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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 9 Chinese EmpireWords:Great wall, Standarize, legalism, Censor, Officials, Civil Service, Silk Road, Envoys, Cuisine, Monopoly, Calligraphy, Lacquer, Acupuncture, Seismometer
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Vocabulary Test: La Vie Contemporaine Vocab TestWords:la place, la mairie, la maire, un avocat, un ingénieur, un homme d’affaires/ une femme d’affaires, la banque, l’agent de banque, un distributeur automatique, un compte courant, de l’argent liquide, de la monnaie, avoir de fric, être fauché(e), changer de l’argent, verser de l’argent, retirer de l’argent, la poste, un facteur/ une factrice, une carte postale, un timbre, un paquet, une boîte aux lettres, envoyer une lettre, la boulangerie, le boulanger/ la boulangère, une baguette, un croissant, la pâtisserie, une religieuse, un Napoléon, un pain au chocolat, le centre-ville
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Vocabulary Test: Topic 2-1 Office Competencies Needed for EmploymentWords:monitors, projections, proficiency, expansion, innovations, adept, aptitude, temporarily, dispatcher, diversified, priorities, simultaneously, capture, interactive, initiative, exceptional, self-starters, objectively
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Vocabulary Test: The Archaemenid Empire 500 BCEWords:Amen-Re, Horus, Hathor, Osiris, Pelette of King Narmer, Ti watching hippo hunt, Fowling scene, Musicians and dancers, Khafre, Menkaure and Khamerernebty, Temple of Ramses II, Akhenaton, Thutmose, Nefertiti, Akhenaton, Nefirtiti and 3 daughters, Tiye , Deathmask of Tutankhamen, aerial, palette, upper egypt, lower egypt, hieroglyph, sunken relief, Ka, fresco secco, nemes headdress, facade, mastaba, ben ben, sphinx, apotropeic, colnnade, peristyle, hypostyle hall, pylon, clerestory
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Vocabulary Test: employability skillsWords:creativity, critical thinking, diversity , employability skills, interpersonal relationships , communication, professional image
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Vocabulary Test: Empires of India and ChinaWords:atman, moksha, reincarnation, karma, dharma, ahimsa, nirvana, sect, joint family, dowry, dissent, missionary, golden age, decimal system, stupa, mural, monopoly, expansionism, warlord, acupuncture, filial piety, philosophy
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Vocabulary Test: First EmpiresWords:Assyrians, Hittites, Persian Gulf, Nineveh, Provinces, Chaldeans, Nebuchadnezzar , Hanging gardens, Caravans, Astronomers
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Vocabulary Test: employability skillsWords:communication, interpersonal relationships, creativity, critical thinking, employability skills, diversity, professional image
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Week #4Words:pseudo, mal, medi, mega, meta, micro, milli, mono, uni, multi, poly, narco, neo, non, pachy, pan, para, per, peri, post, retro, pre, ante, pro, primi
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Vocabulary Test: All Together Now/The Eternal Frontier/Latin roots & affixesWords:legislation, tolerant, culminated, fundamental, equality, optimist, frontier, preliminary, antidote, atmospheric, destiny, impetus, allegation, legacy, privilege, repetitive, impetuous, appetite
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Vocabulary Test: englishWords:abbreviate, abstinence, adulation, adversity, aesthetic, amicable, anachronistic, anecdote, anonymous, antagonist, arid, assiduous, asylum, benevolent, camaraderie, censure, circuitous, clairvoyant, collaborate, compassion
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Vocabulary Test: odyssey vocabWords:plundered, squall, dispatched, mammoth, titanic, assauge, bereft, ardor, insidious, dissemble, lithe, incredulity, bemusing, glowering, equity, maudlin, contempt
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Vocabulary Test: Wordly Wise 3Words:allude, consecrate, disseminate, dote, exhort, feckless, implicate, lament, monetary, pensive, pomp, stilted, subjugate, trauma, wanton
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Vocabulary Test: Odyssey Part 2Words:Where is Odysseus's home?, Which suitor does Odysseus kill first?, Who tells O to go to the underworld?, Who is the prophet who tells O his future?, What is the name of O's wife?, What two gods aid O in killing the suitors?, What is the name of O's dog?, Who is the swineherd who stays loyal to O?, Who is O's son?, What is the name of the Cyclops?, Who is left alive at the end of Part 1?, What literary technique is utilized at the end of Penelope?, Who is the suitor who blames everything on Antinous?, Who is the author of The Odyssey?, What genre is The Odyssey?, What is the name of the beautiful, singing women who trick sailo, What god curses Odysseus?, What are the men forbidden to eat?, What test is involved in The Sirens?, What plant causes the men to lose their desire for home?
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Vocabulary Test: S.S. Vocabulary-1st Nine WeeksWords:Assignation, Reconstruction, Black Codes, Freedman’s Bureau, Fourteenth Amendment, Fifteenth Amendment, Impeachment-, Jim Crow Laws, Segregation, Thirteenth Amendment, Sharecropping, Great Plains, Pioneers, Homestead Act, Homesteaders, Sodbusters-, Exoduster, Technology, Transcontinental Railroad, Promontory Point, Utah Territory
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Vocabulary Test: Tech03Words:Gaunt, Agape, Excommunication, Strive, Statutes, Cleave, Disputation, Sibilance, Purged, Penitence
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Vocabulary Test: Prin of Microeconomics EXAM 1Words:Economic System, Normative Economics, Positive Economics, Rival, Excludable, Non-Excludable, Price Floor, Price Ceiling, Shortage, Surplus, PPC-Production Possibilty Curve, Relative Price, Economic Efficiency, Economic Growth, Shifts in Supply, Public Goods, Negative Externalities, Positive Externalities, Scarcity, MICROeconomics, MACROeconomics, Oppurtunity Cost, Capitalism, 4 Resources, Labor, Capital (economic or physical), Capital (human), Land, Entreprenuership, Hypothesis, Models, 6 Parts of Models, Law of Supply, Law of Demand, Shifts of Demand, Absolute Advantage, Comparative Advantage, What are the 3 Basic Questions?, What to Produce?, How to Produce it?, For Whom to Produce for?, Marxist Theory, Communism, Socialism, Equilibrium, Rationality Assumption, Ceteris Paribus, Economics
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Vocabulary Test: euro3Words:asiento, cardinal Mazarin, cardinal Richelieu, Divine right of kings, duke of Sully, Edict of Nantes, Frondes, Grand Alliance, Henry of Navarre, Hugenots, Interndants, Jean Baptiste colbert, League of Augsburg, Louis XIII, Louis XIV, Mercantilism, parlement, Peace of Ultrecht, Princes of Blood, Spies, Tallie, Versallies, War of Spanish Succession, William of Orange
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Vocabulary Test: Population Vocabulary TestWords:culture, society, ethinic group, innovation, diffusion, cutural hearth, acculturation, dialect, religion, birthrate, mortality rate, rate of natural increase, push-pull factors, population pyramid, population density
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