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Vocabulary Test: vocabulaire la gloire de mon pere
voleur, en vacances, campagne, petanque, chasse, chasseur

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Vocabulary Test: James and the Giant Peach Vocabulary Test, Chapters 1-4
enormous, escaped, mischief, nuisance, permitted, peculiar, hag, blunt, spectacles, emerging, beckoning, gulp, miserable

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Vocabulary Test: The Nativity Story
Betrothal, Census, Conceive, Decendant, Frankincense, Holy Spirit, Magi, Myrrh, Prophet, Rejoice, Stable

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Vocabulary Test: The Exodus Story
Exile, Pharaoh, Israelites, Plagues, Gnats, Boils, Locusts, Miracle, Egyptians, Nile River

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Vocabulary Test: The Prodigal Son
Wealth, Squander, Famine, Worthy, Compassion, Prodigal

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Vocabulary Test: The Baptism of Jesus
Baptism, Deter, Righteousness, Consented, Messenger, Preacher, Repent, Sacrament

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Vocabulary Test: The Good Shepherd
Shepherd, Watchman, Wander, Flock, Depend, Abandon

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Vocabulary Test: Medical Law and Ethics Quiz 2
Retribution, Misdemeanor, Indictment, Tort, Plaintiff, Contract, Minor, Adjudicated, Incompetents, Agent, Privacy, Confidentiality, Breach, Rights, Privileged Communication

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Vocabulary Test: hesi
mouth, pharynx, liver, gallbladder, small intestine, anus, salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, pancrease, large intestine

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Vocabulary Test: 2.1 Ants! They are Hard Workers Vocabulary Quiz
invade, covering, tunnels, enemies, grain, disappeared, insects, colonies, cocoon, mandibles

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Vocabulary Test: Bread Givers
independent, contradiction, Sabbath, weary, tyrant, bashfulness, swindler, leech, calico, wailing

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Vocabulary Test: vocab 185
scoff, assail, optimistic, lament, steadfast, decisive, gratifying, resigned

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Vocabulary Test: Cinderella
confidence, anonymity, obligatory, episode, siblings, jkdhjednfjkanofhkjsahglehkjsfkhtwejkngjkl

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Vocabulary Test: The Parable of the Talents
Talent, Coin, Servant, Wicked, Property, Faithful

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Vocabulary Test: The Creation Story
Omniscient, Omnipresent, Fundamental, Almighty, Adam and Eve, Serpent, Seven Days, Genesis, Three Forms, Forbidden, Original Sin

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Vocabulary Test: The Good Samaritan
Good, Samaritan, Inherit, Love, Bandits, Compassion, Neighbor

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Vocabulary Test: Wedding at Cana
Stone Jars, Guests, Disciples, Wedding, Galilee, Bridegroom, Obedience

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Vocabulary Test: The Woman at the Well
Pharisee, Ancestor, Well, Miraculous, Prophet, Worship

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab List 4
denigrate, ebullient, nefarious, extol, blatant, respite, gregarious, denizen, machination, rapier, retribution, impunity

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Unit 6
blossom, foul, collide, noble, constant, policy, content, quiver, slight, tidy, drought, distract
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