, Design View, Data Types, Entry, Default Value, 4 Types of Data Formats, Ways to navigate, 2 Views, Tables
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Vocabulary Test: fine artsWords:sculpture, carve, display, persuade, abstract, succeed, indicate, impress, identity, suspicious
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Vocabulary Test: Luckiest Time/American ChildhoodWords:strategy, translucent, compelled, improvising, perfunctorily, righteous, plaited, wonders, twine, hind, spied, acquainted, transferral, transportation, transcontinental, accept, accessible, accumulate
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Vocabulary Test: Psychology of GriefWords:Abnormal(complicated, unresolved) grief, Acute Grief, Adaptation, Alarm, Anger, Anomic Grief, Anticipatory Grief, Anxiety, Attachment Theory, Bereavement, Chronic Grief, Complicated Grief, Unresolved, Chronic, Complicated Grief, Coping, Crisis, Death Anxiety, Delayed Grief(worden), denial, Displaced Aggression, Ego Defense mechanism, Empathy (wolfelt), Exaggerated Grief(worden), Fatal Suicide, Fear, Frustration, Grief, Grief Syndrom(linderman), Guilt, Homicide, Hospice, Living will, Masked Grief(worden), mourning, Panic, psychiatrist, Psychology, Psychotherapy (Jackson), Repression, Searching, Shame, Shock, Stress, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Suicide, Suicidal Gesture, Suppression, Survivor Guilt, Thanatology, Thanatophobia, Unresolved, abnormal, complicated grief
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Vocabulary Test: Quiz #3Words:harass, punitive, sojourn, muse, redress, coerce, culinary, artifice, exhilarate, alienate, demise, adversary, delete, inclement, negligible, precedent, craven, urbane, fallow, perpetuated
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Vocabulary Test: Spanish quizWords:extracurricular activities, chess, club, athletic club, team, photography, photographer, young people, member, patime, meeting, cheerleader, martial arts, to do gymnastics, hockey, to bowl, swimming, band, dancer, song, singer, choir, to rehearse, rehearsal, musician, orchestra, voice, to attend, to win, to record, to partipate, take lessons, to return, to create a web page, to be online, to do a search, to surf the web, to visit chat rooms, among, between, interest, opportunity, how long, it has been, as, as much, to know (how), to know (to be acquainted with), m, n
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