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Vocabulary Test: Tanya's Reunion Vocabulary Test
gathering, reunion, satisfaction, great-uncle, pitches in, persisted, homestead, arrangements

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Vocabulary Test: The Waterfall
Why do you think the boy wants to climg the falls?, How does the boy feel about climbing the waterfall?, What month does the family take their trip?, What kind of wild animal come down to the creek and drink water?, Why is the sandy flat a good place to set up camp?, How do the parents feel why the boys are climbing?, Why did the boy want to bring the drift wood home?, When the sun gets hot the family keeps cool by?, How does the boy feel when his parents climb the steep rock?, The family finds a waterfall that is higher than a ?

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Vocabulary Test: Viva New Jersey
enormous, administration, recupertion, imminent, comrade, transition, amend, transform, variation, alteration, mongrel, menacing, groping, pleas, persisted, corridor, destination

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Vocabulary Test: 7th grade vocab
abdicate, abduct, abhor, absurd, abyss, accelerate, aclaim, acute, adage, adhere, adjourn, adjunct, admonish, adorn, adversary, affable, affectation, aghast, agile, agitate, aimless, alleviate, allure, aloof, altruistic, amature, amend, amorous, amorphous, animosity

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Vocabulary Test: POE Unit 8 Kinematics
Acceleration, Displacement, Force, Gravity, Law of Gravitation, Newton's 1st Law, Newton's 2nd Law, Newton's 3rd Law, Particle, Velocity, Delta, Firing Angle, Free Fall, Maximum Height, Projectile Motion, Range, Scalar Qty., Vector Qty.

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Vocabulary Test: vocabulary words test #1
a, an, ar, ab, ac, acous, ad, af, alb, allo, ambi, ana, anti, contra, apo, atel, auto, bi, bio, blasto, brachy, brady, aniso, ante

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Vocabulary Test: Mrs. Smith
Science, Physical Science, Chemistry, Physics, Meteorology, Geology, Biology, Scientific Method, Observation, Hypothesis, Data, Conlusion, Model, Scientific Theory, Scientific Law, Mathmatical Model, Physical Model, Conceptual Model, Mass, Volume, Length, Teperature, Density, Variable, Graph, Question, Kilometer

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Vocabulary Test: Reading Street Unit 1
speckled, nub, romping, lunging, slung, rowdy, apparently, flimsy, incident, fixtures, subscribe, survive, mongrel, menacing, groping, pleas, persisted, destination, corridors, basin, tropics, equator, evaporates, recycled, industrial, exported, erosion, charities, dubiously, frustration, tolerated, secretive, detect, materialize, aggressive, migration, imprinted

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Cartoons
balm, beget, beleaguer, bereave, beset, bizarre, blather, bleak, bludgeon, bucolic, bulwark, cache, cacophony, cajole, callous, callow, candor, capacious, castigate, catapult

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Vocabulary Test: Lemonade War Vocabulary Match #1
humiliated, burbled, puny, straight shooter, bankrolling, deserting, consultant, good riddance, optimist, chintzy

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Vocabulary Test: trisha's test 1
subliminal, copacetic, jargon, ubiquity, minutia, gardyloo, sessile, orotund, jackanapes, caucus, gratuitous, pith, incumbent, gauntlet, osculate, grocery, prize, hamlet, glut, jocund, succinct, peccadillo, buxom, natter, thug, odium, epithet, figment, ecumenical, polyglot, colloquy, tittle, prince, hinterland, goombah, brandish, resuscitate, limpid, gossip, avuncular, iatrogenic, winnow, nescient, inure, heinous, equinox, garlic, fulsome, machiavellian, histrionic

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Vocabulary Test: Geography
Geographyi, Human geography, Physical geography, Environmental geography, community, compass rose, cardinal directions, scale, legend, axis, tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn, relative location, absolute location, hemisphere, equator, prime meridian, latitude, longitude, grid system

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Unit 3 Ms Smith TRHS
anecdote, boorish, chronic, decadence, delineate, emulate, fallacy, fortuitous, impasse, indigent, judicious, lackadaisical, mecca, megalomania, mundane, pusillanimous, raze, reverberate, senile, stereotype

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Vocabulary Test: Tech1
Mgistrates, Falter, Pallor, Ameliorate, Compact, Avidly, Ineptly, Ordained, Proportionate, Blasphemy

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Vocabulary Test: Lesson 6
responsible, darted, jostling, swerved, attentive, pounced, contradicting

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Vocabulary Test: Max's Words
ragged, sorted, scrambled, rapidly, darted, continued, orders, collect, iguana, copper, slithered, dictonary

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Vocabulary Test: Tech01
Magistrates, Falter, Pallor, Ameliorate, Compact, Avidly, Ineptly, Ordained, Proportionate, Blasphemy

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Vocabulary Test: kimberlySchlosser
accredit, credence, creditable, credulous, creed, deify, deity, divine, divinity, apotheosis, theocracy, theology, atheist, pantheism, pantheon, consecrate, execrate, sacrament, sacrilege, sacrosanct, sanctimonious, sanction, sanctity, sanctuary, hierarchy, hieroglyphic, expiate, piety, impious, pittance

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Vocabulary Test: 6th Grade Vocab Test
reimburse, leeway, amiable, befuddle, oracle, agenda, gross, gory, compliant, conserve, blight, boisterous, clarity, debut, induce, limber, maze, partisan, vacate, vagabond

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Vocabulary Test: vocab. 17
Abstemious, Admonish, Amity, Bastion, Callous, Clemency, Debunk, Diffuse, Dupe, Exorcise, Finesse, Humility, Imperious, Larceny, Mirth, Mollify, Neologism, Orthodox, Plight, Repertoire, Rupture, Solicitous, Stolid, Tempestuous, Unteable
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