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Vocabulary Test: Heat and Temperature
Scientific Temperature, The faster particles are moving, Temperature of a substance depends on, Temperature does not depend on, Heat is what causes objects to, Heat, thermal energy, Thermal energy depends partly on, Thermal energy also depends on, The more particles there is in a substance at a temperature, when objects have different temperature come into contact, when two objects with the same temperature touch

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Vocabulary Test: Roman Empire
What is a kingdom?, What is a republic?, What is an empire?, Why was the geography of Rome beneficial to its growth?, Why was the Roman Republic formed?, Who was Augustus?, What is the Pax Romana?, Who is Diocletian? , Who is Constantine?, Were Romans monotheistic or polytheistic?, Why did Roman leaders treat Christians harshly?, Who is Clovis?, Name and explain 5 reasons why the Roman Empire fell.

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Vocabulary Test: Heat and temperature
latent heat(L), temperature(0 or T), heat capacity(C), specific latent heat(l), specific heat capacity(c), heat energy(Eh)

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Vocabulary Test: Tempor and chron
temporary, tempo, comtemporary, tempest, extemporaneous, synchronize, chronometer, chronology, anachronistic, chronic

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Vocabulary Test: Para Empezar Vocab Quiz
Buenos días., Buenas noches., Buenas tardes., Hola., ¿Cómo te llamas?, Me llamo..., Encantado., Igualmente., Mucho gusto., señor, señora, señorita, ¿Cómo está Ud.?, ¿Cómo estás?

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Vocabulary Test: Exemplification Quiz
capital, dermatological, genocide, flushed, saucebox, detest, hailed, debutant, springboard, self-deprecation , unpalatable, confrontational, antithesis , overwrought , esthetic , incisive , blather , caustic , hype , hyperbole , backdrop , semiotics , linguistic , inanimate, disrobing, belittle, temperament, inevitable, invariably, diatribe

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Vocabulary Test: The Roots Chron and Temp
Anachronism, Chronicles, Chronic, Chronometer, Temporary, Extemporaneous, Contemporary, Tempo, Synchronize, Tempest

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Vocabulary Test: Temporal Resolution
frame rate is determined by, frame rate is measured in, temporal resolution is best when the frame rate is, temporal resolution is determined by, relationship: frame rate and time required to make a single imag, settings that determine frame rate, relationship: imaging depth and frame rate, relationship: pulses per frame and frame rate, factors that determine number of pulses per frame, multifocusing improves

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Vocabulary Test: Roman Empire Vocabulary
Pax Romana, Deify, Aqueduct, Concrete, Oratory, Satires, Gladiator, Crucifixion, Conversion , Martyrs, Parables

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Vocabulary Test: The First Empire
standing army, Stele, alphabet, navigation, cultural trait, Sargon, import, Hammurabi's Code, ally, tribute, cultural diffusion, cavarly, export, colony, currency

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Vocabulary Test: therm= heat, temperature / socio= companion, friend
endothermic, exothermic, therm , thermal, thermodynamic, thermograph, thermometer, thermophile, thermos, thermostat, antisocial, associate, association, disassociate, social, socialite , sociogram, sociology, sociopath, unsocial

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Vocabulary Test: Oceans and Air Temperature
Labrador Current, Precipitation, ENSO, Condensation, Oscillation, Climate, Evaporation, Humidity , Current, Gulf Stream, Moderate, High tides, heavy rains, heavy storms, Evaporates, Condensation

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Vocabulary Test: S S Chapter 4 Early Empires
Royal Road, satrap, province, toleration, Anatolia, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, tribute, code of law, Fertile Cresent, exile, justice, Hammurabi, emperor, empire

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Vocabulary Test: Exploring Four Empires of Mesopotamia
empire, capital, code of laws, economy, siege, stragegy, assemble, technique, invader, tribute, unify

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Vocabulary Test: Locating Employers
advertise, qualified, abbreviations, classified, acquaintances, bulletin board, opening, agency
Test Also Includes: sentences

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Vocabulary Test: Social Studies Chapter 1-Section 3 The First Empires
province, caravan, astronomer, homo habilis, homo erectus, homo sapiens

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Vocabulary Test: How to be a perfect employee

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Vocabulary Test: temp
weather front, sea breeze, doppler radar, la nina, thermosphere, mesophere, stratosphere, temperature inversion, convection cells, dew point, troposphere, pressure gradient, adiabiatic processes

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Vocabulary Test: Mughal and British Empire Quiz
Indian Subcontinent, Decolonization, Mercantile Class, Provinces, Exports, Mansabdars, Nawabs, Treaty, Zamindars, Direct Rule, Indirect Rule, Sepoys, Hierarchy, Massacre, Partition

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Vocabulary Test: vocab contemp1

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Vocabulary Test: Orange Book Vocab Unit 4
ambush, calculate, contribute, dread, employ, extend, frantic, initial, routine, stun, sturdy, yield

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Vocabulary Test: mod f wk1
Diflucan, Monistat, Nolvadex, Arimidex, Clomid, Pregonal, Emko, Ortho-gynol, Evista, Pitocin, Estrce, Premarin, Prempro, Boniva, Fosamax, Actonel, Orth-tricyclen, Ortho-evra, Yasmin, Flagyl

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Vocabulary Test: The Judge's House
weariness, quaint, grim, infested, trudged, budge, shuddered, coincidence, rambling

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Vocabulary Test: Pigman Vocabulary Test 2
mull, mundane, putrid, predicament, hovel, hors d’oeuvres, incongruous, infantile, proficiency, antagonistic, anxiety, eerie, ingrate, nocturnal, omens, ritual, interrogating, berserk, assassin, Sr. Trudie

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Vocabulary Test: Los Adjetivos
Como eres?, Eres?, Yo soy..., Yo no soy..., Como es el?, Como es ella?, El es..., El no es..., Ella es..., Ella no es..., artistico(a), atrevido(a), bueno(a), malo(a), deportista, talentoso(a), estudioso(a), inteligente, simpatico(a), antipatico(a), reservado(a), sociable, ordenado(a), desordenado(a), gracioso(a), serio(a), impaciente, paciente, trabajador(a), perezoso(a), los adjetivos

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Vocabulary Test: vocab 10th 5&6
hyperbole, implausible, innocuous, kindle, listless, nonchalance, parsimonious, pique, prestigious, pugnacious, hypocritical, inadvertent, inscrutable, labyrinth, lucid, obliterate, partisan, placate, pretentious, quandary

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Vocabulary Test: Prudy's Problem
collection, enormous, realize, scattered, shiny, strain

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Vocabulary Test: vocab
apathy, bludgeon, cursory, eloquent, forlorn, innumerable, murky, ordeal, phoenix, rebuff, scrupulous, specter, textile, ultimatum, vanguard

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Vocabulary Test: WWL4
contend, sedentary, adage, odoriferous, extraneous, temporal, wry, regale, camaraderie, meander, hubbub, recuperate, spartan, punctilious, paraphernalia, extraneous, temporal, contend, sedentary, camaraderie, hubbub, regale, recuperate, punctilious, wry, odoriferous, temporal, paraphernalia, spartan, meander

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Vocabulary Test: unadulterated
abjure, adumbrate, alacrity, beneficent, cache, cajole, cantankerous, chagrin, cogent, crass, diffident, duteous, ebullient, endemic, ephemeral, evince, execrable, fatuous, garrulous, imbibe, impecunious, impede, ineluctable, ingrate, irascible, jocose, lackadaisical, lionize, mendacious, munificent, obstreperous, pallid, panacea, parismonious, pernicious, perpspicacious, perturbing, pusillanimous, quaff, refugent, sanguine, sedulous, somnolent, surfeit, tirade, ubiqutious, umbrage, unadulterated, vacuous, vitiate

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Vocabulary Test: Disorders
Blepharitis, Blepharoptosis, Chalazion, Ectropion, Entropion, Hordeolum (sty), Lagophthalmos, Trichiasis, Pinguecula, Ptergium, Nevus, Trachoma, Hyperemia, Chemosis, Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis (GPC), Subconjuntivial Hemorrhage, Dacryoadenitis, Dacryocystitis, Epiphora, Keratitis Sicca, Edema, Infitrates, Keratitis, Keratoconus, Leukoma, Macula, Nebula, Neovascularization (Corneal), Recurrent Corneal Erosion, Ulcer, Aniridia, Anisocoria, Heterochromia, Iridectomy, Iritis, Iridocyclitis, Rubeosis, Uveitis, Keratic Precipitates, Arcus Senilis, Bullous Keratopathy, Limbus, Diabetic Retinopathy, Macular Degeneration, Retinal Detachment, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Glaucoma, "Chronic" Glaucoma, "Acute" Glaucoma, Heterophoria, Esophoria, Exphoria, Heterotropia / Strabismus, Paralytic Strabismus, Nonparalyytic Strabismus, Amblyopia, Abrasion, Arcus, Cataract, Horners Syndrome, Hyphema

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Vocabulary Test: ephemeral
abjure, adumbrate, alacrity, beneficent, cache, cajole, cantankerous, chagrin, cogent, crass, diffident, duteous, ebullient, endemic, ephemeral, evince, execrable, fatuous, garrulous, imbibe, impecunious, impede, ineluctable, ingrate, irascible, jocose, lakadaisical, lionize, mendacious, munificent, obstreperous, pallid, panacea, parsimonious, pernicious, perspicacious, perturbing, pusillanimous, quaff, refulgent, sanguineous, sedulous, somnolent, surfeit, tirade, ubiquitous, umbrage, unadulterated, vacuous, vitiate

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Vocabulary Test: The Masque of the Red Death
accord, brazen, buffoon, decorum, disappropbation, disconcerting, embellish, gaunt, hideous, impetuous, monotony, profuse, propriety, prostration, reverie, sagacious, vista, vivid

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Vocabulary Test: vocab6
carrion, effectual, efficacy, factious, fortitude, implicate, incarnate, ingratiate, munificent, portentius, profusion, sedate

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Test #5
quadri, quadro, retro, semi, steno, sub, supra, super, sym, syn, tachy, tox, trans, tri, ultra, ac, al, ar, ary, ic, ad, agon, algesia, aldia, dynia, an, ar, arche

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Vocabulary Test: german vocab
dabei, schere, leidenschaft, busfahrekarte, geldborse, taschentuch, schulmappchen, UNHEIMLICH, leihen, kaputt, schlussel, dose, pickel, fettig, ferien, waren, bahnhof, ample, geradeaus, bis zur/zum, wie komme ich zum/zur, rathaus, jugenherberge, verkehrsamt, bank, polizeiwache, um, kreuzung, entschuldigung, entschuldigeng

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Vocabulary Test: unctuous-sent
stoic, succor, vilified, taciturn, sycophants, salubrious, reticence, prodigious, precocious, precluded, phlegmatic, pernicious, parity, obviated, mollify, mendacities, jocular, impasse, heinous, eclectic, capacious, mercurial, assiduous, adamant, cogent, unctuous, umbrage, assuage, meritorious, emollient

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Vocabulary Test: Grandfather's Dream
dikes, reserved, village, Vietnam, crane, impatiently, patient, snatched, monsoon, committee

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Vocabulary Test: Bandidos
Bandidos, Donald Eugene Chambers, drug trafficking, Ronnie Hodge, murder, 1%er

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Vocabulary Test: Dear Mr. Henshaw Section 1 Vocab Quiz
amused, argument, autograph, diorama, disgusted, duplicated, enclosure, leash, mincemeat, minus, mobile, urgent
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